
Naruto - Konoha no Raijin

what is Death? Can it be really possible to retain memory after death? Are will you cease to exist completely. I cannot comprehend about death, death is mysterious To some it is purely evil, to some it’s a redemption and what’s death to you..? …. ….. …. But in the end you cannot escape death, no matter what you do Cover art by : XClemz I don't own anything except for MC even the Jutsu's aswell

Wandering_Author · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs


🔺Hokage Office,

The third Hokage sitting in his chair smoking his tobacco, Danzo opened the Hokage office room door, came into the office and spoke "You called for me Hiruzen?" and Hiruzen exhaled the smoke and spoke in serious tone "you should call me Hokage-sama, as I am the Hokage of this village" when Danzo heard the word Hokage his face twitched, Danzo opened his mouth and spoke in a very annoying tone "alright Hokage-sama", then Hiruzen took out a envelope under from the table drawer and put up on the table and asked Danzo "do you recognize this envelope Danzo?" and then Danzo replied "what does it have to do with me Hiru- Hokage sama?", "I found this in Orochimaru lab" replied Hiruzen, when Hiruzen said that sentence, he can see the nervousness on the face of Danzo, "so what?" replied Danzo in an annoying tone, "I know you wont admit that", "Minato!" shouted Hiruzen, Suddenly Minato appeared in the Hokage room and put his hand on the back of Danzo, "Hiruzen! What is the meaning -?" Danzo didn't even have a chance to complete his sentence, he was teleported away.

🔺T&I (Torture & Interrogation) of Konoha,

A few persons present in that room Kushina, Sakumo, Shikaku and Inoichi, In an Instant Minato and Danzo appeared in that room, Minato nodded his head, Kushina tied down Danzo with her adamantine sealing chains, those sealing chains immediately drained all of Danzo's chakra and Danzo became unconscious, when Danzo became unconscious, Hokage also arrived after Danzo became unconscious.

Inoichi put his hand on the head of Danzo and started look into the memories of Danzo, he looked into every memory of Danzo, Danzo abducted many children and given to Orochimaru to conduct experiments to recreate legendary Mokuton / Wood Release of the Shodai / First Hokage by implanting the cells of Hashirama into those kids, he failed to recreate it, it led to deaths of many children. Not only that Danzo abducted many children who are quite talented made them join root by brain washing them. Danzo also helped Orochimaru in conducting many experiments on innocent people, Danzo also killed many people who he deemed to be threat to him in becoming Hokage, Takashi and Hanako being one of them, and he also planned to assassinate Minato and Sakumo while they are on a S Rank Mission. He also planned to assassinate Hokage but failed multiple times, Danzo have killed many talented people who are from different villages which are under the protection of Konoha, not only that he have planned to abduct Kushina when she became Jinchuriki of the Kyubi / Nine Tails, to take control of the Kyubi, but failed to do so. The most saddest part is the deaths of Takashi and Hanako, they were not died in the battle nor by the hands of enemy shinobi but by Danzo, he feared that Takashi and Hanako would be a threat to him, so he orchestrated a plot to kill both of them on the war, Takashi was ordered by Danzo to scout the surroundings even though he was suffering from the fatigue from the post battle with the Iwa shinobi, Takashi who took the order and went to scout. When he was scouting several root shinobi dressed as Iwa shinobi, all of them started attacking Takashi, although Takashi managed to Kill of them, but he was severely wounded, then one of the root shinobi told this Hanako asked to follow him to heal Takashi Hanako hurriedly followed the root shinobi, when they both reached to the location of Takashi, Hanako cried when she looked at Takashi started to heal him, when she was healing Takashi, the root shinobi killed Hanako, even though Takashi was heavily wounded, he managed to kill the root shinobi, unfortunately because of the wounds he too died.

Inoichi looked at Danzo disgustedly, he told this to Hokage and the others, everyone was shellshocked by this revelation, and looked disgustedly, Sakumo became very furious when he heard what happened to Takashi and Hanako, he wanted to kill Danzo, then and there. Hokage ordered to wake up Danzo, Danzo woke up "Shimura Danzo! I hereby sentence you to death for the crime you have committed! you don't even have a right to ask for any last words" spoke Hokage, "Hiruzen, I did it for the greater good of Konoha, I'm the darkness of the Konoha" spoke Danzo, Hokage who has enough of it and looked at Sakumo and nodded his head, Sakumo eyes lit up and he came forward, unsheathed his tanto with swift movement he cut down the head of Danzo, after the death of Danzo, the seal on the tongues of the Root shinobi are vanished and now they become free, they have understood that Danzo might have been dead and they are now been free from the brain washing of Danzo.

When Danzo is beheaded, Shikaku asked Hokage "Hokage-sama what should be done with the root shinobi?", Hokage replied "Lets see then if they are willing to join in Anbu make them to join, if they are not assign them ranks accordingly" replied Hokage. Hiruzen summoned two Anbu and ordered them to burn the body of Danzo.

🔺Hokage Office.

After some time, Hiruzen came back to his Office, sat in the chair and let out a sigh, 'I didn't expect things will turn out like this' and he looked at the sones of Shodai / First Hokage and Nidaime / Second Hokage and thought 'sensei, did I do the right thing?' and inhaled and exhaled the puff of smoke,

While Hiruzen in his thoughts, a Chunin knocked the door, "Enter" spoke Hiruzen, a female Chunin entered the room and spoke "Hokage-sama, advisors Mitokado-sama and Utatane-sama, wants to see you", "let them in" replied Hiruzen.

Soon a old man and a old woman entered the room, and the man spoke "I heard that Danzo was sentenced to death, is it required? You could have sentenced him to prison or you can remove him as an advis-" the old woman interjected "stop Homura! He didn't even consult the counc-"

"Do you two take me as a fool? Homura, Koharu?" "and you have the audacity to question my judgement? Who do you think you are? You are the advisors, you cannot order me around" shouted Hiruzen, "if I find you in a crime in Konoha, don't think you can escape the punishment" spoke Hiruzen in low chilling tone.

*To be continued*

(A/N): Sorry for the late update, and I have very tight job schedule I get a very little time to write this fanfic, I hope you guys would understand, This Fanfic will never be dropped, I promise that.

Thanks a lot ,thanks for all your support guys it means a lot to me

Daoisto0M3es, xKiNgxSaMx, Leef_Power, Arman_lesmana, B4u_Shout ,Adrian_Pionce , Prudhvi_2470, gsjxbijsb Soumil564_Sood , Nsss_Nsss, SlowDown, PolTosik, Raven148, HellKing, uhwr_qweqwe, Justin_Harris_4368, Nipun_45, 1si2 and all the others who have put it in their library and those who have commented Thanks a lot,

I'm thinking of changing the MC's name what do you think? Suggest me some good names

Any suggestions on how this fanfic would continue?

Any mistakes on this chapter? Let me know, I will improve it in the next chapter.

See you again , in the next chapter