
new world administrator

Dan, a talented game developer, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a new and unfamiliar world. In this strange land, he encounters fantastical creatures, mystical landscapes, and magic beyond his wildest imagination. As he navigates this mysterious realm tag. administrator , admin , system, dan, administrator , new world , world , power

Red_Mind_god · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

long road ahead part 2

Despite knowing that he could escape to safety by taking flight, Dan's moral compass compelled him not leave them to die.

As the wolf lunged at one of the men, Dan's instincts kicked in, propelling him into action. Time seemed to slow as he moved with lightning speed, intercepting the wolf mid-air. With a swift and calculated motion, Dan redirected the wolf's trajectory, hurling it towards a nearby tree.

Dan couldn't help but wonder about the strength discrepancy between himself and the wolf. In the game, his current level of strength would have been considered average, yet here it seemed to be more than sufficient to overpower the creature. Was this world's wildlife weaker than in the game, or was there something else.

As more wolves surged forward, Dan sprang into action once again, his determination unwavering. With a swift and decisive motion, he lunged towards one of the wolves, his hand clenching into a fist. The impact echoed with a sickening crack as Dan's blow connected with the wolf's skull, killing it instantly.

Quickly turning to aid the other men, Dan's attention was suddenly diverted as the red wolf launched a vicious assault, pinning him against the wagon wall with a ferocious bite to his shoulder. Agony shot through Dan's body, and he cried out in pain, feeling the sharp teeth tear into his flesh.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Dan summoned all his strength, grappling with the red wolf's powerful jaws as it continued to bear down on him.

Despite his efforts, the wolf's strength proved overwhelming, and Dan cried out in agony as the creature's jaws tightened around his shoulder. Just as Dan felt the crushing weight of the wolf's assault, one of the man sprang into action, brandishing a spear and driving it towards the red wolf.

The sudden attack diverted the wolf's attention, causing it to release its grip on Dan and rear back in pain. Seizing the opportunity, Dan acted swiftly, channeling his resolve into a powerful punch aimed squarely at the red wolf's flank. The impact elicited a yelp of pain from the creature as it staggered backward, momentarily stunned by the blow.

As Dan locked eyes with the red wolf, a tense standoff ensued, both parties assessing the other's resolve. Suddenly, the red wolf let out a resounding howl, a signal that reverberated through the air. In response, the other wolves hesitated, their aggression waning as they backed away.

With a final glance at Dan, the red wolf turned and bolted, its pack following suit in a swift retreat. Dan watched in astonishment as the wolves vanished into the surrounding wilderness.

Breathing heavily, Dan took a moment to collect himself, the adrenaline slowly dissipating as the danger subsided. he felt a surge of gratitude towards the fellow man who had come to his aid.

With the departure of the wolves and the dissipation of tension, the women, elderly, and children emerged from the safety of the wagon. Armed with herbs and towels, they swiftly tended to the injured men.

With the injured tended to and the danger abated, the wagon resumed its journey, the wheels creaking as they continued along the winding road. Despite the ordeal they had faced.