
New Emperor Of Ghouls

“I will find you” Yan Zhong Yi could still vividly remember the promise he made to the one that made his soul yearn for warmth and love Clenching his fist, Zhong Yi looked at the slowly dissipating barrier and the beasts on the other side, staring in with eyes brimming with greed, lust and anger. “ But first, I must make our home safe for you to return to” ______________________________________ After losing everything to the greed of humans, he was given a second chance to rebuild what was lost. He will bury thousands of comrades before slaughtering millions of enemies. He will conquer thousands of worlds before invading millions of others. He will make his entire race akin to royalty. He will be seen as the God amongst Gods. He will be an emperor No matter what it takes. _________________________________ Chapter are being updated and revamped. So you will probably be confused when reading the earlier chapters and the later chapters. _________________________________ Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me, if u are the original owner? artist? message me and I'll remove it. My novel was inspired by Shen Tian Yi's novel; the lords empire.

Daoist_kanukai · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Chapter 39: Soulmate?

The stale air within the spire rushed out at insane speeds, howling with indignation at being trapped within the spire for too long. Yan Zhong Yi's hair stick holding up the neat ponytail, flew along with the wind letting his purple flow down his face to his broad shoulders.

Even though he was slightly annoyed, he began to walk inside while he took another hair stick from his interspatial ring.

The annoyed feeling dissipated as soon as he stepped into the tunnel. Torches on the wall lit up as he walked past revealing beautiful artworks on the walls. From mosaics to paintings, the rich heritage and plentiful history of the Sacred Ghoul Empire was shown through the series of beautiful artworks on the wall.

He walked at a slow pace taking in everything and saw things, he never saw or read about in the royal library when he was younger. Zhong Yi knew it probably was the information only for the emperor and select individuals.

'I want those on the walls of my palace.' thought The Sacred Ghoul Emperor as he walked through the tunnel at a

At the end of the tunnel a white bridge leading to a platform in the distance surrounded by darkness. As soon as his foot left the tunnel, the large empty lit up with yellow light from the torches.

Zhong Yi was awestruck by what he saw, massive white chains hung down from the walls into the pitch black darkness below, From what he could see. Nothing held the white chains to the wall and a faint blue light could be seen. The end of the chain was attached to the bottom the white platform floating in the air.

As he walked to the floating platform, pressure was beginning to weigh down on his body. It was negligible. When he reached the platform, his expression showed a mocking smile. But underneath it, he was unsatisfied. He knew the benefit of pressure training and was hoping it would get stronger and push his body to the limit. It didn't do that at all.

On the platform was a pedestal sitting in the middle with an envelope resting on it

'How did this get here, unless it was left behind from the time of the third emperor.'

Leaving his musings in mind, he opened the envelope with anticipation and read it.

[Dear Xiao Yi

This may come as an unexpected, but you need to take all the words written within this letter as utmost importance.

Your arrival into the heaven awaken world stirred up chaos amongst the very powerful sects and empires as well as all the powerful entities because of a prophecy changing and you being that one. But, they don't know and I plan to keep it that way.

There are a number of things I have to say to you so remember them and burn the letter after.

First is you don't have much time before the heaven awaken world weakens. You must prepare. Take advantage of the stats and gather as many advantages as you can because you will need it.

Second is the spires are spread out amongst the kingdoms. None have been able to access it because they do not have royal blood. I managed to locate 12 of them including this one and the locations are on the map in the mind stone.

You will have to wait until you leave the legacy land before you can start looking for them and need strength to take them.

Third is that you have to put a drop of blood on the pedestal and the pyramid should come to life.

Now you don't have to, but I hope you can forgive me.

I had to send you away again because you had the potential to become a destined one plus you and I went to the world where the destined one begins his journey, the amount of energy created from a clash between you two would reveal your location to every powerful entity, who would do anything to control or take over you.

The leftover energy I had at my power, I used it to send you off in hopes you would come back again and I entered the six paths of reincarnation. If I put you through the path of reincarnation, you would've lost your bloodline and gained another.

You wouldn't be Yan Zhong Yi any more. You definitely wouldn't have the same body and I want you to keep this one. (Don't want to risk it and then your new body isn't as well-endowed as the original)

There is so much, much more I want to say, but time is short and so much would be detrimental towards your progress.

Please stay safe and protect our daughter.

Your soulmate]

He could see the watermarks on the paper where the traces of tears were barely hidden. Emotions welled up within him, but the lack of memories couldn't decipher why he was feeling this type of way.

'Wait a minute, to access the spire, they need to have Royal Ghoul blood. How on ear…'

His head sharply turned towards the exit, where he could feel a few senses approaching. The range he could sense people had expanded, not only could he pick up life signs inside the strange biome. He could sense a few kilometres into the forest.

The familiarity of their presences warmed his heart.

'I'm going to meet this woman,' the conviction in the thought surprised himself. Who knew he would be more determined to meet a woman, than to restore his empire. Luckily for him, both goals seem to correlate with each other.

Laughing inwardly, he bit his thumb once more letting the blood flow from the wound and grip onto the pedestal.

The spire began to shake; the platform under Zhong Yi's feat rumbled; dust from the years of neglect fell off the walls into the pit revealing a shiny red instead of the musty yellow from before. Lines began to throb with the walls like veins and the same magma-like liquid began to flow through the veins.