
Do You Want To Stay A thief?


If Long Jing is being honest that's not what he thought she would say. Normally when you catch someone sneaking out of your house with something so valuable that if you sell it can provide enough money for an entire family for the rest of their life the question "Do you want to stay a thief?" Won't come out in the conversation. Well, normally there won't be a convention at all, but this was not a normal job.

It all started 3 days ago, Long Jing walked the street searching whom to steal from. You see, Long Jing is homeless and not so good at Panhandle but he does have fast hands and know some magic tricks. In addition, after 5 years on the streets, he had good enough judgment to tell whom you don't want to steal from.

so Long Jing looked at the street from the side when someone passed by, it was a rich looking man and at the second Long Jing saw him he knew that by stealing from that man he will be able to not worry about food for at least a month but Long Jing had a bad feeling in his guts about this man, it was as if this man was so deadly that he could kill him with just a glance, so while the man bought things at the street shops Long Jing battled his inner self but although he knew it will be too dangerous he couldn't control his greed when he looked at the clothes which the man wore, he looked so rich that if Long Jing were to get his wallet he wouldn't have to worry about money for a month or even two.

So Long Jing unable to control himself went to the man got "accidentally" bumped into him and just kept going with the wallet in his hands.

After that Long Jing walked straight home, well to be more precise it is a big croak between two houses which almost none can find that can block the rain. He covered himself with his blanket, took the booze in one hand and a book in the other and after reading and drinking for a few hours he fell asleep.

The next day Long Jing woke up and after counting the money he had he went to work, no it's not like he did not have enough money for a few months it's just that he had just 3 years until he will get a status and he has to have enough money to buy a job so he won't stay a thief.

So he went to work stole a few wallets, watches and even groceries which will help him spend less money in this week.

When he finished he changed clothes so he will not look like a poor and went to the imperial library to read. Just before Long Jing went from the side street in to the main one someone grabbed him from the back, shut his mouth and took him into a back street. Long Jing Immediately took the dagger he always carry from his sleeve and tried to stack it in the most affective area - the crouch, but instantly the person took it from Long Jing and ingested him something, Long Jing started seeing everything blurry and passed out not before he heard the man behind him shouting at someone to help him carry Long Jing.

When Long Jing woke up he was strangled to a chair in a dark room and a dashing light was pointed right at his eyes, after his eyes l got used to the light enough to see a little bit Long Jing noticed that someone was sitting behind the lamp "who's there?" Long Jing shouted, after a moment of silence the person started talking "my name is Mr Fang and I am the head of the Fang gang whose district you used in the last year to steal from people" the second Long Jing heard the name of the gang Long Jing 'thought that's it ! I'm gonna die', you see as a thief you can't use the same place to steal all the time because you will get caught by the guards that's why 4 years in a row Long Jing never stayed in one place more than a week and never stole anything at the district which he lives in, but this year the district between the 6 street and the 13 street is controlled by the Fang gang and every crime is considered their doing that's why a guy like Long Jing who doesn't have their Magic tattoo isn't being suspected for thieving but that doesn't mean the fangs is okey with him stealing in their district "I heard you stole more than a year in my district without bringing the 50 percent we deserve, now normally we will give you 2 options: die or join us but today, because I heard you are a good thief." Mr Feng stopped and thought for a month "I guess that it's more like because you are extremely lucky, you have option three - you can do one job for me and you will be free from debt .you have 10 seconds to choose"

Long Jing needed only a second to think and immediately asked "what is the job?" In the second he thought Long Jing had enough time to reach to a conclusion that option 3 is the only one which he could choose, that's because no one wants to die so it isn't an option that's leaving him to join them or doing the job.Joining them might sound good, Long Jing will become part of a group strong enough to control 7 streets but he would have to put the tattoo on, you might think it's not big deal but it's not a regular tattoo it's a Magic one that give the one who's saplaing the blood to your ink a person you must obey practically making you a slave, that's why nobody betrayed the fang gang till now. Long Jing loves his freedom and he is not planning on staying a thief his entire life so that a no which makes opinion 3 the most appealing. So although opinion 3 is also probably very difficult and dangerous, course otherwise why not just make Long Jing one of your gang and make him do this job, or even just kill him and make someone from your own gang do this job. Long Jing still took the chance of freedom.״It's pretty easy," Mr Fang said "you just need to steal a Crystal ball from a house we will bring you to and give us it, as a perk you will get a job from the crystal." 'A job! And before the age 18' at that second Long Jing thanked his previous life whom probably did an extremely good thing which led him to that opportunity but also became also very suspicious about the reason. Unable to contain his curiosity Long Jing Asked "So why me? Why not someone from the gang? Or why not just make me join the gang by force and tell me to steal it?" Mr Feng looked like he did not care about telling Long Jing about the reason "The house that you will go into is enchanted so that no one can enter the house without the permission of the owner, but you who isn't 18 years old and haven't done anything to trigger the status can go in freely, in addition, In side the house there will be traps so I need someone who has ability as a thief. Do you know how rare of a person are you? In the entire city there are only 5 people like you." After finishing explaining Mr Fang stood up and told someone from behind Long Jing "Dose him" a cloth got on Long Jing face again and he dozed off while watching Mr Fang gets out of the room.

"Hay, wake up" someone is saying while slapping Long Jing in the face, Long Jing is opening his eyes and looks around to see two gigantic men near him with a really scary face pointing to a window. 'So I am in a car' Long Jing thinks and when he looked through the window he saw a huge, expensive, coming out of a fairytale looking house. "At the second floor, in the bathroom there is supposed to be a secret room. Look for it."

Long Jing got out of the van and went to the house and the more he got closer to the house the more terror Long Jing felt, at the beginning it felt like when you just woke up from a nightmare but when Long Jing got a few steps from the door he could actually feel a killing intent coming out of the house it was like the house knew Long Jing is going to steal from it and didn't like it one bit. Long Jing wanted to run away but when he looked back he saw the van and understood, If he got into the house he might die but if he will run away, dying will be the least painful. So Long Jing sucked it up, took out the lockpicking device he stole from a caught thief's house and opened the door.

The moment Long Jing got into the house, an arrow came straight at me, Long Jing dodged and kept going, after evading from another 4 traps which where a fireball, a lightning strike, a pit, and even a hurricane, Long Jing noticed that not a single thing in the house got broken or even moved. The fact that nothing got broken could be explained by a powerful spell but when Long Jing tried to move objects he could so why a hurricane couldn't? and that's when Long Jing understood that there could be only one explanation for this - none of the traps are real, it's all an illusion because if they were real even the best magician in the world couldn't help but move the staff even a little bit.

After understanding that it can't hurt him Long Jing went straight into the bathroom where the room supposed to be, he looked for a secret entry when he saw A bottom right next to the sink, he pushed it, the sink moved to the side and reviled a crystal ball of the size of a basketball. Long Jing reached his hand to grab it but an alarm suddenly went off. Long Jing Panicked, he just wanted to run away but he knew that if he won't bring the ball he would die so Long Jing grabbed it turned around and ran as fast as he could to the front door but as the door opened he ran into a man who grabbed Long Jing and pushed him inside and as he was pushed he could see the van who took him to the house drive away 'that's it I'm gonna die' was the thing that crossed Long Jing mind thousands of times in the few seconds after being pushed and then the man who pushed him inside became black, no not in a racist way, but true black like a shadow and from the shadow a gorgeous woman in her 30's came out, she was 1.7 meters tall Asian with black hair, black eyes, and slim body but Long Jing couldn't even think about it. right now the only thing he could think of was the enormous pressure that came from her and then she asked him a question- "Do you want to stay a thief?"

my first published book!!! (until now writing to the drawer)

not sure about the name (I am not good with names)

Tell me if you have better ideas

DAFRcreators' thoughts
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