
New Emperor Of Ghouls

“I will find you” Yan Zhong Yi could still vividly remember the promise he made to the one that made his soul yearn for warmth and love Clenching his fist, Zhong Yi looked at the slowly dissipating barrier and the beasts on the other side, staring in with eyes brimming with greed, lust and anger. “ But first, I must make our home safe for you to return to” ______________________________________ After losing everything to the greed of humans, he was given a second chance to rebuild what was lost. He will bury thousands of comrades before slaughtering millions of enemies. He will conquer thousands of worlds before invading millions of others. He will make his entire race akin to royalty. He will be seen as the God amongst Gods. He will be an emperor No matter what it takes. _________________________________ Chapter are being updated and revamped. So you will probably be confused when reading the earlier chapters and the later chapters. _________________________________ Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me, if u are the original owner? artist? message me and I'll remove it. My novel was inspired by Shen Tian Yi's novel; the lords empire.

Daoist_kanukai · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Chapter 66: New Ghoul Subspecies.

The second goblin was brought into the room struggling like his companion before him. Unfortunately, the strength of Scholars holding him was too firm for him to overpower.

"Please, let me go. Please!!" His pleas fell on deaf ears as he was tied to the chair in the middle of the room.

His head inclined to the side in desperation, hoping to catch the eye of the man standing against the wall.

Even in the Goblin's desperation, he could see who was in charge and begged to be released. "I'll tell you anything! Please, don't do this."

His voice cracked as he saw the strangely excited man hovering over his body with something sharp in his hands. It reflected the torchlight from its shiny surface scaring the Goblin even more.

"Subject #2 is going to be administered the diluted Ghoul blood. Blood purity is at 1%."

The voice from the white-haired old man scared him.

"No!No!No!No!" He was sure they could understand him. He looked around with panic at the man sitting down writing at quick speeds with his face showing his eagerness.

Then he turned towards the other white-haired man standing at his side holding a bowl of blood and then the man with the weird-metal thing.

Tears built up within his dull-yellow eyes as the metal thing stabbed into the leg. The brief pain from his skin breaking released the tears he was holding, as fear gripped tightly at the Goblins heart.

Then everything blurred after that.

He lost feeling in his legs as a relaxing sensation took over. It spread from his legs to his torso at a snail-like pace.

Then it enveloped his arms like a warm blanket.

Then cuddled around his neck like a warm neckerchief.

It was a heavenly warm feeling he didn't want to give up.

He fought against his drooping eye-lids and the sleepiness attacking his consciousness.

"Must not fall..."

Darkness enveloped his sight.


"Fascinating, Subject #2 has fallen asleep."

The other Scholars crowded around the Goblin laying atop the table, with the leather straps wrapped around every limb, torso and neck.

"Your majesty, Y-You should see this." Stuttered Huang Long.

Zhong Yi walked towards the table with anticipation. The Scholar scribe sidestepped, allowing him to see what was happening and his breath got caught in his throat.

The Goblin was changing at a rapid pace.

Its skin tone was visibly changing from its grotesque green to peachy-tanned skin colour. The wrinkles commonly found on goblin's skin flattened out, leaving smooth peachy skin. It's nose shrunk from its obnoxiously large snub nose to a small button nose.

"Look at its ears." Exclaimed a Scholar to the side with excitement.

Everyone's attention was brought to the Goblin's large pointy ears. Instead of pointing outwards like other goblins, it's ears pressed against the side of its head pointing. Then hair grew on the goblin's head.

Actual hair.

The goblin no longer had the few sparse strands of hair. Instead, black hair covered its previously bald scalp.

The Sacred Ghoul Emperor looked at the Goblin's changes and became even more shocked.

They saw the Goblin rise slightly at a weird angle, and the Ghouls in the room exchanged glances.

Zhong Yi nodded and the straps were undone. They flipped the goblin over and saw something that confirmed everyone's suspicions.

2 Separate blue kagune sprouted from its back and continued to grow at a slow pace.

"We have created a subspecies of Ghouls and this could lead to even more. Humans, demons, even Linthos. The possibilities are endless!" Huang Long inspired voice.

The scholars nodded at his words as if he was a sage.

"What are we going to call the changed Goblins?" The scribe asked.

Silence enveloped the room as the Ghouls looked towards their emperor for answers.

"They would be thankful if we gave them a chance to name themselves."

Shocked gasps came from Ghouls at the opportunity his majesty, gave up. "It really isn't that big of a deal, there will be more opportunities in the future."

Huang Long looked into the eyes of his majesty for a long time. "Then what should we do with this one. His loyalty does not lie with us."

"Then we have some persuading to do. This person is the first of his species and having him on our side would quicken such processes in the future."

The Scholars nodded slowly, still not believing they had discovered the secret of their ancestors.

"At least, now we know how the old empire came to be," Zhong Yi paused for a second, before releasing a sigh."Director, I want you to find out less tedious ways for the transformation."

"We will begin immediately."

Before he left the room, he spoke once more. "Once that man wakes up, bring him before me."


Back in the throne room. Zhong Yi sat on his red throne with a fond smile on his face.

Zhong Mei sat in his lap showing him a drawing she had drawn in class at the academy.

"And here's me and you and mummy." The drawing was surprisingly detailed. A tall man standing next to a woman half a head smaller than him and a little girl being held by the man, who was him.

"Princess, your uncles and aunties are waiting for me to address them. We can discuss your beautiful drawing later." Zhong Mei nodded and kissed him on the cheek before she skipped out of the room saying bye to everyone inside the room.

He turned back to the men and women in the room, who also had fond smiles as they waved back.

"Your majesty, The princess is well-loved by the people." Started Minister Cheng, he was one of Zhong Mei's favourites.

"Obviously she would be, She is a sweet, kind and respectful little girl." Added Lin Qiao. "Everyone knows where she gets it from."

"Enough of my little girl, I called an emergency meeting today because we have discovered something."

Seeing that he had everyone's attention. "I know, I'm not the only one who had thought of how Ancestor Ghoul was able to make an Empire comprised of only ghouls when he was the only offspring Cherubim Angel Angela and the Royal Demon Murmur."

Everyone nodded slowly, not understanding where this was going. "I had given the Scholars the task of finding out how."

Zhong Yi looked to Director Huang and nodded.

Director Huang stood up and continued. "After we received such a difficult yet fascinating task, we temporarily stopped all other projects and focused heavily on it. With the greatest minds, we have at the moment. We came to the conclusion that it had to do with something Ancestor Ghoul had on him, or more specifically inside of him."

Confused faces greeted him. "His blood. Remember how the men and women at the beginning of the empire had been extremely formidable, more so than we are now. That's because they had gotten it from the progenitor of Ghouls. The purest, most concentrated source of Ghoul blood."

The realisation hit almost everyone in the room except Wu Lin who was scratching the back of his head.

Huang Long shook his head with amusement and decided to dummy it down for him." We experimented on a prisoner and it was a success."

Zhong Yi took over from there. "We will soon be welcoming a new Ghoul subspecies into our home."