What if a dude ,goes into a mltiverse with gojo powers.
''...Where...ı am''
''You are at other world my dude''
I looked around as i see a middle aged man while i start to see the place i am in.There are bunch of beatiful clouds and stars all lined together making a weird shape that is somehow beyond our simple human minds.
Than i looked at the man infront of me,he had his underwear and sunglasses but nothing else.He was looking like he burned down a orphanage and than send bunch of messages to their dead parents dead-threats...Does that make any sense?
''Hey ,dudeeeee you are dead but you are lucky because i am gonna reincarnate youuuu.''
''Really i mean...not original but at least not hell.''
''Oooookay as i am ROD (random omnipotent dude ı will give you op powers.''
''Okay,first please stop talking like that,second what power are we talking about?''
''My dudeeee,you will have gojo powers...epic right?''
''Oh cool,ı mean not the strongest but still pretty good luck!''
''Yeah Yeah too bad you gonna go to a broken verse''
''What did you say?''
''Nothing nothing''
Well for some reason i am not feeling like beliving this ROD guy,not like i have another chance.I will just go with what i have,and ı have a question to ask him...
''Why me,why not another person?''
''Because you have such nice balls,ı feel like i want to tingle bingle double dinger them...''
''You know what...ı think it would be better for both readers,me and you to forget you said that.''
Man stood there thinking while making a anime pose for some fucking reason.
''Ya know bro you right.''
The man straightened up, suddenly serious, as if he were trying to reclaim some dignity.
"Alright, let's focus. You'll have Gojo's powers, which means you can manipulate space and time—pretty epic stuff," he said, adjusting his sunglasses, which somehow seemed to shine even in this ethereal realm. "But listen closely: the broken verse you're going to is...''
''Ball verse''
''I mean Dragon Balls!''
''Anyway i am bored,bye''