
Naruto GS

A reincarnation where a boy exchanges all of his knowledge for overwhelming power. Why do I need to know things if I can just ignore them. (I do not own the picture. I just colored it.)

Lion_Lin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Everyone passes

"Never underestimate me. I don't quit. And I won't run." Naruto yelled out as he slammed his hand on the table.

"What is happening?" Tendou said as he woke up because of Naruto's loud voice.

"I am not afraid of you." Naruto continued.

"I will ask you one last time. This is a decision that could affect the rest of your life. If you quit now you still have a chance." Ibiki said to Naruto.

"I never go back on my words. Cussedness is a part of my shinobi skill set." Naruto replied.

"Hey, what is happening here?" Tendou asked Ino who was sitting near him.

"I don't know what is going on either. Just shut up. The exam is still not over." Ino whispered back to Tendou.

While the two were whispering to each other about what happened the conversation between Naruto and Ibiki was still going on.

"....Everyone present here you just passed the test," Ibiki announced as the whole classroom was sent into confusion.

Naruto was speeches.

"What do you mean pass? What happened? What about the tenth question?" Sakura asked.

"There are no tenth questions beyond the whole accept or reject thing," Ibiki said as he smiled.

"Huh! Then why did we have to suffer through the other nine questions? That was a total waste of time." The blond girl with the fan said.

"Those questions had a purpose, which they served. Our goal was to test your skills at spying." Ibiki said.

"We have put a few ninjas that have the correct answers among the participants. Anyone who cheats in clumsy or obvious ways fails." Ibiki said.

"You have to not only gather the correct information but also have to keep your presence a secret from the enemy. That's why we maneuvered you into using your espionage skills to cheat. It was the quickest way to eliminate students whose skills were on par with the others yet." Ibiki continued.

"So what is the deal with the last question?" the blonde asked.

"Ah, the tenth question was the first real test on the exam. It was a choice between two impossible options. Those who chose to reject failed alongside their friends. And those who accepted and couldn't answer the question lost any chance of even trying again."

"It was an unfair situation. The reason why I presented them is to test that no matter how dangerous the risk, a ninja must show unyielding valour that inspires those around him. Helping all overcome fear."

"This is the talent that we most value in the Chunin rank. Those who give up and take the easy way out don't belong in the ranks of chunin." Ibiki continued.

"So you all have now passed the first test. The first stage of the exam is now concluded. I pray for you to have a great performance in the latter stages." Ibiki concluded.

"You got lucky. If your teammate in the orange coat didn't make that guy automatically pass us all you would have been disqualified." Ino said.

"Luck? Huh. I don't need it." Tendou replied while smiling.

Then another instructor appeared and led them to the second section of the exam.

Ibiki was left alone in the room where they took the exam and saw a paper.

"A full mark if I didn't count the last question," Ibiki said as he looked at Tendou's answer sheet.

"You got lucky. With that kind of behaviour if your skill is not able to back you up I would have already disqualified you." Ibiki said to himself.

Tendou slept for the majority of the exam. The examiner not noticing him sleeping through the whole exam would have been strange.

He didn't cheat so Ibiki could not kick him out.

Not only that petrol team that monitor the exam informed him that he had answered all the questions correctly so disqualifying him would have been kind of unfair so he simply couldn't.

"Still we still have a good chunin candidate," Ibiki said as he walked towards Naruto's desk to check his answer sheet.

"!!!" Ibiki was shocked because, unlike Tendou who answered all the questions correctly, Naruto didn't even write down a single answer.

"They are the opposite of the same coin." Ibiki thought.


At the entrance of the Forest of Death.

"Sasuke. Did you always have that on your neck?" Sakura asked Sasuke as they waited for the second examiner to explain the rules.

"It's just a birthmark," Kabuto said as he covered a strange mark that was on Sasuke's neck with his hand.

"Kabuto, Dosu. Let's go. You don't have to answer her questions." Sasuke said as he walked away from Sakura.

"Hmm. It seems like his team is different from the one he was assigned to at the academy." Tendou said as he walked towards Sakura with Naruto.

"Maybe even had to abandon his team just to have a chance against me," Naruto said while laughing.

"As if." Ino who was standing near them with her team said to Naruto.

"His other two teammates are not as good as him so he has to team up with people from outside of Konoha Academy just to participate in the exam," Ino said to Naruto as she provided information about Sasuke's current situation and how his team was formed.

"And I heard that he has unlocked his Sharingan. Apart from the Sand Village guy and the weird guy with bowl-cut hair, he might be the favourite to win the whole thing." Shikamaru also said as Choji continued to munch chips behind him.

"Sharingan. Him too." Tendou was interested.

"Isn't that the thing that Kakashi sensei has?" Naruto asked.

Sakura nodded as she looked speechless.

I will provide more info about Sasuke as the exam progresses so be a little patient.

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