
Ch. 1

"What is it, Namjoon?"

"Hmm, you'll see," he smirked and pulled her up from the couch. She looked confused, but she would understand in a few minutes.

He smiled to himself, a special thrill running through his whole being as he imagined how happy she would be. His little dear Nabi, how much she meant to him. Falling in love was the best feeling in the world. She had changed him so much for the better; every little movement, action, word, whatever she did touched his heart as he felt so loved and understood by her. She was his everything. How did he even live before he met her? Was that even considered living? No, he was simply surviving; this was living. Yes, he was very much loved by his lovely family, his beloved brothers, and his precious ARMY, but this, this was different, a whole new feeling he never even knew existed, he never thought would feel so good. Yes, he had dated before in the past, but unfortunately, or fortunately perhaps, it had ended in shambles, broken. And anyway, this was different, so different. This was love, not a teenage crush but actual true love having blossomed from the early bud of friendship into the mature ripe beautiful rose of love.

Yes, they had been dating for almost a year, not quite yet, but almost. It wasn't any special day today that he wanted to give her his present, but why should it be. We have a limited amount of days on this earth anyways, so shouldn't every day be counted precious and this be celebrated.

He had worked on it for a couple of weeks now, the song. He had always said he would like to write a love song for his special someone once he had found them, and once he had met her, he had wanted to write one at once, but alas, stupid time. He hadn't been able to work on it due to his schedule, but he finally was able to start a few weeks ago and surprisingly it all came easy to him. He knew exactly what he wanted the song to mean and wrote it all straight from his heart. He had just finished it a couple days ago, and he had wanted to wait for a special occasion but no event was near and he was too impatient to wait. He had composed and produced the song all by himself, and no one but he had listened to it but he felt confident enough in himself to just give it to her.

He pulled her to his bedroom. They didn't live together, not yet anyway. He had invited her over to their house, Bangtan's house. The boys were out doing different things or in their own rooms so they had had the whole living room to themselves. They had just come back after a long world tour a week ago, so they were dying to meet each other. He had told her they were gonna watch a movie, eat dinner, spend some quality time together, and catch up but he was gonna bring her to his room beforehand to show her the song.

"What's going on Namjoon," she timidly asked, as she looked around his room, embarrassed.

"Please sit, my dear lady Nabi," he exaggerated, bowing down indicating his bed. She gracefully plopped down, curious as to what Namjoon was doing. Quickly, having sat down behind his computer chair, he opened the song file on his computer and swiveled around to face. A slow soft melody began; he took a deep breath and began. Nabi looked surprised but she quickly began to warmly smile. He sang and rapped of love, of what she meant to him, of the little things they did, she did, he apologized for his busy schedule and thanked her for her understanding, and he was going to sing of many more sweet.

As he was singing/rapping, he did his best at first, but then he tried more to absorb what he saw instead. He took in every little movement she made, every little expression she made. She smiled at first, a small warm smile which grew into a bright grin. She then closed her eyes, and after awhile her face crumpled into her hands and she started to sob.

"Baby, baby," he said worriedly, having immediately stopped the music. He sat on the bed across from her, hurrying to embrace her. "Baby, what's wrong?" He gently cupped her cheek with his long slender fingers, pulling up her chin to look into her eyes. Hesitantly, she looked up her big brown eyes, usually full of sparkles and mirth instead welling up with tears. Her face had already turned all red and blotchy so she tried her best to hide it, but he gently took her hands into his, pulling them from her face and lovingly held it into his own. She looked down at their intertwined fingers and then back into his eyes. She took a shaking breath, her hiccups already starting.

"I'm sorry Namjoon. I...I don't know what...what came over me? It's just so beautiful. So beautiful. I...I...I don't know how to describe it. Mere words don't, can't do it justice...I...Thank you so much...I...I...I just feel so happy. So happy. I feel so loved Namjoon. Ah, thank you. Thank you for loving me...I...I...I never thought I would find true love, yet, here I am. Thank you," and overcome with emotion she pushed her face into his chest, softly sobbing into his soft sweater. He embraced her, and pulled her toward him, tightening the embrace. He softly kissed her forehead, his own eyes tearing up as well.

"I'm glad you like it Nabi, I"m really glad you like it. I, uh, don't know what to say exactly but thank you for loving me as well. I...uh...you really mean a lot to me, and uh, thank you," Namjoon stammered, nervous and shy at the turn out of the situation. He didn't know what else to do so he started to slowly rub her back, in a soothing way.

After awhile, her sobbing came to a stop, and she looked up. She looked into his dark eyes shaped so beautiful, drowning herself in all the emotions which hid behind them. She looked at his beautiful face, with its full luscious lips which so much creativity and melodious sounds full of emotion and power came out of. Namjoon grew shy at the sudden attention and smiled. His beautiful sweet dimples. Her entire being softened at their appearance. Smiling, she gently reached out to touch them.

"You're so...so illegal."

"Tkkhh, aish, really?" he laughs at her terrible attempt at humor. She laughs along as well and pulls down his neck to softly kiss his lips. As he began to deepen the kiss, she quickly pulls away.

"So, now, are we gonna watch the movie now or what? It's getting late."

"But the song? I"

"Oh yes, the song, I forgot. Go ahead then. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. We can do it another time. The mood is broken any way."

"No no, go ahead. Please. I really do want to hear it."

"Ah ok then," he turned to the computer to turn on the music.

"But wait though. It was really beautiful but you know at this place, where you went *(music) la la la* how bout *(music) la la la*?"

Taken aback at the suggestion, Namjoon stared at her for awhile. Even in this, his girlfriend corrects him smh, but she is right.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess that was wrong of me."

"Hmmm, I guess your right though. It does sound better."


"Ya, don't worry. I appreciate how much you care about my music."

"It's the least I could do...I love your music." Awkward silence settled upon them. "Soo...will you publish this song? Or will it just stay between us?"

"Publish? I never thought about that. It all depends on you of course."

"But, its your song."

"Yes, but I wrote it for you," he smiled.

"Well then, I don't care what you do with it as long your happy. I'm just happy with having the song."

"Hmmm. To be honest, I don't want to share the song because it's so special and I've written it for us, for you. It's very...intimate," he turned toward the window. "But. At the same time. I just want the whole world to hear it, to hear my love for you, so I can show off to the world what a wonderful person you are," he turned around to face her. "I may just add it too my next mixtape."

"Ok. I'd be fine with that." He leaned in to kiss her, but alas, he forgot how careful he should be. His chair had tilted over and with the padless small area rug underneath which often slipped, his chair suddenly gave way and slid back. With a loud crash the chair came down but poor Namjoon was thrown off on to the bed, on top of poor Nabi.

"Oh sh**! Oh my God, I'm so sorry Nabi, baby. I was supposed to get the wrong fixed but I forgot before I went on tour. I, uh, are you ok baby?"

"Oh hahaha, Namjoon, yes, I am. Omg, hahaha, you should' have seen your face. You lips went into a perfect O, so funny hahaha."

The door suddenly opened. "Namjoon-ah. Are you ok? I heard some noise and oh! Hello MC! I didn't know you were here. I, uh..." Jin eyed the situation. "Oh, sorry for interrupting, I'll, I'll just leave."

"On no Jin-hyung. It's ok. You aren't interrupting anything."

Jin eyed the situation some more, seeing Namjoon sprawled all over the bed and a bit on Nabi as well. "You sure?"

"Um, yeah, sure as sure," Namjoon stammered, embarrassed, straightening himself off Nabi, sitting back on the chair. "Just a small accident thats all hehe," he smiled nervously.

"You call that an accident?"


"Ah ok. Anyway, nice to meet you again Nabi. Uh, I'll be on my way then."

"Bye Jin-oppa."

"Bye," he smiled his signature worldwide handsome smile and quietly closed the door."

"Hehe, that was Jin-hyung."

"I know," she chuckled. She looked at him. "You're cute when you're awkward."

"Excuse you."

"Well it's the truuth."

"Haha, well thank you so not very much, hmph."

"Ok ok, I'm sorry. Now will you go ahead with the song now. Without any interruptions now."

"Ok, but it wasn't me who started it you crybaby."

"Now now, we're even and I'll shut up as well. I'm hungry. We haven't eaten yet and its already 10pm."

"Ok ok, but stop whining, sheesh." He rolled his eyes mockingly, but he smiled warmly too. He began the song once again but he closed his eyes for a moment, before starting, relishing this beautiful moment, full of love, emotions, and laughter too. He hoped it would never end, that this moment could go on forever. She was his everything. But alas, would it be their fate? Was it written in their DNA? Her serendipity love seemed to be in however it turns out to be fake love, tear singularity.