
How it begins

My name is Simon. Simon Lito.

I am 20 years old.

But it feels like that doesn't even matter as my grand dream is now shattered. In pieces.

I have been studying in Germany for two years now. My goal: To become a teacher. It has been my dream for about four or five years now. But that has pretty much come to an end now. Last year I already failed my exam in chemistry. I had to switch from chemistry to geography.

But now I have also failed my exam in biology. I don't know how to keep going now. For the last few weeks or rather months I have been avoiding this problem. But I have realized that this can not go on. I have to make a decision.

While mulling over the problem as I go to the supermarket I suddenly hear a voice in my head.

"You have been admiring me and my brethern for such a long time now. I see you going closer and closer towards despair. As you are one of the important pillars why I and my brethern can survive, I will give you a gift and a chance. Remember, my name is Thanatos. And of course you just walked over a bomb from 80 years ago. Hahahahaha!"

As this voice echos in my head, my sight suddenly goes black. I can't see anything or perceive anything. Only darkness is around me.

I suddenly notice a rainbow-colered light advancing towards me from the darkness. I put up my guard in anticipation of danger as I still cannot understand what is going on.

The light stops in front of me and stays still.

And then a voice begins to speak. It sounds pleasant and soothing. It makes me put down my guard.

Hello everyone,

thanks first for getting to this point. You have already read the first chapter.

This story can be considered to be my fantasies integrated with my own life. If you have any suggestions towards general developements or something similar please don't hesitate to let me know. I currently really don't know what to do with myself and I am just taking a try at writing. Let me know wheter or not you like it, where it can be improved and other things.

You have my gratitude for reading the first chapter and giving it a chance.


Bartimaeuscreators' thoughts
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