
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

Chapter 66 : Monke get susy

In a large mansion occupied by the Hokage, located close to both the Academy and Hokage Rock. Circular in design, it is also one of the largest buildings in Konohagakure, towering over most other buildings. There is also the kanji for "Fire" painted on the roof of the building.

Suddenly, Outside the room of the Hokage where a secretary was sitting and occasionally giving missions to some high ranking ninjas who needed the approval of the Hokage, a fear stricken ninja appeared before her in a flash.

"I need to talk to the Hokage real quick, it's urgent !!" The ninja said frantically.

The secretary looked at the ninja calmly "Wait here for a second" She replied.

She went inside the room where the Hokage was and came out not long after "You can go now" She said and sat back on her sit then ignore the guy.

It was a usual sight to see ninjas like this who deliver important news to act like this, so she didn't need to react that much to the sweaty guy that much.

The ninja stepped forward and stopped in front of the door where the Hokage was residing behind it.

"Jonin Miraki yamaha is here to report !" Miraki shouted as he straightened himself ready to greet the Hokage.

"You can come in" A gentle but strong voice replied.


The ninja opened the door and went inside then got greeted by the image of a middle aged man immersed seriously in his paperwork.

"Hokage-sama !" Miraki cried as he immediately kneeled in front of Hiruzen who raised his head and looked at the ninja gently.

"What brings you here Miraki ?" Hiruzen asked.

"I have urgent news concerning someone Hokage-sama !" Miraki said nervously which made Hiruzen raise an eyebrow.

"You can go on" Hiruzen said and shook his hand for miraki to continue.

"I..it's regarding the Hatake clan leader Garou Hokage-sama, and I think me and my team has discovered something that wasn't mentioned in his info book" Miraki said with his voice cracking a little which made Hiruzen narrow his eyes immediately and just stared at Miraki as if telling to continue.

"We were stationed around the death forest for our scouting duty as usual until this evening, we heard a commotion in the far east of the forest that grabbed our attention, so me and my team immediately got to work and went towards that area to see what caused the commotion !" Miraki said and gulped some saliva while sweat running down his face.

"When we got to the area we heard the explosions from, a large area of the forest was already shattered beyond repair and marks of an intense fight was visible on the environment which made us cautious and prepared ourselves to fight but we didn't find anyone" Miraki said and took another breath.

"Fortunately, our sensor sensed two individuals headed towards Konoha but it was already dark when we reached them and immediately surrounded them in case they were spies."Miraki paused again.

Hiruzen was listening attentively and was still waiting for Miraki to get to the main part.

"Their tattered appearance and one who was unconscious was evident that they were the culprits of the commotions, so I questioned them and later wanted to arrest them but one of my companions came to me and told me who they were"

"One was your disciple Hokage-sama and the other was the Hatake clan leader Garou. E..even so I was surprised, I wanted to question about the commotion and why was Tsunade-hime unconscious but it was right at that moment that I regretted opening my mouth !" Miraki said and started to get shake and pale at the end.

"What happened ?" Hiruzen asked seriously with a deep frown.

"I...I don't know Hokage-sama, one moment everything was okay and the next moment an intense wave of foreign reddish power washed over all of us all and then we couldn't move from our places, and I f...felt myself get k...killed by a very huge creature with four arms and horns countless times !!" Miraki said and cried out in panic at the end which made Hiruzen open his eyes in surprise at what he heard.

"Hmm, so you think that the Hatake clan leader is the cause of this phenomenon ?" Hiruzen asked with some suspicion.

He couldn't believe that after all this time somone with no chakra could pull off something like this and they didn't know about it.

"Without a doubt Hokage-sama ! he was the one who caused that !" Miraki said without a tone of doubt which made Hiruzen more serious.

"If that's the case then this is a big deal !" Hiruzen said with his hands intertwined before his face.

"I don't wanna sound rude Hokage-sama but you didn't know about this ? If not then why is his profile information didn't say anything about this ?!" Miraki said and looked at Hiruzen waiting for an answer.

"No, we didn't know this, so I have to thank you for delivering this information and as a reward, you can choose one from any scroll until B-rank jutsu that you can ask the secretary to give you their list of information and just ask her to deliver it to you" Hiruzen said which made Miraki excited immediately "For now you can go back and do your duty and leave the matter to us" He dismissed the jonin.

"Hai Hoakge-sama and thank you for the reward !" Miraki cried out which made Hiruzen smile gently at him and left.

The moment Miraki left Hiruzen's expression changed to a frown.

"Cat !" He called.


"Hai Hokage-sama !" An Anbu with a cat mask appeared  before Hiruzen.

"You and another ninja have been spying on that boy for years now if I am not wrong, so tell me why there was not any mention of this in the reports ?" Hiruzen asked sternly.

"Everything we have seen or noticed have already noted it down on the reports, So this is something we are not familiar with too Hokage-sama !" The Anbu replied without much emotion evident on his voice.

"Are you sure you didn't miss anything besides those things I have read about him ?" Hiruzen asked.

"No Hokage-sama !" The Anbu replied which made Hiruzen make a tired expression.

"Sighhhh, first Genjutsu and mind transfer of the Yamanaka not working on him, second is him being a taijutsu genius, third is his extremely toned and strong body opposite to what should have been because of his condition, and now this !" Hiruzen said tiredly while rubbing his forhead.

"So you mean he and his father were hiding something from us all along ?" Hiruzen asked with a frown.

"It seems likely Hokage-sama" Replied the ninja.

"Sighhh, seems we should have payed more attention to that boy, I have always felt this unsettling feeling when he was around and thought it was just his Yang energy being high but it seems we missed something here. A mistake that shouldn't have happened, not in a ninja village at least" Hiruzen said with his eyes narrowed.

"I am sorry to disappoint Hokage-sama ! I am ready for any punishment  !" The Anbu suddenly said with his head lowered.

"No need, it was my mistake for not pointing out the obvious, so raise your head" Hiruzen said "Besides, I will have a talk with him in the monthly clan meeting some days from now" He added.

"Thank you Hokage-sama !" The Anbu said which made Hiruzen nod and then he left the same way he came.

"Damn paperwork !"


Next day somewhere in a messy room /

"n...no noo" Murmrers could be heard in the room.

"not like that no yes like this, no not there" Someone murmered again.

"no that's my ass you jerk"

"im tirrred leave me alone please nooo"

"HOOOOOAAHH !!" With a gasp Tsunade woke up from her sleep and immediately looked around to find herself being hugged by a huge man with his rod still in her hole that made a shiver go down her spine as some unpleasant memories came back to her with a flood.


With a sound of pop she removed herself from the monster that wrecked her all night mercilessly and immediately went towards the bathroom to wash herself as she smelled like man honey.

After washing and healing her lower part with Mystical palm technique, she came out with a towel hiding her private parts and went towards the kitchen to see a dirty with woman nectar half naked Garou gobbling down a mountain of food voraciously like an animal without caring for basic etiquette.

"Leave some for me you Shitty Fucker !!" Tsunade cried which made Garou to raise his head from the food and a glint appear in his eyes quickly as he looked at her half naked figure.


*munch munch*


*munch munch*


"We won't do it, you did a number on me last night and my legs hurt !" She cried as she backed away in fear that made Garou grin with rice and meat all over his face.

"Doen't be afraod I won't eat yeou now But It seeoms 'gulp' yoou likeod theo balls" He said while eating and staring at her figure like a wolf.

"No I didn't !" She cried again and pointed at him accusingly.

"Yea yea as if 'gulp' youu were not that horny biotch crying fo mo" He said between his eating with a shit eating smirk that made some tick marks appear on Tsunade's head but she didn't say anything and sat down in front of Garou and started to eat whatever was on the table.

" 'Gulp' I have some business to attend to today, so I will be gone soon" Garou said after swallowing the food to which Tsunade just shrug in disinterest and just ate 'breakfast' if you could call it that as it was long past morning.

"What are your plans today ?" Garou asked after some time.

"Nothing, just some clan paperwork I need to do and going to the hospital to work afterwards" Tsunade replied to which she remembered something after saying that "By the way, I wanted to ask about something" She said with a sudden seriousness to which made Garou frown.

"What ?" Garou asked.

"Chakra is the power that comes from our spirit and body which lets us do some supernatural feats that you clearly lack the energy to do so, so I wanted to ask how ?" She said with a frown and intertwined her hands together while locking eyes with Garou.

"How what ?" Garou asked.

"How are you able to do some totally impossible feats ?! You know, it has been years since I wanted to ask you this, since we were in the academy. You can move with impossible speeds, have some kind of hyper reaction, perfect body condition, extremely flexible-"She then went on and on and mentioned things Garou really didn't want her to notice all this time, But it's simply impossible.

She is smart and their fight made whatever was in her mind to become stronger and conclude somethings on her own. The only thing right now for him to avoid at all costs is her asking for his blood which is troublesome and he can already see it coming.

She may think he doesn't know, but she is no less than a mad scientist like Orochimarru. She is very famous in Konoha. All this years she was discovering more in the medical field and invented new ways of treating patients that Garou has a slight suspicion that she is into something shady like human lab rats with Orochimarru but not so sure as he doesn't think Hiruzen will let her do it because he is keeping a close eye on his students all the time.

But that doesn't mean she is not researching on everything related to the body which is a no no for Garou.

"-That muscle density which is humanly unbelievable even if the said person was a kage...well except maybe the Raikage but even me comparing your body to the Raikage is a feat of its own you know what I mean ?! And above all else..." She said incredulously and paused which made Garou stop eating completely and look at her with a shadow hiding his eyes.

"That insane recovery I witnessed during our battle, I am pretty sure I literally broke many bones in your body to disable you with just the first punch, but not long after you retaliated as if your body wasn't hit at all, tell me how ?!" She asked with her eyes narrowed more and observed Garou closely.

Now Garou was in a dilemma here, at the beginning, he didn't want to tell her about himself or come out clean until he came back from the journey and even now he wants to do just that but after yesterday's bonding, he felt more connected to her than ever before and he instinctively didn't like hiding things from his wife...like every man should.

So that's why he felt extremely uncomfortable for either lying or hiding something about himself which is her right to know that whatever she is dealing with... is not human.

So his loyalty was being tested here which was a very sensitive topic for him as he loved this angel with passion and a slight doubt in her heart was his responsibility to take care of like anyone in his place should do.

Garou wiped whatever was on his face with his arm "Sighhh, look angel, I really want to tell you what's the matter with me but I don't feel ready to tell you and I really don't want to give you a half-assed answer especially with this topic, so I ask if you could have patience with me and wait when I deem it right, ok ? And if not then I will tell you more about this stuff right here right now" I said softly and calmly to which she raised an eyebrow to my sudden change of behaviour.

"Hmmm" She hummed and started to think with her eyes narrowed.

She could make him tell her now but his sudden frankness surprised her and thought that maybe this topic is really sensitive to him.

So if that was the case then she didn't really want to pressure him where it's unneeded. He said he will tell her and she knows Garou will tell her about the matter without a doubt. He may look like a barbarian but he is not a dishonest man, and she knows this.

"Well, if it's that big of a deal to make you suddenly change and be serious for once that makes me cringe for some reason, then I guess I will wait and see what it's that even someone as straight forward as you can't say it, but I hope it's something big to make my expectations go high or else..." She said with a tone as if she understood and raised her fist at the end with her eyes narrowed as if promising pain which made Garou smile gently.

He stood up and slowly stepped towards Tsunade which made her instinctively cover her crotch and sweat but she was just got greeted by a sudden kiss on the lips that lasted for a moment.

"You're not unreasonable woman ! I like this, you are the best !"He said while smiling gently and backed away from the blushing girl and went towards the bathroom to wash himself.

"By the way, don't go back to the senju clan later and come back here, we still have an unfinished business together that will last this two weeks hehehe" Garou said ominously which made Tsunade get pale immediately.


The End