Sasha was not your average person and the world never hesitated to remind her of it, how ever after a overcoming a hurdle she was soo close to fulfilling her dream until she died. When she woke up again she found her self in the infant body of Sakura Haruno Now with chakra and plot armor on her side will she surpass her limits and become the strongest kunoichi in the village and the world? This is a fanfiction, I do not own naruto or any of the characters portrayed in this story.
Sasha was not your average small town girl
She like some girls inherited more from her 6'2 father as apossed to her 5'4 mother, that includes slightly broader shoulders than most girls a box like face as apposed to a more rounded face that typical girls have and of course her hight made her the victim of countless bullies.
Elementary school wasn't bad for her except the occasional "you're really tall" and a look here and there but middle school was where things took a dive
Like really how do cute elementary school students go to selfish immature kids who don't care how bad their words and actions might hurt others.
Her first instants of bullying came from the schools popular girls of course and even though it was in the classroom and the teacher didn't just stand there and interfered almost immediately the whole school knew about the new victim of girls ire by the end of the day.
Even her elementary school friends abandoned her because when the bullies realised that the girl would ingnore them they turned their ire towards them causing them to show their true colors and stop talking to her, even one of her old friends joined in the bullying but the girl endured because even though she looked like it she never wanted to hurt anyone she just wanted to become a doctor.
But eventually the bullies realised that their taunts were not super effective especially when her old friend told them why she doesn't respond to them they decided to start turning up the scale of their assaults.
From writing mean words on her desk to just straight up attacking her, sometimes she would come home with slight bruses and her clothes in tatters
Of course the boys while they wouldn't attack her that didn't deter them from calling ger names like gorilla and laughing at her being assulted but eventually she had enough, so one day in the class of a lazy teacher you know the one the one who doesn't get paid enough to break up fights and get involved in breaking up bullying even though its happening in front of them.
Of course the moment she walked in the class room and got to her seat the girls lashed out at her right a way throwing her books to the floor and grabing her bag and calling up her names as usual, Sasha looked over to the teacher who was purposely looking the other way avoiding looking in their general direction, she than looked at the other students some were also looking away while the ones watching had a mix of amused and sympathetic expressions.
Her attention was brought back to her bullies the main girl slaped her hard across the face with anger after realizing the girl wasn't looking at her, Sasha was shovked because out of all the hits and abuse she took from them this one actullay hurt, she then tasted iron in her mouth she then wiped her hand over her mouth, when she saw the blood somthing in her snaped and her vision turned red.
When she came back to her senses she felt two security guards pulling her off of her former friend, she was confused at first until she saw the four girls who bullied her on the floor with blood covering their faces and patches of their hair missing.
Needless to say this was the biggest tlaking point of the whole town by the end of the week, the parents wanted to press charges against Sasha but with the teachers statements and school security cameras in the end the only bad things to happen was her parents paying for the girls medical bills and Sasha's obvious expulsion.
But this situation came with some good too because big news spreads fast in a small town the girls and boys didn't dare to bully her in her next school and she even made some friends good ones, ones like her who didn't fit in the tiny waist big ass and tits with a soft face group but had big caring hearts.
The one thing she didn't expect to come out of this situation was a love of fighting, her father put her in boxing classes and she trived there she was the best girl there, well she was the only girl there but she was the best girl nevertheless.
And while the students didn't bully her she wasn't popular by anymeans she was labeled a menace and they avoided her but she was fine with that she had loyal friends and a goal and no one to stop her, and with that she had a eazy ride thorough middle, highschool and college.
Her teenage and early adulthood were filled with her studies, boxing, anime, and fanfictions.
And after years of hard work she was finally done with med school and was slated to become a surgical intern, how ever fate had other plans one day after coming home from her last few college lessons she was walking to the corner of the block to cross the street to get to the parking lot.
As she was waiting for the walking signal to change she saw a girl who was running in the street and a truck was barreling down the street with no signs of slowing down, She didn't hesitate to jump in the street and push the girl out of the way.
her last two thoughts were I hope the girl is ok
And where ever I go next I hope its fun at least.
A.N: hello guys and welcome to my fanfic this is my first fanfic and my first time writing, while I have you here please give me feed back on this prologe I feel i might have drawn it out a bit but as this is my first fanfic Im not gonna try to make things perfect but at the same time i want it to sound real without going too indept in her old life because well... its over.
Anyway all feed back is welcomed well not all because some of yall are weird as hell but I digress, thatnks for the support and until next chapter