
Natsu Dragneel in DXD

Contínuo · 1M Modos de exibição
  • 37 Chs
  • 3.8
    16 Avaliações
  • NO.200+

Its is written by 03JTunice ...............

Chapter 1Dragons' Departure Dragon King's Return

"Grow up Natsu Dragneel! Not everyone can be equally happy!" Future Rogue shouted as he shot out beams of Shadow and Holy Dragonslaying Magic towards Natsu as he narrowly dodge them, getting minor cuts around his body.

"That's true, but it doesn't mean we have to follow your future! We can choose our own and go through it because that's the choice we made!" Natsu screamed getting closer to Future Rogue.

"That is a child's way of thinking it! I have to have the world follow me so I can defeat Acnologia and become the king of this world!" Rogue shouted in anger as he wanted to kill the nuisance right in front of him.

"I don't need to know what will happen in future time! Cause I can fight to the fullest today!" Natsu shouted in disagreement at Evil Rogue's way of thinking.

"Natsu!" Atlas Flame shouted at him, stretching his claw out as he lit Natsu on fire with his flames and launched him towards Rogue. As Atlas did that Natsu rocketed towards Rogue at blinding speeds as he knocked him on down on the Dragon catching him on fire.

"Aaarrrhhhggg!" Rogue screamed as he felt his body literally burning and catching on fire.

"RROOOAAARR!" Natsu screamed aloud as the attack was so powerful that it sent the Dragon flying down to as its body caught on fire too. The more time past falling at high speeds towards the ground the more intense and powerful the fire grew as it was now roughly the size of half the Castle.

Location on the ground near the Eclipse Portal:

"If by some chance the gate in this era is destroyed, the Eclipse Gate in the future will cease to exist as will I." Yukino said, reading aloud the text in Future Lucy's journal.

"What does that mean?" Arcadios asked looking at Lucy.

"Well if the portal is destroyed now, in the future Evil Rogue won't be able to access it. Which means the Dragons never came in the first place." Lucy explained.

"So if we're lucky both the Dragons and Rogue will disappear from this time period." Happy said analyzing the situation.

"It's worth a shot!" Charla said enthusiastically.

"But there's only one problem...how do we destroy such a large structure?" Panther Lily said thinking.

"It would be made even harder since it was built from Maginanium, a magic resistant material." Arcadios said.

"Huh? What's this heat?" Yukino asked no one in particular turning around with a shocked look on her face. As Happy saw what Yukino was looking at he panicked and screamed.

"Everyone move out the way! Get away from the gate!" He yelled in urgency. When they realized what Happy was talking they ran away in fear as a fiery object the size of a meteor was racing towards them. Anyone who was not holding on a sturdy structure at least 400 meters away was sent flying and even those who were holding onto something had time struggling against the winds of the explosion.

For a few seconds the city was encased in a bright red light. When it died down the mages(and Exceeds) were down hurting and struggling to get up. Finally when they succeed in standing they were surprised to see bruised Natsu standing over a scorched Rogue on an even more smoking Dragon both down and defeated. But what they saw next made their excitement rise as the Eclipse Gate was obliterated and the Dragons all around the city were glowing and disappearing to their own time.

When Happy was done celebrating with the other Exceed he looked at Natsu and saw that he was having a conversation with Evil Rogue about something but brushed it off as Natsu usually does that with his defeated opponents.

"I will never forget you... Natsu Dragneel." Atlas Flame said as he to disappeared from the battlefield.

"Thank you...Uncle Atlas." Natsu said sadly but cheered up as his best buddy Happy came flying into his torso almost knocking him down from the force while Happy was trying desperately to wrap his puny little arms around his Dragon Slaying friend.

"Hey Happy how's it going!" Natsu asked cheerfully.

"Wah, Natsu! The explosion you made nearly killed me dummy!" Happy whined crying but still had a smile on his face. "I was so worried after dropping you off with that Fire Dragon but it turns out he was good! And then you go and fight Evil Rogue again and had your butt handed to you until you did that final attack!"

"Hey my butt was not handed to me! In fact I'm the one that served his burnt ass on a plate!" Natsu said getting a little angry that his furry friend didn't believe in him, but who cares he did still beat Rogue.

"Oh Natsu, you're in denial." Happy said shaking his paw him.

"Hey!" He screamed defense but still with no come back.

Location with Gajeel:

"Well that was... unsatisfying." Gajeel said leaning his back against a wall.

Location with Sting and Rogue:

"Man, we didn't even kill one Dragon. Makes me sick to have someone call me a DragonSlayer." Sting said in disappointment.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure our Dragons would slam us into the ground and train us till we drop everyday if they were here." Rogue said getting a laugh from Sting. "But I promise...I will never turn into that monster, you hear me...Sting."

"Of course we'll always be together no matter what!" Sting said with a smile trusting in Rogues words. "Now let's go and meet with the others already."

Location near the castle:

Natsu and Happy were sitting on the rubble letting Wendy and Chelia heal their wounds and Natsu was happy that he got a new badass X-shaped scar on the left side of his abdomen. As he looked around Natsu smiled at everyone getting along. When the fight with the Dragons was over all, the guilds met where the gate collapsed and started to converse while making some new friends.

When Wendy left Natsu grinned again as he put Happy on his lap, that was until he felt a jolt of fear course through his body. Breathing heavily as his Draconic instinct told him to run. Turning to look at Gajeel he saw that he was in the same condition as they both locked eyes. The nodded their heads at each other as they knew that He was coming and needed to get everyone out of here. While the First and Third generation Dragonslayers were getting prepared the rest of the guilds were having a small party mostly because they were to tired to go all.

"EVERYONE! LISTEN UP, YOU NEED TO ESCAPE AND RUN AS FAR AWAY FROM THE CITY AS POSSIBLE!" Gajeel yelled out at the mages getting their attention.

"Uh! Why should we do that!? We won!" A random person cheered getting a few statements of agreement from the crowd.

"Listen, you all have to escape while you can or you'll regret it! Just listen to us Dragonslayers and you'll all get out of here unscathed!" Natsu said his fear rising as he felt That Dragon coming closer every second.

"We shouldn't have to listen to you so called Dragonslayers! You didn't even kill a single Dragon!" Another random person spat out as they put salt on the already hurting wound.

"Natsu would you please tell us what going on so we can understand." Erza asked in a soothing tone trying to recuperate the slayer's feelings. It took a while before someone answered and that person was Wendy.

"He's coming." She whispered under her breath shivering.

"What? Sorry I couldn't pick it up." Erza said.

"He coming." Wendy said shaking uncontrollably this time.

"And who might I ask is coming?" Erza asked again getting more curious at the Dragonslayers' behavior.

"Acnologia." Sting said plainly his hair shadowing his eyes as he looked towards the ground. This time Erza froze at the name mentioned and so did everyone around who was also curious about the slayers' behavior.

"ACNOLOGIA!" Natsu screamed having everyone freeze and look at him. "HE'S COMING! ACNOLOGIA'S COMING HERE, SO RUN!"

With that, everyone ran pushing and trampling over others but it was to late as a deafening roar was heard. Turning their heads slowly in fear toward said roar they saw it. Acnologia in the flesh speeding towards them at unbelievable quickness breaking even mock speeds. With another roar Acnologia unleashed a devastating beam of energy from his jaw creating a chain of explosions of where he last was. Stopping over the group of scared mages he started charging up another roar.

Natsu stared up in fear as what was happening right then was a replay of what happened 7 years ago. He got to his knees screaming in pain while holding his stomach as unbearable heat come from it and he was surprisingly suffering from it too. His guild mates looked at him in worry as his torso was glowing a bright red-orange and a dragon's head could be seen forming. The more the head shone and appeared clearer the more Natsu screamed in agony. After a few a second's practically everyone started to move away as the heat coming of of Natsu was scorching.

To everyone's surprise Natsu let go of his stomach and arched his back screaming once again as the light got bigger blinding all of them wanting to open their eyes. But after what they saw they all wanted their eyes to be closed shut again.

A giant blood red Dragon appeared in the sky and head-butted Acnologia in the neck stopping his so to be roar.

"RRROOOAAAARR!" The new red Dragon roared as it got ready for battle.

"RRROOOAAAARR!" Acnologia did the same as they both flew at each other in speeds inhuman and head-butted each other sending shock waves that were even making the ground tremble.


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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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