
new way

Udeshya_Acharya · Urbano
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44 Chs

44 to 54

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 44: Low-profile Batman (please vote for recommendation)

Beginning in 1843, potato late blight spread across North America and Europe, causing large potato harvests to fail, triggering a horrific famine. The Netherlands, which was in the second worst situation, had nearly 10,000 deaths, and the Irish, which was in the worst situation, had a death toll of one million. The biggest reason for such a heavy death toll is the British government's perfunctory disaster relief measures.

Irish immigrants to the United States came to the United States after 1843. The Irish immigrants who arrived during this period formed the basis of the Irish immigrant ethnic group in the United States.

As white Catholics, they were different from the Anglo-Saxon Puritans who were the mainstream of American society. When they first arrived in the United States, they suffered rejection, discrimination and insult from the locals. The tragic experience in Ireland and the rejection they received after immigrating made these Irish people quickly unite and develop a dynamic social organization-the Irish gang.

Even now, some Irish communities are still very united. They are internally connected by blood and have extremely tight organizations. If you offend one, you offend the entire community.

After Dave Boyle embezzled money and goods, he fled back to the Irish community with his men. Even the powerful Jin Bing could not find any means to punish this traitor for a while.

Bullseye's death almost broke his arm.

Dave already knew about Kingpin's bounty on him at the Continental Hotel, which made him even more vigilant. All gunmen patrol in shifts, and there are gunmen on duty 24 hours a day in some dark corners of the villa that may be sneaked into.

At the back door, two gunmen with bulging waists were guarding here. Their bodies were covered with tattoos, and their bulging muscles were about to burst through their cheap suits. They looked at everything around them with vigilant eyes. All of Dave Ybor's men knew how terrifying the assassins from the Continental were. Because their bosses often hire these assassins to eliminate enemies.

In the dim light, a woman suddenly staggered over. She was obviously drunk to the point of confusion. Her feet slipped and she simply lay down on the cold ground and fell asleep.

"Go and see!"

The two gunmen looked at each other and made a decision. Instead of enriching the community, gangs made it poorer. Many daughters from poor families have to sell themselves in order to survive. It is not uncommon for women to come back drunk.

"Just an ordinary sign."

The two of them checked it carefully and wiped the oil vigorously.

"Do you want to take it back?"

"Forget it, it would be bad if she was discovered by the head. Besides, she is a member of the community and will easily get into trouble if something goes wrong."

They returned to the back door of the villa with some regret and continued to monitor the surrounding situation vigilantly.

I don't know how much time passed, but there was silence all around. Only the sound of snoring could be heard from time to time from the woman lying on the other side of the street.

"It seems that no one will come over, and the killer at the Continental Hotel is nothing more than that."

one of the gunmen said.

Before his words dissipated in the air, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air in the distance, and something was flying at an extremely fast speed.


A card cut into the shape of a bat was thrust into the throat of a gunman, severing his windpipe and arteries.

The remaining gunman looked dumbfounded and hurriedly tried to pull out the pistol from his waist to warn, but as soon as he touched the handle of the gun, his throat was pierced by a flying card.


That was the sound made when blood turned into blood mist and spurted out from the wound.

A bat-like figure appeared at the back door, and it was Broly who had transformed into Bruce Wayne. Because he was short on time and had no time to prepare, he just bought a black sheet and then cut a stack of Batarangs out of playing cards.

If you don't have enough financial resources, you can only use your strength to make up for it. In his hands, the soft card was no different from steel, and he could still slit a throat dozens of meters away.

After taking a look at the woman lying on the street, Broly walked into the villa. Wrapped in a black cloak, he fell to the ground silently, like a ghost.

Before the patrolling gunmen could react, their necks were broken and they died silently in the darkness.

Even if he could only use one-tenth of his strength after the transformation, it would be easy for Broly to kill these amateur gunmen.

Soon, all the patrolling gunmen were turned into corpses on the ground. The villa suddenly became quiet, with only the buzzing sound of insects.

The gunman upstairs finally felt something was wrong:

"What's going on? Guys below, please report the situation!"

There was no sound, and the courtyard of the villa was as quiet as death.

A card drew an arc in the air and was inserted into his throat.


The gunman covered his neck in a vain attempt to stop the bleeding. He staggered a few steps and fell straight down the stairs. The entire villa suddenly woke up from the darkness, and the lights illuminated the inside and outside.

Finally someone saw the body lying on the ground in the courtyard.

"The devil is the devil is coming!"

These gunmen took advantage of the Greyhound Gang's notoriety to dominate, and immediately fell into panic when they encountered the real enemy. Someone picked up the rifle in his hand and fired randomly into the courtyard. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of gunfire. The flying bullets destroyed everything in the courtyard. But not even a shadow of the attacker was seen.

Broly had already used the hook to jump to the roof of the villa and sneaked into the villa quietly. Soon, the gunshots in the villa became sparse, and from time to time, a few shrill screams could be heard. After a few more minutes, there was only eerie silence in the villa.

The entire community woke up to the sound of gunfire like exploding beans. The men took out the firearms hidden at home and took to the streets. However, the battle in the villa ended too quickly, and they had no time to support them.

At this time, the villa, which was still brightly lit like daylight, was as terrifying as hell. No one dared to go in to see what was going on.

A woman blended into the crowd and retreated away from the villa without leaving a trace.

It's terrible, it's really terrible. Is this really something that humans can do?

Evalode could feel her heart beating violently, almost about to jump out of her chest. She watched almost the whole time how Broly easily killed all the gunmen.

Being able to kill people by throwing a card is simply a miraculous skill. Even the legendary John Wick will not be a match for this monster.

Suddenly she stopped among the crowd, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

"No, don't kill me."

Eva Lorde immediately looked frail and weak, and coupled with her gorgeous appearance, it really made me pity her. But the next moment, her soft body froze, and her rosy skin instantly turned pale.

Her throat was slit.

"Auntie, you shouldn't be here, let alone put a poison needle in the ring."

Broly said, shaking off the poisonous needle between his fingers.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 45 Pigeon Man (please vote for recommendation)

At the Continental Hotel, the killers all had their own channels, and it didn't take long for them to know what happened last night. They all have a very clear understanding of their own strengths. A target like Dave Boyle requires the close cooperation of at least six killers to be able to complete the hunt.

It seems like this newcomer is the next Bullseye.

The Continental Hotel had a conflict with Kingpin a few years ago, and seven assassins died at the hands of Bullseye alone.

Winston was sitting on a lounge chair in the lobby. His energy was not comparable to that of ordinary killers. After Broly walked out of the Irish community, he knew the general outline of the matter and even obtained the weapon that Broly used to kill from the scene. card.

At this moment, he was playing with the poorly made card in his hand, and suddenly he flicked it hard. After the card spun and flew more than ten meters, it fell weakly to the ground.

"Charon, what kind of monster can you kill fifty-four armed gunmen with these ordinary cards?"

Seventy-six people died in Dave Boyle's mansion last night, all except sixteen servants. Twenty-one of them died because their necks were pinched with heavy hands, and 54 people died because their trachea and arteries were severed by cards. The remaining person was Dave Boyle, whose head was ripped off.

"That's terrible, Charon. Do you know what the number fifty-four means?"

Winston said in an almost murmuring voice as he looked at the card which was obviously cut from the playing card Seven of Spades.

"The number of cards in a deck was exactly fifty-four. The man bought a deck of cards at random and cut them into a pattern of doves. Not a single card was wasted, but he clearly knew that there were seventy enemies. If you go to participate in a In a battle with more than 30 enemies, would you only bring seven bullets? A normal person would never do this unless he was desperate. It can be seen that these cards are just a small means for him. "

Charon picked up the card and looked at it carefully. The maker of this kind of card was obviously very perfunctory. The pigeon was cut into a weird shape, the wings on both sides were not symmetrical at all, and a piece of the head was even missing. It's hard to imagine that someone could use such a crude prop to shoot an enemy more than sixty meters away.

"What does the dove symbolize?"

Winston took a drink from the water glass and pondered for a moment.

"Perhaps it is some kind of totem, but few schools and organizations use pigeons as totems and symbols. The earliest pigeon totem appears in Mesopotamia. It is likely to belong to the school passed down by Assassin. This may be a breakthrough for us to figure out his identity."

Charon nodded. Winston has been in this business for more than fifty years. He has been running the Continental Hotel for forty years. The accumulated experience and knowledge are a very valuable asset.

At this moment, the door of the Continental Hotel was suddenly pushed open, and a figure walked in. The entire lobby suddenly became quiet, and everyone was quietly looking at the people who came in.

Broly was holding a cloth bag and was not affected by those gazes at all. Not long after, the lobby became noisy again. But everyone was a little distracted, their wandering eyes falling on the bag in his hand.

"Welcome to the Continental, Mr. Wayne."

Charon put the card away without leaving a trace, walked behind the counter, and Winston left the lobby quietly.

Broly threw the bag onto the front desk, and Dave Boyle's head rolled out, with Dave's expression of horror and disbelief still on it.

"Dave Boyle is dead, how do I get my money?"

There was another noise in the lobby, and Dave Boyle was actually dead.

Charon frowned, took out a pair of gloves from under the counter and put them on, carefully put his head back into the cloth bag, took out the detergent, and carefully cleaned and wiped the counter.

"Mr. Wayne, Mr. Kingpin has already transferred the full amount to our account, and you can withdraw the money here at any time. In addition, we have channels to determine whether the hunting is successful, and we do not need to use such crude means to confirm it. ."

Broly slammed the table in dissatisfaction.

"You should have said this earlier. This one has only been there for three hours and it started to smell so bad that I don't even know how to explain it to the waiter."

A drop of cold sweat ran down Charon's forehead. Broly's dissatisfaction gave him tremendous pressure, but he never said that the target's head was needed as evidence of a successful hunt.

"Forget it, I'll give this one to you. After processing it, you can hang it on the wall as a decoration." Broly said, "Also, I'm going to take out the bounty now."

There are still a few farms in Laxitas that have not been acquired due to lack of funds. With this money, those few pieces of land can be taken over and all the land can be connected into one piece. Broly is also planning to pay for a group of beef cattle to graze on the farm's pasture.

With Broly and Kakarot's appetite, they had to eat two adult beef cows almost every day. If they didn't buy more, the cows on the farm would soon be eaten up.

Charon wiped a cold sweat. Although they were an organization that served killers, they were not so perverted as to use human heads as decorations.

"If you want to hang this kind of decoration on the wall of the hotel, you need Mr. Winston's consent. I think he will most likely not agree. As for the bounty, I can pay it to you now, Mr. Wayne ."

He said, picked up the landline and made a call. Not long after, a waiter came over carrying a huge suitcase and handed it to Broly.

"You can check it out, Mr. Wayne. If you need money laundering services, the Continental Hotel only charges two gold coins and a 10% commission, and can turn all the bounties into legal income. In addition, the hotel provides gold coin exchange services. Ten thousand U.S. dollars are exchanged for one gold coin, and you can use the gold coins to obtain any services at the Continental Hotel, including safe accommodation, weapons, armor, medical care, and target information. Everything can be exchanged for gold coins."

The commission for most money laundering agencies is around 30%, which is indeed very affordable. But asking Continental Hotel to launder money for him would be equivalent to handing over all his identity information to them, so Broly did not choose Continental Hotel's money laundering service.

The identity Alejandro forged for him in Bolivia was very reliable, and funds under ten million would not attract the attention of the FBI and the IRS at all.

"By the way, I accidentally killed the aunt who was talking to me last night. Does that count as violating the rules of the Continental Hotel?"

Broly took a candy on the counter, peeled it open and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it while asking.

Charon's heart twitched violently. He felt that Broly seemed to really want the Continental Hotel to take action against him.

"Of course not, Mr. Wayne. As long as they are not within the hotel, the killings between killers have nothing to do with the Continental Hotel."

Broly sighed in disappointment and turned to leave.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 46 Labor (revision)

There are no valuable bounties left in the Continental Hotel. The remaining bounties are all for minor characters, and the bounties are all around 200,000 US dollars. They are of little value.

Tessa Eagle has a strong ability to live independently. She has found herself an apartment with a reasonable price and good security, and moved out of the Four Seasons Hotel. There was no point in staying in New York, so Broly simply rode the somersault cloud back to Texas.

Filippoto's men and Bullseye had provided Broly with a lot of experience earlier. Coupled with the more than 70 gang members last night, his level had been raised to level 12, and then one level higher. Then you can get an attribute point again.

Since he can get the next attribute point soon, Broly is ready to use the skill points he got at level 10.

After this period of observation, he found that he was worthy of being the legendary Super Saiyan. After training and his body grew with age, his strength, physique, agility and perception were all getting stronger. He also figured out what these four attributes represented.

The strength attribute is the explosive power of muscles. It is currently 14 points, but Broly feels that he can soon reach 15 points through development and exercise. Because the maximum force he can emit with one arm has almost reached six tons, relying on the force-generating skills of Kamesen-ryu martial arts, he can erupt nearly 18 tons of terrifying power in an instant.

The physical attributes are more complex. The values comprehensively include the body's resistance to shock, cell activity, metabolism, bone toughness, immunity, internal organs and endocrine. The reason why his physique has grown is mainly due to his ability to resist blows, the strengthening of his bones during exercise, and the natural growth brought about by physical development.

What he was a little hesitant about was whether to add some points to his physique. Saiyans can also get sick, and Goku even suffered from heart disease due to bacterial infection. The powerful energy did not make Saiyans transcend their lives; they were still mortal bodies. Adding points to your constitution might be able to avoid this.

The attribute of agility is not speed, but nerve reflex speed and body coordination and flexibility. Coordination and flexibility can also be improved through exercise, but the speed of nerve reflexes can only be improved by adding points.

In the battle with Daimon Goro, he relied on his powerful nerve reflex speed to gain the upper hand.

The attributes of perception are the five senses and the ethereal intuition. The perception ability of Saiyans is much stronger than that of humans, and Broly is even more outstanding. Not only his eyesight and hearing are amazing, but he can also easily distinguish thousands of smells in the air by relying on his sense of smell.

As for the intellectual attributes that show no signs of growth at all, they are the ability to learn and think, and the ability to control one's own behavior.

In addition to strength, all other attributes needed to be added. Broly had a headache thinking about it, so he decided to take a simple and crude method, that is, after adding a point to the intelligence attribute, he would take turns to add a point to other attributes.

He added a little bit of intelligence last time, and Broly is going to add a little bit of physique this time.

The feeling after adding some physical strength was very wonderful. He could feel that his body seemed to be more relaxed, as if some burden had been lifted. His skin was more delicate and tougher, the bones all over his body became harder and more flexible, and his heart beat faster. It is strong and powerful, and the digestive capacity of the intestines and stomach has also become much stronger.

Saiyans' digestive organs were already very strong, and now Broly felt like his stomach could squeeze nutrients out of almost anything.

The effect of attribute points is really amazing, but it's a pity that you can only get one point every three levels, which is really not enough.

The somersault cloud flew at full speed. It only took less than an hour to fly back to the countryside from New York. Broly's sense of direction was amazing. After flying once, he no longer got lost, and he arrived at the farm not long after.

Cade Eagle was a man who couldn't rest. Among the acquired farms, some of the houses on the farms had escaped the destruction of the giant apes, so he simply moved all his belongings there.

Pressing down on the cloud head, Broly descended from the somersault cloud.

"Where's Kakarot?"

"Miss Kakarot is still cleaning those fences. In the past two days, she has cleared one-third of the fences around the original White Farm."

Cade Eagle said.

"Looks like she's not slacking off."

Broly tossed the suitcase into his arms.

"What's going on on the farm now?"

Cade took the suitcase, a little curious as to what was inside. During this period of time, he had been working very hard on the matter of taking over the farm, and he was already well aware of all the situations.

"Now the total area of farm land we hold reaches 1,253 acres, including 32 acres of orchards, mainly growing citrus, and 45 acres of vegetable gardens, growing various vegetables, which are mainly sold to In the capital city of Austin, there are two hundred acres of alfalfa pasture, and the rest is just ordinary corn and soybeans."

Cade continued to introduce:

"Due to the lack of sufficient manpower, the orchards can still be maintained in a barely adequate condition, but the vegetable gardens, soybean fields and corn fields have suffered serious losses. Even if manpower is rehired for maintenance now, only about one-third of the remaining crops will be left."

Broly didn't care about the farm's loss.

"I don't need soybeans and corn. Those crops need to be shoveled away and most of them converted into pastures. Cade, when the pastures are transformed, we will buy a group of beef cattle. It is best to choose better varieties. As Kad and I Carrot's food. The orchards and vegetable gardens can be kept, but there can be more types of fruit trees and vegetables."

Cade nodded, he knew how much Broly and Kakarot eat.

"To transform the pasture, even if the seeds are sown immediately, it will take at least six months to provide enough feed for beef cattle. However, the original two hundred acres of pasture can be used directly to raise cattle, and at least one hundred and twenty acres can be raised there. I know a farmer who raises a very good breed of Angus cattle."

"But BOSS, we have no money. Now we only have 110,000 US dollars left."

A sarcastic smile appeared on Cade's face. For such a large rural area, the taxes alone were quite high, let alone the money needed to operate in this way.

"You have three and a half million in the suitcase in your hand. Don't save me any money. Continue to buy the remaining farms. You must buy the best breeds of cattle. In addition, you will open up another hundred acres of land for planting rice."

Texas has a humid subtropical monsoon climate, with rain and heat at the same time, which is very suitable for the growth of rice. The farms here mainly use dryland direct seeding technology to grow rice, which eliminates the seedling raising and transplanting steps of paddy field farming, reduces the labor link, and is more conducive to mechanized farming.

Broly still prefers rice to bread.

"The key is manpower, BOSS. Now there are no cowboys or farmers who dare to work in Laxitas Town. No matter how talented Miss Kakarot is, she cannot cultivate more than a thousand acres of land."

Cade said. He has tripled his salary, but still no one dares to come.

"It's okay, I can solve this problem."

Broly said. It would be better if no locals were willing to come over. He could just grab a group of members of the Mata Group to undergo labor reform.

Because of the disintegration of Reyes Group, Mata Group became more and more arrogant. Even Broly, who didn't know much about current events, had seen several gun battles and tragedies caused by the Mata Group. This time I went there just to blunt their arrogance, and also to deal with the mess they accidentally left behind.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 47 The official debut of Saiyans

A fierce gun battle is taking place in Ciudad Juárez. In the night, the two sides are shooting at each other in the streets, and tracer bullets are flying like fireflies.

People kept being shot and fell to the ground.


The moment the grenade exploded, everything around him was illuminated as bright as day. The flying shrapnel rolled into the soft flesh and blood body, instantly destroying the soft internal organs, and broke out with the flesh and blood tissue.

Some people were lucky enough not to be hit by the fragments, but because they were too close to the explosion point, they were blown to the ground by the shock wave.


Orange flames suddenly lit up in the street, turning into a flaming monster that quickly crossed from one end of the street to the other, constantly devouring lives along the way.

When the sparks burst out, living humans were quickly roasted into charcoal. Even the asphalt road surface melted and burned under the heat of the flames.

"It's the flamethrower!" The gunners from the Mata Group, who had already gained the upper hand, exclaimed: "Where are our mutants?"

The two parties currently at war are the Mata Group and the underground boxing market of Juarez.

The owner of the underground boxing market is named Cicily Faracon, a legendary Cuban who fled to Mexico from Cuba. No one knows how he made his fortune, but he quickly became very wealthy and met many big names in Mexican politics.

At first, he was engaged in smuggling business, but soon he came up with a crazy idea, which was to organize a group of mutants to fight crazily in an iron cage. This cruel and dark gameplay was originally born in Eastern Europe, and Sicilian Faracon brought it to the Americas. Madness quickly ensued.

He remains neutral between the Mata Group and the Reyes Group, and is able to extract large amounts of profits from the underground boxing market every day.

But after the collapse of the Reyes Group, Sicilian Farrakon's life was not so easy. First, after the mutant factory was destroyed, he lost a source of mutants. Second, Balomata, a hungry wolf who never feels satisfied, is eyeing him.

The city of Juárez quickly turned into a battlefield as the two men clashed.

A blazing beam of light suddenly shot from a distance, piercing through the constant murderous flames and cutting it into two pieces.

"Solar eclipse, our solar eclipse is coming!"

The gunmen cheered.

In the United States, mutants turn to crime because they are ostracized by society. But it's different in Mexico. The gangs actively absorb mutants and use them as their most powerful weapons.

Unlike those brainwashed products from mutant factories, these mutants have a higher status and are more flexible in using their abilities.

Eclipse is a Mexican in his twenties. He is able to absorb and manipulate light beams and release them in a concentrated manner, possessing quite terrifying destructive power.

The Flamethrower continuously condenses blazing flames in an attempt to burn the eclipse to ashes. But the flames only reached halfway when they were destroyed by Eclipse's beam.

With the addition of mutants, the battlefield directly became a bloody meat grinding ground. The gunmen cover their own mutants and kill the opponent's gunmen with greater efficiency.

The situation on the battlefield quickly turned against the Mata group.

The civilians in Juarez have long been accustomed to this hellish scene. They hid in their homes, locked their doors, and waited shivering for the end of the war.

A five or six-year-old girl huddled in her mother's arms, nodding her head, trying to sleep, but was immediately awakened by gunfire like exploding beans outside. It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night. The child couldn't stay up all night, and she was already very sleepy.


A stray bullet penetrated the window and flew straight towards the mother holding her.

Just when the tragedy was about to happen, a hand suddenly stretched out from the darkness and grabbed the bullet in the air like a fly.

"Are you sleepy, kid, don't worry, it will be quiet outside soon."

A tall, strange man appeared in the room at some point. He wore a Venetian mask on his face, only his chin was exposed, and he was wearing some suspicious tights, with a large S mark printed on his chest. There is a red belt around the waist, and a pair of red high-top rain boots on the feet.

A long tail swayed behind him.

"Prince of Pleasure, are you the Prince of Pleasure?"

The girl suddenly shouted excitedly. Her mother quickly covered her daughter's mouth. The masked man in front of her looked very strange no matter what.

"Little brat, what are you yelling about? This is Superman, okay? The only thing that is somewhat similar is this mask, okay? And where did you see Balala Little Demon Fairy? Promise me not to look at it again. Okay?"

Broly, who was dressed as Superman, suddenly became furious and used the knuckles of his index finger to drill into the girl's head crazily. His mask is obviously black, you have to be blind to recognize him as the Prince of Pleasure.

After teaching the girl a lesson, Broly hesitated for a moment, then took off his mask and replaced it with combat power detection glasses. He didn't want to be recognized as a pleasure prince if there was even a chance.

Clark Kent in DC can achieve the transformation effect by wearing a pair of glasses, but there is no reason why this wouldn't work in Marvel.

Opening the window, he flew out and hovered in mid-air.

Sun Wufan completely taught Bidili how to practice Wu Kong in the comics. After Broly exchanged the Kamesen style martial arts, it took him about thirty minutes to learn it.

Just because of his anger, he didn't fly very fast, almost the same as when Klin first learned the air dance technique in the original work, but it was enough to bluff people.

All the gunmen stopped and looked at the strange man who suddenly appeared in the sky in horror.

"The Green Goblin, it's the Green Goblin!"

they shouted in horror.

Broly's face fell, and he was recognized instantly.

"I am a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta. I came to Earth to hunt down a vicious Saiyan criminal. You should be very familiar with that Saiyan criminal. Just some time ago, he was in the capital of this country. Wreaking astonishing destruction, his name is Raditz, also known as the Green Goblin."

Broly amplified his voice angrily, and it could be heard from several blocks away. The huge amount of information in his words immediately caused an uproar.

"As for the reason why Raditz and I look so similar, it's because Saiyans already look alike."

"It turns out that the Green Goblin is an alien. No wonder he is so powerful!"

Some people believed it immediately, and some smart people already took out their mobile phones and started recording.

Broly did not stop those people. As the video spread, more and more people would know that the people who attacked Mexico City were Saiyans, which would help him complete the second main mission faster.

He dodged, punched through the outer wall of a building with his bare hands, and grabbed a fat middle-aged man from inside.

"Do you know where Raditz is hiding?"

The person he captured was the mutant Flamethrower, and he hid in the dark and controlled flames to kill people.

Broly's hands were like iron pliers, about to break his neck.

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

The flame jet instantly burst into extremely hot flames, engulfing Broly's entire body.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 48 The Black-hearted Farmer

Flamethrower's superpower is to create flames and control flames. Although he can create flames out of thin air within thirty meters from his body, the flames sprayed from his hands are the hottest, reaching a high temperature of 1,600 degrees.

At this temperature, the flame is already a blinding white. Even steel will be melted into iron juice.

The dazzling flames not only engulfed Broly, but also covered an area ten meters behind him. The asphalt road melted instantly and turned into liquid. Several gunmen were caught off guard and turned into torches in the flames, bursting out with orange flames. They only lasted for a few seconds before being burned out and turned into ashes.

Even the wall at the end of the flame flow melted under the high temperature and turned into magma.


The gunmen covered their eyes, and it was impossible for anyone to survive being engulfed in that kind of flames.

The eclipse looked fearful, and the reason why the flames before the flames were so vulnerable was to lure him deeper. If he was hit by that flame, even he would die instantly.

But Flame Jet was obviously not as optimistic as them. There was a look of despair on his face, because the force coming from his neck had not changed at all, and the hand was still locked on his neck like an iron clamp.

"Wolf Fist."

The turbulent flames were suddenly neatly cut in half. The body of the flames froze, and then the lower body fell to the ground. A ball of entrails flowed to the ground, and his dinner could even be seen in it.

In the scorched air, Broly's intact figure was revealed, and even the road surface centered on him was not melted by the flames.

This level of flames is not enough to break through Broly's energy defense.

"The Green Goblin is indeed the Green Goblin"

Someone shouted in panic, peeing and trying to escape.

"As I said, I am not the Green Goblin. I am Broly, the Galaxy Patrolman. You can also call me Superman."

Broly shouted dissatisfied, and with a flash of his figure, he knocked out the fastest gunman to the ground. The movements of these gunmen seemed to have stopped in Broly's eyes, and in an instant, they fell to the ground.

He deliberately left a few people behind, and one of them was the smart guy who took out his cell phone to take pictures.

His liver and gallbladder were shattered by the eclipse, and he couldn't see Broly's figure clearly at all. He could only see one gunner after another being knocked down like wooden stakes.

"This is no match for humans!"

There was a sudden disturbance in the airflow behind him. Eclipse turned around instantly and fired two dazzling beams of light from his hands. Broly deflected the two beams of light with a casual wave, and then punched Eclipse in the abdomen.


Eclipse felt as if someone had hit him hard with an iron rod. His vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Broly counted the number of gunmen. There were forty-two, enough to clear the land, sow vegetables and tend the cattle. He drove a truck that had been prepared long ago, threw everyone into the bed of the big truck, and then called a somersault cloud.

Lifting the truck, Broly jumped onto the somersault cloud.

The entire truck weighed six tons, plus the weight of forty-two people, so the somersault cloud sank violently before it levitated back to its original height. Broly controlled the somersault cloud and flew back to Laxitas Town at an altitude of about fifty meters.

Trucks are huge in air defense radars. If they fly to high altitudes, it will be difficult to escape the monitoring of NORAD. Fortunately, it was already midnight, so few people noticed the truck flying in the air as it was flying low.

Cade Eagle stood in the open space, and Broly told him that he would bring a group of free laborers back at this point. Kakarot rode on Gollum's back, feeling sleepy.

It wasn't long before they saw the truck flying in the air.

"This is too exaggerated."

Broly jumped off the somersault cloud with the truck in hand and placed the truck on the ground.

"These are the laborers I captured from Mexico. Take the fire hose and give it to them."

Cade had already prepared the fire hose, and he was a little worried.

"BOSS, where did you get these people? Will there be any problems?"

He was afraid that Broly had randomly captured some people. Although slave labor still existed in Southeast Asia and a few chaotic areas, in the United States, the disappearance of so many people at once would easily attract the attention of the police and FBI.

Due to high global demand for seafood, Thailand has a shortage of approximately 50,000 seafarers every year. Some fishing companies in poor neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos use deception or even kidnapping to bring young local laborers on board and enslave them to fish.

Sick fishermen would be thrown directly into the sea, those who resisted would be shot or beheaded, and those who disobeyed would be imprisoned in dark cabins below the deck, where they would be locked up with rancid fish and shrimp all day long.

The fish they catch will be transported to canning companies and shipped to the United States as pet feed. The United States is the largest customer of Thai fish products, and pet food is one of Thailand's fastest-growing export commodities, more than doubling in six years.

This is, in a sense, a cat-eating-human movement. The fish that people in poor countries buy with their blood are just food for pets in rich countries.

"They are all gunmen from Mexican gangs. They kill people like crazy and die without mercy. You can use them like livestock."

Broly said as he picked up the hose and used high-pressure water jets to wake everyone up. Without these people, I believe Mexicans would be happier.

Under the impact of the water flow, all the gunmen woke up quickly. Some of them choked on the water and coughed violently.

"Where is this?"

Their consciousness was still stuck at the moment they were knocked unconscious.

"You are already in the United States, prepare to work until death in this black farm!" Broly turned off the water valve and pointed at Kakarot who was watching: "Everyone who tries to be lazy will be fed Cougar."

The cattle in the pasture have been taken away by the original farmer, so the cowshed has been vacated. Cade has cleaned it and there is no problem in using it for people.

Under Broly's intimidation, all the gunners acted obediently and changed into the jeans they had prepared long ago to sleep in the bullpen.

Cade was a little worried.

"Boss, I can't manage so many thugs by myself. This is like asking a mouse to supervise the work of a group of cats. I will be killed!"

He was just an ordinary Texas farmer.

"Don't worry, you just need to teach them how to do farm work well, and leave the rest to Kakarot. Kakarot will definitely make them be honest."

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 49 Supervision

In a vast corn field, dozens of people were scattered among them, picking the ripe corn and shoveling the corn stalks on the ground.

Because of their status, they naturally formed two groups. One batch centers on the mutant Eclipse, and the other centers on the killer Venom, one of Sicilian Faracon's minions.


Poison boasted about how many people he had killed, and he specifically dealt with some enemies who threatened the business for Sicilian Faracon.

"Are there really sixty-five?"

"Of course, everyone I killed will remember it. Last night alone, I killed six of Balomata's dogs."

While using a shovel to dig out the roots of the corn, Poison gave the gunmen of the Mata Group a middle finger at the other end.

Both sides immediately began to exchange obscene words, but no one dared to take action. They were huddled in the bullpen last night, and it didn't take long for a brutal fight to break out, which was quickly suppressed by Broly.

Broly would not be merciful to these drug dealers, and tried the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm on the first few. This is a move that was learned after reaching lv7 in Kamesen-ryu martial arts.

This move was so powerful that Kame Sennin had to use it when other moves failed to work. If Wukong hadn't seen the full moon and transformed into a giant ape, he would have been defeated by the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm.

The high-intensity Qi will bind the enemy like electricity and stimulate the enemy's body, causing severe pain.

Even the most die-hard killer didn't last a second before being sprayed with electricity's shit and piss. This was because Broly only used up a very small amount of energy because he didn't want to kill his precious labor force.

If he used his full strength, ordinary people would be killed in an instant.

After punishing five people, all the remaining killers were as honest as quails, after all, it looked really painful.

"Just twelve years ago, when I just entered the industry, I saw that woman in Plaza Juárez. She was 1.7 meters tall, very beautiful, wearing a red dress, with dark hair, like the best Ebony, as if it could absorb the sun, she held her son's hand and bought balloons in the square."

Poison struggled to cut off a corn plant, and then spat.

"My hands were shaking at that time, but I still took out my pistol and blew the heads of both of them. Her husband was a policeman and was an undercover agent under Faracon in Sicily. In one operation, Faracon suffered huge losses. .Farrakon sold his identity for a hundred thousand dollars."

"That woman, that woman is really the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. If it were now, I definitely wouldn't have shot her so early. It's such a shame."

Poison stuck the shovel into the ground, untied his belt and let out the water.

A group of murderous killers gathered together, and what they discussed most was how to kill people. Poison is obviously the best among them. He kills the most people and has the most cruel methods. He is even cruel enough to make other killers tremble with fear.

"Have you noticed that whether he is the Green Goblin or Superman, he has left here temporarily. He is alone and cannot keep an eye on us all the time. As long as we kill that child, we can escape from here."

Poison said, and pointed at Kakarot with his hidden gaze. He had been quietly observing for a long time. The seemingly useless Cade Eagle went out after lunch, supposedly to buy beds and daily necessities for them. Broly, on the other hand, has disappeared since morning, and he doesn't know where he went. How stupid to leave such a child to spy on them.

At this time, Kakarot was squatting on the ground and playing in the sand, while Gulu took a nap out of boredom. Broly asked her to monitor the workers here.

"Are you crazy? We will all be killed by him. No one is his opponent!"

One person immediately stood up and objected.

"As long as we spread out and run away, he won't be able to catch us all. Do you want to pour manure on this damn farm for the rest of your life?"

Poison swung his shovel and uprooted a corn plant.

"It doesn't matter if you don't dare to run. Anyway, I will kill that damn girl first, and then you will have to run if you don't."

The words poison made all the workers feel excited. When they were gangsters' killers, they had endless money on their hands. With a simple move, countless women would automatically come to them. Do you really want to shovel dirt on this shabby farm for the rest of your life?

But they became hesitant at the thought of resisting Broly.

After Poison finished speaking, he put the shovel on his shoulder and walked towards Kakarot.

Kakarot is trying to pile sand into a castle. She raised her head and looked at the viper walking over.

"Why, are you hungry? You have to wait until Uncle Eagle comes back before you have anything to eat."

"go to hell!"

Poison said, swung the shovel in his hand, and blew into Kakarot's face.


Gulu immediately jumped up vigilantly and roared vigilantly.

"Come on, you beast!"

Poison held the shovel in his hand vigilantly, preparing to kill the nuisance puma first, and then set a fire on the farm to attract the attention of the American police.

I believe this will buy him enough time. As long as he escapes back to Mexico, there is no way Broly can find him.

"Ugh, it hurts so much. You unexpectedly attacked me! Bastard! Your nose is bleeding! I can't spare you!"

Kakarot covered his sore face and wiped the blood from his nose.

Poison's eyes bulged, and his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets. He had used all his strength in that swing. Even a strong man would have his skull smashed and there would be no way he could survive.

He waved the shovel in his hand, trying to give Kakarot another hard blow.

But before Poison could even see Kakarot clearly, he was punched in the abdomen, which directly broke his intestines.

Kakarot jumped up and kicked him in the head.


Poison's head twisted 180 degrees and turned behind him. His neck was kicked directly and his body fell to the ground, his hands and feet twitching continuously.


His windpipe was kicked off and he could no longer speak a complete sentence.

Kakarot picked up the shovel that fell on the ground and glanced at the remaining gunmen dissatisfied.

"What's the matter? Why don't you hurry up and get to work?"

Broly issued an order. If the entire cornfield was not shoveled clean, no one would have food to eat, including Kakarot who was supervising.

All the killers suddenly fell silent and increased their speed.

Broly relied on the air dance technique to levitate about three hundred meters above the ground. On both of his feet were large heavy iron blocks weighing a ton.

He is exercising his Qi in this way.

"Hey, is it Cade? You can buy one less item for the bed and other things."

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 50 The Missing Tony Stark

"Now your problem is that you have too little combat experience. To be hit by an ordinary person with a shovel is simply a shame for the Saiyans."

Broly crossed his arms and said:

"It seems that I can only gain some combat experience through combat training first."

Kakarot was a little frustrated, puffing out his cheeks and lowering his head.

"Don't think about being cute and cute. As long as you make a mistake, I will punish you with the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm."

Broly said as he raised his index finger and fired an arc of energy. He found that Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm was a very practical skill.

[Kamesenryu Fighting Skill Level 7: Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm, which highly compresses the energy and transforms it into a lightning-like form, which can instantly trap the enemy in it and then subdue it]

The essence of this palm technique is the technique of compressing the air. After being highly compressed, the air has some electrical properties, and its destructive power is more concentrated.

Techniques similar to Turtle Style Qigong are usually difficult to kill with one blow against an opponent who is stronger than oneself. But if it is the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm, even a stronger opponent will be seriously injured or even killed if hit. The disadvantage is that the attack range is very short. The highly compressed air will quickly dissipate after spreading more than 20 meters away.

During the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, Wukong's strength was already comparable to that of Turtle Immortal, but he was instantly subdued by the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm, without any resistance at all.

And he also improved it. If you only condense the energy on your fingertips, the conversion can be completed in an instant. The original Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm takes a long time to condense the energy and is very easy to be interrupted.

Used in conjunction with Daimon Goro's confinement technique, there may be unexpected miraculous effects.

"Now, attack here."

Broly said.

Kakarot swallowed, then quickly calmed down, abandoning his inner wavering. She jumped up and kicked Broly hard in the face.

Broly easily dodged the kick, and then touched Kakarot's waist with lightning on his finger.

"Ah! It hurts me so much!"

Kakarot screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Before you learn the air dance technique, don't jump easily, especially when your opponent is stronger than you." Broly said, "It's my turn to attack next, be careful not to die."

As he spoke, he rushed in front of Kakarot in an instant and struck Kakarot on the head with one palm strike.


Kakarot jumped to avoid the blow.

The moment she dodged, Broly increased his energy output, and with one palm, a crack several meters long was opened on the ground.

"I told you, if you get hit, you will really die."

Bro used the threat of death to squeeze Kakarot's potential. Once Kakarot makes a stupid mistake, he will be punished directly with the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm.

Kakarot's talent is already very high. In this high-pressure state, her fighting skills are improving at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. At least he wouldn't be hit by someone with a shovel unprepared.

Kakarot is not the only one who benefits from the sparring between the two. During the battle, Broly can also find that the various martial arts he has mastered are also improving.

He has saved hundreds of points, but has not redeemed them for anything. He plans to wait until he has mastered all the martial arts he has mastered before redeeming them.

Phil Coulson is looking through an order form. Cade's recent shopping spree caught their attention. But he couldn't see what a pile of bedding and a washbasin had to do with the mysterious giant ape.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has almost turned the Texas desert upside down, and even dispatched an Air Force early warning aircraft to search from the air. If the giant ape was still in the desert, it would not be able to escape the radar scan. But apart from catching a few mules secretly transporting drugs, they didn't get anything. The giant ape seemed to have evaporated from the air.

Moreover, not long ago, a mysterious killer suddenly appeared in New York and went on a killing spree, killing an Irish community into a river of blood. In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, another alien who claimed to be Superman appeared and caused a scene. One game. The recent endless incidents have made SHIELD a little worried.

"Have you found out the identity of Clark Kent?"

Phil Coulson asked.

"It has been found out that he is the illegitimate son of the chairman of a joint mining company in Bolivia. After receiving a large inheritance, he chose to invest in a farm in the United States."

An agent standing next to him took out the found information.

"Then he bought more than sixty farms in this barren area. It seems that it won't take long for him to lose all his inheritance."

Phil Coulson said. He always felt that something was wrong with this farm, but he couldn't find anything wrong. If Clark Kent conjured up the giant ape just to drive down the price of the nearby farm, that would be ridiculous, even more bizarre than the recent rumor of a flying truck.

In his opinion, this mysterious giant ape is another mysterious incident with no beginning and no end. SHIELD's archives are already filled with information on similar incidents.

After another week or so of searching, Director Nick Fury would be unable to bear the waste of funds and manpower, so he would suspend the mission and let them go back.

No matter how dedicated Phil Coulson was to his duties, he was tired of looking for a monkey in this desert day and night.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang in the car.

Phil Coulson took out his cell phone and looked at it and found that it was the director calling. He was a little surprised that the call came too early, but he was still a little happy at the thought of not having to stay in the desert anymore.


Before he could report the situation in Texas, Nick Fury's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Tony Stark disappeared. He went to Afghanistan to demonstrate the Jericho missile to the US military. When he returned to the base, he was ambushed by terrorists. The entire US military team died. Only Tony Stark's body was not found."

Phil Colson's hands tightened, and he knew that things were getting serious now. Tony Stark is not only a household name in the United States, but also the chairman of Stark Industries, the largest military industrial company in the United States, and the son of Howard Stark, the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. If such a big shot falls into the hands of terrorists, he may even be beheaded live. Its bad impact is not much worse than that of 911.

"Don't worry about that damn giant ape. I will arrange a plane for you right now to go to Afghanistan to find that bastard and bring him back to the United States intact."

Nick Fury was a little angry. SHIELD had been secretly protecting Tony Stark. Unexpectedly, he was kidnapped after just one oversight.

"Just now that I don't have to look for monkeys in the desert of Texas, I have to go to the desert of Afghanistan to look for playboys. This world is not worth it."

Phil Coulson withered like a flower.

Chapter 51 Big Customers

A heavy-duty semi-trailer was parked at the farm, filled with supplies that Cade had purchased.

The killers gathered around the truck and unloaded the supplies. The first thing to be unloaded were the bunk beds they bought from IKEA. They were fed up with sleeping on the cold concrete floor.

"Wait! You have to clean the dormitory first and then move the bed frame in."

Cade has been able to scold these vicious workers head-on. After all, anyone will lose their due deterrence after being sprayed with electricity's feces and urine.

He instructed several killers to take the high-pressure water cannon, first wash the inside and outside of the cowshed, and then sweep out all the stinky hay.

After blowing an industrial fan against the cowshed for nearly two hours, the lingering smell of cow dung inside barely disappeared.

After the bullpen was almost dry, Cade directed the killers to move the assembled bunk beds inside.

The original ranch also had a small kitchen that provided food for the cowboys, and the kitchen utensils in it were all taken away by the rancher. Cade bought a new set of kitchen utensils and asked two killers with some cooking skills to cook.

Under Broly's high-pressure rule, all killers were very honest and were quickly transformed into qualified farmers and cowboys. In two days, they have cleared more than 100 acres of corn fields. Although the efficiency is far less than that of agricultural machinery, it is quite good and they are not lazy.

After the corn and potatoes were cleaned up, Cade prepared to group the killers into groups and disperse them to pastures, vegetable fields and orchards.

The last things left on the semitrailer were a lathe, an industrial heating furnace, a high-pressure gas tank, a belt sander, and other bits and pieces of blacksmith tools.

Both Iron Man and Batman have powerful cash abilities and can arm themselves with the most cutting-edge technology. Although Broly doesn't need those fancy props, it's not okay to use cards all the time. He plans to build himself some decent equipment.

He easily lifted the lathe out of the carriage.

Cade Eagle is constantly debugging these brand-new machines in the cleared blacksmith workshop. Although he is now an ordinary farmer, when he was young, he idolized Howard Stark and dreamed of being an inventor. It's just that the things he tossed out were no different from garbage. He soon went bankrupt and even his wife ran away with someone else.

"BOSS, all the machines have been installed and debugged. What do you want to do?"

He turned on the power and rubbed his hands in excitement.

"Get me a bat mask first."

Seeing Cade's confident look, Broly couldn't help but look forward to it. He took out a piece of paper and drew the mask Batman used on it.

It's like a mask, but it's more like a helmet. It covers the entire head, leaving only the lower half of the face exposed.


If Broly hadn't said it was the Bat Mask, Cade wouldn't have recognized it.

"You can't do it, can you?"

Broly's gaze suddenly became dangerous.

"How is this possible? Boss, let me knock it out for you!"

Cade wiped off the cold sweat, chose an iron plate, and started the machine tool. Although it had been seven or eight years since he had touched a machine, Cade quickly picked it up again. Under the forging pressure of the machine tool, the iron plate deforms rapidly.

Because there was no mold, he could only forge the iron plate into shape bit by bit. It didn't take long for the front half of the mask to be formed. He forged the back half, used argon arc welding to weld the two halves into shape, and polished them on a belt sander.

"Boss, how is it? Is it exactly the same as your design?"

Cade held the mask in his hands proudly.

Broly took the Iron Mask expressionlessly.

"Is this a bat? This is obviously a panda, and what's with that weird expression?"

He looked at the mask in his hand, and the panda's face seemed to be saying "You eat shit" all the time.

He crumpled the iron mask into a ball and said to Cade in a murderous tone:

"Do you dare to go out with this mask? Make it again for me!"

The next period of part-time work will be Cade Eagle's nightmare.

"The ears are too round, please make them sharper."

"Too sharp! Do you want to be beaten to death by my head?"

"The expression of this mask is too ferocious. If you put it on, people will mistake it for a vampire. It needs to be a little softer,"

"This expression is not cold enough. I want a dark feeling. You know, the kind that is soaked in all the pain in life, loneliness, and being alone in the world, but with compassion for human beings."

"Well, the opening of the chin should be a little looser. I don't like the feeling of tightening the chin."

"The upper part should be tighter, otherwise it will be easily thrown away during the battle."

"Let's add a layer of cotton padding inside, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable with the head nodding."

Finally, when Broly expressed his satisfaction, Cade was almost exhausted. At this time, the mask was no longer spray-painted with black paint, so it was almost the same as the original in the comics. When it was put on, the field of vision was narrowed, and it was still a bit stuffy.

"Next, make me another batch of Batarangs."

Cade Eagle's craftsmanship was indeed good. Although he was a poor inventor, he was also an excellent blacksmith and locksmith.

For the Batarang that Broly wanted, he decided to use the casting method. He first used a wax block to make a model of the casting, and then used clay to form an outer mold. After heating and baking, he poured out the melted wax mold and poured molten steel into it. Can be made into darts. A set of outer molds can be used for a long time and is very suitable for mass production when more advanced machine tools are not available.

He made ten sets of outer models in one go, cast hundreds of batarangs, and polished them on the belt sand machine.

Broly took a batarang and tossed it in his hand. The center of gravity of the dart was very good, and the edge was very sharp, and it could easily cut through the paper.

He tossed it casually, and the batarang made a shrill whistle in the air, breaking through the sound barrier, instantly crossing a distance of hundreds of meters, and smashing a huge boulder into pieces.

If the power of Qi is borrowed, the speed of the dart can be doubled.

"Okay, I'm very satisfied with this dart. Then Cade, help me knock out another piece of armor."

Broly said with shining eyes.

Cade felt his eyes darken, and suddenly regretted urging Broly to buy this set of tools. The two had been in the blacksmith's workshop for more than ten hours. Broly was full of energy and didn't feel tired, but he already felt like he was about to die suddenly.

"After it's done, the $50,000 is yours, and you can use the machines in the workshop as you wish."

With the sweetness given by Broly, Cade was instantly resurrected with full health.

Just when Broly was about to make some demands on the armor, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Hello, are you Mr. Wayne? I am Charon from the Continental Hotel. A big client wants to designate you to complete a reward."

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 52 The Ten Commandments Gang

Broly was sitting in the bar on the seventh basement floor of the Continental Hotel, elegantly cutting the steak with his knife, his movements impeccable. As long as he does an action once, he can remember it firmly with muscle memory, coupled with keen observation. It only takes ten minutes for him to achieve the aristocratic manners that ordinary people need more than ten years to cultivate.

As long as he wasn't too hungry, he was happy to put on a show.

Charon stood next to him, wearing white gloves and holding a bottle of wine, pouring wine for Broly in due course.

"What happened to the dove?"

Broly forked a piece of cut steak and put it in his mouth. He was very surprised as to where this inexplicable title came from.

"Mr. Wayne, it's because your superb skills in using pigeon cards to kill people left a deep impression on everyone, so they gave you a title that is so frightening to your enemies."

Famous killers usually have their own titles. The legendary killer John Wick was known as the Daredevil and Baba Yaga because of his superb hunting skills and his identity as a Belarusian gypsy.

Baba Yaga is a witch in ancient Russian fairy tales who specializes in eating children lost in the forest.

"Pigeon? That's a bat!"

Broly said with gritted teeth as he almost failed.

Charon, who was holding the wine bottle, froze. No one would think of that as a bat. He shouted crazily deep in his heart.

"Forget it, I made a new set of darts. I believe it won't take long to reverse this mistake." Broly said, folding the empty plates into a pile and pulling a new plate of steak in front of him: " Who is that big customer you are talking about?"

Charon bowed slightly.

"Because this mission is very shocking, and if it is leaked, the impact will be very bad, so after Mr. Wayne finishes his meal, I will take you to a safer place to learn about the mission information."

Broly forked a whole piece of steak, stuffed it into his mouth, and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Then let's go."

"Okay, Mr. Wayne."

Charon snapped his fingers and signaled the waiter to come over and clear the table. He took Broly into the elevator and arrived at the rooftop of the Continental Hotel.

The open-air roof is equipped with luxurious leather sofas, solid wood wine cabinets, and a huge fireplace.

The firewood was burning brightly in the fireplace, making crackling sounds. Winston was already sitting on the sofa, waiting for Broly's arrival.

"Hello, hello pigeon."

He said to Broly with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

Charon's face showed embarrassment, he quickly stepped forward and whispered a few words into Winston's ear.


Winston spit out the whiskey in his mouth and coughed violently. It took him a long time to recover.

"Mr. Wayne, the goal of this mission is very astonishing. I hope you can think carefully. Once you hear the details of the reward, you are not allowed to reveal any relevant information, otherwise you will be wanted by the High Table Alliance. There is no need for any gain a foothold."

He looked at Broly seriously.

"The target is that Tony Stark."

Broly sat on the sofa and said boredly.

"That's right. The only one who has been treated with such caution recently is Tony Stark. The employer originally hired Afghan terrorists, but these terrorists seemed to have their own plans. They kidnapped Tony Stark but did not kill him. He imprisoned him instead."

"This made the employer very angry, but after Tony Stark was kidnapped, he was under the spotlight and was closely monitored by the CIA and other agents. The only way to kill Tony Stark was through us."

said Winston, who did not identify his employer.

Many tabloids have listed several of the most suspicious objects through conspiracy theories. For example, Obadiah Stane, the major shareholder of Stark Industries, Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries, and even the Pentagon are suspected of being the mastermind behind Tony Stark's kidnapping.

Tony Stark's route is very secret, and only a few people know it. The appearance of that group of terrorists was too coincidental.

"Those group of terrorists are not simple. They are members of the Ten Rings Gang. The leader of the Ten Rings Gang, Huo Yunxie Shen, is an extremely terrifying person. Although he was defeated by the Eastern martial arts people twenty years ago and fled to the Middle East, he did not It didn't take long for the Ten Rings Gang to be rebuilt. It is said that he is over ninety years old and possesses ten magical rings. The high table once suffered heavy losses because of him."

"Of course, in the past few years, he has been avoiding the pursuit of Eastern warriors and living in seclusion. The only people who are active outside are his disciples and subordinates. When assassinating Tony Stark, you do not need to face him directly."

"Mr. Wayne needs to face approximately two hundred armed men from the Ten Rings Gang. They are equipped with advanced weapons produced by Stark Industries, and even heavy weapons such as main battle tanks."

Because of the continuous support from Stark Industries, the Ten Rings Gang established a firm foothold in Afghanistan, repelled the Eastern warriors who came to the door, and even became the underground ruler of Afghanistan.

said Winston.

"The employer heard about Mr. Wayne's perfect performance when hunting Dave Boyle, so he was willing to try to hand over this very difficult bounty to our Continental Hotel. The bounty is fifty million US dollars, as long as Tony Stark's identity is confirmed. News of death will be credited to the account immediately. You can consider whether to accept this reward."

Broly clenched his hands into fists. This world seemed different from the movies and comics. Even the Fire Cloud Evil God appeared.

"Of course I accept it, there are two hundred people, and Fire Cloud Evil God, why don't you accept it."

If it is really the Fire Cloud Evil God in the comic Dragon Tiger Gate, Broly can't wait to fight with him. He was so excited that he couldn't even control the rising energy in his body.

Winston was so angry that his hair stood on end, as if the person sitting opposite him was not a human being, but a terrifying beast covered in human skin, ready to tear off the disguise at any time and crazily destroy everything in front of him.

"Since you have agreed, you can view further information." Winston forced himself to calm down and took out a map from his arms: "The map is marked with all the Ten Rings Gang strongholds known to the employer, Tony Stark may be locked up in a stronghold somewhere."

When Winston said this, he paused.

"In addition, try to use sneak assassination methods to avoid causing too serious losses to the Ten Rings Gang. If you anger the Fire Cloud Evil God, you will die, and even the high-top table will be affected."

The core of High Table was originally in the Middle East, and it was considered a local leader in the entire Middle East. However, when faced with the powerful dragon of the Ten Rings Gang, it suffered heavy losses and was almost driven out of the Middle East.

This time I accepted the reward for assassinating Tony Stark, and I also wanted to cause some trouble for the Ten Rings Gang.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 53 The Wind Rises (Revision)

In Afghanistan, the US troops stationed here seem to have exploded. The famous playboy and chairman of Stark Industries was kidnapped by terrorists in their hands. This has caused an uproar in the country. Huge pressure instantly fell on Army Lieutenant General John Scott, the commander of the U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Scott graduated from the U.S. Army Military Academy and became a lieutenant general. He served as commander of the 82nd Airborne Division and commander of NATO ground forces. He has rich connections in the military and political circles. But even he can't handle the pressure from the Pentagon.

To this end, he has mobilized nearly one-third of the entire force in Afghanistan and launched an attack operation code-named "Forest Python" to attack the base of the Ten Rings Gang.

2nd Battalion, 160th Aviation Combat Regiment, 87th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, 187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, SEALs, and Delta Force. Everyone joins this massive action.

On the other hand, he also tried to contact the Ten Rings Gang to start negotiations through some well-connected people in the Afghan government.

"General, Captain Michael Murphy of SEAL Team 10 has discovered a Ten Rings base."

The adjutant passed along the findings from the SEAL team.

"But the base seems to have been attacked, and all the Ten Rings Gang members inside were killed."

The video data shot by the SEAL team members was quickly transmitted to the theater command headquarters through the theater command and control system. The person who shot the video was obviously in a state of shock, causing the video to be a little shaky, but it was still enough to clearly see what was happening in the base.

Corpses fell to the ground. They appeared to have been attacked during lunch, while broth was still simmering in the campfire. There were very few bullet casings in the battlefield, and it seemed that the armed men of the Ten Rings Gang were dispatched before they had time to fire a few shots. Some even threw away their weapons and chose to surrender.

But the attacker showed no mercy and killed everyone cleanly.

"The attackers used cold weapons, similar to darts, and there were no traces of the use of firearms."

Michael Murphy has scouted the battlefield in detail.

"Who could have done it?"

Everyone in the headquarters was talking about it.

"We have been launching frequent attacks against the Ten Rings Gang recently. It is impossible for them not to be vigilant. The attackers obviously have an overwhelming advantage."

The relationship between the US military in Afghanistan and the Ten Rings Gang is actually quite ambiguous. Both sides have common enemies and often cooperate to jointly attack the Taliban. The US military will even send personnel to train armed personnel of the Ten Rings Gang. Therefore, they know the armed forces of the Ten Rings Gang very well.

It is definitely not easy for someone who can destroy a Ten Rings Gang base with overwhelming force.

John Scott's face was very solemn.

"Perhaps it was the Eastern warriors who did it."

He told the worst possible scenario. Compared to the very rigid relationship between the U.S. government and mutants, the Eastern government completely controls the power of warriors.

Those warriors possess the power of Qi, and the best among them can easily defeat one against a hundred. Fire Cloud Evil God had a blood feud with them, so it was not surprising that he chose this time to cause trouble for him.

"Intensify the search and we must not let Tony Stark fall into the hands of those Easterners. Otherwise, everyone will just wait to go to Alaska to grow potatoes."

Tony Stark's value goes far beyond his status as chairman of Stark Industries. As a talented engineer, one-third of the weapons currently in service in the US military are produced by Stark Industries, one-quarter of the weapons are participated in the development by him, and one-tenth of the weapons are directly developed by him.

If such a key figure falls into the hands of the Easterners, they will instantly have a huge advantage in the confrontation. It would be very troublesome just to have the performance parameters of those weapons leaked. Who knows if Tony Stark will set up a secret door in the weapon system.

The worse outcome is that Tony Stark directly commits treason and researches weapons for the Easterners.

At this time, Broly was sleeping in the wilderness of Afghanistan. He sat cross-legged in the middle of a dry river and lit a bonfire.

Looking up, it is a pale yellow, desolate mountain range like a dragon's spine, rising and falling, rugged and steep, magnificent and magnificent under the sunlight.

This is a restricted area of life, surrounded by desolation, no human habitation, no houses.

During the second war in Afghanistan more than 30 years ago, the Russians buried more than 10 million landmines here. When they evacuated, they buried another three million landmines. Herdsmen often die or become disabled after accidentally stepping on landmines. Gradually, they no longer dare to come here to graze.

Broly boiled a pot of water and took off the bat armor and mask, covering it with a cloak. He broke the neck of a brown bear and threw it aside.

Landmines drove away humans, but allowed wildlife to flourish throughout the Panjwai region. This brown bear has abundant food sources and eats fat and strong.

Berries from the bushes, insects, fish, and even wolves and snow leopards are all part of its diet.

Broly took out a batarang, skinned the brown bear cleanly, skewered the dismembered meat on the branches, and roasted it on the bonfire.

"Come out."

He threw away the bearskin in his hand, sat down on the ground, and adjusted the heat. The bear meat on the branch made an attractive sizzling sound, and the rich fat exploded on the surface of the meat.

A young man with a knife on his back walked out of the corner of the river with some embarrassment.

"Can you speak Chinese?"

He asked in halting English, Broly still maintaining his Bruce Wayne appearance.


Broly said, throwing a skewer of grilled meat over.

"My name is Nie Zheng."

Nie Zheng took the barbecue and took a bite. He was almost choked by the anger of the barbecue. He was gentle, but he was too embarrassed to spit it out in front of Broly, so he could only swallow it with a blue face.

It's just that I don't want to eat the remaining meat no matter what, so I hold it in my hand awkwardly.

"Your knife is very good."

Broly picked up a bunch of meat, popped it all into his mouth, and chewed it.

"This is a sword passed down from our ancestors, called the Snow Drinking Sword."

When Nie Zheng saw Broly's wild eating look, the anger he had suppressed surged up again. He quickly opened the kettle and took a big sip to suppress the taste.

"Can you lend it to me to take a look at?"

Nie Zheng took off the long knife and handed it to Broly.

"Why not?"

He practiced the Bing Xin Jue passed down from his family and could observe people with his mind, otherwise he would not have walked out after being shouted at.

Broly unbuckled the scabbard and drew the knife. The long knife was very heavy, and as soon as it was unsheathed, it exuded a frightening cold air. The originally blazing bonfire suddenly shrank in intensity, and white mist and frost began to condense in the river valley, as if winter had arrived early.

"Good knife."

He put the knife back into its sheath and gave it back to Nie Zheng.

Chapter 54: Fight (please vote for recommendation)

"I hope we won't be enemies next time, Mr. Wayne."

Nie Zheng put the long knife on his back.

"On the contrary, I am looking forward to playing against you."

Broly cut off another large piece of bear meat and roasted it on the campfire. Although Nie Zheng tried his best to contain the energy in his body, he could still vaguely feel the powerful force that was as restless as the wind. Coupled with the sword, he would be an opponent worthy of fighting with all his strength.

Nie Zheng just shook his head. He wanted to show strength and used Qing Kung. In just a moment, his figure appeared more than thirty meters away. In a few breaths, his figure was just a small dot.

After ten miles of luck, Nie Zhengcai stopped on the branch of a dead tree and took out a mobile phone from his arms.

"Senior Sister Bu, I have found the person who took action against the Ten Rings Gang. He is a foreigner and not a fellow martial artist as expected."

He was as meticulous as a dust and noticed that the batarangs used by Broly to cut the flesh matched the wounds of those armed members of the Ten Rings.

A very cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How is the strength?"

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment.

"I couldn't tell, because I didn't know the foundation, so I didn't test it."

Bu Qingyun on the other end of the phone said:

"Well done. This time we are mainly trying to get the head of Fire Cloud Evil God. If it is not necessary, don't provoke other people."

Broly ate a whole bear, wiped his greasy hands on the bear's skin, and took out a wrinkled map from his pocket. It marked seven bases of the Ten Rings Gang, and he used a pencil to cross out the two bases that had been completely destroyed. The nearest base is in the mountains thirty kilometers away.

Putting on the bat armor, mask and cloak, Broly jumped onto the somersault cloud and flew towards the target.

The Panjwai area can be described as a mountain and a river, especially after the rainy season. The dry rivers are filled with water and criss-crossed, making it a hell for modern armies.

In the 19th century, the Pashtuns resisted the British here, in the 20th century they resisted the Russians, and in the 21st century they resisted the Americans.

After passing through the crisscrossing mountains, Broly found the base of the Ten Rings Gang.

The base area of the Ten Commandments Gang is usually quite large, with two hundred to four hundred armed personnel stationed there. This base is larger than any base Broly has found before, with about seven hundred people in it. Two M2A5 infantry fighting vehicles and more than 20 Scania military vehicles were parked in the open space.

There are also five M777 ultra-light howitzers in the corner, placed in the artillery position.

The Ten Rings Gang's poppy fields and human trade business alone can't afford these expensive equipment.

Broly lifted the Transformation Technique. The armed forces of this base are very powerful. With the Transformation Technique only able to exert one-tenth of its strength, it is very easy to overturn.

However, when he transformed, he didn't change his body shape much, so the armor and mask still fit well.

Jumping directly from the sky, Broly landed on the roof of an infantry fighting vehicle. The impact made the infantry fighting vehicle's body vibrate violently, sending dust flying into the air.

Broly held the turret of the infantry fighting vehicle with both hands, and instantly burst out with extremely strong energy. He directly tore off the latches between the turret and the vehicle body, and pulled the entire turret together with the hanging basket and loader below. Pulled it out.

He threw the turret out casually and smashed a truck. He jumped off the infantry fighting vehicle, grabbed the road wheel of another infantry fighting vehicle, and shouted loudly.

The total combat weight of the M2A5 was about twenty tons, but after Broly exploded with all his energy, he was overturned and rolled over, crushing a military truck next to him into scrap metal.

He made an instant surprise attack and destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles that could pose a threat to him.

"Is Tony Stark here?"

Broly asked the soldiers in the base.

"Go to hell!"

An armed man aimed at Broly and pulled the trigger. The M4A1, produced under license from Stark Industries, is well made, and some of the guns selected after screening can even be used as sniper rifles.

Bullets were being fired, and Broly's left hand was like a phantom, grabbing all the bullets fired at him like catching flies.


Broly let go of his hand, and hot bullets rolled down onto the sand.

The armed man emptied all the bullets in the magazine and tried to change the magazine in a panic, but in the next moment, he was kicked more than ten meters by Broly.

"Just tell me where Tony Stark is and you might not have to die."

Broly said again.

"Your old Huoyun Evil God's position is also fine."

The next moment, he took out a batarang and threw it. The whistling dart flew more than two hundred meters and penetrated an armed man who was trying to control an anti-aircraft machine gun. The strong force even carried his body flying five or six meters.

The other armed members of the Ten Rings Gang finally reacted to Broly's surprise attack.

A torrential rain of bullets rained down on him, including some rifle grenades, hand grenades, and even rockets.

Broly felt distressed for the armor on his body. He exploded instantly and jumped into the air. The bullets hitting his body were not painful, but the armor made of iron plates would definitely be scrapped.

The rain of bullets covered the sky, but what was hit was only the afterimage left by Broly. He held a batarang and broke into the armed men, causing a bloody storm.

Almost no one could delay him for a moment. In the blink of an eye, the base was already littered with dead and wounded.

The morale of these armed men of the Ten Rings Gang collapsed and they began to show signs of retreat. Suddenly, a big hand grasped the head of a retreating armed man and lifted him into the air.

"Idiot, these people don't understand English."

A big man with a crocodile tattoo said contemptuously, and he squeezed the head in his hand with force.

Broly suddenly stopped. The batarang in his hand had been twisted and deformed from cutting too many people's throats.

"I see."

The big man took out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket and wiped the blood and brains from his palm.

"Looking at your nonsense outfit, you must be an American. I am Crocodile Taisui, the sixth disciple of Fire Cloud Evil God. Since you dare to cause trouble for our Ten Rings Gang, I will make you regret being born in your mother's womb."

Crocodile Tai Sui's English is very poor. He had to stumble to finish a short sentence. It took Broly some guessing to figure out what he meant.

"Let's communicate in Chinese."

Broly said helplessly.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Crocodile Tai Sui immediately became furious and activated his power. He practiced the golden bell shield passed down from the Fire Cloud Evil God, and when he got lucky, the Gang Jin surged, and a glow flowed under his bronze skin. The gravel and debris on the ground were rolled up by the Gang Jin, and flew out. In an instant , flying sand and rocks.

"Look, I'm going to take your life now!"

He is arrogant and arrogant.