
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 17

(Hiruzen POV)

"Lord 3rd there are hundreds of ships flying in the direction of Konohagakure!"

The panicked shouts of people outside make me quickly get up in my battle uniform and I summon King Yenma.

The usually empty blue sky is filled with majestic war ships that could only belong to one nation, the land of Water. Is this an attack by Kirigakure? I thought that Sunagakure would be the first to attack with the southwest not Kirigakure.

"Call the clan heads, village elders, and civilian council to the command center. Prepare for all out war with Kirigakure, raise the defenses."

Lines upon lines of cannons shine on the stone walls overlooking the city as dozens of chunin run up the ladders and man the weapons to aim at the incoming ships.

At the top of the leading ship a dark curly haired man with strange white irises like the Byakugan and pitch black pupils and cornea. Standing to his left is a short kid with spikey white hair that looks to be panicking.

Is that Kakashi and Hikaru? Why do his eyes look so different? In fact I can feel the dense chakra seeping through his skin did he manage to break through?

"Hold your fire this man isn't an enemy!"

My voice booms over the entire village breaking glass and scaring many people. Hikaru jumps off the edge of the ship with Kakashi on his back safely floating down to the ground with wind chakra slowing his fall.

Hundreds, no, thousands of scrolls float down with him as the clan heads finally arrive to the scene.

"Lord 3rd I've completed the mission these are the spoils of my adventure, around 300,000 tons of processed food made to last for years and over 2,000,000 kunai, shuriken, and senbon. I've also rounded up all the war ships, cargo ships and any other vessel that travels over water in the ports controlled by the Kaguya clan."

What the hell? When did this kid do this? I thought the mission was just to assassinate the Kaguya clan patriarch not rob the Kaguya clan of everything they owned. Ha, I suppose this is a good thing, now we can discuss a peace treaty with Kirigakure in exchange for one of their swords and all of their sea vessels. We can keep the food, after all 300,000 tons of food is good, especially since they are processed to last for long periods of time.

I just hope Hikaru hasn't caused any massive damage to the land of Water that can't be salvaged through benefits.

(3rd POV)

A few hours later and all the important military figures, political figures and clan heads have gathered together with Hikaru at the forefront.

"I presume you all know why we are all here today. If any of you have noticed I've recently gone on a mission to assassinate the Kaguya clan patriarch."

Copies of the mission description fall on the large table in front of everyone as they take a look at the details of what happened on the mission.

"During the mission I successfully killed the Kaguya clan patriarch and eliminated the clan in it's entirety."

Shocked gasps erupt the room in loud gossip as everyone looks at Hikaru with wary glances. Truth be told almost all of them knew who Hikaru was, after all he had a perfect mission record and had never once failed any mission no matter how difficult. When he graduated early at the age of ten he scored second place only behind Minato. After graduating he spent six years with no instructor or team leader which caused many to forget of his existence yet in the past three months his actions shocked the world.

At the border of the land of Fire he killed Gaki, a famous jonin of Konohagakure with no difficulty. In the land of Water he killed Juzo Biwa, a S-Rank traitor of Kirigakure that had previously been one of the seven swordsmen of the mist.

And now? He had killed the Kaguya clan patriarch who was believed to have the Shikotsumyaku kekkei genkai. In just a few months he went from basically being just a random jonin to a Kage level shinobi with incredible affinity for wind and water release. He showed such much talent that he even had some success in the flying thunder god jutsu that Tobirama Senju the 2nd Hokage made. In just this mission alone he contributed massive amounts of liquid cash in the form of food, weapons, ships, and even jutsu.

Just looking at the amount of things he had ransacked from the land of Water made even Fugaku salivate and he already had thousands of jutsu stored in the Uchiha library. Even Hiruzen was shocked at the incredible amount of material objects that Hikaru had collected, valuable herbs and medical plants only found in the land of Water where here. Unique bone creature like summons that had incredible earth jutsu where also collected and transported.

Danzo also noticed that the body of the Kaguya clan patriarch was also listed on the document along with hundreds of DNA samples from many people residing inside the Kaguya clan compound. Several unique kenjutsu that the Kaguya clan had created, stolen and inherited from other clans where also listed.

"Ahem, as stated per S-Class missions I will give the village twenty percent of all the things listed here as contribution. Normally the percent that would go to the village would only be ten percent but I'd like to contribute all the food found to the village for war preparations."

In just an instant everyone in the room felt overwhelming bitter as they realized that per village rules set by the Hokage himself eighty percent of everything brought back from the village is Hikaru's and they couldn't take a bite out of the extremely large cake. Hiruzen suddenly felt the eyes of everyone in the room fall on him as he begins to sweat. Hikaru was part of the 3rd Hokage faction meaning that everything he was 'contributing to the village' was in actuality going to the 3rd Hokage.

'Ah, Hikaru is too young, he doesn't know your supposed to hide most of what you gain from missions. This is the unspoken rule between the village and the clans as well as the shinobi. Fuck, now I have to hear everyone complain that twenty percent of everything on this list is going into my pocket.'

Hiruzen suddenly felt very tired and wanted to leave the command center immediately to get away from the glaring eyes of everyone in the room.