
Naruto X Boruto: Leaf's Value

And so for some reason, I am now Konohamaru and I am armed with a system, the problem is why am I older than Naruto? Why is he calling me Nii-sama? Why does he look a bit different? The fuck? Seems like I reincarnated after canon... That's not so bad, I guess the current world is a relatively safe one.

AllBullshit · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Striving to become "the" Monkey King

"Oh Yes!" I couldn't help but jump in joy! That one was a score, now I too get to transform and look cool just like Naruto and stuff!

Hahaha! Welcome the new Monkey King Konohamaru! 

Wait thinking about it there is already a monkey king in this world? Sangoku the tailed beast wasn't it? 

Then there is also Enma the summon of my deceased grandfather... Kishimoto, I see you.

[Charyok: Hui Mori can now be used at will.]

I felt myself become considerably stronger just by it becoming active... My current raw physical abilities got at least a 100% boost, and chakra being linked to it all got 3 fold increase. Insane wasn't it? 

The thing is, I am not even actively using it, this is just a passive boost!

Information started flooding my brain about how to use it and the different abilities it gives me access to.

Martial Talent.

Accelerated Growth.

Superhuman Healing Factor.

Fiery Eyes and Golden Pupils.

Clones Creation.

And last but not least: The Monkey King Mode.

Well, the only problem is all those are a notch weaker than the original Jin Mori's but I won't complain. That's already a great boost to my actual strength.

Plus there's another reason why I am so excited.

I held an arm and willed to summon a gourd... It was the Gourd of the Monkey King. 

And why am I so entrailed by it you ask? It's because it has a bunch of nifty abilities.

One of which is storage, a memory storage. You see where I am with this right? I will be able to relive through all of the Monkey king's memories and experience them, better assimilating his abilities and fighting techniques.

And just that was by itself enough to boost my combat prowess to a new high, but I also got the complete package! Oh lord, you have indeed blessed me.

Now I won't even have to worry about little things like how to find training ground number five anymore and stuff.

I used another ability given to me by the Charyok, The Fiery Eyes and Golden Pupils. It had many abilities, but the one that was useful right now was the extended field of vision it conferred to its user and the ability to see through matter and energy.

  As I left the house I jumped on the top before once again jumping as high as I could. Soon enough I found myself among the cloud, I could oversee the village in its entirety. 

And indeed it was very different from what I remember, it seemed like this world is now way more technologically advanced than before, but I digress, I will have time to investigate that later, for now, I have to find that kid.

I called upon my magic cloud and stepped on it to stay in the stay, then my gaze swept through the entire village in an instant, I noticed a couple of individuals with unreasonable amounts of chakra...

"The one with the most, in the Hokage office, should be Naruto, I can feel his chakra is different than the others... six-path shit. I can also kinda feel Kurama I think."

But I gazed away, lest they notice me for some bullshit shonen reason, and seconds later my eyes locked on Naruto's son, he seemed to have just arrived at the training field, fortunately.

I crouched down in a squatting position, before pushing myself off the cloud toward Boruto's direction. I felt the air stir and oppose me, but I easily ignored it through sheer durability.

It didn't take me long to arrive where I was supposed to be, but now the question was, how to slow down? I didn't know.

So I didn't bother to try anything and left nature to follow its course, I landed on the ground with a big boom, cracking the ground and creating a Nuage of clouds.

"What the heck! Who is that!" The kid hurriedly jumped back, covering his face with his hands to protect himself. 

Through the cloud of dust, I could see his body tense up in preparation for any attack. A ninja huh?

"Ahem!" I coughed while clearing the dust away with a swing of my hand... Aren't I cool? I felt giddy inside, it was always I who watched behind the screen, but now I also get to have powers and act cool!

Now I understand how Cid Kagenou felt when he reincarnated!

"Konohamaru-sensei? Why would you do that? Though I have to admit that was kinda cool." Naruto's son is it not? I don't know your name yet, but I already like you.

"Don't worry about it, Something just happened to me recently so I was testing some stuff," I said dismissively while still marveling at my own strengh. Though perhaps due to my new abilities, I was adapting quite easily.

"What kind of stuff?" He didn't catch on and asked anyway.

"Good stuff, Just know that I got a whole lot stronger. Perhaps am I not that much weaker than the Hokage anymore?" I joked, but it could become true soon enough.

"Yeah right, sure." He deadpanned, not believing me at all, that little fucker... Anyway.

"So back to business, you want to learn that?" I created a Rasengan but while I did I noticed that it didn't form as easily as before. It should be because of my chakra increase. Gotta deal with that quickly.

"Yes, exactly, so where do I start." 

"Bring out those water balloons first," I instructed while dismissing the Rasengan and watching him take out a sealing scroll before unselling some balloons.

"That should be enough for now. Give me one." I held one in my hand and started instructing him on what to do with it.

"There are three stages of exercise to master the Rasengan. This is the first one. You have to pop this balloon with nothing but your chakra. Watch and copy me." 

I made my chakra spin inside the water balloon making it wiggle and soon explode.

"Try it." I encouraged him. 

"Hn..." For his merit, he did try, but I know full well that it's not an easy jutsu to master, it's not something you can achieve in a couple of days.

"What that's too much! Why are we even doing with water balloons? There has to be a better way." He threw it on the ground after trying for 10 minutes.

Looking at this I sighed, that kid is even less patient than Naruto.

"Listen, kid, this jutsu is grade A, it took the Fourth, your grandfather, years to create this jutsu, and another half a year to master it. And believe me a genius like him, you will hardly find in a hundred years. Even your father, a genius in his own right and the strongest man in the world right now, took more than a month to master it. Did you really think you would be able to do it in a single day?" I seriously asked him, even, I wouldn't accept such a level of disrespect toward a jutsu that accomplished so much.

"..." He became silent, thinking over my world presumably. 

I think I understand a bit of his character at this point, let's try it this way.

"Look here, You want to surpass your father right? Then start by doing better than him, master the Rasenhan in less than a mouth! And you would have that over him. I myself did it in two months if you can't even accomplish that then consider yourself talentless.

That seemed to be enough to revigorate him and put some air in his ass.

"Two mouths? Ah, One mouth? Don't underestimate me, I am Boruto, the ultimate Genius! Watch how I do it in two weeks!" 

So his name was Boruto, That naming sense, yeah sounds about right.

So we started his training. While he did his, I also did mine as I kept an eye on him at the same time.

I wanted to get familiar with my new body and strengh, Get a hand around manipulating chakra, and see how the village developed after the plot.

So many things to do and so much time! I wasn't in a hurry.

I was surprised to see Boruto figure out the trick and pop out the water balloon in only two days.

He wasn't bragging, after all, he is truly a genius, a rude brat yes but still a genius.

Next, I presented him with a rubber ball and showed him how to make it explode. Thus started the second stage of his training.

Three other days later, I was already familiar with my body to an acceptable level, and he came to find me at my house, late at night, showing me how he was successful in the second step. I felt like having a taijutsu sparring but I held myself back and presented him with the last step, before making him scram.

Also, I have been using the Gourd to experience the Monkey King's memories at night and assimilate his experience, It's just that man lived so long it couldn't be done in a couple of nights, it would take at least 3 months.

Seeing that, I decided to skip most of his early life and go straight to the later part of his life as the Sun Wukong. I also was pleased to see that I had access to the part of Jin Mori's life until his fight against Satan:666.

Meaning I could learn his martial arts and stuff, awesome isn't it?

While I did that during the night, I trained my chakra control during the day along with revising those Jutsu within the scroll of the third Hokage I found in my home, turns out that the old man left him quite the inheritance. 

I familiarised myself with all the Jutsu I remember Konohamaru using in the anime, along with learning a few others.

It was then that I discovered I had more familiarity with fire, lighting, and wind release compared to the other elements and that told what nature transformation the original Konohamaru trained in and mastered.

So I built up on that and concretized everything, it wasn't even difficult to be honest, I may not remember, but my body sure did, and chakra control was very much like a muscle.

The next day, I went to the public library to read about what happened after the last ninja war, what I saw didn't shock me, but it was an eye-opener of sorts.

Then he talked to Boruto a bit about his relationship with his father while playing the role of the worried big brother, I learned many interesting things. And most I heard I didn't like really.

Naruto, to think you of all people would neglect your child... You may have achieved your dream but it should not take precedence over your family, you have more than enough way to make everyone happy, to be honest.

I do understand his position, but anyway, not my business, I also heard about the other team member, Sakura Uchiha... yeah I know who her father is and Mitsuki.

I was wondering who was that girl spying on us from the trees every day, I didn't do anything about it because she seemed relatively weak, but she turned out to be Sarada.

Don't know who the last one could potentially be, but It would be strange for me to ask so I didn't. Guess I will have to find out myself.

In reality, my only concern was that I was still level 0, I did receive the Exp notification many times, but I still couldn't level up for some reason.

Meh, I am just not gonna think about it, let's make do with what we already have.

Now Another five days have passed, and I kept growing stronger, gaining more combat experience and maturing more fight-wise, I understood much of the temperament of the Monkey King.

And I have to say, that guy was a menace like no other, he was my new idol! Man pulled up in heaven and stirred shit up, wreaking havoc among Gods and likes.

As I thought I heard a knock on my door, bringing me out of my half awake half sleeping state.

It must be that brat, at least he learned how to knock instead of shooting my name.

I leisurely walked toward the door before opening it and resting on the frame with my arm crossed.

"Supp kiddo." I asked, but I could tell what was up just by looking at his proud face.

"Nii-san, I did it! In Under two weeks, I mastered the Rasengan!" his nose pointed to the sky in pride, I knew what he wanted to hear, but since he really did something even I didn't judge possible, I will have to admit it.

"Really? Then show me." I still wanna see though even if I believe him.

"Okay, so watch this." I used the Fiery Golden Pupill just in case.

I saw his two hands getting closer and the chakra in his body malaxing and traveling to said hand before taking a familiar shape. It was smaller than a normal Rasengan but it was indubitably one.

But there was something different with his, I could tell, there seemed to be a chakra nature imbued in it, lightning!

He didn't do it on purpose, in fact, he didn't even realize it, or knowing him he would have bragged about it.

Wait you are telling me he did that unconsciously? That freaky monster, you know how hard it was for Naruto to add wind release to his Rasengan? He did special training for it too... but you.

Nah man, I am done with this Family of monsters, The grandfather was a genius, and the father is a God-like being now the son is also a monster in his own right.

Yeah I am done, I am done, I AM DONE!

Wait, I need to calm down, and take a deep breath, yes, I don't need to be jealous I am also not ordinary myself, I follow the path of the Monkey King!

"What do you think?" He asked me with expectation.

"You did it, This is indeed a Rasengan. You beat not only me but also the Lord Seventh. You can be proud of yourself." I patted his head while praising him.

"I told you I would do it!" 

"Yes, yes you did, now go show it to Sasuke-san." I sent him away so I could have some peace of mind.

"Oh yes right, it was for that." He seemed to have forgotten for a second the true reason for his need to learn the Jutsu. I could even see the moment the realization  hit him. 

"Thank you Konohamaru-nii, I will be off!" He ran away.

"That little rascal." I said with a smile. The one teaching a genius must also be a genius right?