
Naruto form start refuse the marriage of Mito Uzumaki[FanFiction ]

travelling to different Anime world doing task getting stronger and creating your own world it's going to be a long journey the start is wrong but hope the ending is right. [ if you have any suggestions you can write me I will soon add link to discord. this is going to be my third novel the previous to got dropped because of depression previous 2 got dropped but this one is fan fiction as longest my health doesn't go too bed I should able to complete this novel for my current situation just walking is quite painful. my English is not something I have learnt in school so it's not perfect so I hope someone can help me playing is always good even if somebody didn't I should table to complete this normal that is my only wish ]

Silver_mix · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 6:

"You can't do this!" exclaimed the person from the Fire Country, their face contorted with anger.

Maintaining a calm demeanor, I raised an eyebrow and responded, "What exactly do you think I can't do?"

Their anger intensified as they shot back, their voice trembling with frustration, "You'll regret this!"

Intrigued by their bold statement, I leaned forward slightly, allowing curiosity to lace my voice. "Regret what? Explain to me, in detail, how exactly I'll come to regret my actions."

The Fire Nation representative's gaze shifted uneasily, their confidence waning. They realized that starting a war with our village would not yield the results they desired. Frustration got the better of them, and with a final glare, they stormed off, leaving me to quietly observe their departure.

Once the commotion had settled, my mind turned to the aftermath of my business being taken over by Sanju's clan and subsequently sold to the Fire Nation. The new owners faced a glaring dilemma—having acquired numerous shops, warehouses, and products, they lacked the means of production. Initially, they believed that replicating the products would be a simple task, but as time passed, the harsh reality set in. Now, they sought my expertise and knowledge, hoping I would relinquish the methods behind the creation of those sought-after goods.

As I contemplated the situation, it became clear that the establishment of Konoha had inadvertently bolstered the strength of the Fire Nation, despite the conflicts that were bound to arise.

Setting aside the lingering tension with the Fire Nation, I left the confines of the office and made my way to the training grounds. The time had come to focus on the training of my girls.

Days turned into weeks as I guided Mayumi, Tamiko, and Takako through their training. Mayumi showed remarkable progress in adapting to her role as a snow woman, harnessing her yokai heritage with finesse. Tamiko and Takako, as water spirits, found their transition smoother, aided by their innate connection to the element.

With each passing day, their chakra merged harmoniously with their yokai essence, unlocking untapped reservoirs of power. I envisioned a future where their strength would surpass even that of legendary shinobi like Hashirama Senju. Mayumi's mastery over water and wind styles further solidified her potential as a force to be reckoned with.

The inherent might of yokai, combined with the amplifying properties of chakra, promised an exponential increase in their abilities. I couldn't help but be filled with a sense of anticipation for the greatness that lay ahead. However, the obstacle of attracting more yokai to our village remained. The Fire Nation's relentless promotions had deterred major clans from aligning themselves with us, hindering our quest for greater manpower.

To address this shortage, I delved into the realm of Shadow Ninjas. Months of meticulous research culminated in the creation of the first batch of shadow ninjas. Armed with the knowledge and skills I imparted to them, they became an extension of my will, executing missions with precision and stealth.

Amidst the ever-evolving nature of my training and the growth of our village, a knock on the door interrupted my focus. Curiosity piqued, I left the training room and swung open the main door. Standing before me was a shadow ninja, entrusted with a message scroll.

With a quick exchange, I obtained the scroll and eagerly delved into its contents. It appeared that Madara had finally launched long-awaited attack on Konoha. The passage of time seemed to slip through my fingers, and I realized how many years had passed since my conflict with Sanju. Though Hashirama, the embodiment of strength, still possessed a few years of vitality, I knew all too well that he would not remain idle. The forthcoming Five Shadow Conferences held the promise of intrigue and trepidation. As our newly established country made its presence known.