
Nature VS. Nara

The first book of the (Mother) Nature and (Father) Time fantasy series. The universe started with one being. Initially, it was only Time, also known as Eternity. For thousands upon thousands of years, Eternity ticked by alone in their vast black wasteland of nothingness. One day a voice spoke to them, explaining the creation of a new being who will bring light, warmth, beauty, color, everything, to fill this void and work alongside Eternity. This new being became known as Nature. With Nature came galaxies filled with stars, planets, creatures, and so many new things that Eternity had never experienced before. But with all of these new creations came a different kind of loneliness for Eternity. Nature had become too busy, leaving Eternity behind. One conflict between the beings gives way to an opportunity for Eternity to fill that loneliness. Nature creates a body for Eternity and sends them to earth. Eternity takes up the persona known as Emmit and experiences the earth up close in a way that had never been possible before. This opportunity is how Emit met Nara and grew to love the human race along with many of Nature's other creations. Everything seems fine, right? What happens when Nature becomes the one suffering from that hollow void created by loneliness?

LGGBux · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

<<Chapter 6: The Slave Boy>>

Emmit has separated the animals from their hides and laid them out to dry under the heat of the sun by the time Nara woke for the day. While waiting for the hides to dry out, Nara and Emmit cooked the meat from Emmit's hunt and ate what they could. Nara did not feel like staying alone for the day. She had grown accustomed to the warmth and conversation that comes from being with another person. She decided to help deliver the meat with Emmit.

Emmit decides to start his deliveries at the farthest part of the village today. Previously, he was unable to share with every single neighbor. He wanted to give the other neighbors a chance. As they approach the other side of the village, Emmit and Nara can hear shouting. A young man is being thrown out of a tall hut. He has no garments and is covered in dirt. They pause their deliveries to help this boy.

"Are you okay? What happened? Why are you outside alone?" Before Emmit can throw any more questions at the boy, Nara hushes him.

"Hi there. I am Nara and this is Emmit. We saw what happened over there. Are you okay?" Upon closer inspection, this boy is very small. He is very thin. His skin stretches tightly across his small frame, each bone and sharp point visible. The boy had hair like Nara's, long and dark, but his is not shiny or smooth. He barely reaches Nara's shoulders. 'What a tiny person,' thinks Emmit.

"I'm sorry," the boy attempts to flee before having to face the older people. Emmit and Nara chase after him, worried for his health and safety. Wandering too far from the village when you are as small and fragile as that child could be deadly. Emmit and Nara part ways to have a greater chance of finding him.

Emmit hears quiet, shallow breathing just behind him. He turns and sees a bush start to shake. Emmit walks towards the bush, making sure to not startle whatever is behind it. He pulls some of the branches back. It's the boy. The boy tries to stand to flee again, but Emmit grabs his arm before he can.

"Don't worry. Are you hungry?" Emmit offers some meat to the small creature. The boy accepts, gnawing viciously at the food he has been given. Emmit watches quietly. He makes sure to sit so that he is at eye level with the boy. Emmit has his hands placed on each knee, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. The boy finishes his meat and takes a step closer to Emmit.

"Who are you?" the boy asks.

"I am called Emmit. The woman you saw earlier is called Nara. We share a hut on the other side of the village, near the big forest. What are you called?"

"I don't have a name. I was never given one."

"Why not?"

"I don't deserve one. I am just a slave. I work and the people that I work for are nice enough to give me their scraps."

"That doesn't sound nice to me. Why did they force you to leave?" The boy shifts uncomfortably, head turned downwards, facing the dirt. Emmit stands and reaches for the boy's hand.

"Let's go find Nara. She will know what to do. She is very smart." Emmit shares with the boy. The boy is hesitant but follows Emmit.

After searching for what feels like a long time, Emmit gives up and shows the boy to the hut that belongs to Nara. When the are near, the see Nara walking back and forth. Her arms are crossed, and her face is blank. She is thinking. She thinks almost as much as Nature. She spots Emmit and the boy and rushes over to meet them.

"There you are! I searched for you both, when I couldn't find anyone, I went back home. I'm happy that you were able to find him and make it back." Nara waves at the small boy, crouching to not overwhelm him. Older people are sometimes scary in the eyes of the young ones.

"I found him behind a bush. He has eaten some meat. He says he does not have a name. He says he is a slave. Nara, what is a slave?" Emmit sits on the ground outside of the hut, holding the basket of meat on his lap.

"A slave? I didn't think there were any in this village," Nara makes a face that looks scary, scary like when Nature took away the light and brought a storm. "Emmit, a slave is someone who has been taken from their family. They are usually traded for food or garments or tools. The people that own the slave will force them to work until their bodies give out." Nara's hands are balled into fists at her side. Emmit pulls her arm so that she is sitting next to him. The boy stands before them, unsure of these new people.

"Why did those people throw you into the dirt outside?"

"They said I was not worth the food that they wasted on me. I am not very strong so cleaning is hard sometimes and I can't carry much so I am slow." The boy shrugs, deciding to sit with the strange people. He doesn't seem to have any ill feelings toward the people who abused him. Emmit pats the boy on the head. He has seen older people do this to their children when they wanted to comfort them.

"Are you still hungry?" Emmit offers another piece of meat but the child pushes it away.

"No, I have had plenty to eat. I need to get back to my master's before they become angrier with me for bothering you."

"Do not worry about them. If they come near, we will speak with them. Since you aren't hungry, would you like to clean yourself? The ocean is nearby. You can rinse off some of the dirt in there. I can make some new garments for you while you bathe," Nara offers.

"What is bathing?" Emmit pipes up.

"Oh. Emmit, take the boy to the ocean. Maybe he will be kind enough to show you how to bathe. How have you managed to stay so clean all this time?" Nara wonders aloud. Emmit simply nods and takes the boy, dragging him in the direction of the water that lies not too far from Nara's hut.

When they reach the water, the boy removes his ripped and incorrectly sized garments. Emmit repeats his action. They both enter the ocean together. The boy shows Emmit how to scrub the dirt off of his body and how to wash his hair. Emmit likes the feeling of the water on his skin as they do the activity called bathing. He will have to do this more often. They exit the water when they are finished. Emmit pulls on his clothing as does the boy. By the time they reach Nara's hut, she has already crafted new garments for the boy to wear. The boy tries on the new items. They fit nicely and are not ripped like his previous ones.

"That looks good. Do they feel okay?" The boy nods. "Well, now that you are both cleaned up, let's go into the hut and get something warm to drink. Walking around while you are wet is not good for you. You don't want to catch the sick." They do as they're told. Nara takes a container made from clay and places it above the fire. It has water inside. Nara adds leaves and flowers to the water before covering it with a flat piece of stone.

"So, no name? You haven't ever been called anything?" The boy shakes his head no. "Would you like to be called something?"

"I don't know. Is that okay?"

"Of course, that is okay. Why wouldn't it be okay for a person to have a name?" Emmit laughs at this notion. Nara and Emmit share many names with the boy, waiting for him to choose the one he likes best. He settles on the name Driss.

"That's a nice name. Driss. Do you like it?"

"I think so. I have never chosen anything before." Emmit glances at Nara, seeing that look on her face again. He will ask her about it later, after the boy, Driss, is asleep.

"There is still plenty of daylight out Driss, would you like to help Emmit and I deliver meat?" Driss stands and nods, reaching his arms out to hold the heavy basket.

"No no. Emmit can carry it. Emmit is very strong. You can just walk with us." The boy does as he is told. Emmit, Nara, and Driss decide to start with the neighbors who are closest again. This boy is feeble, and they do not want to push him too hard. Driss gets to meet Lok and Eryn and their family. The children of Lok spoke and played with Driss while Eryn discussed carving with Nara and Emmit. Nara was interested in everything that Eryn had to say. It seems like the people creatures are starting to learn how to think of others and care for each other. Emmit is pleased. He hopes to continue helping the humans and living with Nara and Driss.