

Our story begins in 1908 first of March, a cute and frail baby boy is born, to his parents. Princess Marie of Beneloux and his father Carl Fredrick of Habsburg, they are quite happy and excited, as it is their first child, and soon they'll find out, the last. Marie died later from birth complications, a mear 12 hours after her baby was born. His father was devastated, his emotions were mixed about his newborn, since he still felt that his birth was the cause for his beloved wife to pass away, though he kept on, knowing that himself and his wife wished for a kid, to start a family, and experience the warmth and strong bond of a happy and prosperous one.

As the heir to his father, he shall after his death, inherit his title - Duke of Carinthia. Unfortunately for him, that title does not hold any significant power or influence. It is just a dying breed and the remains of the medieval vassallage system. In simpler terms, he doesn't have sovereignty, just a fancy title with some land. The land is not in his sovereignty but is under the Austrian Empire, and as a feudal lord he needs to pay his emperor taxes, which in ancient times would mean manpower and physical treasury. In this civilized era money was sufficient, the only reason that weird and awkward situation was not dealt with by the emperor to stop this ancient confusing mess, is because it is in the emperor's best interest to keep his family in power. Whether it is by giving them prestigious titles such as King of Bohemia, or granting them vast bountyful estates in Panonia. Since both come from the same royal dynasty and house, securing and granting his family any power he can, is a key in ensuring his dynasty's legacy. Empowering his house and brunch of the family, is his grandeur goal.

Though, compared to his father. His mother, princess Marie of the now rising in power grand dutchy of Beneloux was the only eligible heir to her uncle's throne. As most of their family either died of war or diseases. Fortunately for the royal house of Beneloux, a miracle happened. A young girl, later to be called Marie and later to bare our protagonist, was born. Everyone was extremely shocked by this revelation, since they assumed Marie's mother was infertile. Though after 30 years without seeing any success, Marie was born on the second of February 1880. They named her after the mother of Jesus, who assumed she was the cause for the couple's miracle. She was praised in all the lands, and especially by her uncle, who had no children. Knowing someone young and of the new generation will inherit the throne, eased the tension of succession. Not long after, both her mother and father died from tuberculosis while they were on a diplomatic venture. Afterwards, her uncle Grand Duke Christian XII of Beneloux, also know as "Christian the great". Was extremely protective and affectionate towards the young girl. Ensuring a great education and an excellent husband to continue his line. And as his mother died after birthing him, a male and firm hair. His now elderly uncle was gargantuanly rejoiced after the devastating loss of losing his only heir. But knowing that he has a continuation, was quite confronting. The Grand Duke was incredibly obsessed with the young boy. Always inviting him to his palace whenever he could, and as a rising industrial power, he funded most of his expenses. Such as education, leisure, and travels. He wanted to see him happy and confident. Two traits that he saw were vital for a successful leader.

as this young kid ages, his formidable intellectual prowess will grow with him. and as his grandfather hoped, it will refine and shape him into a great leader, and a fate changer.

I can see some place to improve, and I am open for opinions, I prob did some grammer mistakes too, even though I checked 10+, so let me know, this chapter is a bit bigger, so will be the couple first one in my vision, though it would stay consistent on around 250+,

shadowstorycreators' thoughts
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