
Naruto: Most Horrible Rebellion

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 The root squad is wiped out! (2/5)

Two hours later, another root team arrived at the scene.

The Summoning technique for regular contact was not activated. They followed the prepared tracking method and came to the last place where the team stayed.

"Liuyue, mountain ghost, windworm, chasing cloud, all members died in action."

The team members inspected the explosion site and found the charred body.

"There are traces of Earth Style ninjutsu and detonation talisman at the scene, and one of the techniques of the Tulong spear killed Captain Liuyue." The team members who surveyed the scene reported one hundred and fifty-one.

After listening to the report, the captain couldn't help thinking. He narrowed his eyes while looking at the "liuyue" that was pierced from the waist by the Tulong spear in front of him.

The two captains probably knew the details of this mission.

Master Danzo took it seriously and sent two Jōnin-level ninjas to lead the team.

To be honest, ordinary Jōnin, even Kakashi's elite Jōnin, who has made a name for himself, are likely to fall into their hands.

Who killed such an elite ninja team?

The captain looked at the corpse of "Liuyue" darkly. He believed that he was no better than "Liuyue".

The enemy can kill Liuyue's squad, and naturally they can also kill their squad.

After a long while, the captain said: "Although Lord Danzo thinks that Uchiha Tangwu attacked his teammates and thought that the target was hiding his strength, from the scene..."

"Earth Style Ninjutsu." He pointed to the Tulong spear that pierced through the moon, and the decapitation hole that broke through the ground not far away.

"Physical skill match." He pointed to Kuwu, who was cracked by the match on the ground.

"These combat abilities are not owned by the target, so the possibility of foreign ninjas is not ruled out." The captain thought for a while and ordered one of the team members: "In short, report the situation to the headquarters first, and we will continue to pursue."

"Understood." The team member who was ordered nodded.

After a few minutes, the rectified root team continued to set off.


"The team led by Liuyue was completely destroyed?"

Danzo looked at the newly submitted information, and his heart sank.

"What's the matter?" He looked at the ninja who was kneeling on one knee, his eyes cold.

For any village, a Jōnin is a valuable first-class combat power.

What's more, this kind of cooperative Jōnin combat team is even more precious to the restricted roots.

"There is no updated information." Kaidō, the ninja kneeling on one knee.

Boom! Boom!

Danzo's crutches in his hand hit the ground hard, and he said coldly: "Check, check it out for the old man! My people can't be unexplainably damaged in the land of fire!"

"Yes!" The ninja nodded and left the office.

Danzo frowned and looked at the information, and compared to Uchiha Tangwu's information. He looked suspicious and said to himself: "What's the matter?"

"The elite team trained by the old man, even at the level of Kakashi, is likely to be damaged."

"Who is the enemy?"

"Could it be a squad that other Shinobu village sneaked into? But in this case, the movement will be too big, it is impossible not to be discovered..."



"Oh, here again and again."

Tangwu walked out of the forest, Shadow Clone moved his expression and pulled out the Shinobi on his back.

"Sure enough, it's you? Uchiha Tangwu."

Behind him, another root team stood on the branch, looking at Tangwu in the distance.

'Why blindfold? Also, why separate Shadow Clone? '

The team leader was a little confused, but Tangwu's Shadow Clone didn't give him more time to think.


In Shadow Clone's eyes, three Gouyu jade turned, and scarlet pupils showed through.


As soon as the sound of drawing a knife sounded, the figure had disappeared in place.

The terrifying Body Flicker Technique made the captain of the root squad's eyes wide open, and could only resist with experience and instinct.


A bright blue thunder shone in the sky.

No, not Thunder, but Lightning Style Chakra on the knife!

The leader of the root squad was horrified, and his hand was so miserable that he could withstand the first knife of Shadow Clone.

When the sword collided with Kuwu, he flew out all over.


The root unit fell to the ground and was paralyzed by the current on the Shadow Clone knife. The opponent's speed completely exceeded his reaction and could only be resisted by the most awkward method.

"Has your Lightning Style been developed to this level?" The Gen Chief Kneeled on the ground and glanced over his team members. He suffered two injuries and one death, basically losing his combat effectiveness.

He tried to use words to delay time, let the paralysis pass, and looked at Shadow Clone: ​​"The combination of knife, Lightning Style, and lightning flashes, these three abilities, you have never shown in Konoha, as expected, as Master Danzo said, Hide yourself ambitiously."

"That's right!"

Shadow Clone nodded, his figure disappeared again, and appeared behind the root unit leader in the next second.

A masked head flew high, and the wound was scorched by the overheating of the electric current, without the slightest splash of blood.

"team leader!"


The two injured players shouted afterwards.

They looked at Shadow Clone nervously, with deep jealousy in their eyes.

"Lei Shun, what is your relationship with Uchiha Shisui..." The members of the roots were still testing at the end.


Shadow Clone slashed his head with the shimmering electric shinning sword, without intending to talk nonsense.

Almost instantly, another knife cut the neck of the last surviving root.

Because the speed of Lei Shun's body is too fast, exceeding the reaction limit of the human eye, Shadow Clone's figure seems to be divided into two, existing in two positions at the same time.


The last root member died, his eyes enlarged, and he remembered the last thunder light seen in his life.

This will be the deepest memory in his mind.

Shadow Clone collected the materials on their bodies, made two seals with one hand, and suddenly inhaled.

"Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"

The fiery ball of fire smashed down and blasted the scene to a scorched black, leaving no traces to be seen.

The heads of the four roots were also solved.

"There is no need. I wanted Konoha to know that I was the one who did it." Tangwu said, shaking his head.

"But it is necessary to hide our moves," Shadow Clone said.


In the evening, the remains of the root members were returned to Konoha.

Danzo hurriedly summoned the Yamanaka clan to explore the brain.

From the only remaining heads of "Liuyue" and "Mountain Ghost", extract the memories of this afternoon.

A young figure was drawn and placed in front of Danzo.

"Uchiha Tangwu!" Danzo's face sank, and angrily said: "I said, the Uchiha clan is not credible, and now the first defector has appeared."

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