
Chapter 66: Infiltrating Kirigakure

Kirigakure was quite a large village situated on the main island of the Land of Water, strategically it wasn't the best place to build a hidden village but it was definitely a show of power that they have survived until now even with such an obvious location to their village, but infiltrating such a place during a war would be a nightmare, you'd have to travel through multiple islands, cross a vast sea that is basically constantly being monitored and then evade all ninja that are patrolling the borders, once you get past that you would need to travel for around half an hour at Jonin speed to get to the village and then infiltrate the village which was guarded very securely.

Naruto set out to Kiri and made it to the frontlines within a few hours, then he basically erased himself from everyone's senses and stealthily traveled into the enemies land, he had to avoid many patrolling ninjas and even had to take out a group as he had somehow been found by them, he guessed that one of them had sensed the change in the moisture of the air and had found him, it was a special skill that only the highest level anbu of Kiri learned but in many cases it was passed down in generations so it wasn't too surprising that a Chunin level ninja had the skill, nonetheless, Naruto quickly dispatched them and continued on.

Taking a boat would not be a viable option for Naruto as it would be way too easy to be found that way so he had to run for around 2 hours on extremely wild waters, to get to the main island of Kiri you had to get special boats that were only created in the Land of Water which was another reason why it was so difficult to infiltrate Kiri.

Running on violent waters for such a long period of time was an extremely arduous task which was why almost no one could do it, Naruto, of course, could as he had gone through worse training before but he didn't necessarily like it, it made his feet hurt to constantly channel so much chakra into them at constantly changing intensity but he couldn't afford to waste any time so he continued without rest, he felt better after a minute but he would still have liked to rest, but right now that wasn't possible.

From here on out Naruto would have to be extremely vigilant as Kiri Anbu often patrolled the beaches and surrounding areas and most could sense the change in moisture which Naruto couldn't really do anything against so he had to be both cautious and quick.

The Land of Water was very different from the Land of Fire, here there weren't as many forests and there was way more water everywhere, while in the Land of Fire you were basically always surrounded by trees which provided a lot of cover, here Naruto had to use his full speed to not get detected, it just showed that there were still areas that he could improve in regardless of his strength.

But after a few hours of stressful running and avoiding patrols Naruto made it to the outskirts of Kiri, he had spent a few hours observing the guard rotation and eventually managed to slip past a few guards who weren't paying enough attention.

Kiri was quite a sad sight to look at, most civilians were poor, hungry, and without proper housing, there were countless homeless people right in the center of Kiri, how this didn't even slightly bother the Mizukage Naruto did not know but he would find out soon enough.

The first thing Naruto had to do was find out information, with a few useful Genjutsu that Sasuke had taught him he managed to learn of the most recent events and he was quite shocked.

Kirigakure was extremely corrupt, if you were strong you could live nicely, if you were weak it didn't matter how much money you had you would eventually become poor just like everyone else, the ninja population ruled over the civilians, the Mizukage was basically a tyrant that ruled with an iron fist, and if you disobeyed you died.

Naruto had already gained a few ideas on how to cause civil unrest, Genjutsu was a very useful tool to control people and have them do something you want them to do, he was lucky that Sasuke could teach him all the Genjutsu needed to control people.

The first thing Naruto did was find a person who was decently well off, he found an average looking guy that had an apartment and no family, the guy had decent relations with the ninja of Kiri and helped out his neighbors frequently so he was a trusted person, a few Genjustu later Naruto learned everything there was to know of the man and got rid of the man, he wasn't as innocent as everyone thought him to be which was perfect for Naruto, but even if he was innocent it wouldn't have mattered he was a good person to act as so he would have been killed by Naruto, either way, the mission was way more important in this case.

Now Naruto had a base of operations, connections to the ninja of Kiri, and connections to the civilians of Kiri, all he had to do now was slowly influence both populations and have them agree that the rule of the Mizukage wasn't good and have them revolt, from there on the fire would fuel itself and the forces of the Mizukage and the revolting citizens would kill each other making the job of the rebels much easier.

But Naruto had also figured out why the Mizukage didn't care about its people, a simple observe made it quite obvious.

The man was being controlled, and not just by anyone, but by someone he had heard many stories of, someone who was supposed to be dead, Uchiha Madara, he could have been an impostor, the Gamer System displayed the name as the name that most people called them so if the said person was known as Uchiha Madara then it would display it so, even if he wasn't exactly the same person, but being able to control a Jinchuriki with a genjutsu was a feat that only a few were capable of, Uchiha Madara being one of them so Naruto believed it somewhat, but he would see in the future whether this was true or not.

For now, he had civil unrest to create.


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