
NAARA: Blind Sword (English)

Love, peace, happiness, warmth. What's all that? He had forgotten all those feelings or maybe, he never really felt them. I don't know ... he hesitated but it was clear to him that life had stopped when he was eight years old. * "Useless child, why don't you just die!" "I am very unlucky to have a child like you. It would have been better if you had never been born!" Yes. Those were just a few of the curses his father always uttered. If only before being born, he was asked by God whether he wanted to be born or not then he would never want to. If he could choose where he wanted to be born, he wouldn't choose his parents. Will never. pop pop pop! The man kept hitting and kicking him even when his body was bleeding, he didn't care. Even if he fainted, dying or died, he wouldn't care either. Even the man would be very happy because the child he had considered trash for so long was gone. What wrong have I done? After being ruthlessly tortured, he would curl up crying under the bed. His body hurts but his heart hurts more. Why? Why? Why?!!! He wanted to scream, scream as loud as he could. If only his mother came and hugged him maybe the pain would be less but forget it. The woman didn't even want to touch him. Even though she did not participate in the torture, the woman was always cold and indifferent. "Naara...." A hand reached out to him. "Brother...." He raised his head and saw someone smiling warmly and looking at him lovingly. The only person he had was Isura, his older brother. Isura pulled him out of the darkness and hugged him. To him, Isura's embrace was heaven. Where he can feel calm, peaceful and forget the pain. Despite the way their parents treat them otherwise, they still love each other. To him Isura was everything but once again fate was unfair. One night the incident happened, an incident in which he lost everything. "Na-Naara... promise me that you will live ..." Isura died shortly after receiving their father's deadly attack aimed at him. "Y-brother... sob... sob...." Since that night, he had become an empty and very empty person. There was nothing left in his heart but a strong ambition to take revenge against his father. Then... will he succeed? Will he stay on the path of revenge even though the author has sent a girl who will bring him out of the darkness and fill his heart with feelings he once forgot? Does he still want to immerse himself in empty darkness even though the author has sent people who consider him a friend and appreciate his existence? Who knows. No one knows even the author himself. So let's leave it all to the universe.

Ogi_457 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

9:Red Garuda Organization

Slowly Niin started to open her eyes. The first thing she saw was a white ceiling with a lantern in the middle.

Finding herself in a very unfamiliar place, she immediately woke up, her head feeling a bit heavy. She looked around. A room in shades of gray which is only filled with a pair of tables and chairs, a wardrobe and a simple bed that she now occupies. She thinks where is she and Naara now? She imagined with Naara who turned into a half monster.

Kriiik ....

Sound of the door opening interrupted her thoughts.

"So you're awake."

Reflexively she immediately jump out of bed and stand alert. She saw the door was open but saw no one.

"Down here."

She lowered her gaze following the voice's instructions and was surprised to see a strange little goat standing in the doorway.

"Don't be so tense, you're safe here."

The creature walked in and jumped up onto the chair near the window. Niin who didn't know what creature she was dealing with stepped back warily.

Seeing Niin's behavior, the creature let out a tired breath and then shifted the curtains and made the sunlight illuminate the room. Niin only glanced at the morning atmosphere outside for a second.

"My name is Binggo and I am a loyal follower of Mr. Naara."

Hearing that, Niin was surprised, then returned to her senses. The creature before her was too strange and suspicious.

Binggo snorted in annoyance and was heard muttering advice to himself to be more patient and not be provoked by Niin's overly wary behavior.


Elsewhere, Levi also seems to have just woken up from his stupor and is confused about his whereabouts now. He was in a simple room with

white wall paint.

"Did you sleep well?"

The sound of someone made him jump out of bed and put into a wary stance ready to fight. He was suprised and couldn't believe it when he saw a man he knew sitting by the window smoking a cigarette. "You? What do you want from me?" he asked coldly.

"Gosh, Why don't young people today have manners when talking to older people?" The man put his cigarette in the ashtray, stood up and walked over, making his figure more visible.

He was a middle-aged man who had thick white hair that hung down to his ankles. Actually he had a dignified face but the lacy pink robe he was wearing made the grades plummet to the bottom.

Despite that, the fact that he wasn't a random person didn't change. He is Ryukai, the leader of the Red Garuda Organization (RGO) and the number one fugitive most wanted by Anoa. In addition he is also a former general of the world.

"I want you to join the Red Garuda," he said.

"If I don't want to." Levi straightened himself.

"That means you're stupid."


"From what I know, the ACEs who fail to carry out their duties will be killed as a consequence. If you leave here then Aceblack, Acered or Acewhite will kill you but if you join RGO your safety will be guaranteed."

"Then in return? I'm sure you invited me to join not because you wanted to help me," said Levi as if he knew exactly the character of the man in front of him.

In response, Ryukai smiled lopsidedly then said, "Well, you gave all the information you know about General Thougha."

"Huh. As expected."

"So what's your decision?"

Levi didn't answer, he seemed to be considering it.

"Okay if you still want to think about it, meet me when you've decided," Ryukai said then walked out of the room.

Levi continued to look at him until his figure disappeared as he turned a moment after passing through the door.

Ryukai walked down the corridor thinking about General Thougha, the information RG gathered still had no conclusion, he felt that there was something big that person was planning, but what? He hoped that when they found out they had enough time.

"Leader." Someone's voice distracted him.

"Yyug." A few steps in front of him stood a bespectacled young man. "Where's Jeki?" he asked when they were close enough.

Yyug glanced into the room to his right, where a young man in a mini hat was standing in front of the mirror. He was seen holding a sunflower. "This sunflower is for you because today you are as beautifull as a sunflower. Anjaaay." The man acted as if he was dealing with a girl. Even now he was heard praising himself for being so handsome. In the next second he is heard asking the mirror who is the most handsome man in the world and he answers in a different voice that he is the most handsome.

If you think the definition of crazy is ask-answer with yourself, you can think he's crazy.

Seeing that, Ryukai and Yyug together exhaled heavily.


In the previous place, despite having a hard time, Binggo finally managed to make Niin more docile. After getting acquainted and sharing a little story, he now guides Niin to where Naara is.

Along the corridor, Niin did not take her eyes off Binggo who was walking in front of her. She didn't expect that the little creature had followed Naara for twelve years and had been separated since two months ago when they were surrounded by Anoa.

From Binggo, she got some information about Naara. She thought when Binggo told her that Naara had a complicated story with his teacher in the past.

"We have arrived."

She and Binggo had arrived in front of a brown door. She turned the door knob and opened it slowly, suddenly her eyes widened when she saw a girl with pink hair about to inject Naara who was unconscious on the bed.

Seeing the needle she suddenly remembered her past self in the tube with series of needles implanted in almost her entire body. It gave her trauma.

"Stop it!" Reflexively she ran, pulled and pushed the girl with the pink hair so that she almost fell, luckily the blonde girl caught her quickly.

"Are you okay, Naena?"

"Um. Thank you."

This time the blonde looked very intently at Niin. "You!" She tried to approach but Niin immediately turned the table nearby causing a commotion. It was enough to ignite the blonde's emotions. She and Niin stared at each other fiercely. She felt like she really wanted to hit the yellow but Naena held her arm and gave a signal to stay calm.

From the doorway, Binggo tried to advise Niin to stay calm but the girl didn't listen to him at all.

I don't know how bad Niin's past is that she will start to be very scared and over vigilant if she sees, hears or encounters things related to the torture she has experienced in the past.

"H-listen." Naena tried to approach Niin slowly but Niin who was too tense tried to back away.

"L-listen, we didn't mean to hurt you. We just want to help," said Naena trying to make Niin understand but Niin's facial expression turned pale. Not because of Naena but because of the syringe in her hand and it didn't take long for Naena to realize this .

"Woah, very crowded." Someone's voice made the three girls look at the door in unison and found a dark silver haired man standing there.

"He ...." Niin was reminded of a wanted poster where the same face as the one she saw now was plastered there. The man is Reen RG, the second most wanted fugitive by Anoa.

This bad!

"Reen, good you came. They ...." Binggo told him everything that had just happened in the room.

"Oh, I see." Reen walked in. When meeting face to face with Niin, he was silent for a moment then suddenly smiled and that made Niin a little surprised.

Feeling of fear mixed with confusion Still fills Niin's head. She carefully watched Reen who returning the table to the starting position, then picking up objects that had fallen.

"We are Red Garuda, we are not part of them," said Reen shortly after arranging the things on the table.

Hearing that Niin's expression loosened a little, but she couldn't be completely relieved because she still didn't know their destination. "What do you want from us?" she asked.

"Our leader wants you to join us and we would be very happy if you agreed." Reen smiled warmly.

Niin furrowed her brows.

"I know you have a lot of questions right now but they will all be answered by the leader. For now I want you to know that we don't mean anything bad."

"Why should I believe?" asked Niin still suspicious.

As soon as the question was asked, the sound of someone's harsh breathing was heard. It was from the blonde who was currently leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. "We shouldn't have to take them, it would be better if we let Anoa find them," she sneered and walked out.

"Hey, Nacima, where are you going?" Reen asked.

"Get out," the girl answered without turning around.

After Nacima left, Reen seemed to smile wryly then apologized to Niin for Nacima's attitude. She explained that although a bit rude but Nacima was actually a nice person.

While listening to Reen, Niin thought about Nacima's words which had some truth in it. If they weren't brought by the Red Garuda, maybe Anoa would have caught them. Should she believe? She wanted to believe them but ... for a second she glanced at the needle Naena was still holding and Reen realized it.

"I see," said Reen a moment later, making Niin confused.

Reen pulled the sleeve of his robe and asked Naena to injecthim. Even though she was silent for a while, Naena finally did what he was asked to do. Naena understands that Reen is trying to make Niin believe in them.

Niin broke out in cold sweat and was very tense watching the process when the needle was injected but a moment later that tension was replaced by a surprised expression mixed with confusion when Reen suddenly smiled very broadly at her.

In her mind, Niin wondered why Reen didn't look the same pain she felt before. She kept wondering as she re-imagined herself in the tube, she remembered well every pain she felt when all the needles were injected.

"Hey, are you still not sure? Even though I just joined RG but I can guarantee that they won't harm you and Mr. Naara," said Binggo standing by Reen's feet.

For a few seconds Niin looked at Binggo, Reen and Naena alternately. After feeling that they could be trusted, she began to lower her guard and tried to relax more.


A while had passed after Niin was successfully persuaded. Now she was in the room when she woke up. She had cleaned herself up and now she wearing a white dress with green accents on the collar and hem that Naena had given her.

Her eyes looked at Naena who seemed to be tidying the contents of the cupboard. So far she sees Naena as a graceful girl, besides being beautiful, she also has a lot of tenderness in her, a figure that is coveted by many men.