
Trouble comes and training session

Wang Ma who before was looking at them hurriedly went to the front door. Naruto and Lin Ruoxi already separated, sit on their own sofa while smiling each other, but soon Lin Ruoxi smiled turn stiff.

"Master, you've come..."

At the hallway, there's a mature man who wore a dark blue shirt while giving off a refined aura with his well-shaved beard. The only way you could tell his age was by the wrinkles near his eyes and the countless strands of white hair. One could clearly tell that he was Lin Kun, Ruoxi's father from his appearance alone.

Lin Ruoxi already paled and her lips were trembling, which was seen by Naruto.

Lin Kun's expression was extremely ugly, he was glaring at Lin Ruoxi while giving contempt look to Naruto. Lin Ruoxi stood up in quiver while giving a helpless expression, "Father..."

"Father?" Lin Kun coldly laughed ,"in your eyes, do you even see me as one? Without any notice, you just married this strange brute. Do you even see me as a father?"

Lin Ruoxi whole body turned cold, she felt like all the strength left her body, her eyes also turned red and tears started flowing from it. "I already said it before, my marriage is my decision. It doesn't matter even if he is a brute, I would rather marry him than Xu Zhihong."

Lin Kun sneered, "great, what a waste raising you up. Don't ever think that just because your grandmother gave you the company, I can't educate you on what to do! Don't forget, I still have 30% of the shares in the company. I am a major stockholder. Even more importantly, I am your biological father!"

"Father? How are you a father? Since I was little, you never fulfill your duty as one. Furthermore, I don't like Xu Zhihong at all. You don't have to waste your time thinking about this." As Lin Ruoxi said this, bead for bead of waters dropped from her eyes.

"You don't like him? So what? It wouldn't hurt to be engaged to the next CEO of the Donghua Science & Technology Co. And are you telling me that you actually like this brute?" Lin Kun said while pointing at Naruto who was standing still.

Naruto who already knew their broken relationship began feels annoyed being called 'brute' many times. However Lin Kun was still his Father in Law, so he wouldn't act rash. With a smile, Naruto offered his hand and said, "hello, please don't call me a brute, my name is Naruto and I'm currently your daughter spouse."

"Don't pretend to be nice, a brute is a brute, I don't care what your name is," Lin Kun said with a cold tone and slapped Naruto hand away. Naruto didn't look offended, he still smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I once again said that I'm not a brute, I had a proper job "

"What proper job?" Lin Kun sneered, the arrogance in his tone became clarer, "don't you think I don't know what you did before, I had sent some people to do an investigation and I'm aware that you just a small stall seller. I know that you must be doing some dirty trick to my daughter so she would marry you! People like you who thought he can get a swan when he clearly just a frog."

Naruto just let out a helpless smile as he thought this father-in-law was really hard to deal with, "what? Can't say anything?" Lin Kun curled his lips, "then you best leave my daughter now, you this dog shit who thinks can leeching my daughter!"

Lin Ruoxi who already crying in Wang Ma arms, couldn't hold it anymore "Father enough! if you come here just to insult me and him, then you better leave!"

"You..." Lin Kun who already at his peak of anger, smiling fiendishly. " Good! Good! You choose him over me, you this slut unfilial daughter! I know, he must be fucking you hard that makes you addicted right? You whore!"

Then Lin Kun walked toward Lin Ruoxi as if want to slap her, but before he manages to move more than 3 steps, he felt strong force knocked him back, far until his back slammed against the house front door. Lin Kun let out a groan of pain. Although he didn't feel any internal injury or broken bone, he still feels an ache in his back.

Didn't understand when Naruto already stood on Lin Kun previously position, he glared at Lin Kun and he said with a cold tone, "I neither care if you insult me or look down on me, but accusing a virtuous and proper lady as a slut or whore is a heavy crime in my eyes especially the one you just accused is my own wife. If you not my father in law, I already tore you to pieces but next time... next time I heard you say that again, I won't be so kind."

With a killing intent that Naruto let out cause Lin Kun body trembled in fear, Lin Kun was a person who lived in debauchery, he had met all sort of underworld people who killed without batting an eye, those guys killing intent not even worth mention compared to this golden-hair man.

Naruto walked slowly toward Lin Kun, every step he took make Lin Kun's heart tremble as if an executioner came toward him and readied to kill. His voice trembled with fear, "What-what do you want to do with me?"

Naruto didn't answer Lin Kun as he just kept walking and approaching him. Then Naruto opened the door behind Lin Kun and said with a cold tone, "my wife which is also your daughter, currently is exhausted both physically and mentally, she needed to take a rest so I would like to ask you to leave, do you need me to deliver you or you can go on your own? "

After that Naruto stood on the side of the door, waiting Lin Kun to respond. Lin Kun who had been terrified of Naruto, quickly stood up, "this is not over, just you wait!" He swept his eyes toward Lin Ruoxi before leaving the house.

The situation inside the house became calm again as Naruto closed the door and locked it. He turned around and walked toward Lin Ruoxi. She had stopped crying but the expression on her face tells that she still quite discouraged. Naruto signalled Wang Ma with his eyes and took over as he embraced Lin Ruoxi. she didn't struggle, she just stayed quiet and let Naruto take her into the sofa in living room. Wang Ma seeing the couple, let out a sigh and just trust young miss to young master.

Naruto sat on the sofa while Lin Ruoxi was leaning to his bosom, he looked at her exhausted face then shook his head. If this is what Lin Ruoxi had to face every day no wonder she decided to commit suicide back then. No one had the capacity to hold out such pressure without collapsing. Naruto now, even more, admired this young lady to be able last this long. Feeling Lin Ruoxi's unstable mental state and chaotic aura, Naruto held her hand and shared his warm aura with her. If he didn't do this, next time Lin Ruoxi faced this kind of situation, she definitely collapsed and fell sick.

Both of them just silence while Naruto slowly supported her aura. Finally, after a long time, Lin Ruoxi move her head and shifted, so she could face to face with Naruto. from the start of treatment until now, Naruto never moved his face and looked at Lin Ruoxi with gentle eyes. Lin Ruoxi finally let out mocking smile, " I must be have become a joke to you, right? I have such a father and such a joke of a family, do you find me very pitiful, are you sympathizing with me in your heart? Do not sympathize with me... I do not need anybody's cheap sympathy."

Naruto didn't say anything, he just kept gazing at her with soft eyes that could even melt the hardest metal. Lin Ruoxi's heart tremble when she looked at his eyes and turns down her head, didn't dare to say anything again.

"Ruoxi, do you want to hear a short story ?"

This time he the one who opened his mouth, Lin Ruoxi replied with a small nod.

Naruto inhaled a breath before starting, "once upon a time, there's a monster who went rampage in the village, countless people die, many houses destroyed because of this monster. No one capable of stopping this monster until a hero came and decided to seal this monster inside a newborn baby, thus, at the cost of this hero's life, the monster finally gone and the village was saved, but the horrifying trauma of this monster still haunted and terrorized the people in this village, because of this, the boy became object of hatred and being isolated by the people around him. This boy was an orphan since born, left the orphanage when he was 3, forced to live on the street, hungry and cold. The boy had to live by stealing a food from the market or looting a food from the dumpster. Sometimes the boy had to fight with bunch of people who clearly older than him just for the sake of a rotten apple, of course, he got beaten; broken bones and bleeding nose. Left for dead on the road."

Naruto then looked at Lin Ruoxi and smiled, "you see Ruoxi, there are a lot of people who have more unfortunate live than you, you mustn't selfish and act like the world has abandoned you. At least before, you have received a lot of love from your mother and grandmother, you're also beautiful which is not hard for people to adore and fancy you."

Naruto tightened his grasp on her hand, " people didn't live only in painful memories but also a happy one. You cherish them and let them become your light when the darkest moment comes."

Feeling Naruto strong yet gentle hand and hearing his word make Lin Ruoxi inner world become peaceful, soon she fell asleep. Naruto saw Lin Ruoxi mental state had become stable and her once chaotic aura had turned peaceful, he stopped his treatment. He took her into her room and tucked her into the bed.

Upon exiting her room, Naruto see Wang Ma looking at him with a gentle expression and said "how's young miss, young master?"

Naruto smiled, "she's fine, just need some rest and proper care. Auntie Wang, please makes sure to prepare some rejuvenate soup for her."

"Will do young master."

"Thank you, Auntie Wang I am going out, I have someone to meet."

"Sure young master, you take care on the road."

Naruto smiled and went outside the house. After a while, Wang Ma seemed to notice something. "Did young master go on foot ?"


Since it's still early, Bar street had yet to be crowded. There were only several people and vehicles passing by. Naruto pushed open the main door to Rose Bar and greeted Xiao Zhao who was wiping the table. Naruto walked leisurely toward the back of the bar. Several of the waiters greeted him with respect. They already knew the relationship between Naruto and Jiang Wei wasn't ordinary.

The hallway behind the bar was over fifty meters long. At the end of it, stood two tall men in suits, guarding the exquisite wooden door three meters behind them. When the two noticed it was Naruto that came, they neatly bowed immediately while making a welcome gesture.

Naruto nodded and opened the flower-carved wooden door and a scent of lavender filled his sense of smell. This was a surprisingly humongous room, with smooth brown parquet flooring, black marble walls, and in the middle was a huge 7-foot wide bed on a leather frame. Coffee-colored decorations gave the room some dark charm, revealing a somewhat low profile elegance. On one side of the room was a full glass door, outside the glass door, was an open-air swimming pool and a small garden. This small sanctuary was Jiang Wei's room.

Upon entering the room, something flew toward Naruto from the left side, he casually reached out his arm to catch the flying thing. Surprisingly, it's a triangle black steel knife that appeared on his hand. then Naruto took a step before a black shadow passes behind him from the right side. Failed to nail her target, the black shadow bent her body and kicked straight at Naruto head with her left foot which was easily dodged by him squatting. Quick Naruto stood up and turned his body, a beautiful and seductive figure came to his vision, Jiang Wei wore a white lace nightgown made of silk, The V neckline on her chest, is raised high by a plentiful twin peaks, from the cleavage a black chiffon bra is spotted, struggling to hold on to the two lumps of pink flesh. The lower half of the nightgown was surprisingly short and only covered her round bottom, while the smooth white thighs hung outside like fruits, glowing with teeth-like luster.

Naruto smirked while make provocation gesture with his hand, Jiang Wei quickly make a fighting stanced and spared with him. 10 minutes passed, every single move she used had been easily repelled by Naruto. While her body had been drenched by sweat and her breathing was heavy, Naruto still relaxed and didn't sweat at all.

"Not bad, not bad at all, quicker move, stronger power, more flexible, it seems like you have been practicing these past few days, ah yes also the trap and distraction, followed up with a swift strike, I must say, Jiang Wei, you've done well today." Naruto said while crossing his hand in front of his chest.

Jiang Wei hearing Naruto's appraisal felt happy, but she's pouting nevertheless, "but I still didn't manage to pass your defense even once."

Naruto shrugged as he turned out and walked toward the bed, "to reach my level just a couple month of training wasn't enough, you need years."

Seeing Naruto's defenseless back, Jiang Wei evilly smiled and leaped at him. Abruptly Naruto turned around grabbing her waist and slammed her into the bed while Naruto fell on top of her.

"Ah, sneaky attack, hehe looks like you're being full of surprises today."

Jiang Wei who previously feeling dizzy from being turned around become sober and realize that their position was ambiguous. If this was Jiang Wei before her birthday, she was probably just coyly smiled and teased Naruto. But after receiving the gift from Naruto, her desired for him became stronger and euphoria from the previous event struck her again.

When Naruto was about to get up, he feels a soft and slender hand circling his neck, Naruto looked at Jiang Wei with a wide eye. There's a strong passion reflected in her eyes and a submissive looked on her face.

"Naruto... take me"

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