

This world our different from others because the real world of them is a game but the earth and normal person for them was a fantasy.

Its opposite from what you though it would be.

In tons of players whispering,chattering.

there was a girl covering his face.

She weeps and looks at people laughing and humiliating her.

"Unfortunately, she has nothing in this world yet."

"She's just a Neet."


A voice of someone familliar walk towards him. She smiled as she saw his childhoodfriend first loved stop them.

"Thank you-" she thanked her but stopped her.

"Shut up, you're shameful to our party never joined us again !!" He looked disgusted at her.

Her smile faded away.

"Zen I want you." In the words she said, her tears fell and her eyes full of sadness.

He just laughed at her.

he smile at her evily.

the boy expression that she confess to was smilling and happy.

"Leave us Neet" The last words he said.

Her heart became pieces.

She run away and nowhere to go.

"Help please ... please .." she tried not to cry but she could not stop it.

"why? sobs..the world is unfair * sobs"

"here." The old man handed the handkerchief.

She accepted it and anointed her tears with a handkerchief.

"Thank you." He looked at the old man who gave him a handkerchief.

He smiled brightly, A smile that makes all smile.

"No need to thank me for doing nothing, thank me after I've done so much something for you"

"uh" she nodded to him

Two months has passed.

"Miko's breakfast is ready."

She looks at the old man who helped her.

'He's really sparkling.'

"Yes, Father." She smiled at him.

He walked towards kitchen smiling and her mouth drowning looking at the table dish.

"Woah, As I expected father" she sat in the chair and quickly took the fish as she ate it.

The old laugh looked at his daughter.

"You've never grown Miko" The oldman tease her

She burst into anger.

"Because you're growing very old, it's not good, you're sleeping and tired easily that is why you did not notice that I was mature?"

There are eyes together like a storm fighting each other.

"Fine, I'm lost."

She was confused about him,because that was the first time he retreat.

"Is there a wrong father?"

The old man smiled at her.

"No,nothing happened oh anyway I need to wash this plates first since I already finish eating"He smiled at her.

"father .."

He went out and shut the door.

She was feeling strange as something bad happened.

She shake her head trying to ignore of what she thinks.

When she finishes eating she goes to her room and lying there.

"Maybe .. that.was..just.normal.isnt?"

Her eyes felt dizzy and slowly began to fall asleep.

She wakes up quietly.

"Looks oldman was not waking up"

She walked into his room and did not see the old man.

"Is father working overtime?"

She walked toward the old room and opened the door.

but no trace of old man on there.

"I am sure he wasnt here yesterday because his room was not messy and he didnt even overtime on work also--"she realized something.

she quickly inspect of his fathers things but didnt find anything.

when she is about to arrange the bed she notice something on the floor.

"It was a letter"she took the letter that has red marked on it.

her tears began to fell.

She run outside,she run as fast as she can.

'why?'she stop infront of the cave and she saw the man full with blood in his t-shirt.

"Father!!!"She shout his name looking to the lifeless man behind her.

she let go of the letter and burst out of crying

the letter says:

Dear daughter,

I know your such an idiot since I meet you,your always crybaby so please when the time comes that I am not in the world please dont cry,well It cant help right?But please there is I wanna wish for you Lived.

I have fun being your fake father,also thank you for being a gooddaughter.

(:From your grown old very old oldman:)

Address sender:Dark Of Cave Curse

"Thank..*sobs..you.*sobs"she wipped her tears and look up to the sky.

"I,I definitely find the one who did this to you."

"I will make them suffer."her expression turned into anger.

"Thats my promise..."

'This is just beggining,And I will make sure not even a single one cant suffer to those who kill father.'

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