
new way

Udeshya_Acharya · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

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Sam didn't plan to deal with the small fries. He directly kept the leader as his target.

And the target is in his hidden base within the slums.

Three of them moved towards the most isolated and run-down house of the slums. There are no houses or any other settlements near that house and nobody knew why this house is still there, but no one bothered to learn about it.

Right now, under that house were three floors and within the deepest floors a man is lying on his bed with a naked woman.

Sam felt that the situation in this city is even more complicated than he predicted as even a small-time gang boss is also using an underground hide out.

There are not many people in the first two floors. The first floor, has some women, who are in a ragged state and the second floor have some guys who are drinking and chattering.

This small-time boss is in charge of prostitution is the Normal people zone of the City, from the report of shadow mice he learnt that these people kidnap the women from the villages under the marquis territory.

But Sam was surprised that they don't have much security, he didn't think too much though. The Boss of the gang seemed to be confident in the hiding of his base.

It is indeed so, who would guess that there is a prostitution ring leader staying below a rundown house in slums.

There aren't many people inside the hideout, at most there are only ten people but all of them are Novice Late stage.

But Sam didn't take it any lightly, he took out the grenades he specially made. At first site, they are just like any calming grenade he made, but these are some upgraded version of that and contain a hint of highly diluted Indigo water. [This is not the Hydra poison in the pool, but the water from the Indigo Patch.]

There are only two guards in the first floor along with the imprisoned women. So, there are a piece of cake with a sneak attack.

The women are not in a condition to speak, so they didn't even make a noise when the guards are knocked out

Sam let out the shadow mice, who went into the second floor and activated the grenades Sam took out earlier.

After more than ten minutes, the ten people in the room are having struggle breathing and has their lungs corroding.

Even though, the corrosion is light.

Before they could create a big enough commotion, the trio went in and Started knocking them out.

After a few minutes, the three of them stealthily entered the third floor where the team leader is busy pleasuring himself.

But just as they were about to unlock the door.

"Who is it?"

The man shouted towards the door. He seemed to be more vigilant that Sam thought.

Sam and the trio didn't answer and just stayed there.

Sam looked at the door as he concentrated his spiritual sense which is a lot stronger than the opponent and tried to look for any energy fluctuations inside the door.

The other party seemed to be a warrior as he quickly dressed up and took a sabre as he walked towards the door.

Just as he was a few feet away from the door.

Sam took out a metallic card and immediately threw it.

The card made a small slit on the door and directly pierced into the opponent. The gang leader, was taken aback as he looked at the card pierced into his shoulder.


As soon as Sam shouted, three of them entered the room.

Jack and Watt attacked the woman, while Sam directly swung his sword taking advantage of the distraction.

The leader hurriedly blocked the attack but due to his ill preparation, the sword cut through the sabre and left a deep slash on his chest.

Sam didn't stop and took advantage of the situation and took a small glass capsule.

He snapped an edge and immediately threw the liquid at the leader's wound.


Everything happened in a swift second and the leader immediately felt something corroding his wounded flesh.

Sam placed the sword on his neck and said.

"All, I need is some answers and I will let you go. If not, I will dispose you and find another target."

Jack and Watt also came and stood beside him.

"I will answer. I will answer."

And soon, Sam started asking his questions and the leader answered them hurriedly, because he could sense that something is wrong with his wound and the bleeding is also not stopping.

After an hour, Sam left with Jack and Watt. But all the gangsters are killed.

After all, if they left them alone, they will be only inviting problems.

Sam has a puzzled expression on his face.

Because, from what the leader said, there are no big gangs in the city. All the territories are divided and the most important thing is, he is not even the boss of this business.

The Boss is someone else and what was even more shocking is he doesn't even know who that person is and what he looks like. All he said was that person wore a mask which couldn't be seen through at all.

They only met at single place every month, in the base and even his subordinates don't know about this.

In conclusion, the leader doesn't have any contact with the rest of gangs because, there is a strict rule that no two gangs should meet and have any conflicts and these rules are set by a hidden expert from the Normal zones.

These Hidden experts are called Lords and there are Four lords in the city.

The Normal people zone Lord.

The Rich people zone lord

The Noble zone Lord and

The Business zone lord

So, Sam has two goals, one is to meet this Hidden boss of this gang and the Lord of the zone.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 131: Zoi termite

Sam left the shadow mice in the hiding place. His only lead right now is that hidden boss who will come to this place to check on the situation and he would most probably come alone.

So, Sam gave instructions so that they will follow the people who came alone and if they can identify someone suspicious, they can notify him.

If they miss to tail that guy, they have to work from the start by targeting another small gang.

Sam went back to the mansion. He went into deep thought.

The situation of the Blue flame city is suspicious than he thought and it is more complicated.

The most annoying thing is that the two different gangs doesn't even have much contact. There are no direct enemy gangs, clashing businesses. All the illegal businesses are completely and systematically divided.

The city was completely divided by the small gangs and there seemed to be no big influence from the surface.

But this made the situation even more fishy. How are they staying so disciplined? Who are these lords? Are they together or not? Are they individually working or working under someone? Where is Black water inside all this mess?

These questions are bugging him. But Sam has a feeling that it is going to be a hared job to go against these forces.

Next day, Sam went to meet the Marquis first thing in the morning. After telling him the situation, Marquis' expression turned sour.

He wished that Sam's assumption of having the underground forces in his city might be wrong. But never did he expect that there are so many and so deeply hidden.

"So, how are we going to proceed?" Even though the situation is not what he wished for, he really wanted, he still sucked it up and thought forward.

After all, cleaning this up is more important.

Sam thought for a bit and said.

"I want you to personally contact the low-level city guards, who are responsible for patrols in all zones.

Contact them one at a time and do so as discreetly as possible.

Ask them if there are any officials giving them orders to ignore a specific place in any zone during patrols or ordered them to ignore any suspicious person.

No matter, how insignificant it might be, note everything down. Details about which officials, his exact words, the place or person they wanted to ignore. Everything. Tell them that you would guarantee their safety.

Record all the details and don't let anyone know about this.

You do this personally."


"Do you really think, that this big of a network is running without anyone knowing? At least one official will be corrupt and might know a thing or two.

Oh, almost forgot. Don't leak the mission details to anyone of your officials and keep it a secret that I am working on the Blue flame city from the remaining participants.

I might go out of the city for a while, so you finish the task within a month."

After that Sam went back to the mansion and informed Watt and Jack about his departure.

"You guys better catch up faster. Or you will be left in dust." Sam said giving them a blow mentally and left the place after having a happy meal in his restaurant.

Sam moved on his harbinger and moved towards the Falcon Cliff city.

After half a day of travel, Sam finally reached the place he wanted to go.

The Insect canyon. His target is the Zoi termite queen. He wants to tame the Zoi termite queen and he can use these termites to do a lot of things for him.

Even though, these Zoi termites are quite superior, they are quite inferior to the blood line of Sam's companions.

Sam has some cards, to bargain with the Zoi termite queen, which seemed to be a Level 4 Beast on same level as a Great realm cultivator.

Last time, he is only a beginner Novice, so he immediately fled the place. This time though, he has raised his strength and there are some things he prepared before-hand.

But there is one thing that has to happen, if he wants to do all this. That is the queen must accept talking to him. Otherwise, all the plans will go to waste.

So, Sam collected the grass which hinders these termites and started taking those juices out and applied all over skin, before slowly entering the canyon on the harbinger.

When he reached the spot where he saw the Queen termite, Sam started sending his spiritual sense and soon the foot ball sized queen came into his view and he carefully probed into it.

{Human, you better get lost before I get angry}

A husky female voice entered his mind.

"Well, you might want to listen to me before sending me off."

{I have nothing to talk to a creature from a Greedy race like yours}

Sam couldn't help but shake his head. Even the insects are despising humans. He wondered what would those people who always compare weaklings to insects think about it if they knew this.

He shook his thoughts off from his head and started releasing his beastly auras. These might help him to make a conversation and his guess was correct.

{What is this aura? This doesn't seem like the one that belongs to humans. What are you exactly?} This time the voice was laced with curiosity.

"Well, I am human at least partially. So, can we talk now?"

{What do you want to talk about?}

"Nothing, I just want to make a deal."

{A deal? With you? I will never make a deal with a human. You lot or just too greedy}

This time Sam almost cursed. Just how deep is this insect's resentment towards humans.

"Can you at least listen to me?"


"How about you follow me from now on? We will have a mutual relationship. I will give you and your children, the required food and also improve your bloodline and you have to work for me."

{You? Providing food for us? Boy you are dreaming. Do you know how much food we need and how many children I have?}

"Judging from your aura, you are a Level 4 and your whole colony will consist of a maximum of 5000 termites and among them most of them are normal soldiers at Level 1 and a 500 of them might be level 2 and 100 of them might be Level 3.

Do you really think that you can survive in this small canyon?

The stray beasts might keep you from starving and survival albeit barely. But can you really guarantee that you will be able to advance further. Here I am giving you chance."

{How do you know about all these?}

"Does it really matter? I said I will give you a chance."

{How can I trust you? I don't trust humans.}

"Do you trust beasts then?" Sam said as he waved his hand. Yanwu and Sky came out immediately.

"I don't know if you know about these beasts. But Zoi termites are one of the oldest races and you might have heard them from your seniors. Three legged golden sun crow and Sky sovereign roc."

{They are just your pets; I don't trust them} The husky voice trembled a bit. Maybe due to surprise or from the bloodline pressure of two superior races.

"A correction. They are not my pets, they are my companions, my friends. Think about it. I can unleash the true potential of your bloodline. You and your children can grow faster. I can give you all the food you want. Think carefully."

Sam finished his piece and immediately left the place.

He went back into the forest without wasting his time here. For he has confidence that he can move the termite queen. He better focus on make some preparations on the food needed for these termites.

So, Sam is going to search for some herbs or plants which grow rapidly as well as find some beasts which will reproduce rapidly.

He can create a farm inside the Divine dimension.

So, Sam along with his beasts went on a hunt over the nearby forests.

His first target is the herbs. While, Yanwu and Sky concentrate on beasts. Ape is left to gather some fruit tree.

The search was completely fruitless for that day.

So, he made a camp and took a carefree sleep.

The next day early morning, he went to the nearby stream to see if he can catch something and he found something really interesting and that is a Boar.

Boars and pigs reproduce faster and also the number of offspring is also quite high.

But he has to find that large boar a partner and he needs to make it submit with force without making a contract. Otherwise, it would be painful making eating them.

The Boar was a low level one, so that is not much of a problem. After that was caught Sam started searching for the tracks of the boar to reach its stay. He might find that partner there.

{Please read the Creators thought, an announcement is there about mass release}

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 132: Challenge

When Sam reached the boar's place, he didn't find any other boars, it seemed to be roaming alone. He cleaned up the place which has some herbs and left the place. He kept on searching and searching.

Finally, he found something that made him a little delighted and those are Spring fowls. These fowls look like a crossing between chicken and a pigeon. With chicken's body and pigeon head.

Their size is also similar to a chicken. But the most important thing is that they are delicious to eat and they can be easily reared. They feed on worms, bugs, seeds, grass, grain, flowers. They don't even need beasts with spiritual energy to grow.

But most people don't want to rear them, because their reproduction rate is quite high.

For Sam though, this is exactly what he needs. These Spring fowls will not only be able to provide food for termites, they can also be used as a good food if they are properly reared.

If these spring fowls are reared with water and food full of spiritual energy, their meat will be quite a bit of tonic food and it is mostly used for purification and revitalisation of blood and they can also be helpful in mending the internal injuries.

But due to the ignorance of the most people, they don't know that rearing these will bring these many benefits and they only see their effort and hard labour required.

This is a big opportunity to Sam though. He knew exactly how to rear and what to feed them to get these benefits. And he never thought that he would find them here and they seem to be only level 1.

Sam immediately went on a spree. These spring fowls due to low combat power roam in flocks and they can't fly much.

So, Sam started combing the area. These fowls can grow faster if they have good food, but with their combat power they are lucky to get normal grass and earth worms.

Sam couldn't hide his grin. He caught more than twenty fowls, a total of ten pairs of male and female.

Even though, it will take time to grow them, he can still provide food from normal hunt to the termites until the fowls increase in number.

The only disadvantage of these fowls are they can only grow until they are Level 5 and are only beneficial to those under Grand realm cultivation. Only they can see substantial benefits.

As for those beyond that they can only see this is a delicacy.

After catching the fowls and placing them inside the dimension, Sam went on to search for anything else and soon, he found something. It is a rank 2 herb which helps in making some spiritual energy recovery potion or pills.

Just as he was about to pluck it, someone shouted from behind.

"Hey, kid. You better leave that herb right there."

Sam turned over and he saw a group of three people walking towards him. All of them are in Initial Novice stages.

He didn't even put them in eyes and immediately stored the herb.

The youth in the middle seemed to get angry.

"How dare you? Attack him."

He immediately gave an order to his two subordinates to attack, but Sam released his aura of Late stage Novice which halted them in their tracks.

When they saw Sam's hostile look, the youth was frightened and when Sam walked towards him ,he became even more frantic and took a few steps backward.

"Don't come near me. You can't get away with it, if you do something to me. Do you know who my father is?"

Then only Sam observed them and saw that these robes are of Pharmaceutical tower, he didn't know which city they are from, but judging from that guys words, he might be son of a high- level person in Pharmaceutical tower.

Sam doesn't like these guys who throw away their father's names and get away with anything, these are also a type of young masters and these are worst kind.

So, he got an idea and said.

"I know who your father is." Sam's voice was a bit sarcastic.

But the youth got puzzled, if Sam really knew his father then he wouldn't have that hostile look. 'Maybe he mistook me for his enemy's son.' That youth thought and for confirmation he asked.

"Who do you think my father is?"

But Sam's response made him speechless.

Sam made a surprised and shocked expression and said.

"Poor child, you don't even know who your father is? Didn't your mother tell you that?"

The youth didn't know what to say as his face became red, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

"I am asking for confirmation. If you really know my father or not."

"Confirmation? Why are so confused about your own father to ask a stranger like me for confirmation?"

The youth got angry and embarrassed, he knew that Sam is playing with him, but the fact that he couldn't do anything about it is making him even more frustrated.

He swallowed his anger and asked.

"Do you know my father or not?"


"Then why did you say you know him."

"Well, at first I thought I know him, but after you said even you need to confirm who your father is, how would I know whether he is your father or not."

Getting played by Sam, the youth almost cursed his eighteen generations.

Sam smirked at the expression of this guy and just left on his harbinger. This is just a small interlude. He has a lot of things to do anyway.

With Sam's harbinger, he is very fast as he collected a lot of herbs and trees and hunted some small beasts.

After some thorough search, he found some bulb (Vegetables that grow in roots of a plant like Carrot, potato etc.) type vegetables.

These vegetables are like carrots but the texture is a little different. He saw many small animal tracks which seemed to belong to rabbits and rats.

For the next few days, Sam searched for these small beasts which grow easily and won't take much time.

Particularly, the red-tailed rabbits which taste great are a lot in this forest. Sam never thought that this area is full of these weaker animals and there seemed to be a lot of them. He caught more than fifty rabbits in the next week.

He will create a farm area inside the divine dimension and the beasts will take care of the rest.

With Yanwu, Sky and Ape present, things would be quite easy for him to manage them. After all, they would display absolute obedience with the pressure of these bloodlines.

After this week, Sam went back into the insect canyon to talk with the Queen termite.

"So, do you agree or not?"

{Human, what is your name?}


{Sam, why are you offering this deal to me?}

"It is simple. I need your help in doing somethings, because you along with your children make it easier for me.

But I can't just take advantage of you right? That is why this deal.

We will benefit mutually.

For you guys, growth will stagnate as you grow in level and don't have enough food. But if you move leisurely and eat as you like, you will be a target of many opponents. Even though, you guys are formidable, you cannot take too many opponents.

You have to reach a guy first and bite him. But if you face an opponent who is too strong, you will die.

Why be so farfetched? If the people really knew enough info about you, they might have already taken you down."

Sam's voice carried a hint of provocation.

{Since, you know enough info, you think that you can take me down?}

"It's easy. Do you want to give it a try?"

{Why not? Since you want to make a deal, prove that you deserve it.}

As soon as the queen finished saying these words, Sam could sense a swarm of insects coming out. These are not Zoi termites, rather they are the remaining insects who are under Zoi termite's care.

Sam could see, more than three types of locust species. And even their queens which seemed to be at Level 3 came out.

Sam smirked as he saw the situation.

Suddenly, his black coat was glowing gold. He activated the golden crow feathers using his blood line energy. He didn��t release the aura to pressure the insects, rather he surrounded himself directly with the golden flames.

The Golden glow of the coat and the golden flames emitting from him, gave him a complete ethereal look. He is as bright as golden sun.

The locusts who swarmed against him started burning and dropped as ashes. But there is a bunch of locusts that endured fire, they are immune to fire but not to a major extent.

When they reached the core of the flames, which is Sam they too burned to death,

{Your flame is good. But how long can you last with that spiritual energy.}

"you don't have to bother about that, I have my ways."

As soon as he said that Sam floated a little higher on harbinger. He just moved his feet a little, and small rectangular openings appeared on the sides of the board.

There are even some holes under the board.

"See, how I am going to last long enough."

With these words, a high-pressured red coloured gas was sprayed out of these holes forcefully and Sam threw a small flame into the gas.

The gas immediately caught fire. And the fire is Blue in colour.

Sam started controlling the board as he hovered above the canyon. The blue flames started burning intensely burning the locusts.

Only the queens of the locust swarms were immune to the fire and when they were about to make a move, Sam threw a Golden fire ball at them. Even though, they were able to take one or two hits, they weren't able to withstand this barrage of them.

The Canyon was completely covered with the Blue flames in between Sam stood with his Golden Flames creating a fantasy painting.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 133: Hatching

The red colour gas is actually the methane he prepared from the faeces of the Blazing earth bull, he doesn't know why the gas came out red in colour but everything else was normal about gas except the colour and it became more explosive than normal methane.

If not for Sam forcing the gas in high pressure and it was ignited when it was stationary it has high tendency to explode with a pop.

He can even use it to make explosives. He already planned to do so.


The queen Zoi termite immediately shouted when she saw that the situation is going south. All the locusts backed down and even Sam stopped the gas flow and restrained the fire around him.

{I agree.} The Queen immediately said after the battle stopped.

Sam smiled.

"Okay then, since we reached a deal, come out with all your children, I will take you away."

As soon as Sam finished his words the Zoi termite which is in the size of a football came out.

And followed by it around five thousand white termites started coming out of the hole.

{I have another request.} The Queen termite said in a solemn voice.

Sam looked at with a questioning gaze, indicating it to continue.

{Let the rest of the insects here, follow you, you have to treat them the same as you do me, in the same way, they will help you just like I do.}

He didn't think much, because, the Zoi termites only feed on spiritual energy from the living beings, even though their saliva drains the life force of the body, before it decays the remaining locusts and other insects can easily feed on them.

He can find many uses for them in his plans anyway, so he readily agreed.

With a wave of his hand, Sam sent them to the neutral zone inside the dimension and when he peeked inside, he could see that the termites started digging the soil. They already started making their new home.

The remaining locusts also strated finding the place for their stay.

Sam finished everything and recalled Yanwu, Sky and the ape back. After they reunited, he started his journey back to the Marquis city.

The journey is smooth and fast.

By the time, Sam entered the city, Watt and Jack are already waiting for him with some news about the hidden boss of the gang.

Apparently they located the hidden boss with the help of the shadow mice. But the identity is making them hesitate to act, so they waited for Sam to come.

"What happened?"

Sam asked as soon as they entered his study. He could see that they are troubled about something.

"Shadow mice located the hidden boss, but we are not sure how to proceed further."


"That guy is actually a young-master of a Noble family."

Sam raised an eyebrow, even though some nobles dabbling in illegal businesses, the core members will not directly come forward and interfere directly, if by any chance they were found out, they will have a hard time getting rid of the blame.

"He is from the Stone heart family; he is a late stage novice and is twenty-four years old. He didn't participate in the competition as he was one of possible heirs of the family.

From the past few days there are very few people who came to the Hide out, and over all of them this is the guy whose face was completely concealed.

Apparently, this Stone heart family runs all the entertainment houses which are mainly focussed on the Gambling, alcohol and some massage services, theatres, Dance Courtesan houses etc. There is even one legal brothel, under them except not many people knows of it."

Watt completed the report.

Sam wasn't surprised when he heard that there is a legal brothel, even though he didn't see one he couldn't say he didn't expect one.

From the info he got, the prostitution is not illegal as long as it is not forced, but not anyone can get permission for that.

In fact, there is even legal trade slave in this time, but those are only for the war slaves. The captured soldiers or the nobility of the other empires are sold as war slaves and mostly only nobility can afford them.

Sam went into deep thought. A noble family in a Marquis city is no joke, they are as strong as a Count city. There are around six noble families including the Marquis' Blue flame family in this city.

Out of the remaining five families, the Stone heart family head is the strongest with the family head being the early stage Grand realm Warrior. To be more accurate he is the Level 1 Grand Realm warrior just three Levels below the Marquis himself.

But the family head is not the strongest, rather the current family head's predecessor, who is also same generation as the Previous Marquis is the strongest of the family who might be as strong as the Marquis if not stronger.

But nobody knows, whether the old family head is within the family or is roaming around. Not only him, all the current family heads are of same generation as the Marquis and the previous generation heads are playing behind the scenes.

That is why, it is quite difficult to mess with the Noble families and now their target is a possible heir of the family head position of a noble family.

Things would get complicated, if anyone found out even a small connection after they acted.

After some thought, Sam asked.

"His daily routine?"

"He trains in the wilderness everyday from morning to afternoon, from afternoon to evening, he doesn't come out of his estate at all. Every evening, he goes to stroll around to check any of their family's businesses, he seemed to pick that choice in random.

He will eat a sumptuous meal every night.

He cultivates the whole night, in his mansion. He has two guards who always stay with him.

He doesn't mingle with the young masters much. He lives plain and simply. He doesn't even have maids or other servants. The meal is the only materialistic thing he desires and he always eats a lot.

He used to get this meal from the Zeke's restaurant, but from the past two days, he was getting the meal from your restaurant."

When Sam heard this, he started thinking again.

"Monitor his movements for the next week, check it if he is having any connection with other people, use shadow mice, and you act personally as well.

Check if he is behaving strangely in any particular instance."

Sam gave out his instructions. Watt and Jack immediately went out.

After some thinking, Sam locked the door and entered the dimension. By this time, the termites and locusts are already adjusting to the new home. In fact, many of them are feeling happy as the dimension is full of spiritual energy.

Sam went towards the ape and gave it some instructions.

The ape started digging a huge circular pit. He is making preparations for his future business.

Sam slowly walked towards the Hydra Egg. The Egg came to the final stage of hatching and it would be done in a few hours.

He planned his trip properly to make sure that he would be back in the city before the egg hatches.

After waiting for more than three hours, Sam saw small cracks forming on the egg within the formation.

He could see the egg crumbling bit by bit and a small snake head popped out of the hole.

Within a few seconds, the whole being came out and Sam could see the hydra with nine heads, dog hind, talons for the fore limbs, dragon tail but all of them in a miniature form.

The nine snake heads were slithering and looking around curiously.

Sam didn't walk towards the beast. He just stood there and looked at it.

After some time, the small hydra looked at Sam and all its nine heads looked at him and immediately the small creature clumsily walked towards him.

It took some time to get used to its body and the hydra finally came to his feet after some struggle and great effort.

It nudged its centre head to his legs as if asking him to carry him.

Sam gently picked the baby which is the size of a four-year-old kid and looked at it with a smile.

The Creature snuggled into him as if he was the most familiar thing and safest thing to it.

This is due to the unsealing.

Since, Sam used his blood to make the runes, the hydra is familiar with his presence. This is the method the imprisoned hydra used to make sure that the baby will get along with the person who hatched the egg.

Sam closely observed the baby. It is mostly white in color with purple patterns on the back of its heads.

The purple patterns started from their eyes to the back of the heads, spine and ended at the tail.

After checking the gender Sam found out that it is a girl and Sam started thinking hard about what he should name her.

After all, this genius is an absolute dumbass in naming.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 134: Mia

Sam thought for a bit and tried to think of an appropriate name, after some thought, he still doesn't know what would be appropriate for a hydra which might possibly become a variant in future.

After some consideration, Sam decided to name it Mia. Not because he thought it is appropriate, but he came to a conclusion because he knew that he would never be able to decide whether any name would be appropriate or not.

And to justify himself Sam said. "As Shakespeare said, what is there in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet and no matter what you are named you will still be the strongest hydra who stays forever by my said. So, your name is Mia."

Sam patted the heads of her as he said this. Mia seemed to be happy as it snuggled even more comfortably.

Even though, Sam liked this he has another problem at hand now and that is to improve the hydra quickly.

Many people might think that the off-spring of the immortal beasts will be of higher-level, but they only have a greater potential, other than that they also start as the Level 0 beasts.

But that is the problem. Sam is already at the Late stage Novice, If he needs to make a contract with Mia when he reaches the Great realm, he would have to wait till it grows to the peak of the Level 3.

There is actually a way to make a contract even if the beast was of lower level, this also helps Mia to grow faster. The growth rate will be incredibly fast due to sharing the spiritual energy of his and the remaining beasts.

But the problem with this method is, with his current power level, if he doesn't control the contract well, when he is connected to the beast of lower level, the beast might have side effects.

Even after the contract is successful, he would have to be extremely carefully control sharing the spiritual energy so that Mia could digest it properly, if there are any mishaps, the consequences will be dire.

So, he didn't dare do that.

Then he thought of the pool of Hydra's blood.

He is still thinking why the Hydra left the pool of blood. From the formation, it would have been converted into energy just like the hydra's flesh if the beast itself, doesn't forcefully expel the blood from the body.

Sam carried Mia to the pool of the hydra blood.

When he entered the formation with the breathing device, he saw the Executioner sword in the middle of the pool.

It was placed there with the skeleton as support.

Sam observed some changes in the sword, even though he didn't examine it up close, he can still see that the Blood iron seemed to improve in its grade.

He still didn't take it out, there is still a lot of room for improvement for it within the pool.

At this moment, he sensed a little unrest in his hands and when he looked down at Mia, she is looked at the pool with all her heads still and all eyes focusing on the pool.

She seemed to sense some familiarity.

Sam slowly placed her down and she slowly walked towards the edge of the pool.

She curiously placed his front limbs inside the pool.

Her eyes brightened immediately and swiftly jumped into the pool. Sam was anxious for a second, and only after he saw Mia popping her heads out, did he relax.

Mia swam around the pool slowly, after sometime it became more familiar and started swimming.

Sam sensed that something is happening to Mia and he started using his observation ability.

He could sense that spiritual energy from the blood is being transformed to Mia as later absorbed it quickly and from the look of things she didn't even know that she is absorbing.

Sam came out of the pool and asked Yanwu on the situation.

"Well, actually beasts of our level grow rapidly. I was deliberately left with Level 1 cultivation in order to assist you. Otherwise all the beasts grow in the infant stage by absorbing the spiritual energy from their mother.

Now, Mia should also be doing that."

Sam wasn't surprised as he already thought this might be the case, he even has some doubts on Yanwu's cultivation, but he refrained himself from asking. Now he knew that Yanwu was deliberately supressed, Sam is confused.

The questions in his mind about Ling Tian and his actions of giving these many privileges is already confusing. Now that he knew that the Ling Tian forbade a Mythical beast for fifteen years to not to improve was something even more confusing. Why go to that extent to support a person?

All he need is only on answer. Purpose. What is the purpose of all this?

Even if he is beaten to death, he wouldn't believe that Ling Tian is doing this to really give him a chance to reach his potential. There is something brewing behind the scenes, which he was completely oblivious about.

Sam checked up on Mia again and left the dimension.

He needs to think of the future plans.

Even though, his business is going quite well, he has to move out of this city soon and he has to think on how to expand in the future.

Once, he enters the Dukedom capital, he has to have some more products that only he can manufacture.

As the economy is greater there, he can make use of it and milk them dry as much as he can and earn his pockets full.

After all, his companions are growing and he needs to find a way to feed them all.

Even though, he is making plans to make a farm, he needs to find a way until the farm is grown to a considerable size.

Until then, all he has to do is throw his money to buy the food. And the money is one thing he didn't lack for now and he has to make sure that it stays that way even in the distant future.

Before think about the future plan, Sam went to his restaurant. He gave Mackey some instructions and after sometime, a waiter went out and placed a board on the street.

"All types of beasts, carcasses, flesh, innards will be bought here. No matter how much damaged the beast is, you can come here and we will buy."

When onlookers read the board, they were surprised.

The damaged beast meat and carcasses are generally avoided and are really hard to sell, so the hunters will just eat them when they are still in the wild or they would abandon them directly.

"Why are you looking for damaged beasts, don't tell me you guys are going to place them in your menu."

A customer asked. Then the rest of the customers also became doubtful.

Waiter shook his head and said.

"This restaurant is owned by a Rank 5 Artisan; it would be a damage to his honour if we sell damaged beast meat. The meat is for culinary practice of new chefs. We can't use the intact and best parts for their regular practice, right?"

This is the excuse Mackey thought of to avoid raising negative opinions.

But from Sam's instructions, they still have to train a batch of new chefs from his team. He didn't get the reason why, but he only has to follow the orders.

After solving the food problem of the new batch of the locust, Sam went on a stroll in the Business zone.

He walked towards the entertainment street where most of the businesses were under the Stone heart family.

When he was near a gambling house, Sam saw three people walking out from it.

The two people who seemed to be in his subordinates are walking behind him. The man in the centre who seemed to be nearing his late twenties was walking with hands behind his back.

His face was serene and peaceful, but Sam could sense the aura around him was a bit different. He looked peaceful but from Sam's perspective and instinct it seemed more like emotionlessness rather than the peace.

He seemed detached as if he doesn't belong in the place and everything around him is completely disregarded.

The disregard is not like how Sam expressed. Sam's disregard to anything will happen only if he deems the thing unworthy of his attention.

But this person's disregard feels like, he shouldn't be regarding anything, as if he shouldn't place his attention on everything. It seemed a little forced.

Sam observed all these things in one glance, this is his experience in meeting all kinds of people.

Sam read about many things in his past life to learn as much as he can. The more difficult the topic is to understand, the more effort he gave and the more proficient he became and out of all things he read, the most things are People.

Their emotions, their expressions everything is too difficult to comprehend that we don't even know whether their expressions and words are really what they wanted to express.

Some people are two faced, some three faced, some people with many faces that one couldn't count.

Sam was most afraid of these types of people and to overcome this, he learnt how to read people.

So, if he can catch a person in his most normal state, he can deduce a lot of information. And from the info he got from this person, he deduced his identity.

Young master Stone-heart.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 135: Interrogation

Sam didn't meet with the Young master Stone heart. He just observed the other party for some time and went on his own way.

He just wants to wait it out and see the investigation reports on this guy and then decide on what to do next.

After a week, when he got the report, Sam decided on what to do.

This guy has been meeting someone secretly in his private house.

To that house, there is no access to anyone except him and his two guards. But from what Shadow mice brought back, a person came to this private house stealthily and he seemed to be highly respected by the Young master.

They talked about some cultivation, and then the main point. The destruction of the Hide out. They seemed to be investigating to get some leads on who is responsible to this but to no avail.

Now that their suspicions are confirmed, Sam only has one thing to do.

One of the shadow mice already followed the man who visited the young master on that night and they only have to wait for a report on who that guy is.

Sam has to make a plan to get this Young master, without anyone knowing at all. Even if there is a single clue left, he will be left with only two options.

One is to run and two is to massacre another family again.

So, it would be better to make sure that there are no clues left.

After some brain storming, Sam got an idea.

He immediately left the mansion and went to his restaurant to meet Mackey.

After they entered a private room, Sam placed a formation and discussed for some time.

Sam went back to his mansion and patiently waited for the nightfall to make his move.

At this same moment, the young master stone heart is in his Private house and is watching the table full of Piping hot delicious food.

After admiring the aroma of the food, he started drooling and slowly savoured the food. He felt that there is something new about the food, but it is even more tasty. He gobbled on all the food and without him even knowing, he fell unconscious on the table, with his mouth still open.

The security guards didn't know what is happening inside, because Young master placed concealment formations. After all, this place is the meeting place for him and that Elder, so he didn't want to take any risks and the formation was placed there.

After a few moments of silence in the room, a black shadow entered slowly and when the shadow stayed still one could see a small blue coloured crystal.

Sam emerged into the room out of the crystal and without waiting for much, he immediately picked the young master and threw him inside the divine dimension, he looked around and cleaned the remaining food before disappearing.

The shadow vanished as discreetly as it appeared.

Sam used the same technique he used when he attacked the Black pond in the Falcon Cliff city. Then he just used this to attack, and now he used this to kidnap someone.

He just employed a simple tactic. Since, Young master Stone heart is buying food from his restaurant, he used the drugs he got from the Red coral city's Black water branch. He stored them in case he can find some use from it.

So, he rigged the food with the drug and the dose was quite heavy. Since, he doesn't want any mishap to happen, he used high dosage which will knock out the guy senseless.

Now that kidnapping is completed, Sam didn't have to worry about him getting his required info.

After sometime, within the Divine dimension. Sam placed a necklace on Young master who is still soundly asleep and tied him up to a chair.

This is necklace is a restriction made of inscriptions to seal off one's cultivation. Even though, it is lowest of the ones and Sam could only make one at Rank 2 with his current cultivation, he used the quantity to make up for quality.

A late stage Novice, who is strong enough can counter this restriction if he made some effort, so Sam made more than ten restrictions and formed a small Inscription array of the restrictions on that Necklace. Making the victim's effort useless.

Now, Sam is thinking of something else. Should he bring Jack and Watt inside for the investigation or not.

After some thought, he came to the decision to bring them in.

He could trust Watt. Because, the silver meteorite sand products are the final test he gave him. Anyone who is not loyal and was only here for benefits, would have been tempted by those expensive and rare metals.

There is another possibility that is Watt might be trying to squeeze even more, but Sam didn't think so. What could a normal fifteen-year-old who doesn't know the world know. Unlike some orphans, who are envious of the worldly pleasures, Watt was detached by them and was drowning himself with his self-pity.

As for Jack, he already knew that Sam has some device which could store living beings, if he wanted to betray him, he already had his chance.

As for interrogating the Young master in the mansion, Sam didn't dare to do so.

If the Elder that has connection with the young master, realize that he was kidnapped and started searching, there would be trouble if he is too powerful and spiritual sense could reach the hidden rooms in the mansion.

Right now, Sam is playing the Marquis city, a big field with lot of stronger figures than himself, he has to make sure he didn't leave a thread of doubt or suspicion.

That night, Sam called Watt and Jack to his study room. He asked them to relax and with a wave of his hands, both of them were transferred into the divine dimension.

When they looked at the massive tower and various vast elemental zones, they were dumb struck. They never expected that there is something of this scale in Sam's possession.

Then they spotted the young master who was tied up to a chair.

Sam deliberately left him in this open area, to create a mysterious feeling.

He didn't wait for Watt and Jack to savour the surprise; he just walked towards the Young master and pushed some powder down his throat.

This is the antidote of the drug.

When The young master stone heart opened his eyes, he was dumbstruck with the view before him, he looked around to see that there are a lot of different types of herbs and trees planted.

Before he could make sense of somethings, Sam slapped him on his face to get him out of his shock and said.

"Young master Stone heart. I don't know if you know me, I am Sam, a Rank 5 Artisan, these two are Jack and Watt.

We are the ones who destroyed your prostitution den."

When the young master heard these words, his face immediately changed, his expressions were laced with surprise. He didn't know what to think of the situation.

After getting over his shock, he came to one conclusion. His involvement was compromised. Nobody knew he was the person behind the prostitution den other than four people. But it seemed like his secret was out.

"What do you want?" He asked, trying his best to show a calm front.


"You don't have to try. I am not telling you."

"You do know, that your life is in your hands, right?"

"I am going to die anyway. Why should I give you what you want then?" Sam laughed at these words, it has been a long time, since heard such words.

Sam gestured his hands and a bunch a locust came flying.

"What you said is right? But I would like to see, if you will say the same thing after a few seconds."

He waved his hand and the insects moved. towards the Young master and started gnawing their way into his feet.

Young master's expression changed completely. His face became pale and he started sweating profusely. His feet started bleeding and he can feel his meat being eaten bit by bit by the insects.

After sometime, the insects seemed to be full, they came out of the feet and went back to the group.

But after that, another group of insects came.

Sam smiled playfully and asked.

"Do you want to go another round?"

Young master shook his head repeatedly. He started spilling the beans as soon as Sam asked.

Jack and Watt still didn't come out of the shock from seeing the dimension. But they had yet another shock when they saw Sam's method of interrogation.

They know he could be ruthless, particularly Jack who saw him tearing the noble children apart in the Starwood city.

But he never thought, that Sam would do things this way. Letting a person feel his flesh eaten while he is awake, just the thought itself gave them goose-bumps.

After the required information was obtained. Sam turned around walked away along with the duo before saying.

"Queen, he is all yours."

As soon as he said those words, all of them saw a huge white insect coming out of the ground and crawled over the Young master's body.



The young master started screaming with his eyes opened wide. Queen took a bit at the neck and sucked all the spiritual energy until his spiritual core cracked.

Young master visibly aged right at the spot. His life force dwindled as his face and skin wrinkled and his hair started turning white.

But before the transformation could complete, a swarm of insects came over and cleaned the flesh off. Within a minute only bones were left on the chair.

Chapter 136: Major Hiccup

Sam came out of the dimension with Jack and Watt. The duo is still in disbelief.

They didn't know what to think of what they saw in the dimension. They never expected that Sam could possess a swarm of those insects which could eat a person clean to his bones.

All this while, Sam didn't even look back, he is thinking about the information he got out of the Young master.

The information is nothing short of overwhelming. Even though, Jack and Watt are also overwhelmed but that is due to their visit to the dimension. The information shocked them but not more than the experience.

After taking some time to calm themselves down, the trio took a seat in Sam's study.

They had to process the info they got and think of ways to proceed further.

First thought Sam had when he heard the situation of underground forces is a "Well-hidden."

From what the Young master Stone heart said, there are a total of four people in every zone of these cities with same position as himself. That means in the commoner zone, there are three more hidden bosses other than the Young master himself.

All four of them are under the orders of the Lord of their respective zones.

From what young master knew, these four lords are working together and there is a possible chance that they are working for someone.

The most important thing is these four lords are at least at Late stage Great realm cultivation and the hidden bosses working under them have Late stage Novice cultivations at least. There are even early stage Great realm cultivators in noble zone.

The main problem is that, Young master Stone heart only knew the identities of the people in charge of the Commoner zone.

So, if Sam took action, the remaining three zones would be on high alert. That makes things complicated.

First, he has to gather info on the remaining three zones candidates as well.

On that thought, all ten shadow mice are on constant duty and out of them four followed the Elder who is in charge of the Young master Stone heart, the remaining six went to the different zones to find at least one hidden boss.

After all, he has the identities of the hidden bosses of the Commoner zone with him.

The month passed just like that and the shadow mice barely got an identity of a hidden boss.

But they still weren't able to get the identities of the remaining hidden bosses due to their lack of number.

Even though, he could use the zoi termites, their intelligence to clearly identify a person will only be activated when they are at least Level 3, but their size will gather a lot of attention inside a city.

If it was a forest, he would have happily utilised the zoi termites.

Watt and Jack are practically living on the streets for the past months trying to find out the hide outs, but there seemed to be too well hidden. There seemed to be thinking that they are being targeted after they noticed the destruction of the Prostitution den and the missing of Stone heart.

While, Sam is thinking on how to get unearth these people, a message from Marquis came.

When he visited the marquis mansion, the high and righteous Marquis has a face full of worry and anger.

The report Sam asked seemed to be ready.

When both of them sat down, Marquis passed a list of names containing the officials and also the places they protected and one of the places happened to be the Prostitution den.

But the places didn't seem to tally much. Because, from what Young master stone heart said, there are four different businesses in each zone and there are total of sixteen hide outs. But the list absolutely showing twenty hideouts.

To search them all, Sam didn't have enough shadow mice. The four which left to tail the Elder are still on the same duty. The remaining lords are yet to make an appearance.

Sam also shared the info he got with the Marquis and the latter almost coughed blood in exasperation.

There are already more than ten officials who are corrupted, but now that he knew that there are more hidden bosses and when he learnt the few identities Sam traced, he couldn't contain his anger.

Almost half of the nobility was corrupted. Even if the whole family might not have involved, some core members have direct participation.

When Sam learnt of their names, he didn't know what to think of it. This empire has one of the most corrupt systems Sam has ever seen.

He didn't know what the emperor is doing at all.

"What should we do?" Marquis asked.

"I have to know how strong the most powerful person in that organisation is to decide on how to proceed."

"What do you mean? Aren't there four Lords the bosses? Are you suspecting that there is even more powerful person behind the scenes?"

Sam nodded his head. Because, in all the cities, black water has always matched the power of the ruling authority. Since, the old Marquis is the strongest one, Sam couldn't help but think that Black water must have that strong person acting.

Just as he was thinking, the attendant came and gave Marquis a message and that is the second team also came back.

Marquis led Sam to a larger meeting room where the second team are waiting, this team is full of nobles of the Marquis city and some of the sons of Counts.

They seemed to be tired and exhausted and when they saw Sam, their looks changed. They worked their assess off, by splitting up and doing the investigations.

But still, Sam defeated them.

Marquis took the reports and all they could see is that his brows are furrowed and there is an obvious disappointment in his eyes.

"How did you gather the intel?" Marquis asked and someone answered immediately.

"Lord Marquis, your second son Luther provided the intel, we don't know what method he used, but he seemed to already has certain understanding of various cities and villages under your territory. He will definitely become a great official in future."

The one who answered was a girl who is a daughter of Count. Her eyes are filled with obvious admiration. She seemed to want to highlight Luther in front of his father and get noticed by him.

But Sam noticed something different at this moment.

When the girl said that Luther is the one provided intel, Sam looked at him subconsciously, only to see that latter has a flicker of anger and anxiousness forming.

It felt like Luther doesn't want this credit. Zeke and Blue fire are also looking at their brother with excitement, but they didn't notice that flicker.

Marquis dismissed everyone of them and led Sam back to the private room. Until night, they discussed on how to go against this Black water.

At night, their discussion stopped because some messages came. One of them is from the attendant to the Marquis and another one is from a shadow mouse.

Both messages were equally surprising.

"The next phase of the examination is cancelled. Duke sent a message that the next stage will be beginning earlier, and all the candidates who passed the assessment shall report to the Dukedom capital in the next month."

Sam was stunned, that means that the initial one year phase has been reduced to six months and the last phase has been completely eliminated.

From what Marquis said before, there are going to be twenty candidates who will be promoted and only two teams came.

"I shall inform the remaining team to come back immediately." Marquis said.

But Sam stopped paying attention to him. Because, he just listened to the message of the shadow mouse and that message gave him chills.

The four lords and their boss, all gathered their subordinates and are hosting a meeting right now, in an underground facility of the nearby woods. But that news would have made Sam excited because, all shadow mice would have gathered there and the intel would be with him in no time.

The problem the next statement of the shadow mice.

{Watt is captured.}

When he heard this, he immediately stood up. But he didn't react immediately.

"Sam, what happened?" Marquis asked. But got no reply.

At this moment, Sam is thinking hard.

'What happened? How did Watt got captured?'

He kept on asking himself. In one day all the situation changed.

These past few days, the underground forces are under complete lock down. Sam barely got any info even with the shadow mice involved. Even yesterday, he didn't have any info.

But in one day, the situation was changed, what brought this change? What happened exactly? What changed in this one day? This is the biggest hiccup he faced in his plans after he was reborn

Sam closed his eyes and thought of all possibilities, it has been a long, long time since he used his brain to his maximum capacity.

After a strange silence of around five minutes, Sam opened his eyes as a dangerous thought surfaced his mind.

"Where is your second son?" He asked the Marquis and the latter asked his attendants.

"He is in his quarters."

"Lead the way." Sam said without hesitation.

"But Why?"

"Will tell you later, it is urgent." Both of them moved, but when they entered the quarters Luther is not there. When they asked the servants, they only said one thing.

"Young master went inside and didn't come out since morning."

Sam suddenly had an understanding.

"I will contact you when needed. I have to leave now."

Sam said and without waiting for Marquis' reply, he disappeared on the harbinger accompanied with his shadow mouse. He arrived at the mansion and immediately called Jack over before going to his study.

At the same moment. In a deserted area of the woods, under the surface there was a huge cave illuminated dimly like a horror setting.

An old man is sitting in a large chair. Many people are standing on either side of the room and all of them are wearing some masks, within the room, there are five people who are completely injured and are on verge of death while a person is already dead.

The cause of these deaths was a person who is in centre of the room.

Watt was tied up, to a stone chair. In actuality, the chair has a lot of inscriptions which are restricting his cultivation.

His face has a lot of bruises and a cut was formed on his right eyebrow from where the blood is leaking and even fell on Watt's coat.

He has minimum combat power, but his eyes are unyielding and ferocious. He doesn't look like a person who was injured at all.

That is the reason the old man didn't let anyone remove the coat and rings on Watt's hands.

They caught him with great difficulty and if they gave away a moment of gap to take those items away and untie him, he will definitely take at least three lives along with him.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" The Old man asked a question which he has probably repeated many times.

Chapter 137: Leave this place and you might have a chance to live

The Old man has burly physique with robust appearance. He has a think beard and moustache.

His clothes aren't that expensive either. He is just like any other ordinary old man.

"You have great talent to be at your cultivation at this age, your battle prowess is also great." The Old man looked at the five half- dead and the dead body in the corner. He continued after that brief pause.

"Why don't you tell me what I need and I will let you join us. Even though, we keep low profile, since you took part in defeating those Count city organisations you should know our strengths.

Just tell me who your boss is.

Who is Sam working under and who is targeting Black water?"

That's right, the old man is the in charge of the Black water organisation in this city and he is the guy who Sam wished he wasn't present in this city.

The secret boss who is in the same level as the Old Marquis, a mage in the stage beyond the Grand Realm cultivation. A Nascent mage. (A/N We will talk about this cultivation stage later.)

Watt looked at the old man and remaining core members with a condescending gaze. He is looking at them with obvious disdain.

For the past hour, he was tortured and healed many times, his legs were broken, his eyes were poked, he was flayed, he was stabbed. But they were unable to get a single word out of his mouth.

The surroundings of his chair covered by his skin and blood. His face became pale.

Watt spat out some saliva mixed with blood. These injuries are from the recent beatings.

"Old man, I don't have any info for you but I can give you an advice."

The Old man raised an eyebrow. These are the first words that Watt spoke after all this time; he was tortured. His interest was immediately piqued.

"What would that be?"

"If you leave this place at this moment, you might have a chance to live. Within few minutes, you will all be dead."

Everyone was stunned by his words.

A prisoner, no less a Novice with his cultivation restricted, tortured, healed and tortured again is not giving his information rather giving a warning and to a person who is hundreds or even thousands of times stronger than him.


Everyone couldn't help burst out laughing and even Old man chuckled before saying sarcastically.

"Do tell me, who is going to kill me?"

"You will know soon enough."

"Do you know what you are going to know, that is to keep your mouth on hold and think before you speak." He looked at a young man near Watt who is holding a dagger and said coldly.

"Flay his face."

The atmosphere changed immediately. Flaying ones face is cruellest torture and particularly when ones cultivation is restricted. If his mental state collapsed, he can at least faint, but this Watt guy never even fainted.

The young man with a dagger moved forward and slowly started flaying Watt's face. Blood started dripping on his clothes.

Skin is dropping on the floor. Scene is too much for even these criminals.

But what made them afraid is not the blood and skin, rather Watt's expression.

Under that pain and blood, he is not even blinking his eyes, there is not even a single hint of pain in his eyes.

Those eyes, are just like before. Focused, proud, arrogant, ferocious, cold like a Falcon. He is looking at the old man without even a flinch.

There are 31 people in this room apart from Watt.

The Old man

Four Grand realm cultivators

16 Great realm cultivators

10 Novice cultivators and out of them six Novices are taken down by Watt.

If a normal Novice was surrounded by this force, he would definitely spill all the beans without even torture.

But Watt is looking them dead in the eye while his face is being flayed.

He is like an inhumane figure devoid of feelings and emotions.

All the members in the room are suddenly feeling nervous.

At this exact moment, a shadow mouse is moving in its shadow state in high speed.

When the shadow entered the underground cave through the secret entrance and blended in the shadows of the people, Sam activated his perception as he looked at the scene.

He looked at the half-flayed face of Watt whose eyes are still glowing ferociously.

Sam suddenly felt his tremble. He didn't expect Watt's situation is like this. He knew that situation wouldn't be optimistic, that is why he moved as soon as possible.

He doesn't have any helpers and also can't trust anyone particularly when he has a very dangerous speculation in his mind.

When he saw Watt, he couldn't help but feel his rage bottling up. He scanned the room and looked at the Old man sitting in his chair looking at Watt as if he was watching a show. One look and Sam could tell he is the boss.

Sam then looked at the four Grand realm cultivators. They are all early stage Grand realm cultivators.

His main threat is the old man, then these four Grand realm cultivators. As for Great realm cultivators, if he could handle the Old man, they can be handled easily.

Jack is also within the dimension, he couldn't see what is happening outside, but when he saw Sam's face, he could understand that the situation is not good at all.

Right now, Sam's face is full of rage for a split second and the very next moment, his face became eerily calm, the air around him seemed to be frozen.

Jack then saw Sam opening his eyes and disappearing on the spot.

Sam reappeared in the second floor, right now, the time is not his friend. He has to move as fast as he can.

He took out a big log of tree and then the spikes and chains which locked up the hydra appeared on the floor.

He didn't have enough time to study these chains, so he doesn't know if there are in a working condition. But he could only count on this, if he has to take care of this situation.

Sam used the Reaper sword to cut the log into a pike.

He created ten holes in which the spikes will be inserted. Apart from them there is another hole on the flat end of the pike.

Sam took out a large energy cell and placed it inside the hole of flat end.

He held an inscription brush and started etching the log with many spirit absorbing formations. He has to make sure that he succeeds in one try and the formation works properly so that he can make sure that Watt can be saved without much damage.

Otherwise, he only has one more way, which is a little risky for Watt.

Sam inscribed several reinforcement inscriptions. His brain and body are working on full swing. He is sweating profusely.

He started picking the chains and inserting the spikes one by one on the holes he made on the log.

The spikes didn't enter the log much, the holes are small and only a small point has entered log.

But they were held themselves in the holes. Even though, they might not last long, they will be held enough time for him to deal with these guys.

After his preparations were done, Sam left the place and came out of the tower and checked the perception outside.

That guy was done with Watt, but the latter was still stubborn. His muscle fibres were fully exposed, even the air will sting.

This time, the Old man didn't let healer heal Watt.

Sam ordered the shadow mouse to move around.

He let all the shadow mice in this room to enter the divine dimension. The only shadow mouse that is out is one that is carrying the crystal.

The shadow mouse is going to be the most crucial link in this battle. He thanked the guy who is in charge that the cave is actually dimly lit and shadows are decent. The light is actually from normal lamps.

He doesn't know, why the other party are using these types of lamps, maybe they are creating a façade. If by any chance their hide out was discovered, the person might even think that this place is out of order and nobody is using it for a long time.

This is the only reason Sam could think of. But it is helpful to him.

On Sam's order, the shadow mouse moved. While the whole room, was being silent and all of them are looking at Watt, two people's expressions changed.

One of them is the Old man. He is looking at a spot in front of the Grand realm cultivator. He could sense some energy fluctuations, which he couldn't understand and suddenly a blue crystal appeared in the air at that spot.

The second person is Watt. He has a cold smirk on his flayed face, the smirk with that blood looked really terrifying. Before, they could make sense of what is happening.

A small glass vile filled with a violet colour liquid was thrown at the face of the Grand realm cultivator. He subconsciously let the liquid enter his mouth, nose and skin.

The Old man frowned and was about to reach out to the blue crystal, but suddenly a flash of shadow took the crystal away.

The room was in chaos. The Grand realm cultivator seemed to be infected by that liquid. The Old man could see that his life is in danger.

He closed his eyes and spread his perception to search for the blue crystal, but he couldn't find it.

Because, at this moment, the shadow mouse in its shadow form completely merged in the shadow of this old man himself.

The spiritual sense could only sense the souls and the other tangible things. Shadow is not one of them. At most the spiritual sense can act as normal perception technique and look at shadows and their movements, but it couldn't sense the anomaly in a shadow, at least not at Old man's level.

After old man retracted his spiritual sense, the blue crystal moved appeared again, but this time, the old man moved immediately, but the shadow took the crystal away.

But the worst part is that not only did the crystal escaped, it reached two targets this time and these two targets are Grand realm cultivators.

The game continued. The Old man completely kept his spirtual sense on. But at this moment, he sensed a shadow moving in a corner of the room, when he moved towards that direction though, he heard a scream behind him.


Another Grand realm cultivator was done. Their spiritual energy masks are only for disguising, they are not useful for protecting themselves at all.

Now all the Grand realm cultivators were down, they are trying their best to fight off against the poison but they are becoming weak in seconds.

All the remaining people are exchanging glances.


A laugh suddenly interrupted the horror filled silence.

Chapter 138: How do you want to Die?


Watt is laughing like a psycho with blood all over his face.

"Idiots." He scolded everyone in the room making them infuriated.

"Do you want to die?" One of them asked with fury.

"Moron, I already told you guys to fuck off from this place when you still had a chance, now you are all fish on the chopping board, lambs waiting for slaughter and you still have guts to threaten me. I DARE YOU TO KILL ME."

Watt shouted as he looked at the people in the room, even the old man is being frightened. Even though, he is not showing it on his face, he is really afraid of that small crystal and that shadow.

This is the fear of unknown. He mustered up his courage and shouted in the room.

"Who is that coward, sneaking up on us, I dare you come and face me."

When the old man said these words, the remaining members suddenly felt a little courageous and started taunting.

"Come out you bloody coward."

"Come face us, if you have guts."

"Come on fight us like a man."

When they were taunting, the blue crystal appeared again and immediately four people are sprawling on the floor.

The room went silent. They didn't dare to make a noise.

The Old man is concentrating so much that veins popped out on his forehead and he is drenched in sweat.

But he noticed around five shadows moving and before he could make a move, another five people collapsed.

He was again disturbed by the screams and by the time he recovered his concentration, shadows disappeared.

He moved his hands and a wave of water appeared on the floor, he wanted to use this to fish out that blue crystal and shadows, but he wasn't able to find out anything. At this moment, there is a shadow merged within the shadow of the lamp on the wall.

"Come out, we can talk, otherwise I will kill him." The Old man pointed at Watt as he spoke. But as soon as his words were finished, six Great realm cultivators were attacked.

He immediately shut his mouth.

"Old man, you better learn how to hold your mouth and think before you speak." When Watt replied in exact same words, the remaining members immediately became nervous.

The Old man is looking at Watt in a deep thought. He cannot use an Area of effect skill because of his companions.

To leave this place is not an option as there is no telling whether their target has someone backing him or not. If there is an ambush, things would get messy.

He wasn't able to find out, what is that thing that is pestering them and even if he can get rid of it.

While he was thinking, he suddenly sensed a fluctuation behind him and when he turned around, he saw the blue crystal there and before he could react, a big foot ball size white figure emerged from the crystal and bit him on his abdomen (Dantian).

Before he could react, he could fee the spiritual energy being leaked out of his body, when he was about to move, the white figure disappeared, everyone was stunned.

The Old man, was in a hurry because the bite was near his spiritual core, so he didn't even see the fact was blue crystal was here.

His subordinates doesn't even dare to come near him and took a step away as they looked at him.

Before they could make sense of the situation, something even more astounding happened.

A small highly concentrated energy object came out of thin air and exploded on the wound of the old man.

The wound opened up even more and before he could react,

A wooden pike which was pierced by several metal spikes attached to chains came out of thin air along with a Black figure.

Sam pierced the pike in the wound near the spirtual core of the Old man. Even though, he couldn't reach the spiritual core directly due to his prowess, the damage is not something to be taken easily when it was done of the wound.

When the pike pierced, Sam started throwing the other ends of the spikes immediately.

Some, pierced through the people and some pierced into the walls and floor. But within no time, all ten spikes were thrown out accurately and the runes on them started lighting up.

All of this happened in a split second. Before Sam was about to hit by the Old man's attack, he activated the inscriptions of the wooden pike and vanished from the spot as he entered the dimension again.

The Old man sent a water bullet on that spot but only hit the air, he was about to make another move.

But then only he noticed that he cannot channel his spiritual energy anymore. His energy has been leaking out and the pike is being sucking his energy.

He looked around and saw that the members are also locked inside the formation and they weren't even able to escape.

Then only Sam came out of the formation along with Jack, they swiftly took the remaining vials and threw them at Great Realm cultivators, even if they tried to block, there is nothing then do.

As long as the venom enters their system they are doomed.

Sam took out his reaper sword and started claiming their lives while they are still in frenzy.

Only the last one was able to make some fight, but his will was totally destroyed when he saw his boss without any movement.

As for Novices, he left them to Jack, who used his sword and venom at the same time to subdue them.

Sam specifically asked him to subdue them. As long as they are not killed immediately it is okay.

The Oldman didn't care about his subordinates anymore, he is trying to shake of the pike, but he wasn't able to do so, as the formation is in full effect.

Even though, the energy input is low, since the restriction is also low, the formation worked.

Sam's greatest worry was this, but he still has a contingency plan.

He walked towards Watt and removed the restrictions. He started healing him, he was mixed with complicated emotions. He knew that Watt was loyal, but he never expected this much loyalty.

What touched him most was that the other party believed him unconditionally. Even when he is facing a Nascent Realm cultivator, even when he is facing a bunch of Grand realm cultivators, Great Stage cultivators all together which is a far more powerful force then Sam himself, he still believed him.

The Proud and arrogant look, that fearlessness which stemmed from the belief in Sam's ability, no one in this world can ask for a better subordinate, follower, friend.

The skin on Watt's face was healing rapidly and soon his face is back to normal. Sam gave a pill to Watt which he obtained from the loot; this is to recover his spiritual energy.

After Watt recovered, Sam finally focussed on the Old man. He didn't say anything. One look and he could say that this is the Black water's work.

"Do you want to deal with him or do you want me to deal with him?" Sam asked nonchalantly.

"I want the one who gave the info, not this guy." Watt replied.

Sam walked towards the Novices who are trying to fight against the venom. The venom used on them is actually not the pure hydra blood, rather a very very diluted one.

They are okay for now.

But slowly, their spirtual energy masks are being deactivated as Sam waited there, and soon he found the face he was looking for.

"Luther." Sam called out as he looked at the most low-key son of the Marquis. The one who is famous for not having any ambitions, one who is famous for not having conflicts, the one who is famous for being amiable.

This guy is part of the Black water.

Sam already got some suspicions when he heard about him gathering intel and him being nervous about his father learning about it.

As far as Sam knew, there is only one big change that could affect his progress and capturing of Watt in the city and that is the arrival of this team.

If the Black water directly captured Watt without a second thought, they should have known about Sam's mission placement, which apparently tallied with the timings of destruction of their branches in the Count cities.

There is only one way, the Black water can learn of this and that is one of the hidden bosses of the younger generation are part of this organisation and from his earlier suspicions, Sam narrowed down to only one person.


Sam let out Sky and said to Jack.

"Both of you go and bring ask Marquis to come here." Jack walked to a corner and pushed a lever which opened a stair case leading to an abandoned cave inside the forest. He flew off along with Sky.

Sam turned to the Old man who was completely restrained in the formation.

Sam truly loved this formation chains, because, they don't require him to be in a higher level to use as they feed on the victim's energy.

"So, old man, how do you want to die?" Sam asked as he looked at the Old man dead in the eye.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 139: Payback

The Old man looked at Sam without blinking. His face is filled with pain, and he is sweating.

His energy is being drained every second and his wound continuously bleeding is not helping either.

Sam has brainstormed a lot for this to succeed.

He carefully planned step by step. Even though, it didn't take long but that doesn't mean his effort is less.

For the plan to succeed, he used the shadow mice to the maximum of their ability.

First step is to confuse everyone in the room and create a fear of unknown. He has to make sure that shadow mice clearly followed his orders to teeth without any hiccups.

And they did.

Second step is that he has to create a thought that his attacks have a pattern. That is why, the old man didn't react immediately when he sneaked up on his back.

Sam only attacked his subordinates one by one in order to create an imaginary pattern which they thought he is following.

The Old man himself subconsciously thought that he is not the target, because Sam initially didn't target him directly even when he had a chance, so he assumed that the blue crystal and the shadow doesn't have the ability to attack him.

That only made him drop his guard down instinctively which helped Sam to do what he had done.

He even placed an energy cell to activate the formation in case the formation failed to draw the spiritual energy from the old man directly.

Now, the old man is captured without even a chance to move.

"You don't know what you are getting yourself into boy. Even if you kill me, do you think you can live longer. If you continue this, no matter who is behind you, you will die eventually." The Old man said in a weak voice.

"Do tell me what I am getting myself into?" Sam replied rather sarcastically.

"You can mock me all you want for now. That arrogance will not last long if you go against black water."

"So, you are saying that Black water is so powerful that I would die if I go against it." Sam said in same tone.

"You would you wish you would die." The Old man said clearly infuriated by Sam's mockery.

"I took down the Black water branch in the Falcon cliff city when I just barely entered Novice stage and killed your Great mage expert you placed there.

And after a few months, I am a Late stage novice and a Nascent mage is right in front of me completely restrained, his life and death hanging on my beck and call.

You have the guts to threaten with your organisation. You should look at your standard before you warn me. Bunch of trash." Sam sneered as he took out a chair from his storage and sat on it with his legs crossed.

"You guys might be the biggest underground force in the empire or even the continent, heck even the whole world. But if this is really the standard of your organisation you better save your pep talk.

Because, you are not worthy."

When Sam said these words, the face of the Old man turned red in embarrassment.

"Watt, tie him up to that chair." Sam said as he pointed at Luther.

Watt tied him up. Luther's face is filled with panic and despair. He didn't know that Sam could catch them like this and even destroy them within minutes.

Now, when he looked at Sam's eyes, he almost peed his pants. Because, the idea of abducting Watt is his.