
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

Chapter 59 : Shadow Behind

Nestled in a remote corner of the shinobi world, in a place of ethereal beauty, you could find different landscapes blended harmoniously, canopies of ancient trees that stretch high into the sky, serene ponds and cascading waterfalls, their crystalline waters reflecting the orange tinge sky above. Vibrant, otherworldly flora thrives amidst the toadstool-covered forest floor, painting the landscape in hues of purples, blues, and vibrant greens.

There were many different sized toad statues, standing regally and carved from stone. Moss-covered rocks and ancient stone pathways wind through the tranquil environment, creating a sense of tranquility.

Now, in a huge castle at the centre of this mystifying place resided the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku.

Great Toad Sage POV /


I wake up abruptly with sweat soaking my whole body "Hufff Huff Huf, w..what was t...that ?!!" I muttered haggardly while going through what I saw with my body shaking from fear.

'I am sure of what I saw, but what is this ?! Is this a dream or a prophecy ?! Did I drink too much tea that I started to hallucinate ? But tea can't do that to a person' I thought with some sweat running down my face.

"Fukasaku !" I quickly call for one of my elder toads and after some seconds, a green toad with white hair styled in somewhat of a mohawk, very thick eyebrows and a small goatee appeared before me and bowed.

"To what can I be of service Great Toad sama ?" He said calmly with his eyes closed.

"Hurry ! call-zzzzzz" I go to sleep.

Ahh this is life, all this insects and flies in front of me ready to be eaten with my tea-

"WAKE UP YOU SENILE OLD MAN !!" I immediately wake up from my dream as I hear an unfamiliar voice yell at me.

"Ahh who is talking ?" I asked in confusion.

*tick tick*

"It's me Great Toad Sage" I hear the voice again and look down at the blurry unfamiliar small frog with a forhead filled with tick marks.

"Hmm, You are me ? That's strange " I said and looked at the frog who was me but smaller and funny looking.

"I am Fukasaku you stupid old man !!" He shouted and it quickly clicked in my mind about who he is again but why is here tho ?

"Oho, sorry about that, but why are you here Fukasaku-kun ?" I asked while going through that blissful dream with my mouth filled with beetle tea and insect cake.

"You asked for me in hurry and I came, so maybe it was something important you forgot about" He said and quickly goosebumps spread across my body as I immediately remember that dreadful prophecy.

"Ohhh I remember now !... Hurry Fukasaku, go and bring that boy Jiraiya to me, I need to inform him about something of utmost importan-zzzzzzz"

Fukasaku looked at the sleeping Toad Sage who was drenched in his own sweat and sighed tiredly "This senile old geezer sure is getting on my nerves everytime, but I think he has another prophecy to tell and it doesn't seem to be anything good if his trembling sweat drenched figure could mean anything" Fukasaku said to himself and slowly left the hall to reverse summon Jiraiya.


Near a bath house in konoha, two people were conversing suspiciously while looking at something.

Jiraiya POV /

"So what do you think hehehe ?!" I said to my cultured brother, Ken.

"Hehehe you dirty minded shit ! You really know your stuff" Ken said while looking at some illustrations of naked women in weird positions I got my 'hands' onto in the secret chambers of bath houses.

"No no, I won't call it dirty minded, I call it sexy imagination" I said to which he nodded in agreement.

"So how much ?" He said as he took out some ryo.

"Sorry man, this are not for sell, And it's limited edition by the way, so I don't know" I said as I grab the pictures and slowly fold them to put them in my small pouch.

"Damn the prices are going up lately, why is that ?!" He said as he took out more ryo much to my excitement.

"It's high like this for married men" I said with my jaw jutted forward in displeasure.

"You jealous prick, here take it" He said and I give the pictures back then immediately grab the money that will be enough for me to not go out for useless missions for some little time and continue to do my research as I feel like I am nearing a breakthrough for my Yin energ...


"Jiraiya boy !" I heard my name being called and look behind to see Fukasaku-san staring at me suspiciously while giving side glances at Ken who was whistling and backing away slowly then to run the next second in the opposite direction to us.

"Ehh Fukasaku-san, what are you doing here ?" I said while giving him a small bow then start to count the money after.

"The Great Toad Sage is asking for your presence it seems, so I came to take you to him" He calmly said and I raise an eyebrow at that.

"What does that geezer want with me in this dire times, you know how busy I am, right ?" I said while licking my finger as I go through this juicy paper money.


I give the silent toad a glance and sigh tiredly "Fine fine, but it better be worth my time" I said in annoyance with my arms crossed.

"Good then, let's go" He said and put a hand on my shoulder then we were reverse summoned to mount myoboku with a puff.

I opened my eyes to look at my surroundings and quickly start to breath in the fresh air then slowly, with Fukasaku-san in my front, we made our way to the castle the Great Sage Toad was in and after some time we were infront of a huge pale-red old Toad that was snoring.

"WAKE UP YOU SENILE GEEZER !" Fukasaku-san shouted loudly at the Toad Sage who slowly opened his hazy and blind like eyes in confusion.

"Where am I ? What's this place ? Where are my kids and wif-"

"You don't have a wife and kids old man, Wake up already, I brought Jiraiya here" Fukasaku-san said with irritation while I just looked at Sage Toad in boredom.

"Ohh I remember, sorry about that and thanks Fukasaku-kun. now you are here, I need to inform you of something Jiraiya boy" The Toad Sage apologized and his whole demeanor changed to a serious one which made me focus more on what he is about to say.

"So do you remember the last prophecy I had about you ?" He asked.

"The one about that I will be a pervert with no equal that will observe the world from sidelines and soon I will have a student that will have the power that could either destroy the world or bring peace to it ?" I replied and questioned back which made him nod his head in affirmation.

"Yes but now I have a different prophecy to tell you this time about..." He said and at the end he started to tremble nervously.

Me and Fukasaku raise an eyebrow at this as this is the first time we see him this nervous which made us become serious and listen carefully.

"So...?" I said and he opened his mouth to speak again.

"A great calamity will fall upon this world then destroy it completely and there won't be anyone able to stop it !" He said which made us stare at him with wide eyes.

"What ?! But how ?! Didn't you talk about some blue eyed kid who will save the world from this calamity ?!" I asked in surprise as I thought about that time he told me to look for a blue eyed kid like that and become his teacher or bring him here to learn from the Toads.

"The blue eyed kid will come for sure but he alone can't stand a chance against those t..two" He said while stuttering at the end with a pale face which made me more curious and have a bad feeling about this.

'I can feel it, my carefree life full of research is coming to an end, I can clearly feel it' I thought with my heart starting to hurt.

"Those two ? Who are they ?" I heard Fukasaku-san ask calmly with some sweat coming down his forhead.

"I don't know but the closest thing they can come to are GODS !!" He said and yelled fearfully at the end.

I started to rub my forhead tiredly as I thought 'Just great, some kids playing god was not enough and now I have to deal with real freaking Gods, what have I gotten myself into ?!'

"Do you have a clear description of what they look like ?" I asked as I already started to think about running as far away as possible if I ever came across them.

The Great Toad sighed and started to scratch his chin "The first one is a huge muscular white man covered with shiny blue like veins across his body that pulsated and had a long spiky white hair and no ears or mouth but 2 large eyes, one embedded on his chest and the other on his face" He said seriously which made us surprised more.

"You sure you saw a human in your dreams ?! Who has a body proportion like that ?! " I asked in surprise as I thought about the image of someone with his given description which clearly screams run away if you ever saw him "What about the other one ?" I asked nervously while praying for him to have a normal appearance at least.

"I am not sure about the other one but the only thing I can say is that if you gaze at the nighty sky and him you can see no difference at all and his body is filled with shining colourful stars moving in strange ways" He said and a headache immediately hits me that only a scuba diving on some boobs could heal it.

I rub my forhead in pain as I think about this absurd beings poppin out one after another to destroy the world like what the fuck is wrong with you people ?! Can't you just chill and embrace a woman to calm down or something ?! What's so fun about fucking up the world ?! I just wanna know !

"Sighhh, So what am I supposed to do with this information ? What should I do ?" I asked while even though this is so messed up, I still don't want the world to blow up out of nowhere while I research on...

"I want you to continue what you are doing but soon start to create a spy organisation across the elemental nations to secretly search for this two individuals and find them for me" He said and I sigh then relax a little as I don't have to stop researching for some more time.

"Well, I was planning to do just that, anything else you need to tell me ?" I said and asked.

"Nothing for now but I expect frequent news on the world as this concerns its safety as a whole" He said and I nod in agreement.

"Well, this is a goodbye then as I have things to do" I said and The Great Toad sage nodded then I turned to look at Fukasaku-san who was frowning the whole time.

He looked at me for a second then hoped on my shoulder, after that we disappeared with a puff the same way we came here.


The Great Toad Sage's POV /


I looked at Fukasaku indifferently who appeared before me while thinking about that one eyed white man in the prophecy I saw and who looked at me as if I wasn't even considered an ant in front of him which made me fearful and angry.

Fearful at his power and might, angry at the audacity that he even dared to look at me like that but one thing I am sure of it that I saw in his both eyes...

"Fukasaku, give more information about the Hashirama cells and sharingan to that man Danzo" I said with some disgust visible on my tone.

For sure the Uchiha clan is more dangerous than I thought it seems and the prophecy somehow changed, all my hardwork through the millennia is going down the hill now if I don't do something it seems but that can't stop me from being the one controlling the world behind the shadows, I won't allow anything to happen to MY world at all costs.

"Hia Great Toad Sage ! but can I know wh-"


The End.


{End of the first volume is near and the next volume will start soon }