
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime e quadrinhos
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100 Chs

Chapter 72: 7-tails

Naruto's chakra was completely overwhelming that of Yagura's, Naruto had gone further than he ever had and entered a whole new form, 5, 6, now 7 tails appeared behind him, Kurama was pumping an incredibly large amount of chakra into him, bones slowly appeared around Naruto, those then got surrounded by dark red chakra.

Naruto had grown incredibly large, he was now around 50 meters in height, with 7 humongous tails swinging behind him.

Yagura saw what was happening and released all of his control on the Bijuu in him, similarly, he transformed and he had a lot more knowledge about transformations than Naruto so he didn't stop at just version two, three tails, but he transformed all the way.

The three-tailed beast was now fully out, its sheer weight crushed the ground below them its three shrimp-like tails crushing the trees and rocks around them, the giant turtle was massive, around 200 meters in width and about 100 to 150 in height, far outclassing Naruto's current form.

Although height didn't equate to power, yes Bijuu were incredibly strong but Kurama was just a level ahead of all the other Bijuu, he now had the gamer system backing him up and Naruto was already incredibly strong so Naruto would win the fight.

Sadly Samehada couldn't transform into a giant Bijuu so Naruto had to store it, but with the firepower he got from the transformation he wouldn't really need it.

Naruto and Yagura both roared at the same time, the ground shook, they were a few kilometers away from the village now but the civilians and ninjas evacuating still heard the loud roars and felt the ground rumble as they ran away in fear, once Mei had felt the amount of chakra being released she had realized that Yagura wasn't as weak as her reports had shown, no, he was still incredibly strong and with the power of a Bijuu backing him up he was a formidable opponent.

Mei and the ninja from the rebellion similarly realized that Naruto was far stronger than they thought, they expected him to be around the level of an Elite Jonin to low Kage, but he was far stronger than that, he would easily defeat all of them, and without any trouble at that.

Naruto decided to attack, moving as a giant fox was very weird to him, he had never felt so much power in his limbs so he had a hard time controlling himself, but Kurama could easily show him how to do it by implanting a few memories of moving around as a fox, it was something they discovered not too long ago, they could share each other's memories, Kurama wouldn't get much out of it but it was very beneficial to Naruto.

Naruto lunged forward crushing the ground below his feet and swung his claws at Yagura, one of Yagura's tails show forward but Naruto blocked it using one of his own, Yagura's form made him quite slow, so Naruto easily gained an advantage over him by positioning himself in ways that Yagura couldn't attack him.

They threw their hands at each other shattering the earth around them, Yagura's shell was incredibly hard, Naruto couldn't penetrate through it even when he used a wind jutsu which was powered up by the transformation.

Coral was sprouting all over the ground, it was one of the three-tails special abilities, it allowed Yagura to create corals all over the place, they were extremely durable and could be used to trap and crush enemies.

Yagura's water release was already incredibly strong but transforming into the three-tails allowed him to basically create water anywhere, which he was trying to use to create a large lake, if he managed to do that Naruto would be in a lot more danger, Naruto kept spamming jutsus, mainly wind as fire would immediately be extinguished by Yagura.

But it happened, Naruto managed to get a solid hit in on Yagura's transformed face, he wrapped his tails around Yagura's body as much as he could and flipped Yagura over, the ground shattered even further creating an entire crater where Naruto pinned Yagura down.

Naruto opened his jaw as wide as possible and started gathering chakra, blue and red particles of chakra slowly gathered into a purple ball in front of Naruto's opened jaw, Yagura struggled beneath him but Naruto held out and kept him pinned on the ground, Naruto gathered as much chakra into the ball as possible and swallowed it.

The resulting beam that shot out of Naruto's mouth was massive, it completely enveloped Yagura and created a giant explosion, around 5 kilometers in diameter.

Yagura was unable to dodge and took the attack head-on.

The crater formed by the attack was similarly massive, the smoke and dust got cleared by Naruto who used a wind jutsu to speed up the process.

Naruto jumped to the edge of the crater and looked down to where Yagura had been.

But Yagura was nowhere to be seen, all Naruto saw was water.

He had messed up, Yagura's defense was apparently enough to take a Tailed Beast Ball at point-blank range even on the side he was weaker on, the few seconds he had given the man were enough for him to create an entire lake, all of Naruto's advantages were now gone.

Naruto looked at the lake that had been created but he couldn't even sense where Yagura had gone, it was as if his chakra had completely become part of the water, the three tails' chakra had a natural affinity for water which made it blend in with any form of water making it completely undetectable if he was in a body of water or even if he was hidden in mist.

For all Naruto knew Yagura could be right in front of him and he wouldn't even know.

Naruto needed to think of something and fast at that, he couldn't allow Yagura to heal and regain all the chakra he had used up.


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