
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 1


The soft patter of the rain hitting the floor disturbs my thoughts as I run my blood soaked hands through my dark curly hair. If anyone were to see me now I'd look like a disheveled young man with a permanent blank expression and many scars covering my body, specifically my arms. Each of these are reminders of the times I had almost died in this new life. I still remember the day that I had been brought into this world 16 years ago, I was welcomed by the warm smile of a beautiful woman who I would learn was my new mother.

From the day I was able to walk and talk I was made to study the art of chakra and kenjutsu. My father used to be the patriarch of a small clan in Konohagakure know for it's style of kenjutsu and I was forced to follow in his footsteps. Unfortunately the clan was disbanded when he died and I was left as the only shinobi remaining that still has the Shiro name.

The style of kenjutsu my father left behind is a mixture of wind release jutsu used to cleave apart the wind to make dangerously sharp blades of chakra that can be launched like projectiles similar to that of the samurai in the land of Iron. Perhaps the only reason I'm still here standing is due to the inheritance he left behind for me.

Suddenly I hear a small whimper come from beneath one of the beheaded bodies. My footsteps remain completely silent as I tighten my grip on the sword my father left behind.

"Seems like I missed one of you, unfortunately I can't let you live. After all...what type of shinobi would I be if I didn't complete the mission."

Slowly a middle aged man with his entire lower body missing crawls from beneath one of his comrades body. The wet dirt makes a strange squishy sound as he places his head against it while bowing, well as much as he could bow, towards me.

"Ple-ase, I-I have a-a fami-ly."

A soft smile gently raises my lips in happiness as I stare down at the man. Without a single word I move the tilt of my chakra blade and swing in a bright white crescent, spilling blood over the shiny blade as the old man's head falls from his shoulders.

The ding of a bell rings in my head as I immediately flew my chakra out over the few hundred meters near me. Where did that sound come from? Unfortunately I am incapable of sensing people underground so I can only passively defend here.

But as I think this...a blue screen pops up in front of me, almost like the system of a video game I used to play as a kid back on earth. Perhaps this is some kind of jutsu used to collect information?

However when white text appears on the blue screen I almost drop my sword in shock at the incredible revelation.

[Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.]

[Mission: Kill 100 Civilians (1/1) Completed. Reward: <Blood Possession>]

[<Blood Possession>: Infuse your blood in the body of your target in order to gain a spiritual connection with them that allows you to see through their eyes and control their movements. Restrictions, cannot be used on humans or other highly intelligent beings.]

I'm suddenly not in the middle of the bandit hideout like before but in a white space completely void of life besides a black smoky that resembles me to a startling degree. The figure cuts it's finger as a bead of dark red blood falls down like a stream of corrupted water. Another silhouette, that of a bird this time, appears in the palm of the smoky figure as it places the bleeding finger in the beak of the bird.

Dark red streaks run over the feathers of the tiny bird as it grows slightly larger, it's outline becomes bigger with it's wingspan growing at a rapid pace. After ten seconds the bird looks completely unrecognizable to how it did before, red and black feathers cover it's giant majestic wings and it's eyes are pitch black with dark red irises. The beak is no longer dull but sharp, having a dark glint constantly flickering off them as if covered in some type of metal.

Once the bird is completely done with it's incredible transformation both of the existences fade away leaving me in the white void. A second later and I find myself back in the place I was before, a bloody mess of humans body parts and stolen goods locked away in some wooden crates.


A slight chuckle of happiness escapes my mouth as I feel the miraculous change in my body. Unlike before I feel a deep connection with the blood moving through my body as if it was a body part I could move as easily as my hand.

Once again the blue screen shows itself before my eyes but this time it's different, all of my information is written down showing me like a character profile from a video game.

[Name: Hikaru Shiro

Age: 16

Skills: <Crescent Moon>: A sharp white wave of chakra made from the combination of wind release and kenjutsu. <White Gyrate>: A white twirl of sharp chakra that envelops the user in a bright white sphere made from the combination of wind release and kenjutsu. <Pale Streak>: An advanced version of the Body Flicker that uses wind release to greatly enhance the users speed, flexibility and reaction time. <Blood Possession>: Infuse blood in the body of your target in order to gain a spiritual connection with them that allows you to see through their eyes and control their movements. Restrictions, cannot be used on humans or other highly intelligent beings.]

It seems that my kenjutsu are all listed here yet the other jutsu I have learned over the years at the academy are missing. Is it because I don't have a high enough mastery over them? Regardless I now have a new route available to me, jutsu are the quickest way for the average shinobi to grow in power. I am no exception, before I had to manually gather information but now? Now I can have eyes in the sky constantly watching my back.