

Blue. That's where 'it' had brought him. The waves rose far ahead and quickly yet gently touched his feet to leave and rise again. He was running out of breath, sweating as his body was giving upon him. Age did take a toll on his body. But it didn't matter as long as his beloved home, his fellow friends and his precious family would remain safe. He breathed in the gushing wind, the salty water and the sand. Energy ran through his body as he savored the last bits of air and the sky. He glanced behind him. They were after him, after what he meant to destroy, the fate of this world. He didn't need to think twice. He gathered up his courage and his feet started moving. One step. Two steps. Three. He carried on as water started devouring him. Knee deep, he held onto 'it' tightly. The deeper he went, the tighter he gripped. He took one last breath and dived into the water. His eyes wandered for a few seconds eventually closing. He was satisfied. He did it, he thought. And just like that, the water swallowed him whole and what he was clinging on to.

The fate of all, the book.

And it begins....

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