

"What!?are you out of your mind.?"

"Grandpa I know you'll acting this way but.. I badly need your support this time." Charles said.

"But how can I withdraw my words to them,? You know that it's not my capable to disappoint somebody..I ..I can't?"

"Grandpa pls.. either we'll give them another conditions. Maybe la Lima Familia can understand the changes just in case."

"Why is it so sudden Charles? Tell me what's going on.?"

"due to the Blue Ocean Ships conflicts, the board were agree to cancel the next auction here in England but transfer it to Africa."

"Sounds good..but how come those artifacts are involved to this?"

"I suddenly change my mind for some reason. I am thinking now about Mr Sandoval's suggestion, we can still have the auction's here but we have to change the theme..and those artifacts you found has came up in my mind."

"It's too late Charles we already signed the contract. And as soon as possible those artifacts are belong to la Lima familia's collections. It will sooner be displayed for their upcoming exhibit. I'm sorry son. It's too late."

Charles hanged up the phone with some disappointment. And Nathalie approached her and held his hands to gave him some relief.

"You did all your best Master. I know we can't go back to China with some pending problems here. So I must say, we'll go to Africa to finish what you've started. I understand."

Charles was delighted after Nathalie said those words. but at the same time he felt sorry to her for another days will be wasted again for nothing.

"I'm sorry Nathalie..I'm so sorry.."

He hugged her tightly with unexpected tears ruined on his cheeks.

"Eh..this man..it's my first time that I saw him cried. I felt his body warmth. It's been a long I'd never felt this with someone I'd truly love. Is he really cares for me.?.. seems like I don't wanna let go. What is this kind of beat.? ooh.. Charles...."

Nathalie's closed her eyes to feel the warmth that Charles had gave to her. She also felt relieved though she's a bit disappointed but she'd never lose her hope. as long as Charles is on her side, she felt safe.

Few minutes later there's somebody who knocked the door and Charles had opened it himself.

"Master ..Mr Chu is here." That was Nina. His secretary.

"Ok. I'm coming." Charles went down from his room and headed to his office where Mr Chu's waiting.

"Master Charles. It is very urgent to tell you something about Olivia my niece." Mr Chu said.

"Oh Olivia..I wonder if he knows about our hidden relationship." Charles said himself.

"well..what about her Mr Chu.?"

"I know that you both met secretly. Since your engagement with la Lima's daughter had break off, then maybe it's about time to look for another."

"Spit it out Mr. Chu.."

"Honestly, I also came here for business actually, since ESSJ is now in the highest spot maybe we can work together as a team. You already know that since then, I've collected lots of your products and sell it into a higher price or invested it to the other companies all over the world. Maybe in this kind of business world, in order to make our foundation gets stronger we must deal about merger. What do you think?"

"Sounds good..but I bet you have something else wanna open since you've talked about Olivia awhile ago. So what about her Mr Chu?."

"I think you already know my point. Since your relationship now is spreading everywhere and made some biggest humors, I think it's about time to pay me off.."

"What are you talking about Mr Chu?"

"you must take your responsibility to clean her dignity. marry her Charles! Aside for her dignity but also for our business reputation."

Since Charles had never watched the news as he was busy all day, the biggest scandal had spread all over and it cannot be determined how it went so fast. Again, he's now in another kind of trouble. Social medias were making his private life in mess and was also cornered by one of his clients at the same time his business competitor. Mr Chu was using the situation as the good opportunity to deal with him this kind of business proposal.

"I'm sorry for troubling you this way Mr Chu. As long as I could get back to China, I'll talk about this to Olivia. we haven't talk for so long. Much better if we must handle this issues on our own."

"Master Charles I understand what you're trying to say. But this is an urgent ..or else... everything will be doomed. You can't let that happen right.?"

Charles was seriously sighed as he got Mr Chu's point. Yeah he's right, what matters with his private life can also affects the world of their businesses, so maybe he need to do something like how can he able to get rid the issues without Marriage proposal involved.

"I can't give you my answer right now. But I'll do my best to make this things clear before they'll gonna ruined our business reputation. Don't worry."

"It's ok Master Charles..I understand..I hope you can have your decision sooner.. My patience is not that long as you think." Mr Chu showed his bitter smile after saying those words and leave.

"Hmm what a naive old man! Taking Olivia as my wife? No way! She's kind of gold digger! She doesn't like me anymore but only money and material things that been paid with pleasure! What a disgusted woman! Not even deserve to be taking the MONTEFALCO's surname. I must find another way to fix this .what a troublesome this life! Ugh..."

He picked up his phone and called someone.

"Hello..make it sure to block all the websites involved publishing those scandals. Including the humors that had spread, make some articles that could twist everything's informations. Just do your best that ESSJ will not be ruin. Ok..I'll give you the amount that we coincide."

Hmm..seems like he suddenly got a chance to escape from that dilemma he faced earlier. Well..maybe he has his own reasons why he's doing his best to seek the better solution such easy. Hehe let's find out.

Charles went back to his room to have some peace of mind since he's lately encountered many troubles in a different way.

"Where is she? Why she's not here by the way.?"

He's looking for Nathalie since she's not in his room. He saw some kind of papers with paintings. It's so beautiful and very most attractive the colors. Charles wonders how did Nathalie have this awesome colors when he doesn't have one in his room. But still she can't find Nathalie inside that's why, he decided to went outside for a while.

"I heard Nathalie likes kinds of flowers. she's maybe at the garden. no wonder..she might use the flowers puree as the colors of her paintings. she's absolutely the most talented woman I've ever met."

he indeed saw her at the garden with her shining bright smile which made her super beautiful. She's certainly the Goddess of nature who appreciates the flowers with love and sincerity. Nathalie won't noticed Charles' presence for making herself busy as she can while enjoying her moment with the bloomed flowers.

"Hmm. she's really the beauty that I can never let go. What a lady with a perfect gesture! She's kinda princess that I dreamt about. Nathalie, you captured my heart this time."

When Nathalie's turned her face, she saw Charles staring at her passionately.

"Master? How long you've been standing out there.? Sorry if I'd never saw you earlier.."

"It's ok Nathalie. I just came her not so long." He lied.

"You're really like flowers huh." He added..

"Yeah.. It's kind of sentimental, flowers are my best relievers too."

Charles came closer to her with those piercing eyes that made Nathalie blushed in a sudden. She felt her cheeks burning all the way and got her whole being trembled.

"Master..wha..what's wrong.?"

He remained quiet as he gently touched her face. He pulled her back towards him that made their lips pressed together.

"He kissed me..what does it mean? Why can't I let go from him.? Why is this feeling's so unusual..but...."

When Nathalie's got her senses, she suddenly pushed him away.

"I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to.." Charles was asking apology to her that Nathalie feels bad.

"Master..just forget it.... I have to meditate myself to keep my spirit strong. So..just pls excuse me if you don't mind."

She left hurriedly and felt embarrassed right after the Kissed happened. then suddenly, a vision came out that made her dizzy a bit..she remembered somebody else in the past whose one and for all, the main reason why she fell into such a horrible accident.

"I can't believe this! The pain is still within me. That night.. Michael betrayed me.. And Susan my dearest best friend.. they're both liars! They cheated me!!. How dare them do this to me!"

Nathalie had badly recalled everything. Charles went towards her with confusion. He saw her pressing her chest, and losing more strength.. she knelt down with the pain she bears and shouted with her deepest anger.

"I was hopeless, even full of hatreds..I just found some things that're disgusted! I can't believe this!! How dare them!!! Hohoho."

"Ssshh..shh..Nathalie pls calm down..calm down ok."

Nathalie wept badly while Charles comfort her through his circled arms. Though he's been getting curious about the names she had mentioned, he still won't bother to ask. but one thing is for sure. He really needs the answers. Who are these people? Michael and Susan .? How were they getting involved with Nathalie's accident?. Let's find out..keep reading to the next chapter.

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