
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

Hkj · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Ch-12 Jugram's overwhelming victory.

You can read 9 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




Ino felt deeply concerned upon witnessing Jugram being engulfed in flames. Although Jugram had effortlessly survived the initial fire jutsu attack, this particular technique appeared to operate on an entirely different level. The intensity of the flames was palpable even from her location in the stands.

Recalling the moments preceding the attack, as soon as Asuma released the cloud of gunpowder, Jugram anticipated that Asuma would employ the 'Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning' technique. Faced with the imminent threat of burning, Jugram found himself with two options. Firstly, he could vacate the vicinity of the gunpowder cloud and navigate through the air using his 'Hirenkyaku' ability. Alternatively, he could choose to exhibit invincibility in the face of Asuma's attack.

For obvious reasons, Jugram chose the second option: to showcase his invincible posture to everyone present here. Employing 'Blut Vene,' Jugram bolstered his defenses to a whole new level. Employing this same maneuver, Jugram Haschwalth in the 'Bleach Anime' managed to survive Yamamoto's Bankai, albeit only in the outer vicinity. However, compared to that temperature, the heat emanating from Asuma's ninjutsu was negligible.

As the fire from Asuma's ninjutsu began to subside, people heard footsteps. From the half-dissipated fire, it became clear that Jugram was calmly walking towards Asuma. Occasionally, the flames brushed against Jugram's body, yet to everyone's surprise, he remained unscathed. It seemed as though he was taking a leisurely stroll in the garden.

At long last, the flames dissipated, leaving Jugram standing unharmed amidst the aftermath.

With deliberate precision, Jugram extended his sword towards Asuma, his voice resonating with resolve as he uttered, "Now it is my turn."

In the fleeting moment following Jugram's declaration, he materialized directly in front of Asuma. This time, Jugram's already remarkable agility surged to a level nearly 1.5 times swifter than Asuma's. Reacting swiftly, Asuma hastily raised his chakra blades to intercept Jugram's impending sword strike. Despite successfully blocking the attack, the sheer force behind Jugram's blow proved overpowering, causing Asuma to be forcefully dragged across the ground.

Jugram, not affording Asuma any opportunity, materialized in front of him, delivering a swift kick to Asuma's gut. Asuma expelled digestive juices from his mouth as he collided with the wall of the Chunin exam venue.

With calculated precision, Jugram positioned himself before Asuma, pressing his sword against Asuma's neck as he declared, "You have lost."

"You lost the moment I struck you in the gut, for I could have easily wielded my sword instead of resorting to a kick," Jugram remarked.

"I am aware," Asuma acknowledged, attempting to rise to his feet. Jugram sheathed his sword and extended his hand towards Asuma, offering support. Asuma grasped Jugram's hand and regained his footing.

"Is it possible that you utilized some form of forbidden technique following my execution of 'Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning'?" Asuma inquired, seeking clarification.

Jugram responded affirmatively, stating, "Indeed, one might characterize it as such." He acknowledged Asuma's observation, acknowledging that 'Blut Vene' could indeed be categorized as a forbidden technique due to the disadvantage it posed, that is passing chakra through blood vessel.

Having emerged unscathed from the aftermath of 'Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning,' Jugram effortlessly dominated the ensuing battle against Asuma. This was largely attributed to the augmentation provided by 'Blut Vene,' which not only fortified Jugram's defensive capabilities but also bestowed upon him enhanced strength, tipping the scales decisively in his favor.

Finally, at this juncture, Ino began to applaud Jugram's performance. However, she found herself the sole clapper, leading to a moment of embarrassment. Jugram glanced towards Ino, offering a smile and a nod of appreciation, thanking her for her encouragement.

Kurenai stepped forward to assist Asuma, providing support as he recovered. While Asuma's injuries were not severe, they were certainly noticeable.

After the match concluded, all students were instructed to vacate the area, leaving only Jugram, the Hokage, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, Iruka, and Sasuke.

"I must concede that your strength has indeed demonstrated your worthiness to lead a group. And if I'm not mistaken, you already have a few candidates in mind for the 'Sternritter'?" inquired Hiruzen.

"Yes, currently I have a few candidates in mind. One is undoubtedly Sasuke, who is already a member of the 'Sternritter.' Additionally, others on my radar include Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, and Hinata. However, I am still observing to identify more suitable members," Jugram responded.

Hiruzen nodded and said, "Very well, I grant you permission to recruit these individuals. Consider this a test. In three months' time, I expect to see significant improvement in their strength. If they meet the standard, I will officially appoint you as the leader of the 'Sternritter' in Konoha. However, remember this: until you attain the rank of Jonin in Konoha, you will not be authorized to lead these individuals independently. You may train them as you see fit, but their missions will be conducted under the supervision of their respective Jonin instructors."

"I understand. Thank you very much for this opportunity, Hokage-sama," replied Jugram gratefully.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)