
Chapter no.16

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It was October Tenth. Some believed that this day was cursed because of all the things that had happened on this day, the Kyuubi attack, the birth of the Uzumaki-Namikaze quadruplets, and the death of the Sandaime Hokage. Little did they know that another event would be engraved into that curse as of tonight.

As of this moment Naruto was cursing the Nidaime Hokage for creating the academy. It was the most pointless and boring thing he could ever think of doing at this moment. He had learned everything that the academy had to offer already. He had mastered the Henge, Kawarimi, and Bunshin ages ago and he heard that people actually failed to graduate because they couldn't preform them. He just couldn't fathom it.

Naruto had started the academy two months ago and guess what he found out? The entire first year of the academy is devoted to language, mathematics, history, physical education, etc... There were classes for civilian students! The blonde could not actually believe that his parents wanted him to wait to train until the academy started. He would essentially be wasting another year.

The only redeeming quality about today was that it was the Kyuubi festival, where the villagers and shinobi would celebrate the Yondaime's defeat of the Kyuubi in a festival going on in the center of the village. Because of this class got out at noon so that everybody could get ready for the celebrations. Now Naruto didn't care about this, what he did care about that it was his and his siblings birthdays.

Unlike his siblings however, Naruto wasn't excited for the party they would be having tonight or all of the gifts that he would receive. No, Naruto would usually spend the night on top of the Hokage Monument after receiving a few gifts from the people that actually mattered to him.

He would sit on the Sandaime's head and wonder thoughts such as, 'Was it good that I was born? Would anybody cared if I died?' He had always pondered his own existence and had trouble accepting his parentage, seeing as how they had never shown him the kind of love that a child should receive. Naruto had even more to think about now as his values were similar to Ace's and he had found his answer only at his death.

He was brought out of his musing as Satsuki grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the classroom towards the Uchiha Compound.

'I guess class already ended and I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts to notice.'

They finally made it to the Uchiha District and started walking through the streets. It was then that Naruto's thoughts ran wild as he noticed everyone looking over at him nervously.

Why does everyone look so nervous around me? It can't be because I'm an outsider, I always come here. I've noticed before too, pretty much all of the Uchiha except the children have been looking pretty on edge the past month or two. Especially when I'm around. Could it be because of how close I am to Satsuki because she's a member of the clan head's family? No, that doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Perhaps it is because I'm the Hokage's son. If that's the case then they're probably planning something. Whatever it is it can't be good.'

A normal twelve year old boy wouldn't noticed such things, but it can be said that Naruto is a genius or some type of prodigy, only second to Itachi.

'I suppose there's no use worrying about it at the moment. I might as well just enjoy spending today with my family.

With those thoughts in mind they arrived at the house and took of their shinobi sandals before heading into the living room.

The only ones there were Mikoto and Hana.

"Happy birthday Naruto!" they both shouted.'

Naruto looked around and noticed that neither Shisui nor Itachi were there. Mikoto noticed him looking around and chose this moment to speak, "Sorry Naruto-kun but Shisui and Itachi aren't here. They were called to the Hokage Tower earlier today." Her eyes looked sad at that last part and Naruto noticed that, "But they did leave behind gifts in case they didn't see you later on today."

Naruto noticed that Mikoto was forcing a smile, "Mikoto-chan you know I don't believe in celebrating my birthday."

Hana voiced her own opinion on the matter, "We all know how you feel...just don't think of this as a birthday party then, just all of spending the day together! Now go ahead and open your presents."

Mikoto nodded and handed Naruto a navy blue box with a red rope tied around it. He opened the box and pound two things the first was a pure black eyepatch, a chuckle escaped his mouth after seeing the present. The second was a scroll. He opened the scroll and gasped.

"This...this is-"

It was Mikoto who answered him, "That is from Itachi. It's his own personal scroll of all of the genjutsu that he know or has created. He thought that you might like it seeing as how you're quite interested in genjutsu."

Naruto was left speechless, "I-I don't know what to say."

Mikoto smiled sadly, knowing that these would be the final gifts he received from part of his family, "Now for Shisui-kun's gift."

She grabbed another box, this one was black and had the Uchiha's clan emblem on the front of it. Naruto opened the box and saw a thicker black scroll. He tried to open it but couldn't.

"...?" Naruto was surprised at not being able to read his sensei's present.

Mikoto saw his surprised expression and figured that she should explain, "This scroll contains every jutsu that Shisui-kun knows as well as a few that he thought that you might like."

Naruto's shock only grew, 'Every jutsu that Shisui-sensei knows! Sensei is the most powerful Uchiha of this generation and knows dozens of different jutsus! But still that doesn't explain why I can't open the scroll.'

"As you may have noticed you're not able to open it just yet. Certain circumstances must be met before it'll open for you, but he said that those circumstances should be met sooner rather than later."

Naruto noticed Mikoto's downcast expression. 'Okay something has to be going on! Mikoto is always so sweet and energetic, she's almost never sad. And both Shisui and Itachi not being here. Why would Minato call them to the Hokage Tower, he should be helping to set up for the party tonight. Maybe I should show up to the party for once just to see what's going on.'

Mikoto noticed Naruto looking at her suspiciously and decided to take his mind off of whatever he was thinking, knowing that he was too smart for his own good, "Okay everyone time for cake!"

That brought Naruto out of his musings, 'Whatever I'll figure it out later.'

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