
Naruto: Gravity

Wakes up in the Naruto world with the Zushi Zushi no Mi *************** Schedule - 16/week No Harem and Sub-plot of Romance I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters nor do I own the Zushi Zushi No Mi. I only own my OC's

youdusb26 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Talking With The Hokage

"Hello, Eiko!"

"Hello Lord Hokage" Eiko respectfully responded.

"Do you know why I called you in here?" Hiruzen questioned.

"I have a hunch,"

Hiruzen's smile became bigger as he said "Your teacher came to me a few hours ago with compelling news," he took a breath then continues to say "He told me that you have awakened a brand new Kekkei Genkai and I would like to see it. If you can, try to use your Gravity Release on me."

The first part Eiko guessed but the last part stunned him.

"Are you sure?" Eiko asked.

The Hokage nodded his head so Eiko activated his power to the max knowing that it should have no effect on him. Feeling the air around him start to exert heavy pressure the Hokage smile grew until it couldn't widen anymore. This power could even reduce a Chunin's speed by a big amount.

Eiko felt his control on the gravity break when the Hokage shifted his body.

Eiko sighed then thought "Of course, my Gravity can't affect people such as the Hokage yet.".

"Eiko this power is strong, at such a young age you could hold your own with a Chunin with this," Hiruzen stated. "It will be an even more powerful force in the future I'm sure of, but now you need to focus on training it. From around your age to around the age of 25 is when your skills grow the most with fifteen to eighteen being the best time. So train hard every day." he added.

"Yes, Lord Hokage," Eiko responded.

"I have a question for you Eiko".


"What is your nindo?"

"To unite the ninja world and finally have peace."

Hiruzen was stunned, such a little kid had such big ambitions.

"Ok Eiko, I have got what I needed. You can get back home now."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage."

Eiko ran back home as fast as he could to tell his mom that everything was ok. When he got home he told her everything that happened. This included his Kekkei Genkai which he didn't have time to say before. When she heard about his Gravity Release she started tearing up.

"Mom are you ok?" Eiko worriedly asked.

"Of course I'm ok, I'm just so proud of my genius son," she said while grabbing Eiko and hugging him.

**********Time Skip(1 year)**********

In this past year, Eiko has been busy. He met Sakumo Hatake before he left for the mission that changed his life. He talked to him about Kenjutsu. Sakumo was very impressed with Eiko's calm and mature nature. He started giving pointers to Eiko on some Kenjutsu techniques. When Sakumo eventually had his mission, fail it, then came back. Eiko helped him stay ok albeit a little depressed.

Maybe because Sakumo stayed alive but Kakashi hasn't applied for early graduation yet. Eiko also thinks it might be because Eiko is in school, over the course of the past year Kakashi has gained a desire to beat Eiko as he has lost to him 5 times in a row. But that might change soon as Eiko is thinking of graduating from the Ninja Academy.

Because of course, Eiko hasn't forgotten his training either, he has trained his body to be able to withstand 50 pounds of weight while working out. While the raw controlling power of his Gravity Release hasn't increased to the next level yet. He has trained his ability to accurately control kunai and other objects by a lot. He can accurately shoot 8 kunai and can have 250 objects floating at the same time. He has nothing to gain by staying in school anymore.

He also did some testing and found out that the heaviest object he can hold is around 5 tons, but it's very shaky and slow. The heaviest object he can hold without losing control of it is around 2 tons.

"It's time," Eiko thought to himself as he took off the weights he had been using.

"I'm strong enough to be a Chunin without using Gravity Release and can reach Elite Chunin if I do use it. I'm going to graduate early!"