
This Is Not The Beginning

I woke up---dead!

Oh, maybe not so dead.


He wretched in pain as bundles of laser began to tear through his skin. It was the most horrifying feeling he had ever been through and the pain was extremely excruciating. He tried to wriggle from the pain but the more he tried, the more pain that continued to whip through his skin and into all his vessels.

"Why am I suddenly undergoing pain? Why am I suddenly being punished?" He bellowed as the pain continued to max up from what was lashed at him a few seconds ago to something greater.

A systematic automated voice began to sing a symphony of words into his ears as he was in too much pain to bother to take a read.

[System merging]

[System merging with bloodline at 24%]


"You bastards, why are going against your words! This is not what you said would happen!" He charged angrily again as the lasers continued to tarse into his body. The lasers began to move systematically as they had been programmed and they moved over to his bare chest while drawing intricate lines deep past the layers his skin.

Are they drawing lines on my heart?

[System merging with bloodline at 30%]

"I don't want to do this anymore! Let me remain dead! I don't want to be alive anymore!" He continued screaming as the pain of the merging with a system his body was phasing through was insanely excruciating.

[Host has called for a halt]

[Completion of system merging discontinuing]

[System merging failed]

He took short breathes as the lasers had stopped perching through his skin. His breathing suddenly changed to a rash one and he balanced his gaze at the omniscient light that was just a few meters above him.

"You bastards! You rats! You dare lie to me!" He continued at the void, cursing the entities.

The system voice spoke again, hitting the fear pod in him rashly with its words.

[Engaging suppression mode]

"What? I said to stop! I don't want this anymore! I don't want to harbor any system ability in me! I don't want to be a god forsaken HOST!"

[System merging engaged]

[System merging with bloodline at 12%]

[Host's body is resisting system merging]

[A new atom in the host's body is defiling system merging]

[Host is contaminated with outer worldly elements]


[Cleansing engaged]


[Host is back to normal- - system merging engaged]

[30% completion rate]

[System updates are downloading]

[Preparing dashboard for system analysis]

[System merging at 52%]


[System merging at 79%]


[Host Attributes]- [Completed]

[Skill and Abilities]- [Completed]

[Quests]- [Completed]

[Shop]- [Completed]


[System merging completed]

[Congratulations, host, you have been reborn]


'Reborn? Haha! I kid you not I was not reborn! '

'Here me out, all they did was throw me into the body of a stupid, dumb sixteen year old teenager who will be clocking seventeen in two days time.'


'Did I just call myself dumb? Well, maybe not. This is practically not my body and the only thing in existence within this small frame is my soul.'

"Yœúr sœúl is sîxteen yærs œld, bœss!" A voice sounded disortedly out of nowhere.

'Oh, shut up! I never called you into this conversation.'

"Whœ àré yœu tålkïng tó, bœss?" The voice continued.

'It's him…or rather, it's them.'

"Whœ îs hé? Whø ïs thém?"

'The one reading this story. The one of the few chosen who has to live with this tale forever.'


'Okay, c'mon let me take you somewhere not so far from here.'

"Whéré ære we góíng, bõss?"

'Dante, can you stop talking for a minute?'

"Sórry, bœss!" Dante, the voice in the shadow subtly replied, zipping its mouth shut the moment it was ordered to.

'This is why you should never name a stray dog because once you do, they will stick with you like a leech for life. Meet Dante, the first reward that comes with this damn system.'

'Not a reward per say but it is one of the shadow servants I have received as a reward for merging a system with my soul.'

'Pretty stupid, right? Why do I even need a system? What do I need it for? Why did I get a system? What happened in the beginning for me to have attained a feat to gain a system ability? Well, you're right. There must me a story about this and yes, there is a story.'


He stopped as he noticed Dante had suddenly casted a gloomy eye on him and he understood what that meant so he broke his words with a cough and rephrased it.

'I transmigrated into this youngling body and this world about an hour ago after wandering from this fate for thousands of years and wandering around the surface was the punishment I received for not wanting to transmigrate into this body.

Why did all these things happen at first? Why was I dead at the beginning?'


'We will be leaving this world in about an hour, I guess so I will tell you all as we walk.'


[Time duration left to leave this world]

[40 minutes]

'Okay, it's not an hour but forty minutes but before then, I have to tell you something. After forty minutes are done, my memory gets wiped…yes, wiped off entirely and I have to come back here and start fixing all the puzzles back from scratch.

'You're wondering what this place is? We call this place the outer worldly realm and this realm can also be called a personal diary but it doesn't come for free. You need a gate pass to come in here and not just to rest and record patches of memories, we come in here to also wage war against beasts.'

'Okay, okay, that's a bundle to tuck in all at once so, let's do it this way I will tell you a short story about how all these things unfold after I finish this mission.'

Dante tapped hard against him so he could grab his attention as it had been silenced already so it could not speak. It was one of the laws of the world that a servant must always listen to the words of his master without guile and Dante was simply following the instructions that had been slammed on him since the very beginning of his existence.


"Bœss, wé hãvé to gét báck hómê sœn! Tell thém the tãlé fîrst!"

'Okay, okay…let me start off this way. I want you to know one thing first, that I am a very smart protagonist and…'

Dante broke in as it began to giggle wildly.

'What is that?'

"Prótågōníst? Smãrt?"

'Okay, maybe that's a little far fetched. Let me start all over again. Ah! Let me introduce myself first. Dante, what was my name again?'


'Damn it! I mean my real name.'

"Ī'm sórry bøss, ï cánnót cáll yōu by yōûr ræl name."

He summoned a lightning beam and it struck Dante immediately. The entity danced ferociously in pain as the whim hit him hard. After a few minutes, he stopped.

'Ready to talk?'

"Ï'm sôrry…"

Before he could land a statement, the lightning bolt struck it again and it danced aggressively this time until what made its body up began to shrouder into smaller particles– perhaps, dust.


"Linton Clinton!" Dante shouted immediately, its voice changing from how he spoke distortedly to how a normal being would sound.

'Good! My name is Linton Clinton and I am one of the undead!'

First book here, please show support. XD

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