
Please open your eyes

As she sat beside the mystery man, she kept observing his breathing and before long he started breathing evenly and even sweated on his face and palm. she gently checked the paste on the would and noticed it dried off, cos the paste absorbed the poison from the would leaving it dry with an unpleasant smell. she removed the paste, checked his pulse once again and felt happy within herself that he didn't die. she surveyed her surrounding once again, the sun was already very high, she stood up to look for long sticks so that she can make a shade for the mystery man. she came back after a while with lots of stick, satisfied that they will be enough to make a makeshift shelter and started building it. seeing that the mystery man was still in a deep sleep, she left to fetch some drinking water for him and some food. she was really proud of herself, patting her self secretly and smiling. when she came back, the sun was already going down but her mystery man was still asleep, though she noticed a slight change on the ground he laid. she sat down beside him once again, arranged the water and food at a corner and willed him to open his eyes. she saw his eyelids moving as if he was about to open his eyes but nothing happened after some struggle. he calmed down and continued with his sleep, she willed him to open his eyes again and this time her wishes came true, he blinked his eyes opened and looked around his surrounding...

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