
NARUTO : jujutsu template system

currently being rewritten. check my profile After being thrown tens of meters away by Truck-kun, I found myself in a completely dark area, surrounded by constellations I had never seen before. They said I died when I shouldn't have, disrupting the timeline. They said that to fix the mistake, they had to throw me out of the reincarnation cycle and reactivate a timeline without me. Since I could no longer live in this universe's timeline, I learned that they rewarded me with the chance to be resurrected by preserving my memories in a new universe. There were two big Wheels of Fortune in front of me When I spun the first wheel of fortune, I learned that the universe in which I would be resurrected was the Naruto universe, but that wasn't enough to deter me. According to what he said about the constellations, by spinning the second wheel of fortune, I would get one of the biggest tricks in the world of Naruto. When I spun the two wheels of fortune, I saw that what appeared was a jujutsu template system. While I was about to ask the constellations why I didn't get a gift related to the Naruto universe, my consciousness turned off and I found myself in the body of a baby. -------------- Small note: In the timeline I based on while writing FF, Naruto is born 65 years after Konoha was founded. source(tumbler - belive it ) note 1: the main character is a bit stupid and has mental problems but he doesn't realize it Join my patreon for support me or check my contract work patreon /OLD_storage

OLD_storage · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

white crow

A white crow landed on a man sleeping in bed, snoring, in the early hours of the morning.

"Cak cak, wake up bro, it's morning, caw cak"

I've been waking up to the same disgusting noise for the last few days and it's really starting to bother me.

I waved my hand with reflex and tried to slap the crow that landed on me, but the crow moved quickly and avoided my blow.

"Cak cak, wake up, today is the day, war day cak cak"

When I heard Karga's words, I became conscious and the feeling of insomnia disappeared.

Exactly 4 days have passed since my trip to my father's laboratory. My father found a way to create cursed souls using my blood, but the problem was that you had complete control over the cursed souls created, so my father could not find any way to control them.

After hearing about what I did in Iwagakure, he decided to give me all the cursed souls he created. The crow on me was a first-class cursed soul, while the other cursed souls were at the second level.

Except for the white crow, all the remaining cursed spirits looked very ugly and scary, so I placed them all in my shadow world to summon them later.

Because the connection between me and the white crow was so strong, I could see through its eyes unless it was sealed, and for this reason and because it was intelligent to a certain extent, I did not put the white crow in my shadow world.

In the last 5 days, people's hatred for my new race has been constantly strengthening me, and my cursed energy reserves have increased by almost 1000 points in the last 5 days.

After a while, after sitting at the breakfast table, my father came and sat in his own chair.

"I heard you are going to fight the 3rd Raikage"

Since my father's identity was that of the deputy hokage and root leader, it was quite normal for him to hear such information.

"Yes, I will set out after breakfast."


The only sound at the dinner table was the sound of forks and spoons until the cursed crow flew over the breakfast table and dropped its white feathers on the breakfast dishes.

When I saw a white feather fall in the middle of my perfect breakfast plate, which I had created by combining many breakfast items, time slowed down almost to a halt in the eyes of the cursed crow, and he looked at the shape of my face changing every second.

My figure suddenly disappeared in the rapidly spinning sharingans of the cursed crow. The moment the cursed crow saw the fist approaching its beak as if it wanted to tear it apart, it reflexively used its own cursed technique and split into hundreds of crows and started flying in all directions.

When I saw that the white crow hit by my fist turned into a white feather and hundreds of white crows flew out of the windows of the house, a terrible killing intent began to spread from my body.

Danzo, who was exposed to murderous intent, hit the wooden floor of the house with the cane he took from an unknown source.

"Calm down and take your seat"

As Danzo's voice echoed in the room, Eren appeared in his chair and the white crow landed on the bird stand placed on the breakfast table.

"You two need to mature."

What Eren and the White Crow did not know was that Danzo's back was covered in sweat because of the aurora that Eren had carelessly spread around.

The three people at the breakfast table continued to eat their breakfast in silence for a while.

After a while, the maid of the house, who was also my wet nurse, came and started clearing the breakfast table.

Our relations with this woman were not very friendly. The woman always spoke little, and as far as I remember, although she always took good care of me, she never made any compliments that would make me feel good.

My foster mother was very young when she took on the task of taking care of me, and even now she looks like she has just entered her 30s. When I looked at my foster mother's very swollen belly, I realized that she was pregnant right now.

"Is this your second child?"

When the woman heard my question, her hands covering the table froze and she slowly turned to me, with an expression in her eyes as if she was afraid of making a mistake.

When I saw the woman's expression, I made a decision.

"You don't have to work here anymore, you can go home and rest"

" B.. b.. but why, did I make a mistake "

The woman looked almost on the verge of tears, and I guessed why she was so scared and looked at my father.

"Don't look at me, that woman's only job is to clean the house and cook. Why should I threaten your wet nurse?"

"Since you are pregnant, go home and take care of your children. Don't worry, you will be paid twice as much as your salary in the future. I will pay."

"I can work more if you want"

"Okay, there is no need to say more. My father will hire a new maid for himself."

Danzo seemed to realize something

"Are you going to move?"

"The multi-storey houses I had built on the old Senju clan land have been completed. I have prepared a more luxurious apartment for you than the others, I will come back after this mission."

"I understand. That's right, I will join this mission with you."

My father's sudden desire to get involved in this mission was something I never expected. Up until now he had always left me free to do my own thing, and I wondered why he was acting differently this time.

"Of course you can come if you want, but why?"

"I've never seen my son fight before, I've always listened to what others told me. As a father, don't I even have the right to do this?"

"You're right dad"

As I looked at the victorious smile on my father's face, I internally screamed, "This is so childiiishhh."