
Information Gathering

After taking some time to organize his thoughts and analyzing the remaining memory of the previous body's owner, Jason finally understood where he was and why he was there. He learned that the previous owner of the body was an orphan who was taken away by a mysterious group to a testing facility, where he was chosen for a genetic experiment.

Jason looked around the lab, hoping to discover any useful information, but it appeared to have been cleared out, with only a few scraps of data left behind. However, he managed to find out that two different sets of cells were introduced into the previous owner's body. Being knowledgeable about popular anime and manga, Jason realized that the mutated chakra beast cells were NOMU from the USJ incident in My Hero Academia.

Realizing how ROB incorporated quirks into his body, Jason searched for a mirror to see his new appearance. When he finally found one, he was shocked by what he saw. Staring back at him was a three-foot-tall, purple-skinned, white-haired, red-eyed, lean little boy with sharp pointed teeth and pointed ears.

Despite his nonhuman appearance, Jason had no issues with it. In fact, he saw it as an advantage, as it suited the image of a Demon King in this world. However, Jason knew that he needed to learn how his quirks worked and how he could use them effectively before leaving the lab.

He spent some time experimenting with his new quirks, which included a powerful regenerative ability, super strength, and agility. As he tested his abilities, he realized that he was easily able to control them, indicating that the genetic experiment had been successful due to his quirks.

Jason knew that he had to leave the lab and explore the world to reach his goal. However, he also understood that he needed more information about the outside world and the powerful individuals in it. With a newfound sense of purpose, he began to plan his next moves, confident that he had what it takes to become the Demon King.


Jason realized that the safest way to gather information quickly would be to use his cloning quirk. With the ability to create clones of himself, he would be able to determine his current location and how far he was from others. Additionally, he could use his clones to test the friendliness of the natives since he had no way of determining which world he was in based on the information from the previous body.

Jason's decision to rely on his cloning quirk proved to be useful in gathering information about his new environment. Through the connection he shared with his clones, he learned that he was in an unknown world that was filled with dangerous creatures and powerful factions. The nearest largest place was surrounded by high walls, which appeared to be some sort of base.

When Jason ventured closer to the base, he was immediately surrounded by a group of individuals who wore black body suits and had different types of white masks. He could sense that he wasn't welcome, and in response, he dismissed the clone that had approached them, shocking the group.

With this encounter, Jason knew that he had to be cautious and prepare himself before venturing out further into this unknown world. He analyzed the data he had gathered and began to plan his next move, fully realizing that his journey to becoming the Demon King would not be an easy one. However, he remained determined and confident that he had what it takes to succeed.

Jason understood that he needed to develop his abilities and increase his strength to stand a chance in this world. He spent the following days training and perfecting his skills, preparing himself both physically and mentally for the challenges ahead. His determination and perseverance only served to strengthen his resolve and push him closer to his goal of becoming the Demon King.


Having trained his quirks to an acceptable standard, Jason realized that it was time to leave the area as his danger sense had started increasing, and he wasn't sure why. Before leaving the lab, he conducted one last sweep, making sure he hadn't missed anything important. However, he stopped before going and proceeded to create a maximum of nine clones, knowing he needed diversions to escape quickly.

With all his preparations in place, Jason sent five of his clones out of the lab and into different directions, creating a distraction that would allow him to escape unnoticed. He kept the remaining clones with him, ready to act if needed.

As Jason's clones continued to travel through the forest, one clone traveling to the east triggered his danger sense as he felt something approaching through the air. He quickly deflected the attack with his whirlwind quirk and noticed two black-armored, white-masked figures appearing in front of him.

One of the individuals stepped forward and demanded to know what Jason was and why he had entered the Land of Fire. Jason, still in the lab, realized that this was the best opportunity to obtain valuable information since the clone could be captured or eliminated without consequence. He responded by saying, "I was only passing through. I have no knowledge of this land. As for what I am, well, I can't really say."

However, the two individuals didn't believe Jason's answer and decided to capture him and bring him back to the village. They believed that he was the strange creature that had caused trouble in the area a few days ago and was on a capture-on-sight order issued by the Hokage.

Jason, still in the lab, was relieved that he had sent out clones instead of venturing himself. He realized that caution and planning were the key to his survival. 


After having made a calculated decision to let his clone be captured, Jason raised his hands and calmly addressed the masked individual, "I do not want any conflict. I am willing to comply with your demands and be detained." The sudden surrender took the two masked individuals aback, and they quickly appeared behind Jason's clone, attempting to knock him out with a blow to the back of the neck. However, Jason anticipated their move and played along by having his clone act unconscious. The two individuals then promptly carried the clone's body back to the village to be held until further decisions were made.

Meanwhile, in another part of the world, Jason's other clone had arrived in a small town or village that appeared to have no powerful individuals present thus far. The town was entirely made of wood, and the inhabitants dressed in slightly dirty clothes. Jason observed that the level of technology in the town was limited, which was typical in worlds where individuals are powered and tend to rely more on their powers than technology. 

Jason realized that the next quirk he needed to focus on acquiring was one that would increase his sensing ability. He needed to be cautious as the people in this world seemed to be able to detect him without him noticing, only to be alerted to them when he was warned by danger sense.

Aware that his appearance would trigger immediate attacks, Jason waited in the woods to observe the town. He noticed a few individuals who stood out from the rest, dressed in relatively cleaner clothes with green flack jackets and silver headbands or armbands. He suspected that they were part of some organization and might have come from the large walled area nearby. Jason decided to wait with the clone that had been captured while he continued to monitor the situation.

In the meantime, the original Jason back in the lab sent out one of the four clones he had to check outside their immediate vicinity before exiting the lab himself. He wore a dark black cloak, with one of his clones also wearing the only other cloak, leaving the last three clones to investigate why his danger sense had been activated.

Jason traveled to the town while remaining cautious and avoiding any potential conflicts. He understood he needed to assess the situation further before exposing his identity. As he traveled, he remained linked to his clones, and he knew that the clone that had been captured was being taken to the walled compound that his previous clone saw earlier. To avoid being discovered for peaking, Jason kept that clone still and waited until they placed the clone somewhere before pretending to wake up.

Jason knew that he needed to approach the situation strategically to keep himself safe while gathering information. He decided to remain hidden and gather intelligence on the town and its inhabitants before making any moves. He also knew that he needed to acquire additional powers before revealing his identity or engaging in any conflict.

Upon reaching the town, Jason decided to use Whirlwind to ascend to the trees, which would enable him to observe the town from a distance. He then sent the clone wearing a cloak into the town's premises as the cloak would conceal the clone's features, minimizing the risk of being exposed. Through the shared vision with the cloak-clad clone, Jason could observe the town more closely while waiting for the situation with his captured clone to change.

As he observed the town from above, Jason noticed that the green-jacketed individuals he had seen earlier were patrolling the town, indicating that they held significant authority in the town. He also noticed that the inhabitants of the town appeared to be unaware of his presence or that of his clone. This observation gave him some confidence that he could continue gathering intelligence without being detected.

While waiting for his clone's situation to change, Jason continued to gather intelligence about the town and its inhabitants using his clones. He studied the town's layout, the habits of its inhabitants, and any potential dangers that he could encounter. Jason knew that the more details he could gather, the better equipped he would be to make informed decisions that would lead to his survival in this new world.


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