

Next Morning:

Ryouma was in his room, sitting on the bed in a crosslegged position trying to perform mana flow. Compared to three months before, now Ryouma could control over one-third of his chakra to flow inside his body.

This tremendous improvement was of course with the help of various multitasking exercises all of them have learned over three months.

Compared to him, Kasumi could also control one-third of chakra but her reserves were lower than him, so he needed more time to control the same amount as her.

Obito on the other hand has about same chakra as him and he was only about to control one-eighth of his, mainly because it was so boring.

Letting out a sigh, Ryouma opened his eyes and got out his bed for breakfast. Going downstairs he sat on the chair as his mom brought the breakfast.

But his face instantly darkened at the sight.

'Ugh, brocolli again.'


Ryouma's POV:

After breakfast I went to training area, which was empty. Training with sensei starts at 4 pm till evening and in morning we are usually free to do whatever we wanted.

I had told Obito that I would be busy today so he had went to play soccer with some other of his friends in a park in Uchiha playgrounds.

I went further in the forest to a larger clearing which is closer to Naka river.

I had bought a few things with me for the practice. I took out a bucket and filled it with water from river and put it aside.

Then I placed a stone and above it I lit a piece of wood. Wood began burning as I added some dry grasses and stuff to amplify fire.

I walked back till I was about meter away from the fire, then closed my eyes and rotated on my spot till I lost the sense of my direction. After that I tried to locate the fire.

I was trying to create a new type of sensing: thermal sensing. Yes, copied form thermal vision by yours truly. Whatever.

Sensing is a diverse field by itself and sensors are as rare as they are useful.

There are various kinds of sensing, which uses different things as a medium to sense.

Most commonly used and effective sensing is chakra sensing but only those who are extremely sensitive to chakra can master this type of sensing.

However there are various other ways to sense too like smelling used inuzuka and Kakashi, insects used by aburame clan, sand used by sunagakura ninjas, earth used by iwagakura ninjas and sage mode sensing too but it was not added in any texts.

What I will be doing is using heat as a medium to sense. It has various pros and cons too.

Pros like literally no one who has body heat can hide from me. There are various methods developed to counter the commonly used sensing but I can't see a way to bypass it.

'Maybe zetsu can do it considering he doesn't have to eat or sleep.'

More pros would be that I have very high fire affinity hence I can extend the range of sensing to distances greater than normal chakra sensing. I would easily be able to sense fire, lightning and to some range earth justsus too as they have higher temperature than normal, similarly with kekkei genkais.

Cons would be that unlike chakra sensing I would not be able to sense target's chakra reserves or jutsus which have normal temperatures. Chakra sensors are able to sense jutsus till the chakra used in the jutsus have their nature transformed.

Extremely chakra sensitive sensors can sense the chakra signatures too, which is huge advantage, but with thermal sensing such things are impossible.

Another con would be unlike chakra sensing which could penetrate to fair distance in the ground, thermal sensing would be useless after few tens of meters.

'Maybe I should learn both of them, because thermal sensing's ability to sense any creature and it's long range make its extremely valuable to me, not to mention it helps increase my proficiency with fire too.'

With the help of chakra sensing, I will able to determine the chakra reserves of the target, sensei underground, will be able to differentiate between targets to some extent.

It will cover some of the flaws of thermal sensing but it is still leagues inferior to sage mode sensing.

'I must do something to atleast make it comparable to sage moge sensing to be able to rely on it in the fights which would definitely be fought in the end.'

In a sense sage mode sensing is absolute, nothing could hide from it, no matter how good are you at hiding your chakra. It can cover huge distances.

But even then there are few methods which are superior to it like nine tails chakra mode sensing which could sense negative emotions or six paths chakra sensing which could sense Limbo shadows of Madara, which existed at another dimensions.

'I don't think I would be able to achieve those feats with normal methods but achieving sensing comparable to sage mode is possible, just very difficult.

Hah, such a pain. Well one step at a time.'


After few minutes of not being able to sense fire, I gave up. I opened my eyes and saw that fire was in north west direction. I then began to brain storm more ideas to make it happen.

'I remember this idea came to me when I sensed my mother lightning up the candle, which was beyond my eyes about 2 meters away.'

I moved closer to the fire, which was about to wane, hovered my right hand over it and released a silver of my chakra. Instantly the flames jumped up nearly reaching my hand and quickly devouring the rest of the wood.

'It is just as that feeling felt like.'

From the day of Chakra Awakening, a certain feeling has been bubbling up in me but I never paid much attention to it.

But one day when I tried to test out the powers of my own customised devil fruit, that feeling resurfaced.

The feeling somehow told me that my affinity with fire is in basic stage for now and it will increase with my sharingan level increases. It reach its maximum level at the eternal mangekyou sharingan.

And the feeling was as undeniable as the fact that an object will drop when released.

That feeling made me mad. Aside from the fact I don't even want to achieve mangekyou sharingan much less eternal mangekyou sharingan, I have to wait years to gain fraction of that affinity.

That anger quelled a little when I realised that I can increase my affinity regardless of the sharingan level by normal methods and even my basic affinity was at level considered high among jonin ranks.


'Creating a new sensing method is going to be tough, even more when I have no idea who to sense something. Maybe I should learn normal chakra sensing first. But obviously it isn't taught to just anyone, you need to prove you are worth the time.

Well, it can be applied for after attaining genin rank, till then I will stick with this.'

After that I began thinking why was I able to sense a candle flame but not a much bigger flame, closer to me and when I am trying to search for it.

'If I remember correctly mother used her chakra to light up the candle, so could it be because it was chakra infused fire, I was able to sense it. Let's try it.'

I took out my lighter and turned it on, then I imbued it's flames with my chakra, creating them more stronger. With it I burned a log of wood and placed it in the stone. Then closing my eyes I began to wander around till I lost the my sense of direction.

After that I concentrated and tried to find the flames. To my suprise I could locate them.

As for how I perceived it, it felt like there was only that flame and me in a dark black place.

I could also tell the distance between us, it's direction and intensity.

'So I can sense chakra chakra imbued flames but not the normal ones. I remember I was able to sense mom's chakra imbued flames too but it was much less distinguishable then this one. Maybe it reacts more with flames created by my chakra.

But with practice I am sure I could sense normal flames too, then heat from flames, then heat difference.

Hah, it is a long path. But we gotta start somewhere.

First I will start from gaining a feel of my flames and increasing its proficiency.'

Increasing proficiency of a certain chakra nature means increasing its effeciency and power. It can be increased by simply training in that chakra nature.

I can not create my own flames for now, neither have I tried yet because of my yet incomplete mana flow. Training ninjutsu without complete mana flow is not a problem but it interrupts the training so it is recommended to train ninjutsu after completing mana flow.

But that doesn't mean there is no way to increase my flame proficiency right now.

I took another log of wood and placed it in the stone and lit it. Then I put my hands around that flame and provided it with my chakra. Then I tried various things like making the fire hotter or colder or increase or decreasing it's size or making it burn faster or slower.

It didn't show any instant changes but I knew that gradually my fire proficiency and it's handling was increasing.

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