A life not lived, a tragic fate, rebirth of a Sage. Test Subject 398 never got to truly live his life. The first memories he had were of a plain white room and the dreaded Tubes. There were Tubes in his arms, taking blood from him and putting nutrients in. It was like he was a factory for his blood. He didn't know why he had to live like that, but that is what his life was. Due to his slowly fracturing mind, the people who fed him and ran tests decided to let him read manga and watch anime. But what he discovered was he might not even be the same species as these people. When Fate turned an accident into his cause of death, a magical glowing man told him he could live again. {I have made some changes to the story path I originally intended. From now on, I will try to write when possible, so the releases will be somewhat Random}
"How is Test Subject 398 today?" a woman in a lab coat asked the child connected to a bunch of tubes.
The Test Subject looked over top his latest manga, "I am alright Dr. Willow. Though I have been feeling a bit weak lately."
She nodded and took some notes before reading the machines that monitored his vitals and kept him properly regulated. She checked the tubes attached to his hips, one putting a nutrient chemical that allowed for faster blood replenishment, and the other drawing blood out almost as fast as his body could make it.
"Have you been having any dreams lately?" she asked.
He shook his head, "No, nothing special. Just one where I don't have tubes attached to me."
She smiled and replied, "Well, these Tubes are a necessary evil I am afraid. Your blood is very valuable."
The Test Subject nodded, 'That is always her response when I mention not having these scary Tubes.'
"I know...umm, could I ask for a new manga? This one isn't enjoyable. I am not into stretchy pirates."
She smiled again and nodded, "Which one do you want?"
After a few moments, he replied, "Can I reread the Ninja one? Naruto, that was what it is called."
She walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out the first volume of Naruto and brought it to the Test Subject.
"I will come back when it is time for you to eat. Have fun," she said as she left.
He opened the book and looked down at the little ball of sunshine that was Naruto.
'How could you be so happy when everyone hurts you so much? Well, at least you don't have to deal with the Tubes.'
He flipped the page and imagined being there. The stars were something he always wanted to see, and he was curious about the sun that appeared in many of the books. Was it something real, or was it just a fantasy that many people adopted.
Looking at his hand, he felt isolated. He was a different color than the people who took care of him. They all had a sort of peachy colored skin, while his skin was pale and slightly gray. He had seen one of the nurses cut her finger once and her blood was red, while his was more purple. Was he a 'Human' like in the books, or maybe he was more like those Otsutsuki people, an alien.
He shook his head and continued to read while also dreaming of living in a world like Naruto. Even if he was hated, he was free of the room he was in.
A small stream of smoke started coming up from the machine that monitored and regulated his blood and blood production nutrients. Test Subject 398 looked over, curious about it, since this was the first time he seen this kind of thing.
A spark ignited the wire, and the machine turned off, then back on again, but it was making a strange noise. The Test Subjects skin started to loose more color and the blood coming from his body began to show signs of stopping.
The Test Subject lost consciousness and a few moments later, only the clear nutrients were being pulled from his body.
After some time, Test Subject 398 woke up. He felt...better than he did before.
Sitting up, he noticed his body was like the doctors and nurses, slightly peachy colored. He climbed to his feet and looked around the white room he was in. There were windows!
He rushed over and saw an expanse of white clouds and a large yellow ball of light in the sky.
"Is that the Sun?!" he nearly shouted his question.
"You shouldn't stare into it, young man," a male voice said from behind him.
Surprised he turned around and noticed a man with glowing skin. It was like he held some of the Sun's light inside him.
"Where am I?" the Test Subject asked.
"This place is called Heaven to some, perhaps you have heard of it?" the man replied.
The Test Subject nodded, "I have, but does that mean I died?"
The man nodded, "Yes, but I decided to give you a chance at life. A real life. I saw you liked the world of Naruto, yes?"
The Test Subject nodded, so the man continued, "Well, I can reincarnate you there. If you want."
The boy's eyes widened, "Does everyone get to reincarnate?"
The man shook his head, "No, but you see, you have a special circumstance. You are what is called a Natural Sage. In particular, you are a Sage of the Fallen Moon. A long time ago, there were two moons on Earth, and one of those had a facility where children were raised to be Sages from birth. You could say they were born Sages. Well, that moon fell to Earth and wiped out the civilization that was there at the time. A long time later, in an underground area of the planet, scientists found several hundred stasis pods with babies in them, and they started experimenting on these children, since they seemed different from other children and the nature of where they were found."
"So, I am one of these children?" the boy asked.
The man nodded, "Yes, and since you were born to be a Sage, you body and soul were infused with Natural Energy, thus offering the humans the ability to use your blood as a sort of cure-all and life extender. It is also why I can reincarnate you into the world of Naruto. Your body and soul is mostly made up of Natural Energy so creating a child with your memories and talent in the womb of a woman should be no problem."
"I would have a mother?" he asked in surprise.
"Yes, I already have a person in mind for your mother. Are you willing?" the glowing man asked.
Test Subject 398 nodded, "Yes!"