

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 110

"Did I pass the wall test since it seems that only a demon can walk through?" I watched her move ever so slightly. Now I spoke with my termination, plus I was tired of the little game that these women demons wanted to play. Daria placed her hand on top of mine trying to calm me down as Stacks and Daria PM'd me.

" I never meant any disrespect to your family, and I have no intentions of doing so in the future. As you have already found out that I have demon blood running through me and a hell of a lot more as well. I have come here to meet Samantha's family to make amends before anything goes astray. I don't mean any harm and when I say I, I mean the vampire family. This is no one's choosing as to what has happened."

I was about to go on to another rant to try and explain myself but before I spoke another word.

"Do you know why you only see women in this room Tagem? As I had noticed that the room was full of women only. But mostly it was the first time she talked to me by my name.

No, I do not High Priestess" as I straightened up from the seat on the coach to hear what the response was going to be told.

"Over three hundred years ago Demon families were once run by the males. As our leaders, they ruled over the demon families, lands, and Normals." She must have read the expression on my face.

"Normals are the ones you would call people. They have no special abilities, so they are called Normals or Norms."

"The men at the time and I don't mean the Normals had lust and hate in their hearts. A demon female at the time were submissive, and sub- subservient, for I wish I could say that was a part of our culture. Demon women change or transform into a slave once with a child until the death of the male demon dies. We were under the control of the one who chose to lie with us. There is a strand in our DNA that makes the woman in the Demon culture completely takes control of our prier self which in turn changes what we were to a submissive being only to serve. The male Shaman would say it was a part of Motherhood. We would prepare the food, take care of the children and please our men in any fashion they see fit.

We can only have one child in our lifetime usually. Our attraction to males that we chose to mate with to fulfill our destiny was by smell, sight or it is a connection in the DNA. We do not know but when we found that male to mate with and after our copulation was complete and a baby was formed with in us that male is in becomes our life, taking complete control of the female until the death of the man.

Having been this way for our society since the beginning of our time. Until one day, the males for some reason decided that Normals might be fun to play with and torture. For the next twenty or so years the demons tormented, raped, pillaged, and took Normals babies for a deliquesce.