
Naruto : The System Files

Naruto has always had video games to fall back on growing up while the rest of the village pretty much treated him like garbage. What happens when Naruto wakes up to find his life has become one of the video games he loves so much. -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Any similarities between real people, living or dead, or places, standing or demolished, in this story are just coincidences. But if you like what I do and want to support me, you are more than welcome to donate on Place of Patrons.

Adamo_Amet · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter no.4 Uzumaki Clan

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Inside the bathroom, Naruto sat on the toilet, his hands covering his face, as a torrent of emotions surged through him. The revelation of an existing Uzumaki family—a clan to which he belonged—shook him to his core. Tears streamed down his cheeks, a mix of joy, sadness, and anger.

'I had a family all along,' he thought, his heart aching with the realization.

Why didn't anyone tell me? Why did I have to find out like this?

The weight of years spent alone, the orphan boy who had to fend for himself, hit him like a tidal wave. He felt a profound sense of loss for the years and connections he could have had. At the same time, there was a burgeoning sense of happiness, an unfamiliar warmth that spread through him.

'I'm not just a nobody,' he thought. 'I'm an Uzumaki. I have a family, a history, a clan that's mine.'

The knowledge filled him with a sense of pride and belonging he had never experienced before. But it was also tinged with a deep-seated frustration.

Why me? Why now? After all this time? What does it mean to be an Uzumaki? Who were they? Who am I?

Naruto, still grappling with his emotions, swiped right on the system window. His eyes landed on the icon for the Uzumaki Clan, distinguished by a symbol of a crimson swirl.

[ Uzumaki Clan: Renowned for their bright, red hair, members of this clan possess incredibly strong chakra. They are skilled in Kenjutsu and renowned for their prowess in Fūinjutsu-the art of sealing. ]

Naruto patted his blond hair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

Red hair, huh? Guess I'm half Uzumaki then.

As Naruto selected the Uzumaki Clan affiliation, the system window underwent a transformation.

[ Name: Uzumaki Naruto ]

[ Lineage Traits: N/A → ]

- [ Chakra Chains ] (Locked)

- [ Mind's Eye ]

- [ Healer's Body ] (Locked)

[ Class Features: N/A → ]

- [ Scrolls Arts ]

- [ Fuinjutsu ]

Naruto couldn't help but smile.

For so long, he had felt like an outsider, but now, he finally had a place in a legacy—the Uzumaki Clan.

He sighed, a realization dawning upon him. I must find the Uzumaki Clan. They are famous, right? But why have I never heard of them? he pondered before realizing he had never truly paid attention to his studies. This revelation prompted a vow to take his education at the academy seriously from now on.

Suddenly remembering the class and race features, Naruto eagerly clicked on them.

[ Lineage Trait: Chakra Chains ]

[ Description: A legendary ability of the Uzumaki Clan, enabling the materialization of dense chakra outside the body in the form of chains. ]

[ Status: Locked ]

[ Unlock Requirements: ]

- [ INT (Intelligence): 25 ]

- [ WIS (Wisdom): 30 ]

- [ CON (Constitution): 27 ]

Naruto was amazed by this, but his excitement quickly faded when he read that the trait was locked.

[ Lineage Trait: Mind's Eye ]

[ Description: A sensory technique that enhances perception. Historically used by the Uzumaki Clan to navigate and survive the tides of the Village Hidden by Whirling Tides. Activation requires closing one's eyes and visualizing an eye opening. ]

Naruto excitedly closed his eyes and tried to visualize it. For a brief moment, he saw an image of the entire academy in his mind, with each chakra signature vividly visible. However, the experience was overwhelming, and he quickly opened his eyes, feeling a sharp pain in his head.

For the next few minutes, Naruto sat there, trying to ease the migraine that had set in.

'Yatta, that hurts but that was awesome—at-te-ba-yo.'

[ Class Feature: Scroll Arts ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ Description: A unique style of combat involving Jutsu scrolls, which is the signature combat style of the Uzumaki Clan. ]

[ Current CapabilityAt level 1, you are capable of using up to four different scrolls in combat. ]

[ Class Feature: Fuinjutsu ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ Description: The art of sealing, originally crafted by the son of the Sage of Six Paths and subsequently mastered by the Uzumaki clan. Fuinjutsu is so closely associated with the Uzumaki that it is often mentioned in the same breath as the clan itself. ]

[ Current Capability: At level 1, you are unable to create complete seals. You can only craft basic kanjis and arrays. ]

Gazing at the skills displayed in the system window, Naruto vowed to grow stronger, to master these skills that connected him to his Uzumaki heritage. He cautiously peeked into the classroom, noticing it was empty except for Iruka, who was engrossed in an orange book, chuckling to himself.

"Iruka sensei?" Naruto called out, causing Iruka to scramble and quickly hide the book.

"You brat, where were you? It's lunchtime..." Iruka began, his voice stern.

But he suddenly stopped, noticing the redness in Naruto's eyes, as if he had been crying.

"Naruto, is something wrong?"

Naruto forced a smile.

"I'm fine, Iruka sensei. I just had a few questions for you."

"Oh!" Iruka sounded surprised, not used to Naruto being this serious.

"Okay, ask away."

"Where is the Uzumaki clan?"

Iruka froze, his expression turning to one of concern.

"Naruto, I know it's hard to not have a family, but..."

"Answer the question, Sensei," Naruto insisted, his glare firm.

Sighing, Iruka replied, "Naruto, I don't know. My knowledge is limited to the courses I teach and what's around the Fire Nation."

"Do you know where Uzushiogakure is?"

A little embarrassed, Iruka admitted, "No."

Naruto growled in frustration. "You're useless, Sensei."

Iruka, feeling a vein pop in anger, grabbed Naruto's ears. "Naruto, stop asking these irrelevant quest—"

He grunted as Naruto suddenly punched him in the gut, the force of the blow driving the air from his lungs and doubling him over in pain. A sharp, pulsating ache spread quickly through his midsection.

"These are not irrelevant questions!" Naruto's shout echoed through the hall, revealing a side of him Iruka had never seen—blind fury.

"Okay, okay, Naruto, calm down," Iruka said, trying to soothe the situation. "Why don't you go check out the library? I'm sure there's a book on Uzushiogakure there."

Naruto huffed and ran out of the class, slamming the door behind him.

Iruka, clutching his stomach, was left in disbelief. What was that insane strength?