
Naruto: A Life On The Battlefield

A boy was supposed to die, a normal clan child with dreams of the future. Of course, in the Shinobi world, any life could be snuffed out in an instant. He was Tometsu Uchiha, and he was fated to die in the latter years of the Second Shinobi War. But what would've happened if a floating 'scroll' appeared upon him on his deathbed? With a promise of survival if the boy would complete a simple mission. It was really too bad it was treason. Current word count:65,000

CYANOMN1VORE · Anime e quadrinhos
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28 Chs

Chapter Nine-Exploring The Functions

I had a few things I had to complete on Saturday before my training could begin. Like delivering the letter for Sakumo and finding a suitable training ground for what I had in mind. Not to mention visiting my parents and fallen comrades.

As for the first thing I headed over there a little after mid-day and got to meet Sakumo's wife. She was a beautiful woman with bleach-blonde hair, I would've thought she was a Yamanaka if It weren't for the fact that she had pale red eyes. I was surprised to meet her mostly because of the small belly bump she had, I didn't say anything because I wasn't a complete fool. She was around four months pregnant I came to find out after we shared pleasantries and I handed her the letter.

She was a nice lady, she heard of me only by name so I talked with her for a little over ten minutes. She even gave me some 'dirt' on Sakumo if he tried to take my training too hard, an angel in human flesh.

The next problem turned out to be quite fruitful. My criteria for a training ground was admitting pretty lax, all I needed was a training ground that had a lake with a strong tree that stood over it. Training ground six was my answer, perfectly located near the western wall of the village and only a ten-minute walk from the academy. I had the body flicker jutsu so that last part didn't matter as much, but still, it was practical. I had to take Mikoto to and from the academy every day I was home after all. It was a big brother's duty that I couldn't be lax on.

Not to mention I was a little wary of using the Clans training grounds after I argued with Koshu, not because I was banned but because the chance I'd run into my rage-filled uncle was more likely.

Funnily enough, my Squad was named Squad Six, without the next graduation being for another year I doubted if anyone used this training ground since my squad's passing. I of course checked it out beforehand, it seemed somebody was using this place regularly given our absence. Flesh blood stains on the tree stumps, along with a few stray kunai sat in the targets. 

Probably either an academy student or someone from the Genin Corps. The training grounds themselves received no guards, after all, anybody could use them as long as a genin squad wasn't training there. A few of the more territorial Jonin Sensei would shoo away any unwanted eyes to begin with.

I didn't care myself since I was just doing water-walking training here.

Thus I arrived at my final destination for the day, the reason I've been monologuing my journey thus far. 

'But that's pretty much all Mom, Father. I joined the war and made a few friends, Mikoto is fine and making friends as well. Uncle Koshu's pretty pissed with my actions but it's not like I can tell him everything' I finished with a small sigh as I rose to my feet from my sitting position, about ten of my bones cracked when I fully rose to signify how long I sat here with them. The beautiful crystalline stone sparkled as the moonlight hit it perfectly, illuminating the names of thousands of shinobi whose bodies were never recovered in the field.

Only five of them stuck out to me at this point in my life as I could find them all after only focusing for a moment, I wonder how many would join them before I died. Toretso Uchiha, Misaki Uchiha, Fuza Akimichi, Ribia Inuzuka, Rika Soshu. 'Bye, I'll stop by before I set out again.'

I returned home about five minutes later, Mikoto was already asleep and not a light was on throughout the home. I managed to make it to my room without waking her up as I laid back on the bed and the Scroll was unfurled in front of me. It was about time I used my perk points, it gave me an edge in my last battle. 

As I looked over my 'status' screen I began to think about everything I've learned about this odd ability. The 'inventory' could hold about anything and in rather large amounts, I had three hundred kunai stored in just one of the boxes, along with a body of suna chunin in another. Not to do anything weird to it just to test what I could store. I'd need to get rid of it the next time I was on the field.

Another more obvious thing to note is that nobody could see it but me.

But less on the basics and more on the 'perk' related topics. I realized a while ago that there were a few code words to make the scroll change pages. One of them for example that I discovered recently was 'Jutsu List'.

[Jutsu List]

[Two Tomoe Sharingan: When active it enables its users to copy movements and jutsu, they can only use whatever is copied if they are capable of it themselves. It grants the ability to see chakra and easily disrupt genjutsu. Cost: 4 Chakra/second.]

[Lightning Style- Lightning Dragons Fall: A S-rank ninjutsu that enables the user to call upon that power of thunder. Mold your chakra and send it into the clouds to summon a wrathful dragon to obliterate almost anything in your path. Requires mastery of the second step of (Lightning) Nature Transformation. Cost 8500 Chakra]

[Shadow Clone Jutsu: A B-rank jutsu where users split their chakra in half to create a perfect solid copy of themselves. The clone will share memories with their creator but they will be dispersed if they take a solid hit. Base Cost:500 Chakra]

[Wind style- Great Breakthrough: A C-rank wind-release jutsu that allows its user to saturate the air in their lungs with wind chakra, releasing the built of chakra with a roar that sends a blast of wind towards their enemies. Cost 110-??? Chakra]

[Water style- Wild Water Wave: A C-rank water ninjutsu where the user uses their chakra to summon a wave of water towards their enemies. Cost: 150- ??? Chakra.]

[Fire Style- Fireball jutsu: A C-rank fire ninjutsu where the user transforms the air in the lungs into a ball of fire. Cost-120 Chakra]

[Substitution Jutsu: A D-rank ninjutsu in which you use your chakra to quickly switch places with something of a similar mass to yourself. Range: 10 meters. Cost: 40 Chakra]

[Transformation Jutsu: A D-rank ninjutsu that covers you in a layer of chakra that will change your appearance based on memory. Cost 20 Chakra to Activate, 1 Chakra/second to keep active]

[Clone Jutsu: A D-rank ninjutsu that creates an illusionary clone of yourself. Cost: 25 Chakra]

[Body Flicker: A D-rank transportation technique that shinobi use to move at the top speed their body will allow by coating their body in chakra and 'flinging' themselves forward. It cannot be controlled further than a straight line. Cost:50 Chakra]

I managed to copy the jutsu Sakumo used against Russo, to say I was shocked would put it mildly. A S-rank ninjutsu that required the entire chakra pool of seven chunin. The fact remained that I might not ever be able to use it, it required nature transformation. I knew very little about that subject, but I had a strong feeling it'd be next to impossible without an affinity towards the element.

But besides that, 'list' seemed to be a keyword. 'Perk List'

{Perk List}

[Novice Chakra Control- All jutsu and ability costs are now reduced by 20%. You are now able to enhance yourself with Chakra, boosting your strength and speed at a cost.]

[Wing Nature- Boosts the learning speed, creation, and power of all wind-natured jutsus by 75%]

[Chakra Beast Lvl 1- Changes the multiplier for your chakra capacity. Instead of being 10x intelligence, it will be 15x your intelligence stat] Upgrade: 2PP

I was reminded of a hint I received about perks with the level being upgradeable. Conveniently I had two perk points, but it'd be foolish to do that if I didn't factor in my options. Mostly due to the warning I received when I first opened the shop. 'Don't waste your points' I felt that either there was a limited amount I could receive or they were incredibly rare to get, if it was neither a warning wouldn't be needed. 

There was also the fact that my water walking training would grow my chakra, thus more chakra wasn't as critical at this moment. 'Perk Shop'

[Dexterous Shinobi Lvl 1- Use any jutsu of C-rank or lower with only a single hand] Cost: 1PP

[Fuinjutsu User Lvl 1- Begin to understand the eccentric art of sealing, increases your learning speed of fuinjutsu by 30%] Cost: 1PP

[Dual Affinity- Embrace a second elemental affinity onto yourself, it will unlock the element you are closest to] Cost: 3PP

*[Kitsunes Child Lvl 1]- As a member of the Uchiha clan you have always leaned more toward the spiritual side of Chakra. This perk will push that affinity a step further, bolstering your learning speed as well as the power of your illusions. 15% boost to the learning speed and power of Genjutsu] Cost 2PP

*[Odin's Eye- You may have been born with eyes that gave you superior vision and a plethora of abilities. But with 'Odin's Eye' you will be able to glimpse into the secrets of your world and its people. New paths will open for you once you can truly 'see'.] Cost: 2PP

'A few new options appeared, the ominous description of Odin's Eye made it an instant eye-catcher' I smacked my own forehead at that horrible pun. 'The new paths led me to believe it would give me more opportunities to acquire quests, maybe? The descriptions of the viewing secrets of people and the world, maybe show me weaknesses?' I kept thinking about the viability of such an ability before coming to a decision.

'I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested...But I wasn't ready to bet on something I know nothing about, especially without knowing how rare a perk point could be.' I decided to shelve it for now and began looking at the other newest perk.

As an Uchiha, I'm supposed to be a genjutsu user by default. But it never interested me as much as ninjutsu did, honestly, I am more curious about fuinjutsu at this point.

The fact that the tiny island nation of the whirlpools is stopping the Mist Villages navy was a big factor that piqued my curiosity on the subject. Then another problem occurred, time. I barely had time to breathe at the moment, I didn't have time to explore an entirely new discipline. Thus I had three of my options surely shelved for the future.

Luckily the next to be shelved was pretty simple, I didn't have three points yet so dual affinity was shelved. Not even to mention that I haven't even begun training my wind release.

So the obvious choice was before me, I was a little partial to the kenjutsu Sakumo decided to impart to me. I enjoyed it, a longer-ranged weapon that had completely turned kunai into a projectile, instead of a small dagger in close combat. But the weakness was it took away one of my hands, this perk would take that weakness away. It would also increase the level of danger I brought to a battle, especially in single combat. 

Nobody would expect a genin to whip out one-handed seals while swinging a sword at their neck.

{Perk Purchased!}

[Dexterous Shinobi Lvl 1- Use any jutsu of C-rank or lower with only a single hand]

I didn't expect the pain, an excruciating headache assaulted me as hundreds of hand seals flew into my mind as if I spent months learning them. I didn't learn any jutsu nor did I understand most of their meaning, but I knew I would be able to use them when I needed to. The pain stopped a few minutes later as a trail of blood fell from my nostril. Luckily I've become used to pain as of late so not a sound left me, would've been pretty awkward if Mikoto banged on my door while I was yelling in pain.

'Alright Tometsu, train like your life depends on it, because it does' I hyped myself up slightly while I closed my eyes and leaned further into the pillow.

I woke the next day well before dawn, made myself breakfast, and left Mikoto her portion on the stove.

I only needed to make a quick stop at a hardware store to grab a thirty-foot-long rope, I already had my weights on so it was only a minute or so later that I arrived at training ground six. 

The rope was actually an important part of the training.

The plan was fairly simple, in the direct middle of the lake in the training ground a large branch from a tall tree stood strongly over it.

A quick burst of chakra and I stood on that specific branch. I tied the rope around my waist while I tied the other end to the strongest branch. 

I jumped down into the water with a small splash, struggling greatly to get my footing, after a minute or so I managed to begin slowly walking. Ignoring the fact that sometimes my feet would sink just a couple of inches deep, showing my still lacking control.

The point of being hung from a rope that was tied to a thirty foot tall tree? If I don't want to drown I'd need to be able to hold myself along with my weights over the water while I waited for my chakra to regenerate. If I wanted a break? I had to climb the rope to sit on the tree.

A challenge, to push myself. But if things got really bad I could always use the body flicker jutsu, it was an agreement with myself that I wouldn't do that unless it was absolutely necessary.

About half an hour later my chakra started to give out, with just thirty points left I grabbed the rope with all my strength and pulled myself up. It usually takes a chunin around thirty to forty-five minutes of rest to replenish their chakra, so I had to wait and replenish my chakra. I made the decision that I would only climb the rope on my next attempt, saving my strength would be vital in getting everything out of this exercise I could.

It also allowed me to check on my other 'safety net', an exact copy of myself standing on the shoreline. It had a katana in its hands as it ran through every kata Sakumo ever showed me.

In the 'shadow clone jutsu's' description, it said that its 'memories' would return to the user. So if it did Sakumos kata's for a month... Wouldn't that be 'me' doing Sakumo's katas? Surely I wouldn't gain any physical growth, but I wondered if I would gain the technique improvement, maybe how I handled a sword would change. This was a test but I felt it was a good one, if it worked it would be like doing two things at once.

It was also important to mention that I was using half my chakra for that first attempt because of the clone, so it was likely I could walk on water with my weights on for an hour. So I was a third of the way there. Could I improve that much in twenty-nine days?

[Continuous Chakra training +1 Intelligence. Continuous strength training. +1 strength]