
Nana, a girl with a beautiful soul

Autor: Teamah9
Celebrities & Real People
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What is Nana, a girl with a beautiful soul

Leia o romance Nana, a girl with a beautiful soul escrito pelo autor Teamah9 publicado no WebNovel. Real life story of a beautiful family...


Real life story of a beautiful family

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The Reluctant Trace

It all begins with a great man with an ultimate potential in setting up a set of business entities in a so-called evergreen economy to help the majority in their decision making in becoming successful and revolving around an economy. and in likewise manner partially telling and indirectly opening the door to a world of high-end diversified style of living. This man and his team have always wanted to be hardworking right from a young age, and because of this solid mental attitude of his, he had already built a charismatic relationship with whom he came across, as time went on, he formed strong alliance with inside and outside of his comfort zone and they continued to build bridges and pathways to different ways to be successful in their lives. Each of his closest companions all had different ways to be independent on each other during the different phases of their lifestyle. This group of thrilling, adapting and innovative individuals had a special way of building a co-operative bond with themselves so as to make their progress as a union as impact as possible with or without the help of their superior authorities. Because of their reasonable and planned future goals, their chances of falling into a difficult problem was very thin, neither ways they came across slightly difficult challenges which they all tried to overcome together. Such technical challenges possibly came up as a result of wanting to engage in a massive task demanding a lot, and this required them to make critical decisions in order to avoid authentic problems for themselves and for the public. As a union, they loved to make use of different purposes, regardless of what role each of them played in the process, they try to increase their level of unity, honesty and loyalty when carrying out sensitive plans, this is likely due to the fact that they needed to increase their dependence level on themselves. They really loved to carry to carry out each other along on every important detail at the same time, they made sure they paid important attention to every statistic, parameters, lifestyle and ego-fundamental analysis in their economy in order to understand how to go about their plans. Although their economy wasn't bad as an all-rounder, it is a well-developed type of systematic economy and looks to even create more bonds with few economies. This successor and his team have been brought up by their fathers themselves in their respective places of origins and well familiar with their community and anywhere they found themselves. Their potentials and goals have been leading them to wherever they wished at least, and they took to establish an evergreen paramount status that would last them their precious identity although their generations. They didn't just use their wealth unanimously, but instead as a representative union in a major effect wherever they found themselves, their pace was extra-ordinary all through their lives up to their retirement state and this really paid off on their children's type of lifestyle. During this their thrilling journey they had supportive vice under-cover agents (Two adult females and two young males in their adolescence stage) all working and operating together in their own special monitoring agency company responsible for providing super high detailed information about a society's analogy and its boundary's reminiscence. This ultimate company really loved to work experience and work duration as a collective whole.

Daniel_Clinton_3698 · Ficção Científica
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1 Chs


六年婚姻,全是骗局。 再次睁眼,重回16岁。 意外破解母亲留下的古物‘玉兔’,空间在手,引雷控物,浴火重生,她踏上不一样的强大王者路。 硝烟弥漫,迷雾层层。 秘密被揭露,原来她是母家财团的唯一继承人,仇敌觊觎,有人冒名顶替她享受泼天富贵。 金鳞岂是池中物,搅乱一池浑水又如何! * 初见,他浑身是血,唯有一双鹰眼寒光刺目。 一场邂逅,他黏上了她,对所有人都是偏执如狼般凶恶,唯有在她面前听话的像小绵羊。 * “桑桑,我不喜欢你和那个男人说笑。” “桑桑,我想吃你做的红枣粥。” “桑桑…” 管家劝他,“你只是一个仆人,和大小姐身份悬殊,日后应该喊大小姐才对。” 她的爱慕者嘲讽,“低贱的下等人不配追求她。” 他怒,鹰眸寒凉,周身戾气纵横。 爱已深入骨髓,他以万劫不复。 谁敢阻拦,杀无赦。 * 一次意外,记忆全回。 他是京城盛门权贵,人人畏惧的四爷,传闻他凶残暴力不近女色,克父克母还克妻的煞星。 殊不知,他夜夜抱着某人睡得贼香。 “听说你克妻?”某女笑问。 男人挑眉,“胡说,算命的说我是旺妻相。” “老婆~今晚有雷阵雨,别怕我抱着你睡。” 某女“……” 众人:狗子,你老婆能引雷控物!

向梅 · Geral
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218 Chs


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