
Enter Noah Ward

"Where am I?"

A boy awoke in a dark space. He couldn't see anything further than a foot away.

He looked at his body and a horrible feeling wiped over him. His arms and legs were like twigs that could easily be snapped with one wrong move. He looked like a bag of bones.



A blinding light filled the room as the sound of a giant stone door sliding against the rocks filled the area. He walked towards the light and instantly the fresh air filled his lungs and the heat from the sun warmed his cold body.

He stood on a large mountain that looked over a lush green forest with several giant rivers coming from all directions. He turned back to the cave but there was nothing behind him. He stood there for a second basking in the light before starting his adventure down the mountain.

A few steps down the mountain he saw a wagon. The animal pulling the wagon had been killed, its stomach had been cut open and its guts laid out on the floor with a spear stuck in its ribs.

{Grab the weapon}

A robotic voice rang out in his head causing him to jump.


Before he could regain himself a small green man walked out of the forest.

{Hurry grab the spear}

The green man saw the boy and rushed at him like a wild animal. He fell to the ground dodging the first attack but his frail bones caused him to feel a little discomfort.

He rolled to the right dodging the knife that was aimed at his head, he kicked the green man with full force causing him to fall but his own leg had snapped.


The boy screamed in pain before rushing over grabbing the spear just in time before the small man rushed over again but using length to his advantage he sprinted over on his broken leg and thrusted the spear into its head.

{You have awaken a monsters ability: Necromancy}

{Monarch of the dead class has been obtained}

{You must come in contact with a monster to raise it as your own}

{You can now raise any monster you kill you or one of your undead must kill it to raise the monster your undead}

{You may feed souls of the dead monsters to your undead and it will become stronger}

{Good luck growing on your own}

Once again the robotic voice filled his head. He began walking over to the goblin as his body started to heat up, his whole body started to release a purple smoke as his arm and legs grew; they no longer looked like just bones.

He was now almost two meters tall with a slender frame, his hair readed the middle of his back and his eyes shifted from brown to green, if not for the mud covering his face one could see his perfectly smooth face and flawless brown skin.

{Body Restored}

He squatted next to the goblin placing his hand on his head.

"Emerge" he said the first words that came to mind as the same purple smoke covered the goblin.

Its body began to shake violently as its skin turned black and eyes purple.

{Goblin can now be summoned}

Three other goblins started to rush out of the woods at the boy. The black goblin swung his sword, breaking the spear. It continued its sword motion cleaving the head from the goblin. One of the goblins who was holding a bow froze as the black goblin rushed at him and swung his sword, cutting its head off. The boy killed the last goblin, slitting its throat.

After they had killed the goblins a purple ping pong sized ball floated out of their chest. The black goblin started at the ball, its mouth water as it waited next to the boy.

"Do you want it?" asked the boy as he grabbed the ball.

"Just this one"

He handed the goblin the ball and it instantly shoved it into its mouth and purple aura leaked from its body. Its skin become smooth and it grew to the height of one meter tall also losing the slight hunch when it stood.

{You have used a soul to strengthen your army}

{You have been rewarded basics leather gear}

'Is it black?'

The boy asked the robotic voice but only silence followed.

Light covered his body and black threads covered his chest, legs, and feet. Forming a set of black leather armor.

He quickly raised the last two goblins and continued walking. When they entered the forest the boy had seen several kids fighting goblins, some looked like complete amateurs as they wildly swung their swords. Thankfully most of the fights were one on one or they would have died.

He continued walking and saw a small boy with two swords fighting a group of 7 goblins. The boy didn't look like he was winning; he had cuts everywhere and the goblins were playing with him rather than killing him. He had shoulder length brown hair with a perfectly sculpted face for a child but his body was quite small.

"Go kill them" the boy pointed at the goblins and his black goblins rushed with their rusty swords while the boy walked behind them staying in the bushes.

The three black goblins jumped from the bushes and started to cut down the goblins. When the last goblin tried to turn and run, the boy had snatched it by the arms and swung it over his head slamming it into his knee knocking the goblin out.

The boy was sitting next to a tree surrounded by the black goblins. The boy held his blades up ready for the black goblins to attack.

"You all can eat two souls but save the rest" ordered the boy.

Two of the goblins rushed over while the one who had changed stayed next to him and another goblin brought him the souls after it finished its own. They left the last goblin soul like the boy said, standing next to the little boy with a goblin laying on the ground.

"Who are you?" asked the little boy.

The boy then began to hold his head as images of him running through the forest with a girl flashed through his head.

"N.. Noah" the words that escaped the boy's mouth weren't what he meant to say but his head was hurting the more he tried to think about it.

"I'm Hugo Agnor, I live in a village not too far from here." said the boy pointing at the village.

"Why are you out here killing goblins? You don't look that old," asked Noah trying to clear his head.

"After a kid awakens their ability we can decide whether to join the Academies or become an Adventurer" replied Hugo. "The Academies are holding a special selection test this year in our village. With your ability you could definitely make it." Hugo then put his head down.

"Are you trying to awaken your ability?" Asked Noah.

"Yeah but I don't know how to use a sword so they just dodge all my attacks" Said Hugo standing up.

"You want to kill this one?" said Noah as he held the goblin in front of Hugo.

"It already looks dead," said Hugo ``Plus that would be too easy. I want to kill one with my own strength," shaking his head.

"Fine, we can find you one." said Noah stabbing the goblin in the head giving its soul to his strongest goblin.

Noah quickly turned towards the forest as an unknown pressure pushed down on his body.

Noah and Hugo searched until sunset but they never found a goblin.

"It's getting kinda late, I should head back," said Hugo waving to Noah as he started to run into the forest.

The black goblin looked at Hugo before springing towards the bushes. Noah seeing this dashed towards Hugo grabbing him as an arrow shot past his face. Ten goblins rushed out of the bushes ready to kill Hugo and Noah.

"Here's your chance," said Noah as he kicked the first goblin in the chest, breaking its ribs killing it.

Noah grabbed one of Hugo's swords from his back before dashing into the group of Goblins. He rushed past the first two leaving them for Hugo while he handled the rest.

He grabbed one by its head using it to block the spear of another goblin, he then pulled the spear along with the goblin stabbing it in the head. Noah's strongest goblin slashed his sword, deflecting two swords before two other black goblins stabbed them through their neck.


From behind Noah felt a cold breeze as he looked back and saw Hugo holding two small knives made of ice. The other goblins were easily taken care of. Noah raised a few bringing his total to over ten goblins.

{You have raised more than ten goblins}

{you have unlocked Necromancers Ring}

{The Necromancers Ring allows you to store all your undead summons}

Hugo wouldn't stop talking about how he would become the strongest Mage in the world as they walked back to the village.

Hugo stopped at a fairly small house made of stone. A man who looked exactly like Hugo opened the door before picking Hugo, placing him on his shoulder.

"Can Noah stay for dinner?" asked Hugo looking at his father while sitting on his shoulder.

The man turned around to see Noah standing next to him. His facial expression changed as he looked at Noah and began to hold his head. Noah also began to feel a sharp pain in his head and another wave of vision flashed in his head.

"Sure," said the man walking into the house.

The inside of the house was small but it was enough a beautiful woman with long brown hair and blue eyes walked from the kitchen.

"Nick, Who was at the door?" asked the woman.

"It was just Hugo, he was excited to tell you something," said Nick, taking Hugo from his shoulder.

"Well he can tell me while we eat but first he must go take a shower he had blood all over him" Said the woman patting Hugo on the back pushing him towards the bathroom while looking at Noah.

"And who are you? I'm Lora" said the woman with a smile on her face.

"I'm Noah Ward and I saved Hugo in the forest earlier" Replied Noah

"Well, since you're staying for Dinner go get yourself cleaned up. I will prepare extra clothes for you so you can atleast get out of that armor," said Lora, pushing Noah into the bathroom.

After cleaning up Noah and Hugo's family sat down to eat dinner.

"Hugo, what were you so excited to tell me about?" asked Lora.

Hugo didn't even say a word he stood up placing both of his hands in front of him Hugo closed his eyes and started to breathe the room around Hugo got colder and you could see his breathing in the air Hugo opened his eyes and pushed his hands forward an ice wall that didn't even pass his knees came from the floor and broke after a few seconds.

Nick and Lora looked at Hugo with a face full of shock.

"Do you know what this means?" asked Nick looking at Lora.

"He will be able to get into any of the 4 schools in our empire. All he needs to do is pass the test in a few months. All four of the schools will come to our village in half a year. He just needs to make it." Said, Nick, looking at Hugo with joy in his eyes

"That's true but Hugo just awakened his ability and if he goes to one of the magic schools who will be there to take care of him none of the other kids in the village would even help him kill his first goblin so what makes you think they will help him? What If he starts getting bullied but we will talk about that after dinner we have a guest" Asked Lora eating her food.

"So Noah, do you live in the Riverforest or are you from another region?" asked Lora

Noah thought for a while before answering Loras' question he didn't know where he lived before he woke up in that cave. He didn't know if he was going to make up a story or tell the truth. The Agnor family were nice people and they even gave him extra clothes. Noah then told them about how he woke up in a cave. He even showed them his ability but he only showed them one goblin. After explaining everything Noah had finished his food and thanked Lora for the food before walking to the door ready to leave.

Lora looked at Nick with a sad expression on her face

"do something" whispered Lora

"Noah how about you stay with us?" Asked Nick, placing his hand on Noah's shoulder.

"I will only be here for 3 days after that I will be living on my own and why come you don't get rid of the goblin village" replied Noah

"Well we tried but the leader of the goblin village is a lot more powerful than a normal one and every time we kill all the goblins 500 more will come back if we don't kill the leader within 5 minutes and he can also use magic." Replied Nick.

Noah began walking to Hugo's room before stopping in the doorway.

"Nick, that might be him" said Lora "What do we do? We haven't seen him since we left Cain."

"We can only wait and see." replied Nick "If it is him then we will treat him like one of our own"

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