
A hug and trouble

"Mmh it's so bright let meee sleeep"

And suddenly it's dark. Well that's wierd. Slowly I open my eyes only to see a shadow above me. "Haha you're here again little human" someone says with a deep voice. I know that voice it's Kurayami. "Hey Kurayami it's you again. I missed you." now I can see his head right in front of me. I get up and outright hug him. "He HEY human wha what are you doing. Hey stop that with whatever you doing right now! " heh its fun to mess with him. But thinking about his words I frown. "You don't know what a hug is? " I tilt my head to the side, still frowning. "Human you call that a hug. Mhh eh em what is It? Why do you do it?" his voice is getting smaller at the end. Wow the big strong dragon can get embarrassed how cute. "Well you hug someone to show your own feelings towards the other. You really like this someone and want to show that too. Mhh I don't know how else to describe it its just that actions speak louder than words. Ya know. " I say to him and I hope he understands. "I think I know what your getting at." he says and takes his head back. Now he sits down and his arms are reaching for me. Heh wha what is he doing. He takes me into his arms really carefully and holds me up to his face...


He's hugging me. He's pressing me against his head. And I think he's blushing. Wow really never thought he could blush. He always looks so cold but he's just really lonely I think I can understand him now. And now I'm hugging him too now. It's really nice and his scales are really warm.

But suddenly I'm starting to fade away. "Well looks like you're waking up again." he says. "Oh no I don't want to leave you I, I want to stay here a little longer" now I'm really sad we just had such a great time and now I'm leaving. That's not fair. "Don't worry my little human we will see each other again, till next time."

And with one last strong hug from my side everything fades away.




Mhh it's really warm. I open my eyes and see Kashi sleeping. He looks really peaceful like this. Carefully I get up and try to be silent. He deserves some sleep, yesterday was a really long day. I go into the kitchen and deside to make some breakfast. Just some egg and bacon. I open the refrigerator only to see nothing. Nothing at all....

Well looks like we completely forgot the food yesterday. But I still want to make some breakfast so I have the bright idea to just slip away. I take some of Kashis money out on my clothes and go outside. Before that I right a small note:

*Hey Kashi, I will get back soon so don't worry when I'm not here when you wake up. I will get some things for breakfast so see ya later*

And with that I'm gone.

Its really early so the streets are relatively empty. Here and there are some people talking and getting to work.

I'm looking for something like a grocery store so I look around a bit. Till now I don't had any chance for this. The village is really colorful and I like it. Even more when it's not so busy.

I'm walking around only to stop in front of a dead end. Just great.

"Hey wind are you there I kinda need you help." and as if summoned I can hear him. "I'm always here for you my little flower. Hehe and I see you're lost are you not? Well what were you looking for." he laughs at me. Mhh great. "Hey that's not funny and I was just looking for a grocery store. Can you help me?" I ask with a pout. "Of course little flower I will always help you. You just have to - " he paused. Just as I want to ask him why he stopped he continued. "Shh don't talk someone is near. It's an Anbu on top of the roof. But I don't think he has bad intentions maybe ask him. " Mmh that's a great idea.

"Hey is here someone I really need some help. Please." I shout out and hope the Anbu will hear my cry for help. I must have heard me but what is he waiting for. He's hesitant. Now I really have to do it.

Tears are in my eyes now and I'm crying. "Ph Please ah I newt help. Sh someone. " I say between hiccups still crying.

Well look like he came to a decision. He's suddenly standing in front of me.

I frighten back and fall. I can stop my fall with my hands but now there bleeding. Of course I had to fall on sharp rocks. Well now I'm crying for real. It really stings.

I look at my hands and then to the Anbu. He wears a cat mask.

I lift up my arms and look at him with puppy eyes that say pick me up. "I it hurt" I say between my hiccups. And that's the last straw for the Anbu. He couches down and picks me up. Now I'm sniffing into his neck. He puts a hand on my back and looks a bit helpless when I don't stop crying.

"Are you alright kid?" he asked in a cold voice. "Mh eh I-it hurts I want Kashi." and I cry harder. "Kitty want Kashi." and now the Anbu is really restless. "Please don't cry we will get you your Kashi. Where is he?".... "Home" "And where is home show me the way. "... "I I can't I'm lost." and now I'm crying even harder. It's funny to mess with him but I'm really lost and I want Kashi. I should have gone with him.

"I eh em we will find him don't worry I will get you home. Please stop crying. " Kitty is tense and tries his best.

Suddenly he jumps onto the roof and takes of with me in his arms.

---------------------------pov Anbu Cat---------------------------- The small girl is still crying in my arms and I don't know how to stop her. Why is she even alone it's dangerous. Where are her parents. I'm angry I don't know why I should not feel this emotion. So where could I find her guardian who could know. Of course Hokage-Sama. I take of toward the tower. She clinks to me even harder but she's still crying. I hurry up and now I'm in the tower standing in front of the desk. "I need to meet Hokage-Sama." I say in a cold voice. "Hokage-Sama is in a meeting with the Clanheads at the moment you can't meet him right now Anbu-San"

Well shit... Not only is she not stopping but now others look at me like I kicked a puppy. I would have asked Nara-Sama next but he's in the meeting too.

Well I will take her to the Headquarters. Surely someone has to know her right. This time I just use the Shunshin to disappear fast from all the prying eyes.



I'm in the teams locker room and head to Captains office. I knock and step inside when I can hear his voice welcoming me .

"Cat why are you here you should be on patrol duty and who is this child you know that nobody other than Anbu are allowed here." Captain says and I can't tell if he's angry or annoyed by me.

"I know captain and I'm sorry she's a girl I picked up in the village. She's lost and crying for her guardian but I don't know who it is I never saw this child before. I can't get her to stop crying and it not healthy. I wanted to ask Hokage-sama but he's in a meeting with the clanheads. Do you know someone who could know her parents?" I say and kneel in front of my captain. "Mmh these are valid points no child this young should be alone. Cat I have a mission for you. Take care of this child till we can find her parents its a team mission so take the others with you I will look und the files of missing children. Maybe I can find something. Dismissed. "

" Thank you captain I will do my best. "

I walk outside of his office and straight to our training fields. The team should be there.


I can see the team sparring right now and don't want to disturb then right in the middle of it so I will just wait.

The Kid suddenly raises her head to look at them and stops crying. Yes at last. She's looking at the fight really attentive and look like she likes it. Her eyes are shining and still wet from her tears. I'm angry who would leave such a cute child alone.




After maybe half an hour the fight is over and the team take notice of me. "Hey cat who is this child and what is with your patrol duty?" hawk asks. "We have a new mission. Our mission is to find her parents and take care of her in the mean time. Captain is looking though the missing children reports. Hawk and Bear you will look in the market for her parent, pander and I will look near the park at them. The rest will look in the rest of the mission ask other Teams and maybe the outpost for help when needed. Understood?"

" Yes understood. "

" Then what are you waiting for go. Pander with me. " and with that the search begins.

-------------------------------pov end---------------------------------




Well I hope you liked this chapter. It's a little longe since I didn't post one last week. Hope you're not toooo upset with me and I promise I will definitely post at least one chapter this week maybe more hehe who knows.

So stay tuned and have fun.

Lumina_Wolfcreators' thoughts
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