
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

Chaoter 69 : Disturbance in the force

Inside the Hokage Tower's meeting room, There's a big table and fancy chairs with the Leaf Village symbol. The walls have scrolls about the village's history. Soft lights. Important people, like the Hokag and clan heads, sit around the table and something was going on.


And I released all of my Hado !

The room became dead silent for a few moments, some dark red lightning buzzed around me first, the world was slowed down in the eyes of everyone and they started to sweat and frown because of the imminent bad feeling and danger that their years of experience in war and fighting warned them about it.

Then the next moment, the whole room lost its colour and turned Gray...

*Foooooshhhhh Boooooom !!*

An ocean of intense deep blood red wave of energy erupted like a volcano that washed around the people and spread around the whole room with I at the centre of it all having a feral grin that looked inhuman.

*Crack Crack !*

The red ocean of Hado was moving without any restraint wildly and cracks already appeared around the room and the wall beganto slowly crumble because of the Destructive nature it unlike chakra, the ones who were looking down on me a second ago were now sweating profusely, nervous, frown and pale as they looked at my now illusory huge Demonic 4 armed figure as if they were standing in front of the nine tails himself ! the immense killing intent mixed with my Hado was no less than the tailed beast ! Maybe even more and this made them become extremely serious as they felt the threat.

*Boooooomm !* ×20

*BAM bzzzz !*

Out of instinct, all the people here immediately released their chakras and the room became even more chaotic as all this overpowered people's energies clashed with my Hado to repel it, the clash created some red electricity that hit the walls then put holes in it and after some seconds, the chakra was successful to repel my pressure with my Hado slowly starting to retreat as it couldn't stand a chance against the combined might of the immense chakra pressure that was about to demolish the whole tower if not stopped.

The whole village went on alert immediately and now panicking with already hundreds of ninjas were body flickering their way to the source of the overwhelming pressure that was coming from the Hokage tower, and the ones who didn't go there and weren't ready quickly put on their gears and took out their kunais and began to move, the ones resting and sleeping already awake, ready to kill. the citizens who were outside were sitting on the ground wearing fearful expressions as the ground was shaking and small earthquakes happening all around the village, the ones inside their homes locked doors and families hugged each other, the ones near the tower couldn't even stand up or already unconscious because of the pressure that was now coming out of the tower and be felt even outside the village.

"My stufff !!" A shop keeper cried as he looked at some broken vases.

"W...what's h..happening ?!!"

"E..enemy attack ?"

"Aghhhh I c..can't stand up !!"

"Run !!"

"Am too pregnant for this shit , make it STOP !!!" An angry woman yelled as she supported herself with a wall until an Uchiha guy picked her up in a princess carry "who dis fkin hunk-" She tried to yell but got body flickered to somewhere safer.

Many were panicking and having trouble, not knowing what to do "PROTECT THE CIVILIANS MOVE MOVE MOVE !!" An Uchiha commander shouted orders and hundreds of Uchiha police forces quickly got to work that relived some civilians and feel safe.

Mito's POV /

"Hmm ? So you finally decided to come out ?" Mito muttered with an elegant smile as he looked at the chaotic scene of the meeting room with her kagura eyes while sipping some tea on her throne like chair.

"Guess it's expected from someone like you to be already out in the world. Even though an idiotic move, but you are not a ninja to hide like a rat and do things in the shadows like a certain someone, so this is expected from someone like you...a fate breaker" She said then picked up a thick red book with the Uzumaki symbol as the cover and started to write something in it. only she knew what this book was about.

She has finished everything Garou wanted from her and this was her only thing which she does besides watching over Garou 24 hours straight to waste her remaining time.

"If only you were born at my time, maybe I could be free too and didn't have to go through this ?!" She muttered with tears already streaming down her face while writing details of something "E..even if I die, who will I return to ? 'sob sob' I have no one, e..everyone and everything is fake..."

Meanwhile Kurama inside the cage was also looking at Garou with a frown as he could sense and see the reddish Aura surrounding Garou through Mito's eyes.

'Did he do something to my blood when he drank it ? But why it feels much more sinister ? Did it merge with his own monstrous spirit ?' He thought with his eyes narrowed.

'But I hope you know what you are doing brat, even though I hate to admit it, but even I fell victim to the human treachery. From now on you are entering the stage, it all depends on you if you're able to get free from it or not' He thought again while also thinking deeply about the Toad sage and his old man.

The more he thought about it the more he felt that his whole life felt more like a game someone else was playing with it, the broken woman he was caged inside didn't help but intensify this feelings of his, that he was just another character too in a story written by someone.

'*snort* as if that someone would dare to try !' He snorted and thought in disdain.

As he didn't want to delve and think anymore about this, he slowly started to go back to sleep, waiting for a day he will finally be free like it was said by the monster.


Hiroshi's POV /

"And it was at right this moment that you will know... you fucked up, son !" Hiroshi said with a frown while hugging his wife tightly and looking at the direction where he felt his son's sinister energy.

"I want to taste some candy" Ayaka said in his arms with a child like face.

"Wanna find out something better than candies ?" Hiroshi said to her with a smirk.

"Yes !" She replied enthusiastically.

"Then you can taste all of this dic-cough cough...sighhh, sometimes I forget you went nuts now and can't take some serious jokes !" He said in a sad tone and hugged her tighter in the bedroom "We only have hot dogs btw..."


Garou's POV /

Back in the tower, I was still sitting on my place with my grin still plastered on my face, the red Hado now was like a cocoon of energy around me and a shocked Tsunade to protect her from the ocean of chakra that was trying to overwhelm me but couldn't.

My friends were already unconscious, heck even the Anbu's legs here were shaking and some other also released their chakra to protect themselves from mine and the clan heads pressure but luckily for them, the focus of the pressure was on me which only cracked my seat and surrounding floor to break, and a little more then there will be no floor under me anymore.

The people here were looking at me with narrowed eyes while releasing their pathetic pressure that even though combined, it wasn't close to Mito, Kurama and Katsuyu, even Dai, but before I tried to go beyond the limit and release another wave of pressure, Hiruzen and 3 other chakras also joined.

*Booooommmm !*

"ENOUGHHH !! " Hiruzen yelled as he looked around the room then locked his eyes on me with his chakra released that was a notch stronger than the others which gathered the attention of the clan heads immediately and after a moment, one by one, they stopped releasing the pressure which I also did after them which made all the people outside and some ninjas here to gulp and Sigh in relief.

The message was already sent and they are not underestimating me now and all looked at me in a new light to which I nodded at. It was a risky move but hey, it did the job and they didn't rush to kill me.

'I am not sure but I can smell something like fresh apples and mangos' I suddenly thought in confusion.

But I failed to sense that 2 individuals were already damn wet because of my badass move I pulled.

*Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh*

Three ninjas immediately appeared in the room and kneeled to Hiruzen "We are ready to move Hokage-sama !" A man with brown hair said.

"You don't need to, but tell me if the village is ok !" Hiruzen said in a serious tone.

"We still don't know but aside from a great panic I have seen and some small earthquakes, nothing is out of the norm !" The ninja replied.

"Any damage to properties ?" Hiruzen said and slowly his gaze fell on me.

"There should be some !" The ninja replied and Hiruzen nodded then dismissed the ninjas while the Anbus inside the room were already picking up papers and my friends, also fixing the room.

Meanwhile I was smelling and sensing outside the room to feel near a thousand full geared ninjas ready to attack which made me frown and think that I 100% won't be able to survive if I fought.

Well, that's the case if I didn't use one of my favors and called Katsuyu to do a cleaning of this scrubs which I think I will never do, my ass didn't train all this time just for a six path level trump card to wipe my shit !

The ninjas outside started to disperse and the focus went on me but before Hiruzen said anything I looked at Danzo who had shadows hiding his eyes which made me smile devilishly "As I said before, My money my choice and no one can tell me how to use what's mine ! Besides, Konoha is rich even without me and this clan heads helping out, the fire shogun is helping this village out too with a phenomenal amount of money every year, so why are you asking and eyeing my wealth ? What are you trying to do with it exactly ?" I said which made Danzo angrier and some clan heads to also agree but didn't want to say it out loud themselves.


"Enough Danzo !" Hiruzen interrupted the now walking volcano which made him get angrier but still shut his mouth, afraid of Hiruzen's serious gaze which was not something you can see anytime.

Hiruzen looked at me "I understand Hatake-san but with this move you pulled, I need you to compensate for all damages you have done !" He said in a no nonsense tone to which I just nodded "As for where the money goes the estimate clan heads are donating due to their own kindness, it all goes to you and the villagers themselves and help Konoha move forward even if we were busy with war ! And nothing more" He said which made someone even as dumb as me to raise a cap.

"Do you-"

"Anyways, we have a more important matter to discuss here, which is about you Hatake-san !" He interrupted me when I was about to ask for evidence which made me clench my fist in irritation.

"What is it ?" I asked indifferently.

"Do you have a Kekkei Genkai  ?" He asked which made all the clan heads to lock their eyes on me, especially Tsunade who was looking at me in shock all this time.

'If I say anything then the next question will be how or why' I thought in annoyance.

With my thoughts accelerated and psycho mode activated, I went through many scenarios and none were good enough which will give me an advantage.

I could say yes but the question is the damn chakra which I don't have and Kekkai Genkai doesn't work without chakra, even my father now knows I don't have Kekkai Tota like he thought before, so fooling this guys is not simple.

"No" I replied calmly to which made some here disappointed and Danzo to click his tongue, but the answer made more questions.

"Then how do you explain what you just did ?" He asked.

"Are you interrogating me ?" I asked back with a frown, but I just wanted to think more to what to say next.

"In the contrary, I am just curious here to know more about you" He said with a grandfathery smile that irked me for some reason.

'Now what should I answer ? Will it be ok to just say no ?' I thought as I am not good at this things and usually just straight up say what's up.

Hmm, then I will just say "I don't wanna" I replied nonchalantly.

"You don't wanna ?"


*Bam !!*

"Do you think of this as a game ?! Maybe you are a spy from another village !" Danzo suddenly cried angrily while hitting the already messed up table to which all the people just nodded in agreement.

"Danzo is right, maybe you are really a spy !" Homura said backing the cyclops.

"The other two elders are right !" Koharu even though shaken by my presence still said her own two cents.

"Are you accusing me...Shimura ?" I asked the cyclops with my eyes narrowed which made him greet his teeth.

"You disrespec-"

Before he barked Hiruzen stopped him again which made him just swallow what he wanted to say in anger, and I already lost the count of how many times this dude went through a rollercoaster of emotions in 10 minutes...which put a smile on my face.

"It's normal to assume things like this but I am sure it's impossible for you to be a spy but then again, why are you hiding your strength ?" Hiruzen asked with a serious tone.

I look around for a moment and lock my eyes with this people that were enjoying whatever is happening and look back at Hiruzen and pointed at the covered eye of Danzo.

"Why is he hiding his eye ?" I asked back which made Danzo's finger twitch and the people here to raise eyebrows.

"What does my eye has to do with this boy ?" Danzo asked coldly.

"Are you willing to let me know the reason to why you are hiding your eye ?" I asked back.


"His eye was injured during a mission but this wasn't the question that should have been answered, we need to know why you were hiding your strength all this time ?" Hiruzen asked to which made me annoyed as I wanted open that bandage over that guy's eye and hopefully this fucker stops asking questions I had to kill brain cells for to answer.

Hmm, Now what should I say ? Maybe tell him to not stick his nose in my shit, but that's not rude enough !

"Hmm, the question is..." I stopped as I put my hand forward like Andrew Tate ready to fuck up the whole career of someone...verbally "You are a ninja so why you didn't figure that out yourself ?" I asked with a wide grin.

"What ?" He said, totally confused like all the people here, including the nara dude.

The End.