
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Anime e quadrinhos
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26 Chs

chapter 11

Trixie had come walking up on her team as she saw Kurama leave the group. "Hey guys." She called out as they all turned around to look at her.

"Good morning Trixie-sensei." Said Ino and Shika as one as Naruto just grinned at his Aunt and waved at her.

She smiled back at them. "So what did I miss for Kurama to leave in a ball of flames like that?" She asked them.

Naruto smiled sheepishly. "Lets just say the girls summons just outed him and he wants to meet with the girls tonight to tell him our little secret." He said as he looked a little nervous about that.

Trixie just nodded her head. "Well it's going to be very interesting." Was all she said as she turned and looked at the others as they looked a little confused at her. "For now don't worry about it. You both will find out soon enough." She told them as she just waved them off.

The girls just nodded their heads to this as they didn't know what to think about this.

Michael stood off in the shadows up in a tree just watching his nephew talk with the two girls and watched the summons as well. 'Well he has chosen a strong female. But will she be able to handle the fact he is the son of the devil?' He thought to himself as Kurama appeared before him.

"You know it isn't right be to a stalker." Said Kurama with a smirk on his face.

Michael narrows his violet eyes at him. "I am watching the boy. I want to know how much work I have before me." He growled out as he didn't like speaking with the Biju.

"You don't have too much work before you. For I have done my best to teach him about his Angelic powers when the others are away and when they return, they work with him beside that lazy bastard." Growled out Kurama.

Michael scuffed at this. "Like a demon like yourself knows anything."

"I know more than you think little archangel." Said Kurama with a smirk as he jumped from the branch he was standing on as Michael had swung his flaming holy sword at him.

"Keep it up little Archangel. Lucifer will be here before you know it. For nothing will happen to his son or myself. For our lives are linked. Even though your father had changed the sealing a little." Said Kurama as he vanished once more. He had to meet the others at the Hokage tower to have a nice long talk with the old man.

Michael growled to himself. "Damn beast." His eyes moved back to Naruto as the boy was jumping away from one of Trixie's attacks as his wings appear behind his back. Beautiful black and white feathers mixed into his wings. Michael looked on in shock. The boy was pure, but he also gotten his father's black wings from when he had fallen.

Naruto smirked as he stayed in the air longer than normal before his wings faded once more and he went falling back to the earth below him. "OUCH!" He cried as he was rubbing his back and his head as he fell hitting his head on a stone and his back on a tree. "I hate it that I can't keep them out too long." He whined to Trixie.

"It's fine Naru-chan. We will get you better train now that your Uncle Michael is here. I wish I would have listened better during my training with my wings." Said Trixie as she looked away sheepishly. A pure soul wishing to live in hell with all the demons and fallen. Many in Silver City had looked at her for wanting that path in her life. Even her mother was shocked for her daughter wanting to stay close to Lucifer and Maze.

"That is an amazing bloodline Naruto." Said Ino as she loved looking at his wings.

Naruto blushes. "Thanks Ino." He said Sheepishly as he rubs his hand behind his head as he looks away.

Shikamaru just studies the two as his family always said weird things and always seemed to be different from the others in the village or even different from a normal human in many ways and with Naruto having this strange bloodline limit it always made her wonder what all her boyfriend was hiding from everyone. No matter what she wouldn't judge him or treat him any different. She just wanted to know what to expect from him.

Hokage Tower

Kurama appeared next to Sakumo and Amenadiel. "Are you two ready to get this over with?" He asked the two next to him.

"Its best to do this now. If not, it will be troublesome in the future." Said Sakumo as he was channeling his inner Nara at the moment.

With a nod the three men walked into the Hokage tower with the missions they each had. Kurama figured he would handle his last as it would surely give the old monkey a heart attack.

They slowly made their way up the long stairway to the top floor where the Hokage's office was. Each man lost in their own thoughts about what was about to happen. Slowly but surely, they had made it to the old man's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Was heard on the other side of the door.

They open the door and walked in as they saw the old man doing his paperwork and was alone as his ANBU had left the office. As they feared two of the three men in the trio before their Hokage.

"Ah Sakumo, Kurama, and Amenadiel what do I owe the pleasure of your visit this fine morning?" Asked Sarutobi as he smiled at each of them and watched his ANBU run like scared little girls. 'This sad. They are the elite and they run from two of the three before me...' he thought to himself as he let out a mental sigh to this little detail.

Amenadiel stepped forth with a scroll in his hand. "I have grave news. But Uriel had passed away last night of a heart attack and we had always handled his body and cremated it." He told the old man before him giving him the scroll. "Everything is in the scroll." He told him.

Sarutobi nodded his head. "I see. I am truly sorry for the lost in your family. He did appear not to be feeling well last night when you three returned from your mission." He told Amenadiel.

Amenadiel just nodded his head to this. As he didn't want to say any more.

Sakumo stepped forth. "I handled the little issue you where having with the Uchiha clan. All those who wanted to rise against the village have been turned to hellhound chow." He said with his eyes flashing amber at the thought of all those screams.

Sarutobi paled at this. "I didn't know you knew anything about what was happening with them." He said with a hint of fear in his voice.

Sakumo smirked. "I have a better spy network then Jiraiya's and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty to protect those I care for." He said as the old man knew he was talking about Naruto and he knew that they would do anything for the boy.

Kurama smirked. "What I am about to tell you will shock you. SO you best not have a heart attack on me you old monkey." He told the elderly leader.

Sarutobi arched an eyebrow to this as he wanted to know what the hell was happening. "What are you talking about Kurama-kun?" He asked.

Kurama took a seat before the elderly old man. "There is a reason I have not taken missions from the village and I'm always close to Naruto. Haven't you ever wondered why I was always close to the boy?" He asked.

"Well yes I have wondered that many times and I have asked the others and they all told me to ask you for you're the only one with the answers I need." Said Sarutobi as he was finally getting one answer to the many mysteries that surround the Namikaze/Uzumaki clans.

"Well Naruto is my Jinchuriki. I was sealed within Naruto that night and I was told not to tell you or anyone for Minato and Kushina wanted the child to have a normal life and for no one to know the secret that the boy had the nine-tails sealed within him. But my seal is special as it allows me out of him for, I was ordered by Kushina and Minato to raise the boy and make sure he had a good life." Said Kurama as he watched the old man before him.

Sarutobi's eyes wide in shock and fear for the man before him was the beast that destroyed this village so many years ago. "But how?" was all he could ask.

"A higher power get in the way and stopped the Shinigami for taking Minato's soul and my soul was changed to allow me out to raise the boy. For the higher power said if the boy was outed as the jailer of the nine-tails the villagers would do all in their power to kill him and hurt him any chance they could get. This was the only things we could do at the time. For the child is very special and we couldn't allow him to be raised hated and abused." Said Kurama as he knew the old man wanted to say that wouldn't happen.

"That wouldn't have happened. The villagers would have honored any wishes of Minato." He told Kurama.

Kurama just scuffed. "Tell me how the other village's treat my siblings sealed in the other human?" He asked the old man.

Sarutobi open his mouth to speak but quickly closed it as he knew that what Kurama was saying was true. Naruto would have been treated badly and would have never been cared for or even have friends as he has now. He wouldn't have had a normal childhood and the elders would have demanded that the boy would have been trained as a weapon as how they wanted to do that to Kushina once they learned of her being the holder of the Nine-tails.

He let out a defeated sigh. "You are right." Said Sarutobi as he looked away with shame written across his face. "But who all knows about you being sealed in the boy?" He asked as he wanted to know.

Kurama just smirked. "Just his family and soon his mate and other teammate." He told the old man before him.

Sarutobi nodded his head. "Just make sure the girls know that it is important for them to keep this secret. For we do not need it coming out as his life would change and their would be a massive uprising with the villagers demanding him to be punished or worst." He told Kurama and the other two.

"You think I don't know that you old fool. I know better then any of you monkey's how you monkey's turn on each other over the littlest of things and this would be the stone that would destroy this village for I would do everything in my power to protect my kit and I will kill anyone and everyone who tries to hurt him or kill him." Said Kurama as Sakumo nodded his head as Amenadiel also agreed with the two other men.

With a heavy sigh as it appeared Sarutobi aged another 50 years just now. "Anything else you want to tell me?" He asked them.

Kurama and Sakumo just smirked. "Not now. Maybe later." Said Sakumo as he stood up and walked back to the office door.

With a nodded they left the office and left an old man wondering what the hell was going on in his village that he didn't know about it.

Uchiha District

Itachi along with his mother cleaned up the shrine as they didn't want anyone to see what had happen there. The cover story they came up with was it was a mass suicide and they would handle it as they didn't want to scar anyone from the sight that was left behind those who lost their mind last night.

Naruto and Team 10

It was the end of the day and all of Team 10 walked back to Naruto's house so they could get some answers from Kurama about the summons freaking out about him and to have dinner with the boy as Amenadiel was making dinner tonight and it was going to grill for them.

"So please promise you will not freak out and also you can not tell anyone about this. If Kurama choses to later on. We can tell your parent's but for now. It is something that must stay with us." Said Naruto as he was very nervous as he was scared to lose his best friends and girlfriend over this huge little secret about himself.

"Don't worry Naruto. We trust you and I don't think there is anything you can tell us that will shock us anymore." Said Ino as she smiled at him.

Shikamaru took his hand into hers and smiled at him. "It will be fine you troublesome blonde." She told him with a smile on her face.

"I just hope so." Said Naruto as he open the gate leading the girls into his clan lands as they walked up the house. There standing there waiting for him to return was Michael as he was glaring at the girls right next to him.

"Hurry up. We have training to do and I will not be wasting my time here. I do want to return to Silver City soon." Said Michael as he was straight to business.

"Okay Uncle Michael." Said Naruto as he wasn't too happy, he wouldn't be with the girls when Kurama drops the bomb.

Kurama appeared next to Michael. "Still an asshole." He said as he looks at the girls. "Lets go to the back yard and watch them and we can talk there." HE told the two girls before him. They both nodded their heads as they fallowed after Naruto as his bossy uncle.

Michael stood across from Naruto. "Alright boy focus and make your wings appear." He ordered.

Naruto nodded his head and did as he was told.

Kurama looked at the girls as they sat under a large old oak tree. "Well I know you two are wonder why I know those two-boss summons?" He asked them.

"Well yeah. They talk like you are one of them and have fought them on even ground." Said Ino as she was trying to figure this out.

Shikamaru just studied the red head before her. "Naruto said something about a summons he had that the village would have a heart attack about if they ever seen it in the village walls." She said.

"Yes." Said Kurama as he watched the little Nara try to figure it out.

"They only summons that I could think about. That would have the villagers panicking would be a Kitsune summons. Is that the summons you are tied to?" Asked Shikamaru.

Kurama grinned as he looked at the raven hair girl before him. "That I am. For I am the boss summons for them. For I am the Kyubi no Yoki as you human's call me. But I am also called the Kyubi no Kitsune as I am the nine-tail Biju that was forced to attack the village on the night that my kit was born." He told the two before him.

Ino's and Shikamaru's eyes widen as they are sitting across a man that claims to be the strongest of all the tailed Biju's. "But how?" Asked Ino as Shika was thinking.

"There is a special seal on my kit that allows me out of him to take care of him. For his parent's made me promise nothing bad will happen to him and the others have been covering my ass for so long to keep me off of missions as the damn elders wanted to send me out of the village to get their hands on my kit and do kami knows what to him. But they didn't know about me being sealed within him. Your Hokage just found out today as well. For I will be vanishing from the village once your team takes missions outside the village walls and the others will not be able to cover for me then." Said Kurama.

"So that night you attack. Someone had forced you?" Asked Shikamaru as she was trying to study him.

"Yes. I was made into a puppet by some damn Uchiha that is rouge. At the time. The only rouge Uchiha from this village is Madara and he should be long dead. But things don't always go the way we think. But this Uchiha did have some of that man's Chakra in him. But it wasn't the true Madara but a puppet for the bastard as well." Said Kurama as the girls seem to understand where he was coming from.

"Alright. It isn't your fault nor is it Naruto's. You both where just forced into things at the time out of your power. As he was a newborn and you under the control of an Uchiha." Said Shikamaru as she wrapped her mind around it all. "I'm not going to treat Naruto any different for I do see you two as your own two beings." She said.

Kurama grinned and nodded his head. "I always liked you and your good for my kit." HE said as he looked at Ino.

"Naruto is Naruto and you are Kurama are pain in the ass part-time sensei that loves making our lives a living hell in training." Said Ino as she just smirked as this wasn't the worst thing she had ever heard. The worst was when the rumor began about Sasuke being gay. Which she is still wondering about and about him really, really liking Naruto.

"Well I'm glad you two took it better then the kit thought you where going to take it. For he feared that you would throw him away and fear him for having me within him." Said Kurama as he was proud of his kits friends.

"Troublesome. Why would we do that. We grow up with him and you always around and you have protected us from a few bastards that tried attacking us at the part before any of the damn Uchiha police showed their lazy asses up." Said Shikamaru as she wouldn't turn her back on him now.

Kurama nodded his head and they watch as Michael throw Naruto around like a rag doll around the training ground. The Archangel wasn't holding his punches and was putting the boy though his own version of hell bootcamp.