
Naruto GS

A reincarnation where a boy exchanges all of his knowledge for overwhelming power. Why do I need to know things if I can just ignore them. (I do not own the picture. I just colored it.)

Lion_Lin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The Hidden Answers (skippable chapter)

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting." With those words, a group of ninjas appeared in front of the Tendou and the other participants with a smoke screen.

"I am Morino Ibiki. The examiner of the first test of the chunin exam." a man with large scars on his face said as he looked at the participants.

"From this point on there will be no more fighting without permission from the examination officers. Anyone who breaks the rules of the exams is out of the exam and will be disqualified immediately. Do I make myself clear?" Ibiki said.

"We will now begin the first exam. Turn in your written applications for the Chunin exams, take one of these seating assignment cards and report directly to the seat indicated. When everyone is seated we will pass out the written part of the test." Ibiki said.

"Written exam?" Naruto yelled out in terror.

Then all the participating genins are seated.

Tendou stood up and looked around to see where others were seated.

"Will you just sit down? You are going to draw the attention of the examiner towards me."

Tendou heard a familiar voice near him looked to his right and saw Ino.

"Oh, the yama(king of hell) girl," Tendou said.

"Who are you calling Yama? Just sit down and stop drawing attention." She said as she pulled him down by grabbing onto his shirt's corner and pulling it down.

Tendou noticed that he was seated far away from Naruto and Sakura.

Both of them are seated in the rows that are in front of him with Naruto being even further with him getting seated near the very front row.

"Now listen to me carefully. The paper will face down until I give the signal. There are a few big rules that pertain to this first test. I will write them on the blackboard and explain them all. But I am not taking any questions. Listen carefully. I will only say this once." Ibiki said.

"Rule number 1. Each one of you starts with ten points. The test has ten questions. For each question you will wrong, we will subtract a point from you. Get all ten right and you will retain all the points you have. But if you answer incorrectly we will subtract one point."

"Rule number 2. This written test is still a team event. Pass or failing will be determined by the sum of the points held by all three members."

"Rule number 3. During the course of the exam, a candidate does something out of the ordinary..... In other words, for anything that indicates that he or she has cheated we subtract two points from each member of the cheaters team."

"That means if you cheat and the Procters catch you, you will bring yourself and your friends down. And one more thing if a person on your team got 0 points, that person's entire team regardless of how the other two members do will be disqualified." Ibiki finished laying off all the rules.

"You have one hour. Starting now." Ibiki said as all the genins with the exception of Naruto started their test.

Naruto. I will kill you if you somehow mess this up for me. Just don't get zero points. Sakura yelled in her inner mind.

I have to calm down. Find out questions that are easy to answer. Yeah. I only need to get one question right. Naruto thought as he looked at the question.

Naruto looked at the first question, which was a cryptography question that asked the answerer to decode a cipher.

"..." Naruto was speechless.

Next questions. He thought as he read the next question skipping the first one.

This is... This is an integrated problem based on the prediction of uncertain conditions and Dynamics energy analysis application. No one would be able to solve this problem. Except for me of course. Sakura thought as she started to write down the answers.

Hmm. I knew it. Tendou thought.

His eyes were showing him each of the answers. Not only that but how they were calculated was directly imported into his mind without him even needing to read the questions.

He wrote down all the answers in an instant. And decided to take a short nap after all there was nothing that he could do.

He could stop time and walk around swapping answers but he decided not to do that since he just genuinely didn't care about the first exam.

There was no action and it was just a written test so he didn't find it interesting at all.

Since he wrote down the answers without even reading the question he obviously missed the last question which will be only provided by the examiner and will only be available at the final 45-minute mark.

That idiot. Looks like he has given up after reading the questions. Ino thought as she saw Tendou taking a Nap.

Well, I don't think I can bad-mouth him since I don't also know anything that the question meant. Well, I can use that technique on Sakura after she finishes her answers. Ino thought.

A few minutes later she noticed that Sakura stopped moving her hands.

It's time. Sakura your broad forehead and big brain have earned my respect. Be honoured that I used my jutsu on you. Ninja art: Mind transfer jutsu. Ino used a hidden ninjutsu that is exclusive to her clan on Sakura to possess her body.

Sorry Sakura. Thank you for letting me possess your body and letting me see all your answers. Now I have to memorize this quickly before someone catches me. Ino who was now in Sakura's body thought.

Then she returned to her body and started to write the answers down.

Then she used her ability again on Choji and Shikamaru to answer the test for them.

A few minutes later she was able to accomplish all of this.

Then she saw Tendou who was still sleeping.

I feel pity for you it looks like you are going to fail. Ino thought.

She would have helped him if her impression of him was good but it wasn't so she decided that she should not use her jutsu on him to help him with the test.

It worked out for her because she would have suffered a serious injury the moment she tried to possess his body.