
NARUTO : jujutsu template system

currently being rewritten. check my profile After being thrown tens of meters away by Truck-kun, I found myself in a completely dark area, surrounded by constellations I had never seen before. They said I died when I shouldn't have, disrupting the timeline. They said that to fix the mistake, they had to throw me out of the reincarnation cycle and reactivate a timeline without me. Since I could no longer live in this universe's timeline, I learned that they rewarded me with the chance to be resurrected by preserving my memories in a new universe. There were two big Wheels of Fortune in front of me When I spun the first wheel of fortune, I learned that the universe in which I would be resurrected was the Naruto universe, but that wasn't enough to deter me. According to what he said about the constellations, by spinning the second wheel of fortune, I would get one of the biggest tricks in the world of Naruto. When I spun the two wheels of fortune, I saw that what appeared was a jujutsu template system. While I was about to ask the constellations why I didn't get a gift related to the Naruto universe, my consciousness turned off and I found myself in the body of a baby. -------------- Small note: In the timeline I based on while writing FF, Naruto is born 65 years after Konoha was founded. source(tumbler - belive it ) note 1: the main character is a bit stupid and has mental problems but he doesn't realize it Join my patreon for support me or check my contract work patreon /OLD_storage

OLD_storage · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

speed test

The food Reina made was very delicious, maybe the bear meat was delicious, I don't know because it was the first time I ate bear meat.

After lunch, after a half-hour rest, we set off again.

It would probably take another day to reach the position Sarutabi told me, maybe it would be faster if I went alone, but I wouldn't be able to eat as healthy as I do now.

As time went on, we were able to talk to Reina more often, and as we talked, I learned that she was someone who had a lot of knowledge about chakra.


As soon as I arrived at the Konoha ninja camp, which was about 10 kilometers away from the location of the Iwakagure ninjas, I met Orochimaru.

"Did you come without a forehead protector?"

Orochimaru asked in surprise when he saw that I was wearing only comfortable short sleeves and loose pajamas.

"I have it with me but I don't like wearing it very much. If the symbol of Konoha ninjas were a shoulder protector instead of a forehead protector, I would actually wear it."

Orochimaru squinted as he watched my shadow move and extend the forehead protector into my hand.

"You have improved yourself a lot in Yin release"

"Don't worry about it, am I just going to attack the Iwakagure ninjas?"

When Orochimaru heard my question, he took me to his tent.

As I walked with Orochimaru through the campsite, the Ninjas frowned as they looked at the forehead protector I had tied around my waist.

After a while, some Ninjas recognized me and told those around me who I was. Ninjas learned who I was and started to go about their own business as if nothing had happened.

Orochimaru's tent was almost ten times larger than the other tents. What greeted us when we entered was a large table and an area covered with covers in the corner of the tent.

Orochimaru sat at the table and invited us to join him. When we went to the table, we saw that there was a huge map on the table.

Orochimaru drew a route by sticking a few pins into the map

"You have one day to make a sneak attack on the Iwakagure ninjas using this path."

"What, should I travel around the whole country?"

"Yes, this is the only route you can take to reach their base camp without being detected."

The route Orochimaru showed me required me to pass through 5 small countries located between the wind kingdom and the earth kingdom and enter the earth kingdom from the back.

I saw a small inscription written in the corner of the map, it said that every inch on the map is actually eight kilometers.

I took the ruler placed on the corner of the table and made a small calculation and saw that the route we wanted to go was approximately 4000 kilometers.

Seeing my surprise, Orochimaru continued speaking.

"If you run at a speed of around 160 kilometers per hour, you can easily get there on time."

"So how do I run that fast?"

Orochimaru replied as he looked at me confused.

" Follow me "

After leaving the tent with Orochimaru, he pointed to a hill in the distance.

"I heard you gave Minato a little show at the Hokage Building yesterday."

I responded by waving my hand and saying he was exaggerating.

"He wasn't prepared enough to use the teleportation technique, and you know his speed is related to the teleportation technique."

Orochimaru let out an eerie laugh and then replied:

"Minato's normal movement speed is not slow at all, you are very fast. I want you to run all the way to that hill over there, but with your top speed."

Even though I didn't know what Orochimaru was trying to do, I took a stopwatch from his pocket and started waiting for him to give me the signal.

Actually, I haven't had full sense of myself until now so I was curious to see how fast I was.

After bending down and taking a position like a professional runner, I focused on the hill in front of me and told Orochimaru that I was some.

With Orochimaru's signal, I put my full strength on my back leg and started running. I had only taken two steps when I felt a terrible pressure on my body and I resisted and broke the pressure.

In the first 50 steps, I broke this pressure 10 times and the white curtain covering my vision was completely torn.

With every step I took, a terrible amount of adrenaline was released in my body. Even though I don't know why, I feel very happy and free right now.

At that moment I came across a ninja who almost hit me. Probably because of my high speed, he froze in place without any reaction.

I quickly checked my steps, passed the ninja and continued running. After a while, I left the campsite and entered the forest area.

I was running towards the hill while quickly dodging the trees I came across. After about 5 minutes I reached the top and immediately stopped and turned around.

After going through the same process again, I arrived at camp in a few minutes and saw something was wrong so I stopped immediately.

It looked as if a bomb had exploded in the area where I started running and around 50 meters around it.

The air was covered with a cloud of dust while there were huge cracks on the ground

When I saw many injured ninjas lying on the ground and whining around, I was going to ask Orochimaru what the situation was, but I saw Reina lying on the ground covered in blood.

I immediately ran to him and checked if his life was in danger.

"Just got hit by a little rock, not a major wound, Eren-sama."

Even though what she said was true, she looked scary with blood everywhere, when I heard two voices at the same time, one coming from Orochimaru and the other coming from the system.

"21.77 seconds, congratulations, your score is only one and a half seconds slower than Raikage."

[Congratulations, you have completed the secret achievement -stupid and clumsy-]