
Volume II: Konoha's Night Owl Chapter 11: Choice

Since I became a Chunin Ninja of Konoha, and now I'm one step closer to finding out about my father. I have a guess who it is, but I can't confirm it as if I ask uncle he will just deviate the conversation to another direction, same with aunt. When I asked about my mother uncle told me that she was his older sister and she was one of the feared kunoichi, but didn't go into details and told me that he will explain to about her at the same time I become a Jonin. So I stopped pestering them about this, it's not that I don't want to know about them, but they're not telling me for some other reason. I did think about getting the information from the archives and the hospital, but I didn't get a single document about me or my parents.

After that I closed that chapter and decided to wait till I'm a Jonin, so that i could know about my dead mother and my supposed father, who has been missing in my life.

As for my missions, I have taken two B-Rank missions, one was to gather information about a disturbance at the border between the Land of Fire and Land of Wind. That was a three day trip, but it was nothing concerning other than some desert bandits have gathered there and it was not one team. When I sent the information back, I got a new mission which was also a B-Rank mission and it was to exterminate those bandits as soon as possible. In that mission I took a life of another human being for the first time, during the extermination process I held the bile that was in my stomach and finished the deed. After that was done I threw up everything I ate in the evening. Looking at the dead bodies of the bandits I sighed and extended my over to them and said "Arise!"

A second later thirty shadow soldiers started to come out from the shadow of the dead, they were all different from each other. They had the normal black color, but instead of just being blue or purple for every soldier, they had different highlight colors. I didn't understand what they meant at first but after seeing the colors and relating it to the elements present in this world, it clicked in my mind. Those colors indicated which element was they are most suitable with.

The shadow soldiers who had affinity with fire had the orange color.

The shadow soldiers who had affinity with wind had white color.

The shadow soldiers who had affinity with lightning had the purple color.

The shadow soldiers who had affinity with earth had the brown color.

The shadow soldiers who had affinity with water had the blue color.

And out of the thirty shadow soldiers only one had lightning release, two of the had wind release, seven of them had earth release, ten of them had water release and another ten had fire release.

After seeing this I calculated that it would be in best intrest to remotely give order to the shadow soldiers, so I sent them all to make a mercenary team and I sent the lightning release shadow soldier to be in the shadow of Danzo.

After that I went back to the village and seeing my state uncle told me to guard Naruto as I've done before. Now it's been two weeks after sending out the shadow soldiers to make a mercenary team of themselves and now I'm with Shika just lying on the roof of our home and cloud watching. As we were in the zone, Shika asked me a question "Ni-san. Why are you trying so hard to be a Jonin?"

"Even though you know ots answer, your still questioning me?" I asked them.

"I know why, I have heard it from mom. But I need to hear from you directly." He said while looking st me instead of the clouds.

Sighing I said "I want to figure out who my father is. He's been a mysterious figure in my life now, and uncle had promised me that when I become a Jonin Ninja, he will tell me who my father is." Looking at him I continued "There... Happy?"

"Yeah...." After a bit of thinking he asked again "But, what will you do after that?"

"After that... I'm not sure about it. But even if I knew that I'm not telling a four year old about that." I said that with a smile.

Hearing this he said "You know that I'm not a regular four year old right?"

"I do, little genius. But don't fry your brain thinking about my future and think about yours okay." I said.

"I don't want to."

"And why is that?" I asked him with curiosity.

"It's troublesome... "

Hearing that I just laughed for a while and said still laughing "Life is troublesome Shika, but that's the thrill of it."

"I guess."

Then we went back to watching clouds whole occasionally talking. And when he was asleep, I took him downstairs and tucked him in his bed and left to my room. But was stopped in my tracks by the voice of uncle, who said "Bokuto, come to the Hokage monument. I'll be there." Saying that he left the house.

'What was that all about.'

Not knowing what I went after him, and when we reached there, the Third Hokage was standing there, looking at the carved face of Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze.

As we reached near him we both bowed to him as a sign of respect and he started to speak addressing me without even turning around "Bokuto, I know how you like to operate and your missions. They're all splendid, but I would like you to be in a team during you're a Chunin." Them he turned around and looked at me and said "I'm giving you a choice now." Taking a breath he continued "Would you like to be a single maned cell, and be the Chunin of Konoha. Or, do you want to be in a team of specialy selected team and be an Anbu trainee under my direct command."

Hearing this I was surprised to say the least, but I didn't let it determine my decision so I said "I would like to join the Anbu."

"Good. You will be an Anbu trainee from day after tomorrow onwards, so rest well and me then." Then looking at both of us he said "Shikaku, stay back I need to talk to you and Bokuto, you can leave."

"Hai Hokage-sama." Saying that I shunshined away from there, and went straight to the Ichiraku Ramen to enjoy the promotion in to Anbu. There I met Naruto, so I bought him four bowls of ramen too, while the ramen was being prepared he talked to me with so much enthusiasm and told me how he met a gramps in the forest and that he will become the Hokage in the future. Hearing this I smiled at him and said "You will."

When I said that he was ecstatic and started to smile widely, but was interrupted by the ramen, so we ate it in silence.




<Chapter 11 End>

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