
Chapter 5

In the predawn hours, the tranquil streets of Konoha lay shrouded in a serene hush, untouched by the clamor of daily life.

Yet, within the Hokage building, a flurry of activity stirred.

A summon was delivered under the cloak of night, that called for the village's elite shinobi to assemble at the entrance of the Hokage's domain.

Kakashi, Might Guy, Kurenai and other Konoha elite ninjas were also summoned to the entrance of the Hokage building overnight.

Kakashi, his mask was concealing any hint of emotion as he surveyed the scene calmly.

Close by, Might Guy, his enthusiasm palpable even in the dim light.

Kurenai, her presence serene yet resolute, added a touch of solemnity to the gathering of seasoned warriors.

Kurenai, who met Kakashi halfway, asked, "Hey what's happening, why would they summon us at this time?"

Kakashi shook his head, his face showed a perplexed look, "I don't know, but it's definitely not a trivial matter."

Kurenai nodded, a furrow forming on her brow as she absorbed Kakashi's words.

Might Guy, strode forward with a confident stride, "Whatever it may be, we shall face it head-on, with the courage befitting of Konoha's finest!"

Konoha's elite ninjas have gathered in front of the Hokage building.

Right now Asuma was not in Konoha, he is one of the 12 guardians of Ninja of the Land of Fire, working at the Daimyo Mansion.

When Hiruzen finished handling Uchiha's affairs and arranged Uchiha Sasuke to Konoha Hospital, he arrived with an air of urgency.

At this time, Hiruzen had a look of fury.

This shocked Kakashi and the others.

In their memory, the Third Hokage had always been regarded as a kind and benevolent old man with a serene aura.

For many among them, it was the first time witnessing Hiruzen in such a state.

This unprecedented display of anger from the Third Hokage left many of the assembled ninjas unsettled, their thoughts swirling with questions and apprehension.

What could have transpired to evoke such a reaction from their esteemed leader?

It was a question that lingered heavily in the minds of all present, casting a pall over the already tense atmosphere.

With a heavy silence settling over the gathered shinobi, they awaited the revelation of the events that had prompted this uncharacteristic display of emotion from the Third Hokage.

"Lord Hokage, in the end..." Kakashi began, his voice steady despite the undercurrent of concern that permeated the air.

With a subtle glance around at his fellow ninjas, he sought to discern any clues that might shed light on the unfolding situation.

Hiruzen's gaze, still clouded with anger, softened slightly as it fell upon Kakashi.

Recognizing the seasoned shinobi's unspoken query, he sighed heavily before speaking. "It seems that our village has been betrayed from within," he revealed, his voice tinged with a mixture of disappointment and resolve.

The revelation sent a ripple of shock through the assembled group, their expressions reflecting a myriad of emotions.

For Kakashi and his comrades, who had dedicated their lives to the protection of Konoha, the notion of betrayal struck a particularly deep chord.

Having lost his son and daughter-in-law, Hiruzen couldn't maintain the amiable facade of the kindly old man they had known.

Hiruzen's voice echoed through the air, as he delivered the news of Uchiha Itachi's extermination and Uehara Naraku's defection, and then the tragic loss of his own son and daughter-in-law. 

Of course, what he said was more than a star away from the truth of the incident.

"Wh-what!? The Uchiha clan was actually annihilated..." gasped one shinobi.

"Uchiha Itachi... is this guy crazy?" murmured another.

"I heard that Uehara Naraku has just reached the rank of Jōnin, can he do this kind of thing?" questioned a third.

Every Konoha shinobi present couldn't believe what they had just heard.

The Uchiha clan, a pillar of Konoha's strength and history, now reduced to ashes.

And then, the tragic loss of the Hokage's eldest son and daughter-in-law.

Each event, on its own, would have been enough to shake Konoha to its core.

And in one sigh, two S-rank rebels emerged!

Kakashi frowned, in his mind he noticed something unusual.

First, his memories of missions with Uchiha Itachi flooded his mind, and he couldn't reconcile the image of the composed and skilled shinobi he knew with the notion of him as a traitor and murderer.

Second, he thought of Uehara Naraku, and felt that the other party was not capable of that.

Yet, even as doubt gnawed upon him, he didn't think too much of it.

Despite his relatively young age of 22, Kakashi had swiftly risen through the ranks to become one of the strongest and most capable ninjas among those assembled.

His tenure in the Anbu had honed his skills to a razor-sharp edge, and his strategic acumen was second to none.

Now that Konoha Sannin is no longer in Konoha, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is dead, and Danzo's force is no longer part of Konoha's, Kakashi acted as a team leader.

Turning to the Hokage, Kakashi's voice was steady as he addressed the gravity of the situation.

"Lord Hokage, now we should immediately issue the wanted warrants for the two people and set up a hunting team."

Hiruzen nodded solemnly, acknowledging Kakashi's suggestion. "I have sent Anbu to investigate their whereabouts, but I also need your help," he affirmed, his gaze conveying both determination and a hint of apprehension.

Then, Hiruzen added, "Also, everyone try to keep things about the Uchiha clan hidden in your heart. Too much discussion will be detrimental to the growth of the child Sasuke, who is the only survivor."

"Yes, Master Hokage," echoed the assembled shinobi in unison, their voices a solemn pledge of obedience and solidarity.

As they dispersed to prepare for the upcoming mission, murmurs of admiration for Hiruzen's compassion and foresight filled the air.

"Hokage-sama is really kind, thinking about the kid Uchiha Sasuke at this time," remarked one shinobi, his voice tinged with respect.

"The two sinners must be brought back immediately!" exclaimed another, his tone firm with resolve as he echoed the collective sentiment of the room.

Many people harbored a kind of admiration for Hiruzen's so-called kindness, unaware the connection he maintained with Danzo for many years.

This was a cooperative means, with Hiruzen portraying the honorable Hokage ruling the village, while Danzo operated from the shadows, supporting the roots of the village through less conventional means.

In many ways, Shimura Danzo could be regarded as the Hokage from Underground.

While Hiruzen commanded the public's respect and adoration, Danzo's methods were shrouded in secrecy, disregarding the rules in place, and driven by his own greed.

Danzo, was one of Tobirama's students, and Hiruzen, who carried the weight of Senju Hashirama's legacy, embodied contrasting facets of Konoha's leadership.

While Hiruzen was hailed as a worthy successor to the revered First Hokage, Danzo's actions often veered into morally gray territory, earning him a reputation as a greedy and unscrupulous figure undeserving of sympathy.

After all, Hiruzen was on the front lines, and Danzo stayed behind, lurking in the shadows.

Before the break of dawn, Konoha mobilized a hunting team, tasked with pursuing Uehara Naraku and Uchiha Itachi. 

But in fact, Uchiha Itachi would definitely not be found. Not to mention that he in all likelihood, have joined Akatsuki.

Moreover, Hiruzen is not looking for him seriously.

Consequently, the focus will be shifted towards pursuing Uehara Naraku.

The pressure Uehara Naraku will face, would be immense, as the Anbu teams were diverted to close in on him.

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